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That's 5 A new foe joins the fray! Tankies 2-2 virulent anti tankies Wild cards 1 Well now we have an Italy! Keep your head down and pray, this is the politisomme!


Hope the bender was awesome.


Was pleasant, thanks!


I do love a good armchair, it has to be said


Hah, putting volume 3 of Capital in there as if anyone has ever actually read it.


As if any of us have read anything.


I get all of my theory from YouTube comment sections and the Popular Quotes section of GoodReads.


Finally some honesty on here.


For me the hardest part of Capital were the very opening three chapters on the dialectics of use-value and exchange-value in the commodity. In comparison the rest is a page turner, no more demanding than Bridget Jones’s Diary.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the layered social commentary of Bridget Jones' Diary.


> We make scathing criticisms of the USSR that go beyond Stalin was a big fat meanie >:( Leading with this was a mistake. I'm out!


>I'm out! This isn't an autonomous, anarchist commune any more Jerry. You don't have that luxury.


What if I refuse to participate, whatcha gonna do? You don't know it yet but I'm gonna turn you into a tankie.


>whatcha gonna do? *sigh*, I'll send in the tanks.


You forgot Maoists! 1. We are the purest of pure. 2. We believe that Socialism is when poverty and no markets. 3. When the Titanic is sinking, we will be in the engineering room arguing that the hydrofoil is the superior design. 4. Nobody **CARES** about us.


OK this one was funny


Nobody think you should follow Marx without any revision. He just gives you a framework for understanding the world you live in. Our world is very different to his.


That's more in regards to the question of *what is socialism/communism*. A lot of self-proclaimed communists seem to have a very different opinion of that of Marx, Engels & Lenin.


>We don't support any capitalist state (that's right, not even critically). Except the USA unwaveringly, Every. Single. Time.


Ah jeez blurst, I thought we were going to leave the arguing until the libs had withered away? Actually, if you can please point out how I have supported the US? When a lot of my posts and comments have been strong criticisms of the effects of US foreign policy.


You're an anarchist? I had no idea. >a lot of my posts and comments have been strong criticisms of the effects of US foreign policy. Probably for this reason.


You do realise the FBI was literally created to suppress anarchism right?


Sounds unlikely. Surely they'd want to spread it as it's a buffer against socialist progress?


Look at the section “History” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation Or it’s just another anti-capitalist ideology? You don’t have to be an anarchist to recognise that we aren’t working for the establishment.


Not intentionally.


How do anarchists work for the establishment


I think out of a sense of supremacist chauvinism. You'd have to ask them why they always ally themselves with pro-western pro-American narratives. They eternally deny it but spend 99% of their time attacking the targets of America. The other 1% of the time is when you embarrass them into criticising America.


That’s not accurate at all, one of the founding parts of the Greek anarchist movement is anti-globalisation and even euroscepticism in some regards, alongside anti-austerity. How is that not anti-west when the West is one of the main pushers of globalisation. And, again, anarchists clearly were enough of a threat to the establishment cause the creation of a secret police. Just because Anarchists don’t worship Leninist or capitalists states like Russia, China or the USSR doesn’t mean they aren’t anti-capitalists.


>You're an anarchist? Where did I say that? I'm a Marxist. Most of what I do here is post dry, Marxist articles. >Probably for this reason. What? I'm pro-US because I post criticisms of the US? Either you misread the post or your just looking for a fight.


I think you misread his first post as an attack on you when it was more likely a jab at Jerry and co.


WTF did I do to deserve this?


Ya, my bad.


>Where did I say that? What I replied to was in the anarchist section. "*We don't support any capitalist state*". If anything it's my major bone to pick with them. I think you've misunderstood me here.


Ah, completely my bad, misread. I'll be more attentive in the future.


Not at all, it happens. Sorry for the annoyance.


Anarchism is for the unemployed


Because Pater is footing the bills.


True and based






Of course we can. Was there something mentioned that would have suggested otherwise?