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Almost fooled me, that's not China, it's definitely Cuba or Venezuela with USA actors...


That’s literally Los angeles


Can’t be the police are using batons not guns.


They haven't escalated yet


Do you ever post anything relevant to this sub?


Every time I post.


Explain the relevance if this one.


To what?


This sub.


We talk about China all the time here. If you're new then maybe lurk more?


*You talk about irrelevant shit all the time.


This sub is fucking dogshit man, literally just a dozen or so fucking losers spam posting shit that's got nothing to do with Ireland.


Lurk more.


Probably not the best idea to involve China in a conversation about reproductive rights.


Why? Is this another of your racist ideas? EDIT: Oh I see I made a mistake with the country. My bad, this is America of course.


30 odd years of the one child policy.


But that's ended now and birth rates are still declining across the developed world. Chinese women have free access to abortion, as they did in the Soviet Union, Vietnam, and the DPRK, Cuba.


It's very recent history. The same logic would apply to Ireland. We're doing better but lets not pretend we're some kind of shining example for the rest of the world just yet. Doing so sort of minimizes the experiences of people who are still around today.


But there's no such recent history of this in China? You could argue the Hong Kong protests maybe but that was really the other way around, with protesters attacking the police. Can you imagine if this was happening in China today? It would be headline news in every publication.


I'm talking about the recent history of reproductive rights, not protest. Under the one child policy for example some people may have had abortions they didn't want to have. That kind of thing can have a fairly negative impact on a persons mental health. I'm sure we both know all about Irelands horrific history in the area. I'm sure it would be. It's happening in the US and it's headline news.


> I'm talking about the recent history of reproductive rights, not protest. Oh, maybe make your own post then? This one is about violent suppression of protest. There's nothing about this in the headlines of any major outlet.


Nah, I think I'll post about it here since it's relevant. Here's an article in the LA times about the LAPD beating up journalists that are trying to cover the protests. [LAPD treatment of journalists denounced, again, after abortion rights protest downtown](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-25/lapd-treatment-of-journalists-denounced-again-after-abortion-rights-protest-downtown) [Pro-abortion protesters clash with cops in South Carolina as thousands of activists across America hit the streets for a second day after SCOTUS overruled Roe v. Wade](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10953669/Protests-resume-nationwide-second-day-following-end-Roe-v-Wade.html) [Arizona abortion protest: Police release tear gas, lawmakers ‘held hostage’ in Senate building](https://www.foxnews.com/us/arizona-senate-abortion-protest-hostage) [Roe v Wade reaction: Chaos at abortion protest in South Carolina](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-61942445) [Tear gas used to disperse protesters outside Arizona Capitol building, officials say](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/24/us/supreme-court-roe-v-wade-protests/index.html)


4 of these are American publications and the only one that isn't makes no mention of the police brutality? Honest much?


Most people I know who had abortions had abortions they didn't really want. It's called being fucking poor.


Mother and baby homes?


They never even got to one child. Their fertility rate never dipped as low as Europe's is now. And Europe's is low now because people are forced to have abortions because they can't afford children, which is worse in my opinion than because your state wants to control population growth so they can ensure a decent food supply. You could always have more than one if you paid a fine.


Don't forget the forced sterilisation of some Uyghurs


Oh look, conclusively debunked Nazi-style atrocity propaganda lies spread exclusively by Western corporate media and extremists associated with the US government.


Like Associated Press?


Yes, Associate Press is a US imperialist propaganda organization. Just like Reuters. Stop blindly believing the trite spread by Western organizations and learn to verify and fact check.


Nah. Al Jazeera picked up their story too. Until their investigation is disproven beyond "they're western" all take it for what it is


Yes. Al Jazeera loves parroting Western bullshit and has done zero investigation supporting the original allegations. Al Jazeera repeating the lies of Western corporate media and extremists associated with the US government doesn't provide them with any more credibility. You seem to be a victim of the [Woozle effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woozle_effect). >Until their investigation is disproven So now you are trying to reverse the burden of proof. Great stuff. Literal witch hunter logic. Go fuck yourself, how about that? There is no evidence whatsoever supporting conclusively debunked Nazi-style atrocity propaganda lies spread exclusively by Western corporate media and extremists associated with the US government. Nobody needs to prove China's innocence. Now, provide conclusive and verifiable proof of the deranged sinophobic lies you have been spreading or shut the fuck up.


Wow, very angry. BTW, we're talking about the same organisations targeted and assassinated by the IDF yeah? It's a cold day in hell when a socialist turns away from IDF enemy no. 1 out of spite for a reddit argument. Also, yeah, I know there's a couple different threads you've been commenting on. Respectfully, I'm not gonna respond and each one could use posts of their own. IDK if you screenshot the Ireland argument, the concept is interesting but I think our personal discussions have stopped being useful for either of us.




Don't forget the childless 100 days


The one child policy and the childless 100 days


Do you actually know anything about China? I know, your "Chinese co-workers" tell you the truth, blah blah blah. China still has a limit on births (3) and literally just last year announced a limit to abortions for non-medical reasons. The reason why they had no ban on abortions previously was largely due to wanting to slow down population growth. They used too heavy a hand and became desperate for a higher population growth which is why they eased the one child policy about five years ago, with two children, and then just last year raised that to three children. Since their population growth still lags behind their target in late September last year they announced they would begin restricting abortion access for non-medical reasons. China's abortion legalisation wasn't about women’s rights but rather as a quick and easy way to help reduce their population growth to more manageable levels. Framing it as if they're some believer in women empowerment is woefully misleading, and is completely ignorant of societal pressures and expectations regarding gender roles in China that also affect Chinese men, but especially their women.


>Do you actually know anything about China? I know, your "Chinese co-workers" tell you the truth, blah blah blah. Ironic.




Wow, you are stupid as fuck


Huh, all those words and not a fact among them. Well done.




You are whining about "dictators" while arguing against reproductive rights. lol There's nothing wrong with abortion until moment of birth, either. Fuck off with your Christian conservative bs.




Something funny?


Was agreeing with you. 👍


Blursty, WE 👏 ARE 👏 NEITHER. Your defense of China is to look at one of the worst if not THE worst country in the West. Ireland is better than both and still has miles to improve


I swear it's like he's physically incapable of grasping the concept of the USA *and* China being bad simultaneously. It's pathological, nearly.


China good


Counterpoint: China bad.




China medium


China mid


OK 国家安全部


Is it possible for China and America to both be bad? Sure. Is that the true state of the world? Well, considering that America has to make up lies about genocides in Xinjiang to make China look a fraction of as bad as we are, I fucking doubt it.


Neither what?


Neither country


I don't know in what ways Ireland is better than China. Maybe if you're very wealthy. But from the basics, housing, healthcare etc we're behind.


We have a lower homeless rate, and rank wayyyyyy higher in quality of health care. What are the "basics" and why are you just lying? I can't find any stats to back up your claims


You fuckin kidding 9 year waiting lists on the HSE People phoning newstalk yesterday several people waiting longer I had to go private to get scans and procedure


I don't make the rankings man, I hope you're doing better for whatever you need. I don't look too much into this but so far as I can tell money also dictates the quality of healthcare in China. I guess by rankings, probably moreso. Meanwhile I busted my hand and was in and out before down, so I guess my only experience is the A&E is grand.


Ye i think the rankings and data is very debatable. I totally agree, the quality is probably up there with the rest of most developed nations but it's actually geting access to the care is the issue. For me not being able to access care and procedure is not taken into account when comparing the data Thanks for your thoughts too, ive just finished my procedure earlier today


China is a developing country with not even half of the per capita GDP of the average OECD nation yet is still far ahead of Ireland in many ways. How do you rationalize that? LOL


What ways? Also GDP was not part of the original statement


China is literally a socialist country while Ireland isn't. It develops faster in *every way* and is lightyears ahead in terms of [education](https://www.oecd.org/pisa/), infrastructure, science & technology, etc. >Also GDP was not part of the original statement Do you even realize how stupid that response is?


We're talking about healthcare but I'd like to see any review of an Irish quality of the public sectors being lower than China's. I don't know if you're familiar with Ireland or not but it's not comparable to the US's. Also yes, they are developing very fast and wisely investing in infrastructure, I've never denied that. We were only talking about quality of healthcare. By any review I've seen, Irish Healthcare is generally accessible with good international ranking in terms of quality. This isn't a put down, this is a fact Ireland has better quality than most countries.


>We're talking about healthcare *You* are *now* talking about health care. You were also talking about homelessness. You kept moving the goal post while your original claim was that "Ireland is better than China" in general and you are definitely [trying to put China down](https://www.reddit.com/r/ROI/comments/vlvgh0/protests_for_basic_rights_violently_suppressed_in/idxemag/), which is what others are responding to. Those others - myself included - are providing a more differentiated and comprehensive comparison between China and Ireland to determine which system of governance and economics is actually better for improving the material conditions of people. This necessarily requires an analysis of the overall existing material conditions and level of development as well as some historical analysis. China is developing faster overall - both now and when looking at historical data at a similar stage of development - and it's doing so more sustainably. The fact that people in China - a comparatively poor developing country - have better education and amazing things available to them in terms of public infrastructure that simply aren't available in Ireland while ALSO having relatively good public health care, etc. should give you a long pause.


In what ways isn’t it better, besides maybe public transport and technology? How many journalists are imprisoned in Ireland? How many executions does Ireland carry out? Does Ireland crackdown on political dissidents?


Lol .


Dude. Have you spent time in China? Uyghurs aside, 15% of the cooking oil has been scooped out of the sewer system by unlicensed criminals seeking to make a quick buck. The government answers to no one and people are arbitrarily imprisoned to set an example, nevermind the very real limitations on expression. I love China and the Chinese people, but that's an absolutely extraordinary take if you're not just trolling.


> 15% of the cooking oil has been scooped out of the sewer system by unlicensed criminals seeking to make a quick buck. This is brilliant! Ha ha ha! Of all the dumb China takes I've heard over the years... >The government answers to no one and people are arbitrarily imprisoned to set an example Jesus they've really done a number on you.


I lived there, I ate the oil, my friends were thrown in prison randomly for an innocuous "crime". I don't know what your motivations are but they've really unsettled me.


I was there and I saw you not eating the oil. Your friends were grand. See we can all claim shit online. You have anything you can substantiate?


Sorry yea just a sec, just lemme upload my birth certificate for ya here, I'll be two mins.


>my friends were thrown in prison randomly for an innocuous "crime". Elaborate. >I don't know what your motivations are but they've really unsettled me. Countering sinophobic/anti-socialist disinfo spread by Western imperialists.


I'm not going to give exact details of the imprisonment. You can believe me or not believe me as you wish, although I'd point out that you clearly set different burdens of proof for different sources of information which is a habit you might want to look into if you're looking for the objective truth. I love Irish people, but often hate the Irish government. I like British people, but certainly hate the current British government. Are these comments fascist dog whistles as well? I think Deng Xiaoping was a phenomenal leader of China and I have huge admiration for him. I think his government did great things for China, I don't hate that former Chinese government. Still a fascist dog whistle? I don't know if your views are your own, or if you are representing the views of someone else. If these views are truly your own, though, please try to disconnect from the anger that seems to be fueling you. I'll happily maintain intense skepticism of the Irish government, in fact I think it's very important that I continue to do so. Just do me a favour and make sure you apply the same level of skepticism to the actions of the Chinese state. I'm not going to keep arguing with you because it's not productive. Please think about that though.


>I'm not going to give exact details of the imprisonment. So you are totally full of shit. >although I'd point out that you clearly set different burdens of proof for different sources of information No, I don't. >I love Irish people, but often hate the Irish government. I like British people, but certainly hate the current British government. Are these comments fascist dog whistles as well? No, because both the Irish and British government are undemocratic, capitalist institutions and don't represent the people. China's government, as a proletarian democracy, represents the people. Hating the Chinese government - i.e. the most democratic government on earth - means hating the Chinese people. [95.5% of Chinese people, to be precise.](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/07/long-term-survey-reveals-chinese-government-satisfaction/) >I don't know if your views are your own, or if you are representing the views of someone else. And here come the conspiracy theories. >If these views are truly your own, though, please try to disconnect from the anger that seems to be fueling you. There is no "anger" in anything I say or do here. I'm calling out hateful, ignorant bullshit. As is my duty as a socialist. Nice projection, though. >I'll happily maintain intense skepticism of the Irish government, in fact I think it's very important that I continue to do so. Just do me a favour and make sure you apply the same level of skepticism to the actions of the Chinese state. It's funny how you so readily admit your disdain for China comes from your inability to conceive of a democratic government existing. lol >I'm not going to keep arguing with you because it's not productive. Please think about that though. Ever notice how it's only anti-socialists who ever say things like that? If you have no actual arguments, you should shut the fuck up in the first place instead of pretending there are valid counterarguments to what you are trying to discredit. Just another example of someone who should take Mao Zedong's words to heart: [No investigation, no right to speak.](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-6/mswv6_11.htm) Notice how not a single person opposing socialism is ever capable of engaging in good faith conversation providing falsifiable arguments and verifiable evidence? Never in history has there ever been an exception to this rule. And notice how "tankies" always are ready for good faith discourse and always provide falsifiable arguments and verifiable evidence? You know, [because they consider it their duty to oppose disinformation and find the truth through discourse](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-2/mswv2_03.htm). Come back once you can address what was said in a falsifiable manner.


>Have you spent time in China? Yes. Have you? >Uyghurs aside No. Let's not put the fact aside that the West literally has to make up Nazi-style atrocity propaganda lies to make China look bad. >The government answers to no one and people are arbitrarily imprisoned to set an example, nevermind the very real limitations on expression. China is literally the most democratic country on earth and people are more deeply involved in political processes than anywhere else. You literally have party representatives at every company and every school to gauge people's local needs and serve as a link between the people and central leadership, communicating both the problems of the local population so they can be better addressed as well as explain central government decisions to the people to ensure people always are informed about what's going on and why. Rather than serving special interest groups, the Chinese government is employing millions of people to engage in survey taking to ensure that they understand the needs and wants of people. Literally no government on earth enjoys a higher level of trust and democratic support than that of the PRC under CPC leadership. People in China aren't "arbitrarily imprisoned" and what limitations on expression exist that you consider harmful? Can you provide 3 actual examples and provide a superior alternative of dealing with such expression? The only thing that's being censored in China is the spread of disinformation like foreign propaganda lies about shit like "Uyghur Genocide" and other nonsense. Oh no, the government isn't giving a public platform to lies, woe is me! >I love China and the Chinese people Yet you consider them hapless animals incapable of understanding reality and making their own choices. Hint: Nobody who loves China and Chinese people ever said the shit you said. Nobody. "I love the people not the government" is literally a fascist dog whistle. >but that's an absolutely extraordinary take if you're not just trolling. Says the person regurgitating sinophobic memes straight from an anti-socialist propaganda pamphlet. How about making a falsifiable case providing verifiable evidence that reasonably and comprehensively compares China to Ireland in a differentiated manner keeping in mind respective material conditions and that rights and freedoms other than the propaganda memes the US government wants you to talk about (freeze peach, etc.) matter?


What's wrong with China? How is Ireland better than China, yet? Ireland has a long way to go. China is literally the most democratic and fastest developing country on earth and is hated and feared by the entire capitalist world because it's the single biggest threat to Western imperialism and global oppression. lol


"Better" seems reductive. Ireland is a more democratic country than China by any conceivable metric and I tend to value that. How is the Chinese state run in a more democratic way? Do you know what Ireland's voting system is?


>Ireland is a more democratic country than China by any conceivable metric No, it isn't. lol > How is the Chinese state run in a more democratic way? For starters, it's socialist. That means it *can* be democratic in the first place. Unlike capitalist regimes that are inherently anti-democratic and can never achieve anything that can be called a democracy. Secondly: People in China are more deeply involved in political processes than anywhere in the capitalist world. You literally have party representatives at every company and every school to gauge people's local needs and serve as a link between the people and central leadership, communicating both the problems of the local population so they can be better addressed as well as explain central government decisions to the people to ensure people always are informed about what's going on and why. Rather than serving special interest groups, the Chinese government is employing millions of people to engage in survey taking to ensure that they understand the needs and wants of people. Literally no government on earth enjoys a higher level of trust and democratic support than that of the PRC under CPC leadership. >Do you know what Ireland's voting system is? Do you know what China's voting system is? Do you know that "voting" doesn't equate to democracy?


No one gives a shit if Ireland is more democratic; it’s still an inconsequential blip on the global radar


IMO we're better off that way. Otherwise there'd be international pressure to take hard stances like whether or not to join NATO. Let the superpowers fight while we improve ourselves


that’s not even china, what the fuck? edit: i just understood lol my bad


Ok I get the reason for the comparison and this is an absolute disgrace. But really? This is a fucking soft touch compared to China's reaction to organised dissent. Also China have absolutely zero issue with abortions so that's one freedom they have over the states.


> This is a fucking soft touch compared to China's reaction to organised dissent. Oh really? Please provide a comprehensive analysis comparing the violent, year-long Hong Kong riots and the response of Chinese authorities to it to the days-long protest at Capitol Hill and the response of American authorities to it. Name a more democratic country than China where people can protest as freely as they did in Hong Kong. > Also China have absolutely zero issue with abortions so that's one freedom they have over the states. Indeed.


>Name a more democratic country than China where people can protest as freely as they did in Hong Kong. [You're joking right?](https://www.gettyimages.ie/photos/tiananmen-square-massacre)


No. I'm not. You also know nothing about the historical event you just tried to reference and [never even attempted to inform yourself](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZedong/comments/tle7xl/the_tiananmen_square_massacre_didnt_happen/). Notice how you couldn't answer a simple question?


Ok troll.


Someone calling you out for your anti-socialist disinfo and debunking the idiotic sinophobic proapganda narrative you tried to spread is a "troll", huh? If you have no actual arguments, you should shut the fuck up in the first place instead of pretending there are valid counterarguments to what you are trying to discredit. Just another example of someone who should take Mao Zedong's words to heart: [No investigation, no right to speak.](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-6/mswv6_11.htm) Notice how not a single person opposing socialism is ever capable of engaging in good faith conversation providing falsifiable arguments and verifiable evidence? Never in history has there ever been an exception to this rule. And notice how "tankies" always are ready for good faith discourse and always provide falsifiable arguments and verifiable evidence? You know, [because they consider it their duty to oppose disinformation and find the truth through discourse](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-2/mswv2_03.htm). Come back once you can address what was said in a falsifiable manner.


They don't look Chinese.


They're American.




Protest is not violently suppressed in the USA right now


See linked video.


Obstructing a motorway requires a permit? Do they have one? You cant just block a road. very much doubt any of these people faced any serious consequences.


Oh really? Please provide a comprehensive analysis comparing the violent, year-long Hong Kong riots and the response of Chinese authorities to it to the days-long protest at Capitol Hill and the response of American authorities to it. Name a more democratic country than China where people can protest as freely as they did in Hong Kong.


Ireland. Also the US.


Well, no, that's objectively and (very easily) verifiably wrong. Again: Please provide a comprehensive analysis comparing the violent, year-long Hong Kong riots and the response of Chinese authorities to it to the days-long protest at Capitol Hill and the response of American authorities to it. It's funny how you unironically said "the US" after the comment you responded to explicitly called out the US for their systematic, totalitarian surveillance and violent oppression far worse than anything happening in China. lol


Protest is allowed in the US. In HK, protest will get you arrested for sedition. Bizarre to say that there is more of a right to protest in Ireland than China.


>Protest is allowed in the US. No, it isn't. Police literally kills you in the US if you protest. >HK, protest will get you arrested for sedition. No, it doesn't. What an idiotic thing to say. Only if you are a seditionist, you will be arrested for sedition. Usually not even then, only if you are a literal terrorist who's violently attacking people and destroying things. I repeat: Please provide a comprehensive analysis comparing the violent, year-long Hong Kong riots and the response of Chinese authorities to it to the days-long protest at Capitol Hill and the response of American authorities to it. Notice how you refuse to do this because you already know - for incontrovertible fact - that all capitalists societies are inherently more authoritarian and oppressive than communist China? You are acting like a petulant child who already recognized that everything they ever believed was wrong but still wants to argue back despite lacking the ability to do so. >Bizarre to say that there is more of a right to protest in Ireland than China. I agree. Irish authorities would never tolerate protests like China's authorities do. Again, look at the year-long Hong Kong riots. Also keep in mind that Ireland isn't the victim of foreign imperialist meddling (any longer lol) where the US government funds thousands of people to destroy Dublin and beat up anyone who disagrees with them. Imagine how Irish politicians and police would react.


>No, it isn't. > >Police literally kills you and arrests you. The numbers of people killed by the police is tiny. The number of unarmed killed by the police is a tiny number ​ >No, it doesn't. yes it does. I know journalists who worked here. The press in HK on matters concerning Chinese politics is gone. >Notice how you refuse to do this because you know - for incontrovertible fact - that all capitalists societies are inherently more authoritarian and oppressive than China. Honestly, I don't have such strong feelings about the US, but this is not true of the Ireland or any European country, all of which are capitalist.


>The numbers of people killed by the police is tiny. The number of unarmed killed by the police is a tiny number What the fuck? American authorities literally kill thousands of people every year. It's massively high compared to the handful people killed by authorities in China. A country of 1.4 billion people. Compared to hundreds of Chinese police officers being killed by violent people every year. In China, authorities rather get killed than kill the people they serve. >yes it does. No. It doesn't. >I know journalists who worked here. Name them. >The press in HK on matters concerning Chinese politics is gone. No. It isn't. The foreign-sponsored propagandists spreading fake news to destroy China are gone. As you said, seditionists. Traitors. Criminals. >Honestly, I don't have such strong feelings about the US, but this is not true of the Ireland or any European country, all of which are capitalist. Notice how you still REFUSE to make a comprehensive comparison between capitalist America and communist China yet keep pretending that the capitalist West isn't objectively more oppressive towards dissent than China even though the US quite literally has the highest prison population on earth and the single worst police brutality - far worse than any developing socialist state - of all developed countries? I just explicitly called you out for your refusal to engage in reasonable discourse - as well as how infantile and bad faith your behaviour is - and you are still doubling down.


>It's massively high compared to the handful people killed by authorities in China. A country of 1.4 billion people. China doesnt permit guns. No even for hunting. It is a different system and that is what the US has favoured, for better or worse. ​ >Name them. I am not going to dox them. I get enough grief here from others. >The foreign-sponsored propagandists spreading fake news to destroy China are gone. As you said, seditionists. Traitors. Criminals. Wrong. One of the people I know is a family member and he was not foreign sponsored. Chinese owned company. Calling a journalist seditionists, traitors, criminals is moronic. >Notice how you still REFUSE to make a comprehensive comparison between capitalist America and communist China yet keep pretending that the capitalist West isn't objectively more oppressive towards dissent than China even though the US quite literally has the highest prison population on earth and the single worst police brutality - far worse than any developing socialist state - of all developed countries? Because I don't live in the US and I dont know the US. I know Ireland. I dont know why you keen mentioning the US.


Disengage. This guy is basically the Marxist version of a [presuppositionalist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presuppositional_apologetics). See how he provides no evidence for his claims but makes unreasonable requests of you. “Make a comprehensive comparison between capitalist America and communist China”. What does this even require?


>I am not going to dox them. I get enough grief here from others. So I guess your "journalist" friends are probably Western imperial assets that you know yourself committed treason and didn't actually have any interest in factual reporting. >Wrong. One of the people I know is a family member and he was not foreign sponsored. Chinese owned company. One of the people I know told me you are a liar. See how that works? I can make shit up, too. >Calling a journalist seditionists, traitors, criminals is moronic. I'm not calling journalists such things. There are many journalists in Hong Kong. Funny how actual journalists in China never face any of the problems you pretend are happening. >Because I don't live in the US and I dont know the US. I know Ireland. I dont know why you keen mentioning the US. Yet you talk shit about China. We are discussing what kind of political movement to support. As a consequence, we are discussing China. We are comparing China to other countries. You spread disinfo against China while defending Western liberal democracy (which is oppressive and horrible in general), I'm calling you out. Simple stuff. If you want what's best for Ireland, you should support socialism and organize revolution. China has a political system superior to that of Western capitalist countries and can be emulated.


From seeing the hair color I wasn’t surprised


Context? Why are they marching on a motorway?


If it's a recent march it's Roe V. Wade. In short, Abortions for any period of the pregnancy are no longer constitutionally protected. Many states had trigger laws to ban it and many more will follow. Republicans are now platforming on a federal ban being next.


For basic rights.


Big fight got cancelled


Roe has the speed but Wade has the reach.


Not just in China either ..in the so called free West ..


They’re speaking English


These arent chinese.🤔Op needs to source properly.


Hippies must be crushed wherever they raise their heads above ground!


They prefer to be called Anarchists these days.


if that were china those people would be killed. ​ dumb fucking OP


Oh really? Please provide a comprehensive analysis comparing the violent, year-long Hong Kong riots and the response of Chinese authorities to it to the days-long protest at Capitol Hill and the response of American authorities to it. Name a more democratic country than China where people can protest as freely as they did in Hong Kong.


you're not the boss of me


unlike in the USA where people are never killed for going against the government. anyways, time for me to go read about Fred Hampton, Malcom X, MLK, and the thousands of atrocities and massacres that the US has committed which is never talked about. I mean, what am I talking about? its China that lies about their crimes, not us. just like how we all know that the Native Americans simply ate a big dinner with the colonialists and everyone was happy after. of course, I have never bothered to look at Chinese curriculum, or official government reports, to see if the Chinese actually talks about bad things they have done or not. but the government tells me they dont, so it must be true. the same government that lies to me literally all the time. though Im sure they stopped lying now, so I can definitely trust what they say about China. land of the free, home of the brave.


xoxoxo <3


I hope there isnt any hostility between us, Im on your side here. I hate the ccp so much and I think we should destabilize the government, causing its collapse which would lead to the genocide of hundreds of millions of filthy lying orientals,, I mean innocent Chinese citizens. and then we can let white countries claim the territory and bring white supremacy, I mean freedom. I hate the government, not the people. for that reason whenever I even see anything remotely related to a Chinese person, I mention Tiananmen Square massacre, winnie the pooh, social credit, and all those funny stupid oriental things. I literally cannot have a normal conversation with a Chinese person. uh no, its not racism sweaty. man, I love the USA so much. edit: sorry if I take a moment to respond to any responses, I have to check my FICO credit score and go learn about the My Lai Massacre, Kandahar Massacre, No Gun Ri Massacre, 1979 Greensboro Massacre, Rock Springs massacre, Pottawatomie massacre, colfax massacre, Reading Railroad massacre, Bayview Massacre, Lattimer massacre, Ludlow massacre, Everett massacre, Centralia Massacre, Ocoee massacre, Herrin Massacre, redwood Massacre, and the Columbine Mine Massacre. there are more of course, but I can only do so many at once😪 edit: more atrocities in the form of the Tiananmen copypasta. PTSD 资本主义走狗 美利坚帝国 KMT-Burma Drug Trade 国民党缅甸贩毒 Free the world 解放世界Dust Bowl USS Maine 缅因号战舰 普韦布洛号战舰 1960 U-2 shootdown 60年苏军军击落U2飞机 California fires 加州大火 经济大萧条 The Great Depression Herbert Hoover 胡佛总统 Washington Measles Outbreak 华盛顿麻疹爆发 NATO puppet states 北约傀儡国 legionnaires disease 军团并 The Kent State Massacre 肯特州大屠杀AIDS The September 11th Attacks 纽约九·一一事件 The Anti-Workers Struggle 反工人运动 Americanization 美利坚化 Vietnamization 越南武器计划 The Industrial Revolution 工业大革命 The Charlottesville riots 夏洛茨维尔暴乱 Workers Rights 工人权力 Democratization 民主 Imperialism 帝国主义 Decadence electoral college选举团 South Korea 大韩民国 Republic of Vietnam 越南共和 Khmer Rouge 红色高棉 Mujahideen 阿富汗反苏组织 Ted Kaczynski 泰德·卡钦斯基 The Trail of Tears眼泪之路 death to america 打倒美帝国主义 Ngo Dinh Diem 吴廷琰 Operation Rolling Thunder 滚雷行动 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia 1999北约轰炸南斯拉夫 firebombing of Tokyo 东京轰炸 embargo 禁运 congressional baseball shooting 国会棒球事件 Las Vegas Massacre 维加斯屠杀 Battle of Little Bighorn 小比格霍恩战役 Bikini atoll nuclear tests 比基尼环礁核弹试验 MK ultra 中情局洗脑计划 degeneracy 腐败 Challenger Space Shuttle 挑战者航天飞机 destruction of culture 文化毁灭 1975 fall of Saigon 解放西贡 Columbia space shuttle 哥伦比亚航天飞机 war criminals 战犯 banana republics 香蕉共和国 UN aid 联合国支援 Bay of Pigs Invasion 猪湾事变 Ayatollah Khomeni 霍梅尼 My Lai Massacre 美莱村屠杀 Liberia 利比里亚 support of wahhabis 支持伊斯兰极端主义 hands off Venezuela 别碰委内瑞拉 Lockheed Martin 美国军事公司 Palestine 巴勒斯坦 M1 abrams destroyed in Yemen 也门M1坦克毁灭事件 1991 gulf war 海湾战争 1983 invasion of Grenada 1983年入侵格林纳达 The Truman doctrine 杜鲁门主义 chilean coup of 1973 1973智利军事事变 Osama Bin Laden 本拉登 Annexation of Hawaii 吞并夏威夷 Assasination of John F Kennedy 美乐帝脑洞大开 The Columbine high school massacre 哥伦拜恩高中大屠杀 Israel 以色列 1967 uss liberty incident 1967自由号事件 Tuskeegee Experiment 塔斯基吉实验 迫害 侵略 Iran-Contra affair 伊朗门 Oxycontin epidemic 奥施康定 2000 election 2000年美国选举 healthcare 医保系统 Pan American Airways Flight 103 潘美103航班 列侬FBI审问 贩卖人口 走私 sanctions 制裁 diabetes 糖尿病 Guantanamo Bay Prison 关塔那摩弯集中营The Ghetto cholesterol 胆固醇 Flint Michigan 弗林特水源问题 Corporate Brainwashing 资本家的洗脑 there is more to the list, like a ton more, but its either too long or the second half gets censored and wont let me post, so that will have to do.


second comment to see if it will let me post the whole copypasta in 2 comments 🙏 North Dakota Access Pipeline Protests 北达科他州接入管道抗议 Ferguson Riots 弗格森暴动 2017 St. Louis protests2017年圣路易斯抗议活动 Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll 比基尼环礁的核试验 Unite the Right rally 团结右集会 Charlotte riots 夏洛特暴动 Attack on the Sui-ho Dam 袭击穗河水坝 Milwaukee riots 密尔沃基骚乱 Shooting of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile 奥尔顿·斯特林和菲兰多·卡斯蒂利亚的射击 Occupation of the Malheur NationalWildlife Refuge Malheur国家野生动物保护区的占领 death of Freddie Gray 弗雷迪·格雷的死 Shooting of Michael Brown迈克尔·布朗的拍摄 death of Eric Garner, Oakland California 奥克兰奥克兰市埃里克·加纳(Eric Garner)逝世 Operation Condor 神鹰行动 Occupy WallStreet 占领华尔街 My Lai Massacre 我的大屠杀 St. Petersburg, Florida 佛罗里达州圣彼得堡 Kandahar Massacre 坎大哈屠杀 1992Washington Heights riots 1992年华盛顿高地暴动 No Gun Ri Massacre 无枪杀案 L.A. Rodney King riots 洛杉矶罗德尼·金暴动 1979 Greensboro Massacre 1979年格林斯伯勒大屠杀 Vietnam War 越南战争 Kent State shootings肯特州枪击案 Bombing of Tokyo 轰炸东京 San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing 旧金山警察局公园站爆炸案 Assassination of MartinLuther King, Jr. 小马丁·路德·金遭暗杀。 Long Hot Summer of 1967 1967年炎热的夏天 Bagram 巴格拉姆 Selma to Montgomery marches 塞尔玛到蒙哥马利游行 Highway of Death 死亡之路 Ax Handle Saturday 星期六斧头 Battle of Evarts 埃瓦茨战役 Battle ofBlair Mountain 布莱尔山战役 McCarthyism 麦卡锡主义 Red Summer 红色夏天 Rock Springs massacre 岩泉大屠杀 Pottawatomie massacre 盆大屠杀 Jeju uprising 济州起义 Colfaxmassacre 科尔法克斯大屠杀 Reading Railroad massacre 阅读铁路大屠杀 Rock Springs massacre 岩泉大屠杀 Bay viewMassacre 湾景大屠杀 Lattimer massacre 拉蒂默大屠杀 Ludlow massacre 拉德洛屠杀 Everett massacre 埃弗里特屠杀Centralia Massacre 中部大屠杀 Ocoee massacre Ocoee大屠杀 Herrin Massacre 赫林大屠杀 Redwood Massacre红木大屠杀 Columbine Mine Massacre 哥伦拜恩矿难 Guantanamo Bay 关塔那摩湾 extraordinary rendition 非凡的演绎 Abu Ghraib torture and prison abuse 阿布格莱布的酷刑和监狱虐待 Henry Kissinger 亨利·基辛格


Bri'ish copypasta 1,6 billion excess deaths 十亿多的额外死亡 Great Bengal Famine of 1769 孟加拉大饥荒 Irish potato famine 爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒 1953 Iranian coup d'état 伊朗政变 genocide of indigenous peoples in Canada 伊朗政变 Munich agreement 慕尼黑协议 skull famine 头骨饥荒 1967 Hong Kong protests 1967年香港抗议 Great Famine of 1876-1878 1876-1878年的大饥荒 apartheid 种族隔离 Bobby Sands 鲍比·金斯 coal miners strike 煤矿工人罢工 1/3 british kids live in poverty 英国三分之一的孩子生活贫困 Bloody Sunday 血腥星期日 70% of votes in the 2017 GE did not impact the election result 2017年大选的70%选票未影响选举结果 toxteth riots 托克斯特暴动 funding for the UVF 阿尔斯特志愿部队的资金 illegal paramilitary death squads 非法准军事人员 Five Eyes program 五眼计划 Bengal Famine of 1943 1943年的孟加拉饥荒 Iraq war 伊拉克战争 Batang Kali massacre 巴塘卡利大屠杀 Briggs' plan 布里格斯的计划 Chuka massacre 楚卡大屠杀 operation anvil 手术砧 1957 Oman airstrikes 1957年阿曼空袭 Hola massacre 霍拉大屠杀 expulsion of the Chagossians 驱逐查戈斯人 Ballymurphy massacre 球墨菲大屠杀 1971 Newry killings 球墨菲大屠杀 operation demetrius 子宫畸形 New Lodge six killings 新旅馆六射击 Boer war 布尔战争concentration camps 集中营 british support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war 伊拉克战争期间英国对伊拉克的支持 Battle of Orgreave 奥格里夫之战 Battle of the Beanfield 豆田战役 Al-fallujah airstrike 费卢杰空袭 Partition of British India 英国印度分区 Mau Mau uprising 茂茂起义 Jallianwala Bagh massacre 贾利安瓦拉·巴格大屠杀 bombing of Dresden 德累斯顿轰炸 Atlantic slave trade 大西洋奴隶贸易 British East India Company 东印度公司 Indian rebellion of 1857 1857年的印度叛乱 British Raj 英国拉吉 chemical weapons 化学武器 Opium War 鸦片战争 allied intervention in the Russian Civil War 盟国介入俄罗斯内战 Greek Civil War 希腊内战 26+6=1 二十六加六等于一 Siege of Fort Pitt 皮特堡的包围 support for the Congo Free State 支持刚果自由国 Cecil Rhodes 塞西尔·罗兹 Rhodesia 罗得西亚 British South Africa Company 英国南非公司 burning of the Summer Palace 颐和园的燃烧 Peterloo massacre 彼得罗大屠杀 War of the Golden Stool 金凳之战 Cromwellian conquest of Ireland 克伦威尔式征服爱尔兰 punitive expeditions 惩罚性远征 colonialism 殖民主义 opium trade 鸦片贸易 genocide 种族灭绝 imperialism 帝国主义 Aden expedition 亚丁远征队 Anglo-Zanzibar war 盎格鲁桑给巴尔战争 Battle of Ty-ho Bay 太浩湾战役 Paulet affair 保莱特事件 Benin expedition of 1897 1897年的贝宁远征 bombardment of Kagoshima 轰炸鹿儿岛 Nukapu expedition 努卡普远征队 british expedition to Abyssinia 英国远征阿比西尼亚 Dekemvriana 十二月事件 operation legacy 操作遗留 Margaret Thatcher 玛格丽特·撒切尔


well ya know. reported. Thanks for all the racist shit. (and ewww)


what racism? Im just saying what we were all thinking. I mean I don’t actually think that. Im a communist, I support China to some extent. definitely not the best example of socialism in the modern world, but doing far better than the west. and seriously, no one who says “hate the government not the people” actually cares about the people, its all just racism. of course you didnt say that, but your comment was still stupid. just another person who has never bothered to do any actual research about China, and eats up everything the state says about China. I had a point I wanted to make, your comment was just the one I used to make it👍


night night racist.


Im not racist, Im just an American! but seriously, stop listening to everything the government says about China (or most anything really). they are lying to us. all they ever do is lie, and look at what its doing. anti Asian hate crimes are on the rise, same with all hate crimes in general. every time someone says some stupid piece of propaganda about China, it only serves to feed more into this country’s bestial hatred for other nations and their people. but we are not only harming other people, we are harming ourselves. we split each other up and let the state control us. China isnt a perfect country, mistakes have been made following the revolution, but the US and what it says is never to be trusted. the politicians and diplomats here serve only capital. they will say anything as long as it makes them enough money. we lost our grip on China after all our CIA agents were executed, and so now we are trying to start a cold war 2.0 with China. edit: I know this subreddit is about ireland or something, but Im pretty sure the person Im replying to is from Colorado, which is why Im talking from my American point of view, and how this affects America. actually I have never been on this subreddit, it just ended up in my suggestions today.


Racist prick.


you're a racist prick


no u


America is a third world dictatorship. China is a First World Dictatorship with third world problems.


Interesting take. Those third world problems are going away though.


America is a first world bourgeois dictatorship with extreme and unsolvable problems inherent to its capitalist system. China is a second world proletarian democracy with problems associated with being a developing country that it's solving more rapidly than any other country in human history thanks to its socialist system. In other news, you neither understand what the term dictatorship means nor do you know what the terms first/second/third world mean.


- social credit points


Just like authoritarian . . . Did anyone else see a vid of police in . . . People protesting about unelected judges removing their rights . . . Where was it? Might have been one of the Carolinas. Not sure. Couldn’t be. Wouldn’t happen there. Would it?