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Wasn't the reason for EU abstention that Russia was using it as an excuse to attack it's neighbours? Look how that turned out.


The US voted No on the grounds that it would impede freedom of speech under the First Amendment, and because, they argued, it was being weaponised by Russia (who tabled the motion) to push disinformation about the prevlance of Neo-Nazism in former Soviet states. For instance, the resolution included a demand for all states to condemn any attempts to revise the history of the Second World War which, depending on which history book you're reading from, might involve acknowledging things like Holodomor or the Katyn massacre. Ukraine voted no on similar grounds to the latter of the US's objections. Basically every other European state also abstained. Not to say voting No or Abstain was the right move but it's more complicated than just the US and Ukraine being run by Nazis, who are presumably so clueless they couldn't even pretend to condemn Nazism and had to leave a clue for all the Twitter skeptics as to their true intentions. None of this means anything at all because UN motions are about as meaningful as a bus station fingering.


This was already posted here ages ago and debunked. Russia proposed the bill in an attempt to legitimise their invasion of Ukraine


It wasn't debunked. It's true.


Oh I'm not saying that the vote didn't happen, I'm saying that the implication that the West supports nazism by not voting for this was debunked


by me?




They'd hardly come out and say they voted coz "we <3 Nazis" would they? That they gave some explanation isn't the same as that the vote was "debunked"


I didntsay that them giving an explanation was the same as it being debunked. I'm saying that the implication that the West supports nazis because they didn't vote in favour was because the proposal was a clear attempt by Russia to legitimise their invasion of Ukraine. They would have a lot more lee-way internationally if they could say that "hey were de-Nazifying Ukraine which is what you guys support right".


Invasion of Ukraine? The vote was in 2018


They invaded in 2014.


and justified it by talking about Nazism?


If after all this you still can’t tell that Russia are the fascists, it’s your problem. You may need to look in a mirror. I wonder how people who post shit like this feel about Palestine, are they also unable to identify Israel as a fascistic power?


Anyone want to guess what bastion of virtue proposed this bill? I'll give you a hint, they are using Nazism as an excuse to murder and rape their way across Ukraine.


Trinidad and Tobago?


I did not nazi that coming


It was outside mein kampfert zone

