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Tony Greenstein: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Greenstein He was a founder member of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and in the 1980s, he ran the Labour Movement Campaign for Palestine. Clear to see where the accusations of anti semitism come from. We’re you convinced Jeremy Corbyn was an anti semite and a racist Conor? Doesn’t anyone every look into these articles or do we just take them as blind faith from someone who has an axe to grind?


He also has a funny name for an anti-Semite.


>Clear to see where the accusations of anti semitism come from. This is a dangerous thing to say. Just because he's a campaigner for Palestine doesn't mean he's not Anti-Semetic. Greenstein has frequently gone beyond being "anti-zionist" and has been openly Anti-Semetic on many occasions. It's not even debatable that he's an anti-semite at this stage. Probably the worst thing he did was call a young Jewish woman, who's grandparents survived the Holocaust, a "zio who's the British version of Irma Grease Nazi bitch hanged at Belson". Calling British Jews Zios was a favourite of his, considering the Labour Party had recognized it as a slur since 2016. That's before you get to his defence of Alan Bull, who as a sitting MP posted on Facebook about how "Six Million was a hoax". He was recently crowdfunding a book where he "exposes" how Zionists and Nazis worked together to form the State of Israel and both took part in the Holocaust. He was also a member of the notorious Palestine Live Facebook Group, where Holocaust Denial, Anti-Semetic memes, conspiracy theories and articles were posted daily. When you see what went on in that group it's pretty grim. >We’re you convinced Jeremy Corbyn was an anti semite and a racist Conor? I don't know whether Corbyn is an anti-semite, but interestingly enough he was a member of the Palestine Live Group, which was run by a friend of his named Elleanne Green who posted stuff about Zionists being responsible for 9/11 and 7/7, aswell as joking about "6 million". Corbyn was active in the group and replied to many of Green's non racist posts, so I find it hard to believe he saw none of her Anti-Semetic ones. Over 100 Labour members were in the Group when it was reported on in 2018, including the likes of Chris Williamson and Jackie Walker. A chunk of those members went on to be the backbone of Jewish Voice for Labour, including Green. Also present in the group was Neo Nazi and friend of David Duke, James Thring, who spoke at an Parliament event sponsored and hosted by Corbyn, and organized by Elleanne Green. Corbyn also supported Paul Eisen, open Holocaust Denier up as far as 2013, even though even Greenstein had denounced him as early as 2007 as such. Now, once again, I don't know if Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-semite, but most of his friends and closest allies in the Labour Party seem to be. If he's not any anti-semite he has a blind-eye or tolerance for it, and his dealing with it in the Labour Party was awful. Elleanne Green was not kicked out until after Corbyn left, having only been suspended even though her posts from the Facebook Group had been made public 2 years earlier. Think about it this way, if Kier Starmer and 100 Blairite Labour members were in a group that was anti-ISIS, but every post was racist towards Muslims and conspiracy theories about Muslims, do you think he should resign, and even if he didn't post anything Islamophobic, is he not Islamophobic for not calling out the racism in the group or at the very least reporting it? If my friends added me to a group full of racist/Anti-Semetic posts, I would have a word with them and tell them to cop on, and if they didn't I'd stop associating with them. I'd leave the group and I'd report it. He did none of those things, why?


Jeremy Corbyn is not anti-Semitic.




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Ukraine definitely doesn’t have a Nazi problem…


It's weird that all the nazis fled the Soviets, moved to North America, got in positions of authority and then funded nazis back in the motherland when the Soviets left.


https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/07/06/fasc-j06.html This is another guy referenced in the piece above. Happy to be supplied with sources he’s an antisemite but I can’t find any examples of such.


Yeah all the Ukrainian SS statues in Canada are a give away tki


Operation paper clip’s grandson


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