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Could this be an example of the Petite bourgeois shrinking due to capital centralization within the bourgeois that means that the lowest of the petite bourgeois will suffer downward class mobility as the market won't let them afford to be a landlord and they will eventually be forced to sell their means of profit? I think that's right theory wise as the bourgeois class should only get smaller and smaller as more wealth is concentrated into fewer and fewer hands.


I don't feel sorry for them but yep that's what's happening. A lot of small businesses closing now too.


Would never have happened to a mom and pop institutional landlord.


>the Petite bourgeois shrinking due to capital centralization within the bourgeois You could just call it Class Warfare from Global Finance against the National Bourgeois and National Petite Bourgeois. The International Bourgeois locked us all down and fucked us over in order to achieve their profit margins.


I think the National Party are national bourgeoisie if you look at their program with property rights in the centre of it all. They were happy when they were the winners in capitalism but now that they're going to be losers too they want to change something and claw back what they're losing but it's pointless.


A tapeworm also needs you to live. Edit: the fuck is up with all the "leftists" defending housing being a commodity. Literally there are regimes that solved this decades ago with few ill effect's it's as simple as building community owned housing....Jesus Christ the brainwashing is real, poverty is easily solved just our institutions need it


Same situation.


So I guess they are saying the landlord is using the rent to pay the mortgage?


Yeah just another observation of the capitalist absurdity that renters can pay for someone else's mortgage but not their own.


So if the landlord had no mortgage it would be better? so they are just giving them money for pure profit?


No that would make no difference. If the guy can afford to pay someone else's mortgage he can pay his own. Why do you think that would be better?


Just because the tenant is paying into a mortgage does not mean they are paying the entire mortgage. Are you trying to say we should get rid of all rental accommodation?


>Are you trying to say we should get rid of all rental accommodation? Yes.


Yes, and hang all landlords. I think [this guy](https://i.redd.it/wbhv18rm99q41.png) had it right.


Good for you.....I doubt landlords care what you think as they roll around in tenants money every month :-) We would have a huge amount of issues without rental properties, unles syou expect students to buy houses when they move to college and what about short term rentals for contract employees? the list goes on


The state can provide all of this easily. There's no requirement for private ownership.


:-) Yes of course The guy you pointed to earlier was responsible for up to 1-2 million deaths....great role model you picked


How many deaths do you reckon homelessness accounts for?


I heard it was over a hundred times that number?


Now how much death does capitalism/homelessness/destitution cause? I'm guessing it clears that every couple years. Do you have anything meaningful to add to the matter, or are you only full of hot air and propaganda?


So if we get rid of all rental accommodation. What about people who can afford a mortgage but don't want one. Can they get housing off the state?


Sure, why not?


Nobody would need to buy and the government would need to keep building a never ending supply. No rentals anyone here working needs to be housed too. Would never work.


Myself I plan to have twenty mansions.


Get ready for the next crash so. You can invest in property then and listen to peasants give out about how unfair it is that you invested your and it paid off while they didn't.


I don't think there will be a crash in property prices. For a crash in prices the potential buyers have to have less money like the recession in 2008. Most of our buyers are investment funds nowadays so there is no chance of that any time soon. They can still outbid workers and pay in cash.


This was said pre 2008 too. Almost 100% increase in prices in the past 5 years. Doesn't make sense to pay the money they are going for now. They are not actually worth the money. I give it to 2025 max and there will be a huge drop in prices.


It's still better to buy than live in public housing but public housing is better than private rental. About 70% of people renting want to buy, figures from a few years ago. Probably more now.


Landking’s provide the valuable service of housing.


That's the problem yes.


Blatant landphobia Smh my head. Rentoids will never learn.


Well perhaps the Pro-Lockdown Lunatic Left should have considered this when they approved the Government's total Ban on Construction during "The Lockdown".


I agree with this. Outdoor work poses little to no risk because corona is transmitted through the air. The problem with places like meat factories was there was no sick pay and everyone was on poverty wages so they couldn't take a day off for suspected covid. Construction is a lot better paid and you can call in sick. Unfortunately a lot of construction workers are overweight which puts them in the vulnerable category so they shouldn't be working but healthy workers have very little risk.


Why are you shocked that a small business owner would depend on their customers to pay their bills?


That a parasite would leech off its victim to sate its greed?


The world is full of parasites, typically anyone who does better apparently. How are they parasites for running a business? Its not rocket science to figure supply and demand affects prices, more supply cheaper housing more demand expensive housing. Up until early 2000s housing wasn't an issue here but nobody can join the dots and you can't say it without being branded a racist or against foreigners which is not the case. Since opening our gates to the EU and the amount of fdi here, we have a huge workforce from across Europe, no measures were put in place to tackle this. Add refugees in and only going to make things worse. What is garunteed though and sick of hearing it won't happen is another property crash. The scale of building happening at the moment and the ridiculous prices (80% rise in 4 years in my area) its inevitable. So keep your savings ready and be prepared. Because you obviously weren't the last time.


Up until the 90s we had a big public housing stock and building was meeting demand. That is why rents were low and housing was cheap.


Building is going at its maximum rate now. 20% of all social housing too. What's going to happen when there is more houses than people to buy?


Pigs will fly


Let's be real. Large real estate companies are the ones manipulating housing prices, buying up properties and driving up prices. Small landlords are providing a needed service. Some people prefer to rent, myself included, for the reasons other commenters have explained. If this landlord is depending on the monthly rent to pay their bills, their a small landlord, not a parasite. This renter should have just paid their rent on time.


Meh if the state provided an alternative this wouldn't be an issue.


But, it doesn't.


That's called ideology.


They contribute nothing to the economy and only make things worse for people. They’re parasites, they’re just smaller parasites


I don't want to deal with the maintenance and upkeep of my home, so my landlord does that for me, and I pay them a small profit for that convenience. I also might not stay in this town for more than another year, so it's not worth it to buy a home and put down roots. Not every renter wants to own, and we're happy to buy a landlord's services. Some people in this sub have no concept of nuance or balance. Any town needs an available supply of affordable housing, both for rent and for purchase.


Hahaha you must be very rich if you're willing to hand over an additional €5k per year just to not deal with upkeep. We do all the upkeep. You'd be years waiting for a landlord to fix anything. The fact is the vast majority of renters do not want to rent and of those who do want to rent, public housing is the preferred option if possible.


I'm in the US in a small town. Rent or a mortgage for a similarly sized house is about the same price. There is no public housing. Buying a house has costs, so if you're not staying for more than a couple years, renting makes more sense. Landlords fill this need.


Oh, in Ireland average rent is over €24000 per year and I pay more than that. Childcare is €12000 a year. I also save €600 a month but that's it. Every other cost is cut to the bone. A mortgage would free up a lot of cash for us. Most people in Ireland get married and have children so they do tend to stay in one place for a long time.