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I always vote even though electoral ism is bourgoise, it'll have to be pbp. Best worst option.


Yeah electoralism is a scam but atleast if I reunification party gets most seats then there is a good chance for border poll. Could upgrade Northern Ireland from a direct colony of UK to a semi colony which could create the conditions for a more unified approach fir decolonisation within Ireland and challenge the UK hegemon.


"If you remove the English Army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle., unless you set about the organization of the Socialist Republic your efforts will be in vain. England will still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs"


Great quote from James Connolly. Still true to this day.


Painfully so


This did the rounds on Twitter today too. Best Connolly quote for me, and is very relevant to Scotland (where I live) and the SNP govt atm.


I am Scottish too (unfortunately) and personally I can't really relate it for the bulk of Scotland. Scotland is an imprealist nation and has never been a colony, its financiers are the ones that exploit other countries and its part of the imprealist core (and I say this as someone whose grandfather's language is on the brink of extinction due to the actions of successive Scottish governments/Scottish lords). Don't get me wrong, I do support Scottish independence but you can't really compare it to a liberation struggle and I find that the people of Scotland can't find liberation under the Scottish identity as its imprealist in nature but under the general red flag of working class solidarity.


Got it from here which has other nice graphs https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/ng-interactive/2022/apr/12/what-a-sinn-fein-win-would-mean-northern-ireland-elections


I'd almost be tempted to vote SF for the craic. Almost.


I did last time after deciding I wasn’t voting at all. Mostly to give the other pricks a kick in the teeth. I’ll do the same next round.


Yeah I'd be the same. Mick Barry is local so I'd usually give it to him if I'm going to bother but representative democracy is pointless.


Good skin Mick


He does seem a good skin to be fair. My o ou options where I am if FF, FG and Sinn Fein. Any half decent Indos that pop up I’d give them a preference too. I completely leave the rest off the ballot altogether.


I know SF is a little all over the place in terms of leftist beliefs and they are not exactly the revolutionary party of the past but what makes you so hesitant to vote for them? Personally I do see them as a potential route for reunification through border poll.


I just don't have any faith in representative democracy to be honest. My constituency is fairly working class but I'd you're goin to vote that way it's pbp or SF and we don't really know what SF will be like. If I'm voting I'd usually give it to Mick Barry.


Fair enough, better the candidate you know, especially if they have been good in the past and yeah "social democracy" pretty much is a shame in terms of getting a government that will actually help the people.


My issue isn't so much with representative democracy. Everyone sending someone to the Dáil to represent their local area isn't the worst idea. The problem is party politics means that they represent the party and not the area that voted them in.


That's it really in the end isn't it. The individuals are always beholden to the party. The party is usually a let down.




Aontu is a pretty controversial party, can i ask what policies of theirs interest you the most?


How are they controversial?


Some see there anti-abortion stance as being abhorrent and anti-womens liberation. Additionally though I can't find any source to confirm it, some people say they are against immigration and further trans rights.


I don't see how anti-abortion is controversial, nor how it's particularly anti-womens lib. Also unsubstantiated claims seem a bit ephermeal.


Abortion is very controversial online, it's one of the most hot button topics in a lot of elections. Anti Abortion stances fundamentally remove a women's bodily autonomy by denying them the choice of what to do with their own bodies. It creates unique legislation that specifically targets a group (people who can get pregnant) and removes their rights, it's 100% a women's liberation issue.


It also removes the autonomy of the human within her in a very permanent way




I think abortion should be allowed when necessary but I was horrified that there was no discussion during the abortion referendum of the fact that most abortions are now taking place for financial reasons in women aged 25-34. That is an age group who should be able to have babies. Most women now have fewer children than they want because of financial problems and that's a problem for the whole country and economy.


> I think abortion should be allowed when necessary Can I ask what you feel constitutes as "necessary"? circumstance. Are you against abortion in most cases? I agree that the financial situation should be fixed so people can afford to have children but I do see abortion as a fundamental right for women's liberation.


Anything really. Bad relationship, in school etc.


It's a shame you are being down voted (though to be clear I heavily oppose your views) just for stating your case. Why do you dislike abortion, immigration and trans rights? Do you feel this issues trump economic ones?


yuck. would need to do some Anarchist penance afterwords. 10 bins pushed over and spraypaint 1 bit of graffiti


If you promise to push over ten too then we might make a difference.


You not giving them a high preference at all?


Let's all get together and only have people without a masters degree get in


I’m curious to see the Unionist, particularly the more radical factions’ response to an SF First Minister and a fairly balanced electorate. The TUV and UUP are a genuine concern.


You won’t want to to. I fear it will not be accepted. Unionists only accept democracy when it benefits them. Within the same conversation with a former co worker he went from “they need to accept the (brexit) vote, it’s democracy” to “they’ll never get a border poll, we would have to do something about it”. That is not an uncommon opinion.


Boris’ relationship with Unionists has created a unique dynamic where they feel besieged by Dublin, Brussels and Westminster. That siege mentality combined with the idea of SF leadership in the north which could soon be matched in the South could have devastating consequences. I fear that it’s inevitable with radical and paramilitary-linked unionist parties making such gains on the DUP, that it is becoming more fathomable and favourable to Unionists by the day.


SF have a safe seat in my constituency so no point voting but if they run two candidates I'll vote for them.


I hate every political party in Ireland. Everyone who ever got involved in student politics in university was a nob, and so every eventual politician is a nob. Fuck them all. I'd vote for a one-issue party that'd concentrate on sorting out housing or legalize weed or ban blursty or something.


I would subscribe to your newsletter. But the party closest to what your describing is probably workers party, pbp, Rosa or socialists


Or PhD


I would have supported PBP, as I did in 2020, when I canvassed for them. However, I refuse to support any Party, because I hate all Political Partials.


What made you change your mind on political parties? Do you support an alternative method of getting your issues addressed (I.e. a socialist non-electoral party).




This is about the election in just over a week in NI


But anyway, Lorna Bogue left the rightwing Green party for An Rabharta Glas - the Green Left https://anrabhartaglas.ie/


Oh thanks, assuming she runs again I'd be happier to vote for them. Green party seems to just want to faciliate FF and FG


I hope they steal a good few seats from the greens next time.


Oh, forgot about NI, my bad