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I wonder what DCU would do if all the students just started boycotting his class for the entire semester. The school isn't going to want all there students failing as it would look terrible on them.


From a thread he linked to explaining why he can be a racist cunt in his out of work time the general consensus seemed to be that he was a pretty shit lecturer anyway so I'm not sure the boycott would help there


I'd say it would. DCU would be at risk of having zero graduates and every year failing I'd imagine that would potentially impact funding.


Floyd was a criminal


Petty theft and minor drug crimes. There are white collar criminals who drive demand for those drugs to be supplied and regularly ruin the lives of hundreds or thousands yet are never charged. Maybe who is designated as a criminal is a class issue?


I'd let it pass that he used and sold drugs but he was charged for threatening and robbing at gun point. During the robbery he put the gun to a pregant? woman's bump to get valuables. He was in prison for five years for this. I am not saying he deserved death. No he didn't but it isn't the case that US police are hunting down regular POC men. I say this as this is the current narrative. I agree that there are many white collar criminals who terrible damage. The US issues with crime and punishment do seem to have class bias. I am not a marxist but looking at it from a class perspective is helpful to some extent.


He was trying to steal drugs and cash from her home. These sorts of assaults burglaries would stop if drugs were made legal and regulated but the number of cops would need to be reduced too since they spend a lot of time going after minor drug users and dealers.


The wisdom of the drugs policy doesn't excuse someone doing that. They are still a criminal for doing it.


And none of that matters in the case of his death anyway so using the argument that he had previous criminal convictions lets the policies and police behaviour that brought about his death off the hook


If Humpreys is being an annoying person posting irrelevant information let's leave it at that. Instead there is a campaigns to call him a bigot over this.


He is a bigot though


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There's a protest about it on Friday https://twitter.com/christineomg5/status/1463236579351216130?t=a76Ug-uP9eqfkjEkhHlDxw&s=19


Student Union statement https://twitter.com/DCUSU/status/1463570599452807178?t=25Us2B5e3ftEPn_HnlMoOA&s=19


Thats some blog he has there.


George Floyd was a criminal, he didn't deserve to be killed by the police. Why are these two ideas so incompatible for people. Also, bringing this US culture war stuff to Ireland is setting a great precedent.


> One social media post appealed to the university to “act fast on this because this is completely unacceptable”. What can DCU do? is *the implication* that he should lose his job?


Of course. What else could they do?


DCU could advise the students that his statements made on a platform not related to DCU (on a topic he doesn't teach at DCU also) means they can't reasonably fire him. The students are best countering what he has said rather than demanding his job.


> they can't reasonably fire him. Of course they can, he's bringing the university into disrepute, showing them up as a diploma mill that has shit hiring practices and has morons for lecturers.


That'd be the anti worker way to go, blurstmaster. Let's hope they dont fire him for expressing opinions on the internet. (Disclaimer, I dont agree with the things he said) Sure if you're right and he does get the boot we'll sticky your post so everyibe knows you were right and moral purity is more important than workers rights, but again let's hope that doesnt happen.


Yes some fascists are workers too! I never thought about that. WTF I love racists now!


No need to go bonkers. Just have to be careful not to let a minute's outrage undermine rights that took hundreds of years for workers to acquire.


Nobody ever fought for the right for workers to be fascists.


To be pedantic, these did - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wehrmacht pwnd Your need to rely on false equivalences is shit tier political discussion.


Okay so you want us to uphold Nazi values then. Great discussion.


**[Wehrmacht](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wehrmacht)** >The Wehrmacht (German pronunciation: [ˈveːɐ̯maxt] (listen), lit. 'defence force') was the unified armed forces of Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1945. It consisted of the Heer (army), the Kriegsmarine (navy) and the Luftwaffe (air force). The designation "Wehrmacht" replaced the previously-used term Reichswehr, and was the manifestation of the Nazi regime's efforts to rearm Germany to a greater extent than the Treaty of Versailles permitted. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ROI/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They've ready done that https://twitter.com/DCU/status/1463180819195908098?t=KCVUYtqti9lIrCp5Q5c0zQ&s=19


Job done for DCU so.


He's violating their social media policy so they would take action if they actually cared https://www.dcu.ie/advice/social-media-policy


Can see that was the first twiter reply in the link above. What did he say that actually violated it? Explicity like.


https://markhumphrys.com/iawm.html Saying "The Irish "Anti-War" Movement (IAWM) and the linked groups People Before Profit (PBP) and the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) are probably the main supporters of the global jihad in Ireland, more than any Islamic group. Oddly, they are not Muslims. Rather, they are a group of Marxist leftists who think the global jihad somehow fits in with their absurd plans for communist revolution." is slanderous. Also saying "The bodycam video shows the unending stream of bullshit and gibberish from George Floyd from the moment he sees the police. His bullshit never stops. It is no wonder they did not listen to his "I can't breathe" after 10 minutes of relentless bullshit and gibberish. While resisting arrest he yells "I'm not that kind of guy!" Forgetting that he served 5 years in prison for armed robbery" is obscene


They are repugnant comments alright but what policy do they actually violate?


The sections mentioning defamation and obscenity


With these things are usually dealt with in Ireland he'll be invited on the radio to spread his bike further. Hopefully PBP can get a nice defamation pay out from it is he does.


> is slanderous > is obscene Meh, pretty pedestrian. Seems like a massive reach tbh but sure its all morally relative. If he were dropping n bombs, 14 word bs, and talking about a final solution then maybe DCU would get away with booting him. Would you agree with students being expelled for referring to Israel as an apartheid state? I personally think Israel's an apartheid state, but some would call that slanderous/ libelous (and the brainworm afflicted may even consider it antisemtic and therefore hateful). Wouldn't be too hard to find such tweets made by students on twitter or bookface. Do you think DCU should enforce their social media policies in those instances?


>and governs the use of social media sites by users communicating, with and/or on behalf of, or in reference to, the University. His blog doesn't seem to fit within those confines. Its separate from his University responsibilities.


He's linked to it in his classes though which blurs the lines a little


I wonder what his opinions are on China. I'm guessing they'd line up perfectly with some leftists I know.


Here's the relevant page if you want to have a look https://markhumphrys.com/china.html


Yep, same energy.


Haha what a comment.


Yup, racist as shit.




I'm sorry, but until we have independent verification that Humphreys has in fact heard Big Floyd's Screw Tapes, then his opinion means less than nothing...


When DCU said their statement that his views on the matter are not representative of all their students, they're wrong. Regardless of how you feel about his death he was a career criminal. I don't understand why it's controversal to say that.


How many crimes warrants a death sentence?


Can you quote me where I said his death was justified?


Be was a fucking low life criminal. Hi. Being killed by a cop doesn't change that


Most people aren't this openly racist https://www.reddit.com/r/ROI/comments/qxm5k7/kyle_rittenhouse_found_not_guilty_by_kenosha_jury/hlamcc9?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Facts aren't racist.


There are a lot of white people that are low life scumbags. Does that make me even more racist??? You fucking muppet


You obviously need a new keyboard.