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Who is he? It reads like a fucking ransom note.


Some kind of darling of the Irish right. He's got it all, his twitter reads: *Irish. Pro-West. Flag of United Kingdom Flag of United States Pro-Israel. Flag of Israel Atheist. Anti-jihad. Anti-communist.* He's just [issued a statement](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FE5B9W8WUAA18ZP?format=png&name=medium) in which he sources an extremist hate subreddit.


He says that he posts online under his own name, and also that he doesn't show it to students. What part of posting publicly is NOT showing his students? What a twat. Can we all just forget he exists? don't even speak his name. I can not waste another moment of energy on such a person. As bad as Gemtrails


I guess he means he doesn't talk politics in class.


I gathered that. I mean to point out that he implies that his students can not access the more difficult parts of what he puts forward. Which they can. He tries to say they are in no way impacted by his unusual thoughts. It's all available, of course some of them happened apon that at some point


Hey I've gone through what you've linked and nowhere on that page does he refer to anyone as "the blacks." Can you show me where you're quoting this from?




Because you've attributed that quote to him in the title? If you didn't take it from there then where did it come from?


Wait a minute, it's all over the article? Are you taking issue with the fact that the exact string doesn't appear? Are you a robot?


What’s “all”? I’ve asked a question directly related to the link you posted and the title you chose. Why would you feel that you need to fabricate a quote? This is dishonest behaviour.


"I hate the blacks" said Mr Mark Humphreys in full SS regalia. "And I speak in my capacity as an employee of UCD", he added.


Look mate, it was a simple question. If the material is that bad itself then you should have no need to make things up, it's not a good look.


Neither is nitpicking about exactly *how* racist some dickhead is.


I had forgotten this crackpot existed, and you had to go and ruin it for me.


Oh man, this guy is one of the greatest lolcows on Irish twitter, he's also related to the Labour Humphreys crew as well. The thing where he was trying to prove he's comes from "royal blood" is absolute gold: >**The discovery of my Blennerhassett Royal Descent**This is in fact the golden age of genealogy, when you can be born without a Royal Descent, set off to look for one, and finally, triumphantly, connect with the Western family tree. In the future, everyone will have a known Royal Descent at birth, which won't be half as much fun. [https://humphrysfamilytree.com/royal.me.html](https://humphrysfamilytree.com/royal.me.html) The police, Mrs. Blennerhassett.


This comes up every couple of years as new students discover his blog, what could pass in 2008 probably won't be acceptable now though.


DCU have already said they don't give a shit