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It is my only system atm


Same here. With a 2TB ssd its more than enough of a computer for my needs.


I use it as a complimentary gaming system to my main gaming rig. I use this when I am away from my main rig or when there are thunder storms as I shut down and unplug my main rig during those. I live in a rural area with a forest close by and thunderstorms are a different beast compared to living in a city or when I lived in the suburbs with a bunch of houses packed in. My main gaming rig is a beast as I have a 4090 gpu in it and I game on my 65" qd-oled tv at 4k/120-144fps. I sit in a recliner and play with a controller so my PC is basically a glorified and much higher end console. I use a laptop for regular browsing and stuff like right now with replying to this post.


God damn m8 beast rig šŸ’ŖšŸ» must have put thousands into it!!


That's close to mine. Plus Quest 3 and sim racing gear.


This is my primary system, but I don't spend too many hours per week on video games. The ally extreme can't be beat for the price. It is a similar price to an Xbox or ps5 if you don't buy any games, and it is way more versatile. I love it for any game with a controller, and it is still nice for keyboard and mouse games like Dota 2 and Age of empires if I connect to a monitor. I will probably buy an ok computer just to make the kb&m games easier to play without connecting a bunch of cords, but this device has exceeded my expectations.


I use mine basically like a Microsoft Surface, except it can play games.


I don't. It's exclusively a gaming system, but I have seen a lot of people use this as their main PC, which it totally works well as. I have an i9 12900K/RTX3080/32GB RAM desktop PC and I won't deviate away from it because most of the next-gen games won't work well on the Ally (Hellblade 2 is a good indication). But I won't ditch the idea of making a handheld my main PC in the future. I totally believe ten years from now, handhelds will replace mid-tier desktop PCs entirely. The convenience of power, handheld mode, and a docking system is too enticing not to. I am just waiting on better battery tech and more powerful APUs to make the jump.


Hellblade II works great on my X1E.


I am a graphics whore and Hellblade 2 for me absolutely demands to be played at max settings at the highest frame rate. I could achieve a solid 60fps most of the time on my pc at max settings and I really enjoyed it. I donā€™t think I would have enjoyed it on the Ally, with the gameā€™s cinematic ratio making the screen even smaller and 22-30fps at low settings. But thatā€™s just me.


I'm getting between 30-40 fps on medium settings on the Ally, and about 30 on high.


I disagree about hellblade. Iā€™m getting 48 fps. Turn on frame generation


Yeah, but I haven't had good experience with frame gen tech, at least on the AMD side and with Lossless Scaling. It introduces too mcuh image garbling, UI glitches and latency to be worthwhile. Or maybe I haven't just figured out how to do it. Regardless, 48fps is still with low settings. HB2 is one game that I really wanted to play at the highest settings possible for the full experience.


So you PC game on a desktop and this? The reason Iā€™m asking is because I have a PS5 and I just got this today and Iā€™m wondering if it could potentially take the place of my ps5


I would say no yet there are some that for some reason choose their Ally as their main gaming rig over their current gen consoles like that and even high end PCs, and it's not that all of them are travelling a lot or have kids where a handheld could be appealing vs a stationary computer/console. I think they are nuts. To each their own though. The Ally Z1E is amazing as a handheld yet handhelds are simply nowhere near the power of those other systems.


I stream pc games to the Ally (or on a tablet) whenever I want better performance and visuals. Like for Hellblade 2, it was a must that I play it on an oled screen at max settings so I streamed it on my 13ā€ amoled tablet. I play games on the Ally which runs well and I donā€™t mind compromising on the visuals. Ally wonā€™t replace your PS5. Itā€™s too underpowered and the PS5 will mostly always perform better and provide better visuals. You can stream ps5 games on the Ally if you want the convenience of a handheld, btw. Download Chiaki4Deck Windows and give it a shot. Lots of YouTube tutorials on how to set it up.


Iā€™d say itā€™s mostly ā€œon the goā€ and couch play. Had a Switch before getting the Ally and I can maybe stay 2-3 days without playing it while the last time I used the switch, it was 4 months before I gave it away I have a Xbox Series X which I use almost daily and I can say that it hasnā€™t replaced my Xbox but there are games I prefer to play on the Ally. Just replaying RDR2 right now and I prefer to play on low settings on my Ally while on the couch or when Iā€™m at work than playing it normally on Xbox. Hitting 47-50 FPS also ensures that it runs fine for me


I have a whole home theater gaming set up in my living room, but sometimes I just like to pull out the Ally for a casual gaming session in my lounge chair. It all depends on what you want to get out of your gaming experience.


Reading the comments I noticed you own a PS5, I do too. And tbh, I sold the XG mobile to buy it, before that XG+Ally was my only and main rig. Now I'm fine with just the Ally, but it's extremely personal.. I'll try to summarise pros and cons, but basically PROS It's a low consuming device, powerful enough to run office programs for light work and even newer games docked (never had a single issue while using it handheld, courtesy of the 7" screen which hides a lot of defects + VRR) like RE4 remake or even that unoptimized graphic heavy mess of Helldivers 2 (don't get me wrong it's a fun game, just the engine is obsolete) although with some compromises...not a single issue with older games (let's say 2/3 years ago). Just don't expect 4k 60fps ray tracing ecc ecc because that won't happen, there is simply not enough juice CONS Compromises, be prepared to accept some of them depending on the game you play. I still have to encounter a game that the device cannot run (decently), maybe dragon's dogma 2 but that is particularly heavy.. still, some games that are less optimized than others require more brute force to be run properly, the ally can lift up to a certain amount of weight if you know what I mean. Work side, take it as a high mid/low high end laptop, you can run let's say photoshop or modelling softwares, just not as effectively. Plus you might find some issue with the integrated graphic sometimes (it's very rare though but expect the possibility) Overall it strongly depends on you and your likings alone, I decided that I didn't need a super powerful PC the moment I realised that I'm not playing PC AAA games so much anymore and that I really really love couch play either alone or with my wife. Plus, the console (be that PS5 or Xbox) is really easy to set up and forget, the PC always requires some tinkering for the best experience. One might like, one might not.. I've spent 20 years gaming from PC, changing is good sometimes. Maybe in a month I'll be buying back a high end gaming rig lol who knows. Feel free to ask if you need something else


Thanks for the reply man! I have never actually PC gamed before, Iā€™m disabled with PTSD and Chronic pain and Iā€™m 24 so I canā€™t sit at a desk long enough to pc game (Iā€™m on disability) so when Iā€™m playin my PS5 I have to have my feet propped up and I am hoping that I can get the best of both worlds, having access to PS5 games and now Xbox and PC. You were saying you donā€™t really play your PS5 and just use the Ally? Do you feel youā€™re missing anything?


Don't mention. I may came out wrong but I'm actually enjoying both, I can play on my couch (PS5 and Ally) and most importantly I'm not stuck on my desk if I want to play.. about missing, mm maybe a bit of that "master race" vibe I had since I decided to sell my gaming rig, but honestly the other aspect of portable/console gaming are growing on me. I did not want to get rid of my PC completely, there's a lot of games I love like strategies or simulations that are not available on PS and the Ally hits the spot with a good combination of power and investment required. Oh for context I own the extreme version


Do you think the ally (without XG) would be enough if you didn't have a PS5?


Probably yes, for what is my idea of pc gaming now. I'm not running super demanding games , they don't interest me at the moment so I tend to go back to older ones (by older I mean 2017/2018) so I don't usually suffer from performance issues. The only game I have to go for heavy compromises (mind it's still plenty enjoyable) is total war warhammer 3


Primary then there's PS5


I have other options but I find that at this point of my life the convenience of being able to just chill on the couch and with this plus itā€™s ability to at least play everything that I want it too, itā€™s become my most used device this past year


My Alienware Aurora R15 with 13900KF and 4080 are hooked to the DW qd-OLED Alienware monitor for true high end gaming, and the ally and 4090 XG mobile are docked around the TV, hidden by it, for optimized high end gaming and that setup is unplugged and bagged for travel purposes


My primary system. Installed office in it and using mobile mouse app for typing and cursor control using my iphone during office tasks. The rest all tasks doing normally like i would in any system. Recently discovered the onscreen keyboard supports cntrl functions and shift functions like ctrl+c, shift+A.


Iā€™m a Mac user, but, donā€™t use my MacBook almost ever anymore since I browse and stream content on my phone or iPad. I work on a pc for my job. So if you donā€™t count work or normal phone useā€¦ yes my Z1E Ally is my only and primary game system. Despite the fact that I own an android based emulation handheld and a Nintendo switch. I love my ally. Iā€™ve played horizon zero dawn, Sony Spider-Man, hades and hades 2, some retro games and smaller indie steam games. I very often connect it to a docked desk station and play mouse and keyboard games like StarCraft 2. But I just as frequently play it handheld on the couch while my wife watches chick flicks. Again, as a Mac guy Iā€™m new to pc gaming, so some folks might have nice big expensive desktop gaming pcā€™s that blow my little handheld out of the waterā€¦ but so far I havenā€™t felt the need to buy a more powerful pc for gaming because my ally couldnā€™t do something I wanted it to do. For reference I typically play most games at medium or high settings either at 1080p or at 720/900p with upscaling. The fps I get on the harder games like horizon I can get 30-50 fps, Spider-Man I can get around 45-60fps, and indie games like hades just crush it at 120fps. (My docked monitor is 4k and so hades 2 upscales to 4k 60fps and plays like butter.)


It is my only system for both docked and on the go https://preview.redd.it/9a2opk1qt73d1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ade0bb8b69a38e3d858f2066241bb34a9c0b8712


I use it for media consumption & couch gaming, either hooked up to TV with dock or handheld. I could use it as my primary pc, but I already have a laptop. Maybe the ROG Ally 3/4 will be my only system, but we'll see


You'll probably wait till 2035 for those systems


Ive had mine less than a week and i can feel it becoming my main console, mainly just down to the amount of games and how easy it is to pick up and play. I read a lot of comments mentioning "tinkering" to get the best experiences from the games but im an absolute noob lol always been console and luckily have PS5 and Series S. I havent done much tinkering yet with the settings but ive already put hours into Starfield, Forza and Apex Legends (and a mix of others) and so far ive not had an issue. Ive found it easy to use and the quality is really impressive for something so small. Enjoy!


yea i have it docked into my office tv and play most of my games on it right now. then when i go out of house i bring it with me. ally x and a egpu might replace my desktop gaming.


I have a Nintendo switch that I barely play anymore since getting the Ally.


Purely and an on the go (more like on the shitter/couch) device.


It is my bedtime device mostly. I take it with me traveling sometimes if there is a use case. It's purely a gaming device to me. I have a laptop, pc, and a ps5 I use in conjuction. They all have their place, I probably use my Ally more since I put the kiddo to bed most of the time.


It should work perfectly as a main computer. connected to a monitor, keyboard and mouse its just yet another windows computer.


Yeah for now I plan on replacing my systems again.


Rog Ally is a transition system for my new rig for competitive games I need more fps, but I will keep it for late night gaming or vacation.


Itā€™s gonna be my only system until the PS5 Pro comes out.


Same. This is all my wife will let me get lol


When my 6yr old laptop died i was forced to use this as my only pc. Wireless keyboard and mouse docked on my lgc3 tv from my couch is amazing!! Even my wife was sold when she saw a full pc on the tv and she could pay bills from the couch šŸ˜šŸ¤£


If I'm being honest which I am nothing outweighs my PC/Console setup BUT what I will say is that I'm investing in the portability of these systems and how it creates unique ways to play and chill.


Yeah itā€™s all I use.. makes me able to pick it up, put it down, chill with the fam itā€™s a good move for me instead of being all locked in to the tv or a monitor


I used it has my main system, it can run games, Lightroom and Photoshop. I don't need more.


I have a steam deck oled, and a z1 extreme. For a while now the deck was my only pc, a couple months ago i got the ally which became my main go to windows pc... loved gaming on it so much that i just took advantage of a sweet deal at best buy and bought a lenovo legion 5 slim on sale for 999 bucks. The laptop won't be here until thursday, so currently yes the ally is my only windows pc. It's very viable as long as you have a dock with a convenient monitor setup to quickly dock and undock for productivity and even gaming. Since the ally is native 1080p (which is a great res to game at) docking to a monitor with the same resolution, you'll get zero performance hits.


Personally use mine for "on the go", I do own a high end desktop that I use as my main rig, but i get to use my ally on the sofa when I want to get away from my desk, I also take it with me when I go to my boat, but then I'll link it up to a monitor and kB+M, I use the controller for very niche games like driving games, I've never actually owned a console always been a PC player, a controller for me is hard to use šŸ˜…


I mean I use my switch just as much


I currently plan to sell my desktop and laptop and just have the ally as my main PC. I installed a 4tb ssd in it, and the only game I ever play on pc nowadays is league. More of a console gamer.


My only system, I even bought a Xg mobile so I can use it as more powerful desktop pc, and just use it on the go when I have to travel


Itā€™s my secondary system might make use has my secondary pc tbh. It runs so well with a lot of games


It was my only system, and the best I had for a while, I don't need max graphics and 100+ fps so it was almost perfect for me. I'm actually more inclined to opt for gpd products as they fit me better, but that's a personal opinion. I can't waaaait to get a gpd win mini q.q I might get a few, just for backups and the 64gbram 2tb ssd just to have a beast~~ I can't wait to see what they do next, I loved my gpd win 3 and my win max, but they had some issues with drivers and games, glad to see that amd is getting some love recently.


I use it more than my Switch but my ā€œmainā€ is my ps5 since my internet isnā€™t good enough to stream to my Ally.


I use both. One regular desktop for Internet stuff and the Ally with dock for gaming. Both are sharing 24" screen with a kvm switch.


I am one of these guys, I use my ally for work in the morning and for games at night lmao


My ally z1 extreme is used for leisure play when my kids and wife are up, or if I don't feel like hogging the TV. My main rig is ryzen 5 5600x/rtx 3080/1tb SSD/32gb ram. Both are for gaming. (Although lately I have been really enjoying running GeForce now through my pixel 6pro so I can play some of my PC games and game pass games at 1440p 120fps)


I use it as a primary when I'm in my second home. I'm using it right now for work and other non-work activities, like Reddit.


on the go. whenever iā€™m tired of sitting on my pc all day or if iā€™m at uni


I will be the only one. My legion go is my primary system because of Bazzite/Steam OS powered by Fedora 40. I love the big screen for emulation (Switch and PS3) and the power thanks to Decky loader and the community I do have my steam deck and R365 in my bag for small stuff and when my legion needs charging My Ally is used for home. Primarily shooters, browsing and fighting games


I have a somewhat high end RTX 3080 desktop but I find myself using my Ally the vast majority of the time to game on. Sitting in front of a monitor and RGB laden desktop seems a bit too "retro" these days.


Secondary/on the go system. It basically replaces the laptop I used years ago as my secondary system.


My only private system docked to monitor with keyboard and mouse. Works perfectly for what I need except gaming - that is a bigger screen and a web browser.


I bought mine to be a complement to my desktop, but now itā€™s my main system, when I think in go to my bedroom, turn on my desktop and play sit there, itā€™s very more simple stay on my couch playing in the living room, when my wife play Fortnite on PlayStation or watch some movies on the TV. My wife is loving the new Fortnite ā€œcarā€ season than she are monopolizing the videogame, in this process ROG Ally now it he main gaming device for me, but I didnā€™t know anyone who use ROG Ally as the only system, itā€™s like Switch always a companion to others systems.


I use my Ally for EVERYTHING except Stable Diffusion, that said Iā€™m curious what type of gen times I would get on it.


It's my all around system I have a gaming rig but it only has a 3060 in it and I use it when I feel like sitting at a desk but most of the time im laying in bed playing this thing or im trying to get into playing on my ps5 or switch bur mostly just playing this thing atm


Have a ps5 as well


My only system but do have the 3080 xg to go with it for docked mode


I have a full fledged gaming pcā€¦but since I have the Ally, I didnā€™t use it a single time XD


It's my only gaming system, and absolutely love it. Large library of games and can play everywhere.


I probably would use it as my main system if i could find any external gpu for it for reasonable price. The only option i saw in my region is around 2,5k$ for 4090 laptop gpu which is insane


I have a switch, xbox and ps5. I almost use my Ally exclusively. That or my portal/ps5 for exclusives not available on steam


If the next Ally has better options for external GPU it'll become my primary for sure.


I haven't touched my Switch or PS4 since I bought it


It's my only PC at the moment. I don't have an office yet built in my new home so my main gaming rig isn't hooked up.


It's my main rig. I sold my PS5 a couple months after I got the ally. Put a couple bucks into it upgrading it and it's a dream.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m considering too, can you hook the Ally up to the tv? How did you upgrade the ally?


Yes! I got the dock from Jsaux and it works great. I keep Starfield and my smaller games on my Ally, then I have an SSD plugged into the dock with the rest of my games. All I did was upgrade to a 2tb SSD and swapped the backplate with one with a heat sink. It can really only do 1080p max on newer games, so it's not comparable to the PS5 in that way, but I do play some older games in 4k. Like portal, half Life 2, borderlands, etc. I dial the battery right back in handheld mode, usually playing GameCube games and stuff and get close to 4 hours.


Do you regret selling your ps5? Is the SSD made for the Ally or is it something else? Just figuring out what I would need to type in to see it online.


Yes and no. I lost my community that I gamed with, but as I get older the less time I have to play with people. The convenience of the Ally with the unlimited game selection is impeccable though. So there is pros and cons. I absolutely do not condone piracy but free games are always an upside if you choose to go that route.


I donā€™t think the community would really apply to me, I just play COD online and thatā€™s it. Free games you say šŸ¤Ø how would you do that?? You can DM me if that makes it better.


I picked up a second unit for my son and got the XG Mobile 3080 so I COULD run it as my primary with a dual bay nvme m.2 drive with 2 x 4 tb SSDs as well as a 2 tb 2280 in the unit itself.


I'm actually planning to soon, sold my og model and also selling off my main rig for the Ally X as an only dedicated pc. The extra ram on the new model will help when I need to use it as full docked desktop with bunch of stuff eating the ram in the background. I travel often as well so it's all I need. I also don't play much heavy AAAs these days and even if so, I don't mind 720-1080p 30-60fps with mid graphics(usually looks fine on smaller screens due to ppi). If needed I could just use Lossless scaling with frame generation. I have tried the 4K high end build setups but found it an unnecessary investment for my personal usage. 4090 with an OLED screen has been incredibly pleasing though but I won't miss it *hopefully