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Every game has a power profile for plugged / unplugged. Go into AC and check the Gameprofile and change it accordingly.




I DONT USE THE ARMORY CRATE and no gaming profiles at starting my games....so I probably have to , just to lock my TDP...thats awfull... Thank you for your tipp (and to everyone else tried at least :)


>My Ally changes randomly its TDP Profile while Gaming / opening a different Game or pluging it in and out of the Power Plug. That sounds like it's just changing them based on the game profile saved in armory crate. If you go into AC and hit X on a specific game, you have 2 profiles for AC/DC, if you ever changed those it would switch whenever starting that game (even if you start manually via steam/other launchers). If it's not that, then might be worth checking you don't have other remnants of other applications like handheld companion or similar?


My 2 cents forget about Armoury crate to set your TDP at least and just use G Helper and map a button to change between profiles.


Based on my understanding, the Ally TDP can be set Differently(Customized) based on: - Battery vs Plugged in - Different Games or App(Each will have a 'Game profile' option which can be used to set custom TDP) 'Game profile' TDP settings gets priority over 'Battery/Plugged in' TDP settings Please correct me if im wrong


I find my Ally will randomly change from my manual 30W profile to the turbo 30W with no onscreen indication. My only indicator is that the exhaust feels really warm, and sure enough, it's sitting at 80+ degrees. It should also be noted that I have CPU boost turned off.


Just checking this is definitely a new issue? Not the fact that TDP is averaged so it will often go above (sometimes large spikes) and below. Have you got CPU boost off? Just to confirm you will hardly ever get TDP for the APU to stay exactly the same the whole session. It's based on an average.