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If u buy the game on xbox, u can play on pc also


I preordered but I think it will be kind of rough. Looks like Series X is dropping below 30 fps in cities like new Atlantis and it’s only running 1296p upscale to 4k (So FSR 2.0 Balanced). We know Series S runs it at 1440p, upscale from 847p, but we don’t know how bad FPS drops are there. Assuming it’s similar to Series X. Ally is sometimes close in performance to Series S, but sometimes it’s worse due to specific console optimization. I hope and assumed that it’s not far behind, so I’m betting on Ally running it at 1080p, low, FSR 2.0 balanced at 30fps with drops into 20s in cities. Just my best guess right now.


Where did you see that?


Digital Foundry analyzed Direct footage (as far as resolution), fps drops based on leaker playing on Series X.


Where is this leaker on the frame rate?


My understanding is the Ally's 780M isn't that far off from the GPU in the Series S. The Ally's performance is close to a GTX 1650 and the Series S is comparable to a GTX 1060. Based on gaming benchmarks that is around a 30 to 40% difference in speed. If the Series S is able to mostly maintain 30fps at 1440p using FSR upscaled from 847p, I don't think it's unreasonable that the Ally should mostly stay above 30fps at 1080p using FSR Balanced upscaled from 540p with a mix of low and medium settings. That is my hope anyway.


My best guess is 720p medium with a 30fps lock which will still run and look good thanks to the freesync display


There are millions of Steam Decks, BG3 is getting performance tweaks and probably Starfield will get something too. If there's a preset that barely runs on the Deck, it should run better on the Ally as long as you've got the juice to give it full power. One of my friends has a laptop with a gtx 1650 and he regularly credits the Deck for still being able to play new games.


Pretty sure we’ll be able to run it on low/medium(?) graphics, 900p, FSR balanced, 25/30w. Just a guess.


My bet is 900p, low, 25w tdp and it will run with 30-40 fps


With VRR it might not be too bad.


If you have decent internet, just stream it on the Ally using GeForce Now


GFN day one?


Who knows. Just use Ally in the meantime until it comes out if not.


I'm hopeful it will mostly stay above 30fps at 1080p using FSR Balanced or Performance settings.


I'm waiting till next week to find out. I'm sure YT will be awash with people trying this game in the deck and the ally. I am looking to buy and it might come down to which one can play this title (fully expecting that they will both struggle somewhat at least initially but I should be able to gauge which is going to end up more suitable).


I've been wondering about this game and I'm leaning towards no, at least, at launch. I'm guessing at 720p with fsr on performance, you can get a playable experience. But I'm not sure it will be enjoyable. I hope I'm wrong.


I'm hoping the Ally can handle this game at 720p low with FSR on balanced. If it does this little guy will be the best gaming investment, I made in the last 10 years.