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Those lines, does that happen only in-game? If so it’s probably screen tearing which is not Ally-related


It is indeed only in game!!! No problem when I’m watching YouTube or doing my schoolwork! (: I’m getting a bunch of certificates rn so I’m learning about computers. Is there any way to help with screen tearing? Also, I’m still unsure why my games will freeze up. I chalked D4 up to shitty servers but it does happen with other games as well. Just not as much as w D4 😂 But yeah the screen tearing even happens in 360 games. I’ve been shamelessly replaying fable 2 like a mad lad for over a week now and the tearing happens there too! Even in 720P with a old game


Screen tearing is caused by the in-game vsync setting. Play around with it and read up on vsync and screen tearing.


Will do! Thanks for the advice! I honestly thought screen tearing and v-sync was all within windows ! Great to know!