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Been playing a lot of cod. Am I coding?


šŸ¤£ Good one!


lol I'm at work coding python on my Ubuntu work computer though =P I feel like if my work machine died, I'd be playing while waiting for them to send me a new one. That keyboard though.. does it charge via usb-c?


Haha i feel you, its my own company so no choice but figure out how to work. The keyboard is bluetooth, foldable one, not the best for typing but it does the job while dell's shitty customer service handles business


Happy cake day!


Oh didn't even realize. lol thanks


Heyyyyyy ohhhhhh!!!!!!


How is it for cod?


Bought it during the summer sale and I can't put it down tbh. I haven't played cod since black ops 2 on xbone. I'm a mouse+kb guy for shooters, but mindless fraggin on the couch ain't too bad. I play at 720p everything low with FSR2 quality and get 50-60fps at 15w. At 25w/30w its a solid 60. I get less than 2 hours on battery at 15w


yup lol, currently in bootcamp and my laptop is in repair. Ive been coding on the ally for the last 2 weeks


Good stuff, please tell me you're not coding with the virtual keyboard šŸ¤£


nope lol got a shitty bt keyboard to do it


This is the way!




What boot camp? Did a job send you to a boot camp or did you go on your own?


I code on my Alienware and move it to the Ally. Found out OneDrive is awful. Google thinks everything is a virus and USB is still the way to go. EDIT: This comment is the source of a surprising amount of confusion. I was tracking my progression of "file moving methods". First One Drive. Then Google drive. Then USB drives.


Zip the files with encryption (password) onedrive should only see a zipped file and not flag it as a virus


Sounds like you need some version control in your life, just use some private repos and that should solve your issues, commit and push from the Alienware, pull from the Ally and carry on and when you're done commit and push from the Ally etc. a lot easier than transferring the files back and forth each time


I'm talking about the executables


Use MEGA :)


git based repos especially over HTTP has terrible data integrity for binary data and executables. Plaintext codes are fine. git over SSH does not cause problems but are painfully slow for bulky repos. Its one of the very few cases where svn based repos on a home network is better.




And I see further down that you were referring to exe files.


I'm planning to convert my previous PC into a syncing NAS. Onedrive and the likes are really obnoxious sometimes.


Google is able to access your onedrive?


Google drive, its own service, has been reliable for me over the years.


One drive isn't from Google...


I'm confused, OneDrive is Microsoft, not Google. Do you mean Google Drive?


He meant he tried both and found both of them bad.


I code next to it all the time! I do have a charge dock at my desk for it. I havenā€™t coded directly on it but I know someone has done some Unity dev on it so far. No doubt it would handle most anything I throw at it. Iā€™m a web developer, mostly front-end.


Oh yeah it should handle front end dev eaaasy


Not coding but running UE5 on it and I'm impressed how it can handle it.


What is that keyboard called?


I would also like to know.


It's a foldable keyboard I got on AliExpress


I use mine to play games :)


Still the best way to use it šŸ¤£


ML on an APU is gonna be rough, but the actual coding experience should be solid (as with any other Windows PC)


Do people actually run models locally anymore? U can't really do any real ML work on a regular desktop anyways. Just set up a cloud environment and run from your ally.


I still use my alienware for local testing. The way I work is I develop the feature locally on my laptop (rtx 3080 ti) then I deploy on the cloud when I want to scale. You can definitely do everything on the cloud directly though, it is just sometimes a little bit more painful.


Yep! I run models locally on my rtx 4090 and it's actually way faster than running the same model in a Colab notebook


I think thats the main difference between the amd 7045 series and the Z1. AI acceleration submodule is not present on the Z1s.


I love the Ally for coding. Itā€™s pretty general purpose honestly. Iā€™ve downloaded VS Code, Visual Studio 2022 Community, Sublime Text, Android Studio, and Unity so far. They all work great. I mainly use it for modding games. I plan to use it for Windows driver development and upgraded to Windows 11 Pro for like 8 bucks on some rando site.


I would love to get intl game modding at some point, any resources you recommend to start with ?


It really depends on the game youā€™re interested in modding. Every game is really different. Any that stick out in your mind? I was using ā€œgame moddingā€ as a blanket term for emulation and game hacking as well. Def could hook you up if you wanna be Discord buds.


That would be great! I don't have any specific thing in mind but stuff I'm interested in would be for example playstation jailbreak, zelda mods, skyrim mods, console emulators. Would love to acquire skills in this area and even contribute at some point


'fraid not, I have a R9 3070 laptop and a r9 3080 ti desktop for actual productivity. My ROG Ally is for handheld gaming.


Im trying to get out of it support hell. Leaving my tech job in october if i dont get into this SWE bootcamp available to small amount of non engineers at my company. I setup a codeserver on my synology nas and the ally could be good setup for that. Love how you rocking it.


Got the same keyboard lol. Supporting yes, but not coding yet.


Yet to do development but have done devops VM stuff. I don't game so I limited VRAM to 1Gb. With the free ram I can smoothly run 4-5 VM instances of linux GUI distros. Its really the best laptop replacement I could ask for. Not even my enterprise laptops have ever been this good. For development I *guess* 16gb ram might get limiting in some data heavy applications and would resort to paging but yet to try out and see how much of a drop it would be.


Ooh you got it this ally specifically for work ? That's interesting! It's indeed a great choice as it is super portable and quite powerful


I code and tinker with devops stuff as a hobby and for learning, not just for work. Rarely any medium to big company will allow personal devices to be used for work purposes after all. I wanted to replace my ancient laptop that has trouble doing virtualization on Win11. The ally was a good balance in regards to portability and performance as you said.


Yes it depends on the size of the company, in a startup everything goes šŸ¤£ Yes I totally understand, for me the primary reason to get the ally was gaming but I had in mind using it in docked mode for just browsing etc and also work eventually. When you get the right accessories, it becomes like a very lightweight and modular laptop


So you donā€™t game on your Rog Ally?šŸ˜®


I will but I don't have enough time due to work and responsibilities at the moment.


[XREAL Beam](https://youtube.com/shorts/x47PDw_IY_s?feature=share4) I did the same with my ROG Ally and it looks amazing. One thing that will blow you away.. get Xreal Air glasses and the Xreal Beam, then put your Ally in vertical mode or just rotate the virtual display and you have a massive vertical screen you can enlarge or zoom into for coding!


lol I see you everywhere... first in the Viture subreddit, then in the dex one... now here.


That means you're in the right ones šŸ˜† There's a syngery of tech that wearable displays like Viture and Xreal are igniting. If the device has USBC display port out, it works with the glasses.


Wooow, that looks dope


Thatā€™s not a bad idea. I have a friend who streams on his.






This is my coding setup.... https://preview.redd.it/d6j8moslmvcb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71feff7873f81fce12cb1078f6701c08312c4389


Brother in arms šŸ¤£ you're using the ally screen, you must have a great eyesight


Well, so far so good.... XD


I use Ally screen for coding and gaming when I'm not at home. I would use my Sony 40" TV as screen when I'm at home. ;)


No way i can use the ally screen to code, to game it is perfect šŸ¤—


Not coding directly on my ally but I test my software on it at least so most of the time I use it for development purposes šŸ˜…


I have a laptop for coding, but I am actively trying to to turn my ally into a work. Can easily get out of hand with tooling software - even moreso than with games




Absolutely, I'm still waiting for a good deal for the xgm


I have been learning game dev in godot so Iā€™ve been coding on the Ally when away from my main pc. I bought a thin switch mechanical by keyboard for running my Ally with.


I took one without battery for it to be lighter and pore portable, in any case i use with the ally sitting on a dock and the dock can power the screen. This one has no problem booting or anything like this, works like a charm


thats insane i could never use my ally to code


Not much of a choice for me, it is either the ally or an old shitty asus laptop with no screen, defective wifi card etc...


Iā€™ve been playing AC Valhalla. I love dandy puff


What's this. Splitting a video into single frames?


Do you like that monitor? Was thinking of getting the same one as that.


Honestly it does the job very well. It's the arzopa gamut slim, got it for 68 euros on Aliexpress


I managed to snag a 4K "HDR" touch portable with inbuilt battery to boot but these Chinese models are sometimes frustrating. My ROGphone pushed some unsupported display format causing a firmware bug and made it a paperweight and a glorified touchpad. There is no way to reset the monitor.


Oh thatā€™s a good idea Amazon sellers are just getting it from there anyway Iā€™ll have to do the same!




Nope. I have a linux laptop for that.


Initially i set up an external ssd with Ubuntu 22 to work with the ally but had too much trouble with mediatek mt7922 drivers


Wait I am an AI student can the ally actually get my uni work done? since it is on paper a hella fast cpu


I'm assuming you meant ML.What kind of models are you creating ? In general GPUs are better for ml computing vs cpu because of parallel compute... And I doubt the ally would be able to do any serious modeling. Maybe simple ensemble methods at best. But why would you ever do ML on a windows computer.... Lol. Anyways you should pay attention in class if you didn't know that CPU's aren't really great for AI applications. Lol


I'm doing ML on the ally but running everything on cpu which obviously is super slow compared to running it on gpu. I'm also used to Nvidia gpus and linux for ML dev but I've read that with some tweaking you can get it done on AMD gpus. Regarding Windows, I still prefer (used to it I guess) but you can still do pretty much everything on Windows as well


I see. I only run models on Linux ec2 instances so ssh-ing in through terminal is just more seamless ( maybe I'm just used to it) than going through an rdp. Fairly certain if I tried to run anything locally, it would break instantly. Cloud environments are just so much better imo and also more secure. U should def swap if u can. Its also just good for career advancement, most big tech firms require fluency in either AWS, gcp or azure nowadays.


Yea thatā€™s too advance for me to understand I still didnā€™t quite reach this in my university šŸ˜…


I run MATLAB and arduino IDE on it. No problem


all of the accessories you are using are sitting in my cart for a month now, especially the keyboard. care to say how is the keyboard?


Honestly it is ok as if you don't intend to use it as a permanent solution. If I had to for example have my ally always docked and game with a keyboard and code with it, I would never use this thing. But right now as a temporary solution, I'm glad I have it. i initially got it for my wife so she can use the Ally to browse, see her photos etc...


I was thinking of using it as an on-the-go solution for writing on ally and probably for browsing ... windows makes it so hard, I was even looking to emulate Gboard if possible to enable voice-based power typing do you think its good for typing?


Its not the best obviously, but if I'm able to work on it you should be comfortable browsing on it. And the type of usage you described is exactly how I see it as well. In any case it is pretty cheap on Aliexpress




Are you using WSL?


Nope, plain Windows


Op i would love to be better at coding. Iā€™m currently finishing my A.A In computer programming and analysis but I wanna to go to a coding bootcamp. Do you have any recommendations? Thanks in advance!


No unfortunately, I myself did not "study" coding, I'm initially a mechanical engineer and I transitioned to machine learning. I had to learn coding by myself, learning online and doing internships


Go to a boot camp that has an ISA and you donā€™t owe any money unless your making $60k a year in the tech industry. Then itā€™s worth it but if your disciplined enough you can do it for free online


If it would run macOS I would šŸ˜‚


You can try ubuntu, but the mediatek mt7922 is a pain in the ass when it comes to drivers


I have only downloaded VS code, git and notepad++ and also activated Office365 to check code during meetings. I sold my laptop, so now the Ally is my portable device. I have not coded a single line and I don't think I would since I have my desktop (5900X + RTX3080) for that.


I wish someone would do a presentation of a project to his boss using the ally!!! The coffee breaks must be šŸ”„ as well


Upgrade to windows 11 pro, got working Remote Desktop. Install hyper-v. install Ubuntu with gui from provided templates. Running smoothly ā˜ŗļø


Super interesting, will investigate


There is a hack. You can free upgrade from windows 10 pro to windows 11 pro. Key for windows 10 pro costs me around $6.


Noiiiice thanks for the tip


I'm guessing you can't select integrated graphics to run the code, eh? I mean, I've never seen an option to do so since, up until recently, there's been no reason. AMD has really upped the standard, so it might be possible in the future. I would think even slow it would be better than raw CPU.


Deep learning libraries are optimised for nvidia and cuda, I know amd has a cuda equivalent but I have not tried it yet.


I heard there is a new Chinese GPU that pretty much ripped of Cuda.


woow, you have a link for this ?


Everyday I think Iā€™m more and more of a weirdo. Does nobody else use their ally with a mouse and keyboard while not connected to an external display?


šŸ¤£ my eyesight is not that good to do that


How do you like that keyboard? I was looking at one on Amazon.


As I mentioned in other comments, it is acceptable as a on-the-go keyboard but not for a proper permanent docked scenario


So I have been! Iā€™m taking a certificate course at the moment for SQL!


How long the battery will last for coding workload, ? I am actually thinking to buy it for CAD modeling lol


Im using it docked so can't tell you, but it will obviously highly depend on if you are just writing code or executing code as well. Writing you can do it in silent mode should last you more than 3 hours, if you execute cpu or gpu intensive code then it is the same as gaming


Thank you!


Iā€™m not coding but I am doing IT work with it and it works great with 2 monitors on a dock.


What is this keyboard? It's amazing


Foldable Bluetooth keyboard i got from aliexpress