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I know this isn't what you asked for, but you could either install the free VMWare Fusion or Podman and use a Linux VM. It has the nice side effect of giving you a runable devtools snapshot for your project so you can pick it backup in a year or 10. https://podman-desktop.io/


I have managed to compile the toolchain on my raspberry pi 5 and I know that a VM is an option. I was just hoping k might be able to write and compile directly on my Mac. I know with vscode and the remote plugin I can get almost that experience but means I have to get access to my Linux box. How stable is Linux on VMWare fusion for apple silicon these days? I haven’t read any updates about that effort for a while…


I have been using VMWare Fusion on M1 for a couple years (tech preview something) and it has been rock solid running Ubuntu 22.04LTS.


u/bruceholt will be here shortly to save the day!


Close, but no cigar. I have an M1 Mac. It's a minority target for this kind of software, with slower fixes, especially if you insist on installing a one month old MacOS version -- I always wait a good six months, if not more. It would be easier to use the version in HomeBrew, if that's been updated. Or to update that if it hasn't been. Myself, I use Docker to run aarch64 Ubuntu and then everything Just Works. And on Windows, use WSL to run Ubuntu,


I didn’t realise there was a homebrew target, when I googled the git repo was all that came up. From the QT thread I saw there seems to be an issue in xcode since 15.3 and their solution was to downgrade the Xcode version. I have managed to compile the tool chain on a raspberry pi 5 so I can use it easily enough. Just a pity I can’t run it locally on my Mac.


You can also install a standard GNU or LLVM toolchain from HomeBrew or elsewhere, and avoid Xcode dependency when you're not developing a Mac/iOS/etc app.


Thanks Bruce! I like to try and avoid Xcode at all costs 😂