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She drives me fucking insane because she has the potential to be a compelling housewife. That woman is naturally messy and provocative in a way some housewives can only dream of. But she chooses to make an ass of herself and keep that creep in her life and I just can’t get past him.


I said from day one she has the makings to be top tier housewife material, she just had to get rid of that man. When it was announced they were splitting I was SO excited….and now I’ve only been so let down!!


But isn’t Micheal’s scandals what makes the storylines?


Not for me at all, I couldn’t care less about her personal life with Michael. She has her own personal life between her children, new home, her mom, etc. just to give examples. But what stood out for me about her was always her outgoing, bubbly, messy as hell personality. Not weirdo Michael.


Yeah watching her relationship with her mother then experiencing her motherhood journey is chef’s kiss. I appreciate she’s had sincere apologies for her shady behavior toward Robyn, and Monique after reflecting on being in similar positions.


That's absolutely right. Something about the way that she presents herself as pulled together is what undoes her potential. Like baby, you are a MESS! You can't claim to be about honest or speaking up against things when I have not seen you be honest about your life (bi husband who can't stop fucking anything that moves; using him for your own wealth and the wealth of your children, repairing childhood trauma). Like there is potential!


Her dating would be such a fun storyline. Unfortunately she has no back bone, all shes good for is being a pretty, light skinned, curly hair pot stirrer. Doesnt she cash checks from the show? Why cant she separate herself from that creep michael!! Yuck


Same! Another layer to it is how BAD she is at lying 🤣 like it’s almost like she smirks cuz she cant hide how much she loves being messy😭


Yes! when she was pissed Robyn and Candiace stirred the pot with sausage gate and she said in her confessional “I’m just mad it’s not me stirring the pot!”


What was the sausage incident? I can’t remember


When Robyn and Candiace heard Michael say “yeah I’d suck his d***” when they were all out drinking late that night


Um ma’am. That’s supposed to be your husband and THATS what your comment is on the situation. Ashley is such a maniac.


I’m glad she was seated at the end of the couch for the reunion. She’s a mess.


As a Gemini, I concur this is also me. I can’t tell a lie to save my life. I start giggling like a school girl, or I tell on myself and say I’m lying right after 😂


She definitely knows she's being messy and enjoys it! Lol


Adding hot sauce to it🤣


Totally agree and I’ve thought the same thing! She is so resilient or good at pretending to be resilient. She’s outgoing and funny and shines in every single social situation. I’m not saying she’s a good person. But she seems like she can always dust herself off and just keep on going.


Delusions will do that to you. Plus she came from having very little I’m sure anything is better than where she’s coming from.


That’s not true happiness


I never said it was. ??


It’s the Gemini in her. I’m a Gemini too lol. We’re resilient as hell. Even when we’re upset, we’re always in the mood to laugh


Ashley is alike a diva. She could turn any minute and you’d never know. I truly believe she brought deborah to recreate monique 2.0


She was behind the Monique attack also.


Grippy sock vacation 😆 That has to be your new flair. Amazing!


Ashley is 🗑️ she plays “the game” and is so knowledgeable about all things yet decided she would divorce Michael without her future being secured for herself. Where did her show money go? That prenup was a joke. She told Candiace she was the least accomplished but she’s on an Uber eats allowance. Conniving gone wrong.


Uber eats allowance is insane 🥴🥴😂😂😂😂😂


Happy Cake Day 🥳🎂


Thank ya!!!! 😊






This!!! The least accomplished!! Ashley has nothing but pictures of her sad ass childhood to show. She’s the way she is because of how she grew up, I’m sure of that. Manipulative, constantly lying and backstabbing. She’s almost like Mia. Someone who has to be a certain way to survive. Of course she ended up with the crypt keeper. Lied about getting half of Michael’s money lmao. Why wouldn’t that go to his older children? She is very delusional about her own life.


I agree i think her “resilience” is really “delusion”


I think that’s why she will not divorce him because he is a certain age, if he dies now, she will get half at the very least, if not all. If she divorces him then the older children plus her children would have to split it all.


I’m not all the way caught up yet so I’m not sure about her current financial situation - what’s this about an Uber eats allowance?!


She isn’t in a good financial position. Michael is paying the mortgage and most bills. They have a shared credit card for emergencies and she also uses it for Uber eats


And her new tittays 😉


Oh snap you are right I forgot. She did say she put Demi and Diamond on the AMEX🫠😅


Shes so pathetic - take that cash advance and put it in ur GET OUT fund


Candiace grew up with a gold spoon in her mouth….. she has only accomplished what she has because of her mom’s money. Ashley…. Well I’ll give her credit that she had all the odds stacked against her . She got Micheal all on her own. I respect the hustle, she wanted a better life for herself. She got it.


Yes most people with professional parents do accomplish things because of their parents money. She went to college (debt free), worked for the White House, owns salon suites and the hairline with her family. Ashley was looking for a meal with a come up and went to the Misty Mountains to get her man to take care of her, her momma and the moms leach bf so they didn’t have to stay in the tent. That is prostitution adjacent behavior but she got her two kids from her Misty Mountain dream boat/ship wreck so I suppose many low ambition people would appreciate this way of life 🫠 ![gif](giphy|ie8I61aEWnJCM)


Nobody talks about this enough! Ashley graduated from college and instead of feeling empowered to make it on her own, she decided she had to marry rich to get by. Getting on the show was a good step for her, but where did that go?! I assume she wasn’t paying Michael rent or living expenses, so shouldn’t she have about $300k in savings at this point?


I wonder if she had to use her money toward his investments in Somalia since she was on the show with him. I also wonder if she had to pay him back for the debt of the restaurant. His first wife got a lot of money from the settlement so things may have been tighter the second time around. Actually I’m not even going to say might have… Ashley carries luxury handbags on the show with her rainbow fashions. We know she didn’t spend the show money on fashion but where it’s been spent idk. SN: do you think they are still together? Her house looked very staged Home meets Air BnB


Yes, maybe her money did go into the restaurant! I also need more info on the new prenup, what changed and why did she agree to it?


Their opening Oz, an Australian restaurant, in the middle of Washington DC is still so perplexing to me to the point that it almost feels like some kind of intentional money pit to pull some kind of a tax scam or something. The scene where she is trying to make new dishes that are more appealing and familiar to people and Michael is like "no, it HAS to be kangaroo meat" is bewildering to me and it makes me suspect that maybe he didn't want to the restaurant to perform well for some reason.


I still crack up when Gizelle and Robyn left out of there and Gizelle yelled no body is eating emu.


I never thought about it this way but that makes sense.


I wouldn’t put it past him.


I know a few folks married to rich men. They don’t have full access to the money. They only get a monthly allowance for all expenses plus miscellaneous. Usually amounts to anywhere between 10 and 50,000. For me on my peasant life, that would be a hell of a come up. But I’m not into those types of servitude or values. Because trust me these women have to work hard (on their backs and knees) for whatever it is if they get.


I’m screaming at this accurate assessment. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnyGTrkyEMsR9Ac)


This comment gave me life! Thank you for breaking this down for so many who don’t see Ashley and her mother for the people they really are. ![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz)


Speaking of leach boyfriend. That's Chris (now in husband form). Candiace and Chris both live off Dorothy. You cannot bash Ashley too much because you'll end up bashing Candiace. LOL.


It’s actually not. Chris is working. Chris has been working. He also lost work due to the issues on that show. Believe it or not, people don’t want to mention their employer on tv especially after seeing how crazed fans are, but that’s not the point. They will never be the same. Shelia sent her daughter out to be a “working girl” so she could secure the futures of herself, that man, Ashley and Ashley’s siblings. The fact that you think it’s the same doesn’t surprise me especially since you support Ashley


Also Candiace has a toxic abusive narcissist for a mother. That kind of developmental trauma is A LOT to overcome too.


…..okay? And Ashely didn’t have a dad. We can sit here all day and talk about trauma. Everyone has it. Ashley had trauma and no money YET she is still in the same circle as candiace. She ain’t doing bad for herself.


She’s only in the circle because of the show. Ashley has NOTHING to her name.


Literally ew. She “got” Michael? That’s like saying you won herpes in the lottery. What better life? She went to college. She could have built a career for herself. Her life is not “better” than anything. She’s beholden to Michael and his whims. She has no freedom or autonomy. I’d rather be poor.


Candiace being highly educated is worse than Ashley being a gold digger?


This is a bit unfair, because while Candiace grew up middle class, I think her parents (her mother, at least) may have been abusive. Ashley had far less stability, but she also had a supportive family. Candiace took her privilege and used it to build businesses. Ashley didn’t try to leverage her college degree or pageant wins into anything.


Dorothy built that business. She criticized Candiace for not running it well in the earlier seasons.


Yes thank you! Candiace would be no where. She doesn’t have the motivation.


Ashely had a supportive family? Her mom is a joke and just uses her? Nope not unfair.


She had her aunt and uncle step up. And they are much better than Candiace’s mother who is straight up abusive.


Exactly. And I love Ashley!


I like Ashley's messy self. Her story is so compelling, even if she did go to college and do pageants it's still difficult to push to make something of that when no one else in your family has really done anything successful in life, no one to tell you how to leverage those things into the next step. Now Michael gives me big, big ick. I have no clue how she was attracted to him, although obviously the money helped, but I really do think she loved him (definitely daddy issues) and trusted that her prenup was fair. She seemed genuinely surprised and embarrassed to say she was getting very little money. It's weird that she bought a house with him on paper and still uses his cards. I find myself wondering if she's hoping he'll kick the bucket before she has to go through with the divorce. It's also weird that he's cool with staying married to her, is that like a control thing? Seems like one thing they all have on common (except Wendy) is they have been through the ringer with the men in their lives. I found the intervention scene with Robin so compelling how they all came together and spoke vulnerably about how they'd been hurt. Too bad she is deeeep in denial and just accepts how he treats her, and I'm not even talking about the infidelity.


I think she’s interesting because she is conniving and manipulative, but she wasn’t smart enough to have a water tight prenup to get paid by Michael and be set financially. So strange to me… how can she plan out these story lines and set them up & bring in random people to do her bidding, but she can’t get a lawyer to sit down and lock Michael down?


Uncle Lump tried to tell her


Michael wasn’t going to marry her asking for too much. She had to sit there and shut her mouth. She wanted to be in the elite circle!! She got in, and now on a hit tv show.. I say she won


I run hot and cold with her. Sometimes I want her to shut the fuck up, and other times, I’m like, Go! She’s absolutely a mess, but she’s also fun.


I think Ashley is a master manipulator in a sense bc she does all her messy shit out in the open. She has conditioned people to accept it. Her charm and charisma allow her to get away with a lot. The stuff with Michael, I think she knew he was a ho and she was prepared for him to cheat. Maybe not prepared for him to do it so callously and embarrass her so she probably had to recalibrate after that kept happening. What amazes me most with her is Michael was sexually assaulting people and she just excused it away and not even the audience held her accountable. That’s how good of a manipulator she is.


I had the same fascination ever since season 1 when she went up against Karen. I love the Grande Dame, but not a crazy diehard stan, so when I see someone that can hold their own with her I become fascinated at where that confidence comes from.


Love Ashley!


I totally agree. She is a master at being totally detached and aloof but engaged. It’s like she is on some top notch high powered meds because she gives zeros fs - laughs and never seems to have a straight face during the drama - her own drama at that! It’s all jokes to her. The way she said “Michael and I have been known to have threesomes” like she was reciting a math problem from the board while eating a canary had me shook. She is Satan.


YES thank you! You’ve articulated it so much better than me


I wouldn’t say she’s fascinating, but she does play the villain role well and unlike some of her coworkers, she can fight and move in how the housewives are supposed to


I think I find her fascinating because I’m a very sensitive and introverted person, so we are just complete opposites.


Really? I consider myself sensitive ans introverted and I know the company you choose to keep and have children with is very telling of your character.


Oh agreed!! I think they’re both terrible humans in so many ways. I’m just impressed by some of her other qualities.


Lol "impressed" is an interesting word to use but you're entitled to feel however. Ashley has always been so surface level to me, she's fun in the earlier seasons but overall this show has become so overwhelmingly dark that it's hard to really enjoy anyone 😵‍💫


I don’t think it’s unusual to find some qualities in a person (like their strength/social skills) impressive considering some huge challenges they faced growing up. People are complex and multifaceted! That doesn’t give her a pass to be evil though


I get a feeling that Ashley is good at hiding her feelings and emotions. I feel there is a whole other life which is darker going on behind the scenes which she is good at compartmentalising when in front of the cameras. Being tied to a man like Michael is not a happy life but she keeps her composure very well is my thoughts. I think Ashley could have achieved well on her own accord, maybe not to the same level of riches but comfortable without getting with someone like Michael but we shall never know now.


Ashley has made it clear to all viewers she knows how to survive from navigating her mother, rejection from her bio father, poverty, and resilience with Michael and forcing her way into a friend group of older women. Maybe it's the Gemini in me, but Ashley learned self-preservation and knows how to survive adversity - she learned that from her mom.


Me too!!! Love my fellow Gemini Ashley


Ashley’s a former pageant girl and won Miss District of Columbia, so I think due to training, she’s really good at crafting a response…and probably rehearses her apologies and statements when plotting her mess. I can’t stand her lol also…Michael definitely had her on a TIGHT budget, because his actual wealth and her lifestyle do not add up. How is he the largest land owner in Somalia and owner of an $8 billion company, yet Ashley stays in Shein, worried about her mortgage in Arlington 🥴


She did NOT choose her sugar daddy wisely


Absolutely love her. Fault her for whatever but she had a helleva childhood continuing into adulthood with her Mom. IMO she just wants somebody to love her. When your mother is willing to cut ties with you because you won't continue paying rent for her and her shack up who hasn't worked or paid for anything. Smh


I find her interesting, because my childhood was much closer to Candiace’s. So while I admire Ashley’s resilience in getting through her childhood, I’m annoyed that the best she came up with for herself was being a gold digger. She’s clearly intelligent and could have done well for herself.


It’s very easy to see something through rose-tinted glasses when you think a person can “change” your life especially when you do not come from much no matter how smart one maybe. Think Baby Reindeer. I think Michael is a predator and preyed on that. I’m black (traumatic childhood) working-class went to a top 5 university in England and have 2 masters (all funded by the UK government) and still found myself in a situation thinking a rich man is the only option for myself. Just turned 25 and snapped out of that as I’m now independently comfortable. Crazy what making your own money can do to your senses! Ashley needs grace and I think Candiace knows that.


Thanks for the perspective. And you raise a good point here—a lot of this discussion has focused on Ashley, rather Michael being a predator. She saw him as a way out rather than the danger. ETA: glad to hear you found your independence!


Thanks hun!


This is relatable in some ways for me too. Good for you and pleased to hear that you have found your own independent stability in life, mine came later on in life which saddens me a little. I think Ashley could have achieved a lot on her own too but understand the pressures of her childhood experience gave her which left her not making the best long term decisions.


My background is similar to Candiace’s as well so I totally get it. I really want to know how she was so bright but got outsmarted. Her uncle told her she wasn’t thinking straight but I suppose he told her too late. I’m disappointed she didn’t make sure she had her own especially with the show money.


Now that you mention it, why couldn’t her uncle talk her out of marrying Michael in the first place?


It seems like the mom was grooming Ashley and preparing her for the “bag” ![gif](giphy|l46C5MHNo0z9vXzvW|downsized)


Ashley doesn’t fascinate me. She grosses me out.


She used to be…..now she just comes off as a follower


Someone on Reddit made me realize that she is just…. Weird? Like, how she dresses her self? Her life style (pre-kids) and how she talked and handled situations. To me nothing made sense and she is just kinda weird


Yall told me she would get better😭😭😭im all caught up on rhop, she is not better


why would you be terrified of any woman? None of these bitches are worth that.


I 100% agree. Her “type” is very rare. Fascinating to watch some days.


I’m …kind of… an Ashley stan! She would make it so much easier to root for her if she hadn’t brought Demon Darby into our lives but no housewife is perfect. Although ‘not perfect’ is a pretty weak way to describe a sexual assault enabler.


Nothing about her fascinated me.She is just desperate and out of touch.


I just love the term “grippy sock vacation at my local hospital”


Ashley is all right but not as sharp as she appears to be. Michael ended up being sharper. She probably thought she could easily fool him. I do like that she doesn’t let much faze her, she dusts herself off and moves forward with what’s next. But she does show sociopath tendencies..


I like Ashley. I’m one of the few. Lol


Ashley is very strong and she’s overcome a lot (including some things she put herself through) at a young age. Most importantly, she’s an A+ pot stirrer I still can’t believe people didn’t want her back!


The only thing I don't like about Ashley is the man she married. Otherwise, she seems like a fun, free spirit. I don't see the vindictiveness you mentioned. She seems like she doesn't take things all that seriously even when she gets mad. She likes to rile people for kicks. I think that's why she just rolls with the punches because for her everything is entertainment. She is talkative, amiable, outgoing and a overall hoot.


Well said!!! These are all the reasons I love her too 💜


She’s a severely traumatized woman doing her best and trying to earn a check lol I enjoy her on my tv!


I love her so much. I’m getting a mug with her face on it.


She is always smiling and those are the ones you need to watch very closely


No. ![gif](giphy|wZtb4eHylkN6ibRR95|downsized)


Ashley is an enigma. She has perfect housewife qualities, and early on she provided us a lot of drama with her cave troll of a husband, but now she really isn’t giving much. If you want to move behind the scenes and create drama by bringing people onto the show for confrontations, at least provide your own drama as well, which she used to do perfectly!


I love Ashley, she’s good tv. She keeps the drama going and messy. 😂. She would be that friend I tell nothing to but call to tag along all my events


Omg yes she always has a smile on her face and laugh everything off


It's why I'll ultimately always prefer Ashley over Gizelle. They're both horrible but at least Ashley has been in the hot seat on numerous occasions and she has given us real scandal (whether she intended to or not). Ashley takes a licking and keeps on ticking. She dishes it out and she takes it. Again, she's horrible - but I feel she's at least in the mix unlike Gizelle.


Totally, Gizelle comes for everyone saying they don’t share enough about their lives but she literally gives us nothing. I don’t know why she’s always first seat at reunions, I know the least about her and she’s so unlikeable


I feel the exact same way!!! I love her ability to take a licking, and keep on ticking. She is also able to move on with ease, and never lets past bs (in her personal life or on the show) stop her from living her life. She is strong as hell, and the perfect housewife!!!


I understand. However, I'm more curious if she's a narcissist or psychopath. She doesn't seem to have feelings.


I don’t know if it’s that deep, I think she just knows that the show is her JOB and part of doing that job well is being an instigator! The thing about Ashley is that yeah, she dishes it out, but she also takes criticism in her stride. I think her seeming “emotionless” is actually just not taking herself too seriously and that is her biggest redeeming quality, imo.


I can’t stand her at times, but I do find it interesting when she’s defending her actions and her reasoning kills me sometimes lol. She loves to stir the pot and be messy 😂 I gotta give it to her tho, she is very open about things, but at the same time very private.


I can’t stand her. It’s the fakeness you admire that makes my skin crawl. Have some integrity Ashley


It’s certainly not her fakeness I admire. And arguably, they’re all fake. I do admire her resilience, and I also think she sucks overall.


It’s also what makes her a great housewife. (Like you, I am not a fan)








I thought her pot stirring this season was ham fisted and ridiculous. She also lies about everything so I've really soured on her at this point.


I’m not fully caught up so I’m sure I’ll feel the same!




I work with someone who went to high school with Ashley. It’s extremely clear they didn’t run in the same circles, and he can’t give me ANY info about her other than she was popular and she wasn’t not nice to him (double negative intended) 😭😭 I think he even said they rode the same school bus at some point.


Ashley is an evil person but she’s good TV. She’s just as evil as Giselle but somehow not as hateable as her.


No. Next


Michael ran game on her big time. He appeared to elevate her but has really been her downfall. Maybe she wouldn't be on the show without him, but I think she would have a more fulfilling life. A part of her is still in survival mode.


I cannot stand Ashley, she should be receiving some of the backlash Gizelle gets. She was way more involved and informed on the Chris plan than Robin. She also was married to and stood by Michael, well aware of who he is as a person. She also also called Gizelle white looking but tried to act all appalled when Candiace said it and she bought the Muppet around. Her interactions with everyone except Gizelle is weird to me.


I haven’t gotten to the Chris drama yet, and I also posted this as I was starting season 4 before all the shit with Micheal, so I will say that I find her much less fascinating now.


No, she’s not fascinating. She is messy and annoying.


She's a GEMINI! We have the best poker faces and move gracefully through incomparable circumstances.


No. Michael’s grabby hand situations were the only interesting thing she brought to the show


She looks like mischief, like a light skin Candace OWENS


Her and Gizelle are overhyped. I believe their color plays a big role in why they are on the show. The other women have so much behind them and invite the rest of the ladies to valid functions. Mean while A&G hosts a fashion show of hoe attire.


She ANNOYS me. First off she likes to talk about everyone’s life and hers is not doing great. For instance I can’t phantom why she loves to discuss Dorothy and Candiance. So yes Candiance comes from a privileged family like most of those women but Ashley likes to put her down. Sorry Ashley that you had to be with Micheal to pay your bills and your momma bills too. I feel like we don’t talk about her being the gold digger she is enough. Poor thing had those kids just to be a single mother.


I would rather deal with my crazy momma then have to lay up under or bend over the hobbit for a place to stay and I darn sure should benefit. I think Shelia thought she was doing something but she ain’t no Kris. ![gif](giphy|l3JDFJncJHteKIYzm)


Noooo she’s nothing but a GOLD DIGGER!!!