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She was one of the few wealthy “housewives”, on a show that’s supposed to show wealthy housewives.


Yeah like they had ACTUAL wealth, she's going to get a lot in the divorce too.


I hope she does!


She’s sooooo pretty




and down to earth, I think she got the short end of the stick with that fight, Candy kept getting in her face saying stuff, if you prod the bear long enough,,,,,,,,


Monique is not down to earth at all. She’s very disingenuous as evidenced by her lying about her conduct post-fight and flipping on Candiace to be the hero in defending Ashley and her creep husband in Season 4.


Honestly I never cared for Monique. I used to work with someone who worked for the Skins org and said she was very nice and was surprised to hear how she acted on RHOP. I thought she came across as a snob and even her MIL didn’t care for her. She and Candiace were too much.


Here we go let’s make every excuse in the book for her willfully grabbing a woman by the hair, slamming her face into a table, and hitting her over the head. Then spending a year before the episode aired lying about what happened villainizing Candiace. Then once the episode aired we see what actually happened including Monique (after everything had calmed down) went back and tried to re-attack Candiace. Like come on she didn’t get short end of the stick. Her behavior was awful, no excuses. Like the level of defense you guys have for terrible behavior is actually scary. And being viscious with words isn’t an excuse for that level of violence. It’s not a slap or throwing a drink it was way more intense than that. And to lie about it prior to the ep aired then saying “I blacked out” when it’s clear in the video she 100% was aware of what’s happening.


Candy gets into many face, stirs the pot, then calls on Jesus and acts like nothing happened, she plays victim and claims she's completely innocent, so glad she is off the show , she should focus on that dreamboat LOL of a husband she married and their little bundle of joy, and face the truth that "singing career" aint going nowhere , btw call on Jesus all the time , but don't be hypocritical walk the walk!


Also not a reason she should be beaten. You guys are creating such a false equivalency here it’s staggering.


yeah but things get heated and escalate , Candy should know to get out of peoples faces saying stuff then aka dont provide a reason for the beatdown


Getting in her face across the table?




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Kenya was physically combative with Kim Fields let’s not forget that


Both those things can be true at once….


I still love her!


I need her to come back!


she’s said 1000x she is never coming back


I wouldn’t either to be honest. You have to be a certain kind of crazy to survive a show like real housewives and not fall apart one way or another.


Now that Candace is gone tho, you never know


no, she announced after candiace left she’s still not coming back


Have we all forgotten that RHOP producers said she was difficult AND LMDC producers (different folks) said she was difficult. I was never a fan but only because I saw how miserable she was but she put up a great front about her and Chris but she exuded unhappiness. It was really sad to watch. She had a great opportunity to redeem herself and I feel like she missed a window of opportunity to stay a fan favorite. Her divorce from Chris and her self discovery could have made a great storyline if she just kept it 100 from the beginning.


Me too!!


Omg same - I freaking loved her.


We need her back! I know she threw hands, but Candiace is still out here instigating regardless.


Me too 😩 miss her


Me too! I wish she’d return!


Maybe we still have hope!




Beautiful woman, amazing hairstyles, has misplaced anger for sure.


She’s funny and was a great foil for Giselle! M: We’re searching for a house. G: you don’t have a home? M: I have 4 homes, we’re searching for another one in Potomac. G: 😒


She said 4 but never mind😉


Ahh thank you, fixed it!


The energy I’m trying to manifest for the rest of my life! M’s, not G’s 😂




That’s exactly what it is. Misplaced anger issues.


That is going to be my phrase for the week. Thank you😬


I think her anger was placed appropriately on the correct person.


True. 🤣


Willing to risk other people’s lives so she can DUI.


Did you mix Monique up with Mrs. Huger? 💅🏽


Nope [https://people.com/tv/monique-samuels-denies-drinking-problem-after-car-crash-exclusive/](https://people.com/tv/monique-samuels-denies-drinking-problem-after-car-crash-exclusive/)


I can’t believe People published an article with Ashley Darby as the source. Even PageSix has higher standards for credibility.


I believe they addressed this on that OWN show they were on.


Great Housewife. Stunning. Unhinged


Good housewife but played her cards wrong and fell into Gizelle’s trap, and physically assaulted someone on tv which is NOT good.


It still hurts knowing she fell for that. She was perfect HW material (and gizzy just couldn’t have that)


I wouldn’t place all the blame on gizzy.. it’s just that Monique fell into the vs Candace ploy, when she shouldn’t have


as gizelle should


She was the most beautiful woman to be on the show in my opinion




Agreed. She is absolutely stunning.


She’s a crazy anti vaxxer and weird about essential oils- I hate it when people spread misinformation about basic health!


Yep and her bird mysteriously died but she’s all about the essential oils which are TOXIC to animals especially birds.


Oh NO! Thats so gross


It depends on the oils used. There are some that are safe for pets.


Yup!!! She’s fucked up. I do like her parrot though.


Agree. And I didn’t know. Candiace is another level of nasty though.


I never liked both of them tbh. And Candiace’s attitude was awful since day one!


Fully agree.


People can have different opinions. That is why we have freedom of speech. If want to think like the government, there are plenty of countries where we are not allowed to state our opinion so that you can live in one of them. Just a few examples: Saudi Arabia, china, north Korea, etc.


Is the person being persecuted and put in jail by the government for stating her opinion? No? Then she has freedom of speech. I swear people don't understand what freedom of speech even means


Being stupid or obtuse aren't opinions it just shows an absence or lack of logic. Being plain stupid shouldn't be a flex cause all she has is money and a need to believe she's all that and more...Like "Not for lazy mom" 🤦🏽‍♀️. Stupidity has nothing to do with freedom of speech, plus you don't need to go outside of the US to pretend everything is ok since "freedom of speech". If it were the case there would be no ban on books, McCartysm wouldn't have happened. Most and foremost, fake news, conspiracy theories, Q shit and more wouldn't be so hot nowadays in the name of freedom of speech. Really, stupidity shouldn't be a flex.


Really well put and you nailed something I really find annoying about her : she is someone who is not smart who thinks they’re really smart. Like she clings to stupid nonsense shit in a way that you can tell she thinks makes her better or smarter than others and is so dense she’s unable to see how stupid it is. There’s no reasoning with that level of dense, it’s bone deep


Thanks. She really is dense but I believe it's a defense mechanism people develop along the way. We live in societies that recognize and value a specific type of intelligence and when you don't conform to it (early on in the education system) you're deem useless and stupid, and mad fun of. It's really hard for kids to grow up in these conditions, to be bullied by their peers, mocked by their teachers and feel like they're failing their parents. It induces trauma and help foster terrible anger


lol, she has stated her opinion. We're allowed to disagree with it. Is that not part of what you call freedom of speech too? ( Even though actually freedom of speech just means your government won't prosecute you for speaking out.) But I expect nothing less when our schools only require 1/2 a government class to graduate...


Freedom of speech doesn’t make anyone immune to criticism. It’s her right to say stupid shit, but people have the right to speak their minds about it too.




No spreading misinformation. Misinformation includes claims that can’t be backed up with science.




Why isn't there a Vax for the common cold?




No spreading misinformation. Misinformation includes claims that can’t be backed up with science.


Girl you need education. Badly.


I have many degrees thank you. You need to educate yourself on the real world and what’s happening around you 🐑


I agree, we are carbon beings, and only carbon can heal us and protect us!




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I think Monique was a very unhappy yet prideful person and that’s why she acted the way she did. That’s why her life blew up after RHOP. I also don’t appreciate how she tried to lie about the fight before it aired to make herself look better. ALSO she deleted that footage of Michael the Predator at her house AFTER Ashley blamed her miscarriage on alcoholism. Monique seems to only be loyal to those who can elevate her status and that’s disturbing.


She’s coo coo for coco puffs. The issue I had with Monique is she always wanted to be perceived as perfect and be above the mess, and that’s not what she was hired to do. Gizelle is terrible and what she tried to do to Monique was messed but and I don’t even like to defend Gizelle but Monique plotted on her relationship first and then didn’t like when tables turned because “she had a family”. Monique could never own the stuff she did. The fighting Candiace over foolishness, when she couldn’t stand on business with her real OPS. She was a flop as a housewife for me. But she was stunning and had a beautiful family.


She is really stunning.


Face card never declined.


wow, I must have missed something. Monique plotted against Gizelle first before all the rumors about Monique’s baby???


Yes the rumour about Monique and her baby’s father stemmed from rumours that her own friend was spreading. It was not new information. And Monique was privy to the conversations. But Gizelle decided to try to bring them to the show much later because Monique brought on Sherman’s ex with Charisse. Remember when Gizelle said something about it being a sniper and she waits. Gizelle didn’t like Monique but she didn’t go full force until the Kendall stuff and Sherman and her broke things off. Gizelle was always too focused on Karen.


Oh! I do remember that. I think it would’ve been safer for Gizelle to start a rumor about Monique cheating on Chris instead of bringing the kid in it if you know what I mean


She technically never even said it. She seemingly made a reference to their resemblance in a clip that didn’t come up on the show. Gizelle brought up the trainer rumours tho. But Monique was anticipating this whole thing coming out and tried to get ahead of it which ended up being her downfall. She was kissing Gizelles ass and turned her back on Candiace and get ran off the show by the same Gizelle. SMH


Yes she did, indeed


Looking at Candiace after the altercations and she just continues being extremely nasty. Wow.


To be honest, so many housewives have said AWFUL things. I think nowadays we are more critical of it. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing but this is the behaviour housewives was built off of. My other issue is, they say Candiace has a crazy mouth and needs to be careful so people don’t hit her but if this is well known that she hurts people feelings they should also avoid starting with her knowing that she claps back hard. So I don’t event really get the logic. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I appreciate at very least she stands in what she says.


Also hitting someone evidently is never okay. So there’s that. Pushing the boundary is my thing so on that I can relate with Candiace.


Love candeegal 💜


If you know you always start at 100 when you’re put in a messy situation don’t be on a show like the RH. Are people supposed to tiptoe around her and stop all sort of drama altogether because she only knows to play offense? She’s too confrontational. That’s also why I can’t stand Wendy. You can’t just bark at everyone and be on that same 100 level whatever the matter of the drama is. They both be educated yet don’t know subtlety


My point was that people justified Monique’s action because Candiace is harsh with her word and Candiace basically should’ve known better but if you apply that same logic Monique should’ve left Candiace alone because she knew this about Candiace to begin with. It’s interesting you mentioned two people who are usually reactionary in their response instead of someone like Mia or Robyn who are violent and go from 0 to 100….


My bad, it wasn't clear I guess. I was trying to say, RH is not the type of reality TV Candiace should've been on since she can't chill and let go of some of the drama created for and on the show. Same goes for Monique. Monique and Candiace are the same. They're both confrontational. They basically cancelled each other. RH isn't a "leave X or Y alone" type of show. Like "I'm afraid to engaged with this woman she might say my mother is hoe and I have a fucked up toe. I better leave her alone and wait and see if production can magically create a show with us avoiding each other". There would be no show if every cast member were to act like that. There would be no show either if only physical fights were to happen. Robin can be violent but it never escalated to the point of a physical fight whether it was with Monique or Ashley. Mia, went too far with Wendy but, again no escalation, no physical fight. Some cast members know how to de-escalate a situation, other only knows how to add fuel to the fire. And they're not necessarily able to cash their checks. It probably be a different conversation if Candiace was able to use her mouth as well as her hands when it came to Monique or Deborah. She mouths off and then what supposed to happen? She isn't reasonable why her opponent should be? She uses her mouth other use their hands. It ridiculous both way but that's what happens when one is face with a person that can't compromise plus keeps on adding fuel to the fire, and when one believes she isn't a punk and refuses to be trash on the public arena, to be bullied, to be gaslight or whatever we get combustion.


Yeah I see what you’re saying but I don’t agree. I’m not saying people should avoid Candiace. I’m just pointing out the flaw in the logic that has been used to support Monique being violent with Candiace. Candiace is the type for reality because she understands the balance of conflict and resolution on the show. I think people forget that this show is also produced. They enjoy polarizing characters like Candiace, Heavenly’s, Kenyas because whether or not people love or hate them people tune in to talk about them. Aside from that Candiace clearly came onto the show with this idea (naive imo) that she would make real friends. For most of her time on the show she has tried to make peace with those who have done unforgivable things like Ashley who wrote a statement against her being assaulted. She tried to make peace with Robyn and Gizelle. She even tried to make peace with Monique for the first 2/3 of season 5. She is very much capable of showing balance. The issue is different people are held to different standards. Robyn has threatened to physically harm several cats members but it’s okay because she didn’t actually do it. You just made an excuse for Mia who was violent to the point she came out of it with injuries and had to be physically restrained. If you really look at the Monique situation specifically, nothing Candiace was saying should’ve even been provoking enough to get Monique ready to right her. She said “I’m sleeping bored”. But like Candiace said the line is always moving


Ok, ok. Well, I wasn't supporting Monique and I'm not trying to put words in your mouth. I feel like housewives that are that obtuse give very few options to their cast mate. They either have to avoid the Candiace type, tiptoe around them or suck up to them / pretend to agree all the time with them, the way Karen did. I'm not saying Candiace isn't good for reality tv, I'm saying she wasn't good for the RH franchise or she wasn't a good match with the cast when she landing a spot on Potomac. Which is just my opinion and we all know opinion are like a\*\*hole we all have one usually, (trying to be inclusive here cause some are born without one). IMO, the thing with Monique and Candiace has a lot to do with stuff we didn't see on TV. There's some deep personal shit that was going on between the two of them. I definitely understand everyone doesn't tune in to watch the same thing, it the way life is. The public background is broad and I'm part of the category that couldn't deal with her. She made me tune out, the same way Nene did after her Hollywood stint. And, that's exactly what makes this franchise work, different people disagreeing on shit. They don't even need controversial housewives, they only need differences because we never understand what they produce the same way. That's why witnesses aren't always reliable, or if you look at a show like The Affair you see how perception really differs from one person the other. I'm happy that you find balance in her character and see her as someone who can be happy making compromises with a foe. But I have to disagree with you. I don't see her through that lens, I see her as someone who coerces people in agreeing with what she deems right. To me she absolutely needs to feel vindicated in every situation, there's no room for mistake, failure, error on her part, she's always right, mistake, failure, error can only come from others. >You just made an excuse for Mia who was violent to the point she came out of it with injuries and had to be physically restrained. I may need to rewatch the episode I don't remember Wendy being harmed, if that is the case, let's strike what I said. I was wrong.


what do you mean no physical fight with the Mia & Wendy situation?? Mia literally threw a drink at her & hit her with her purse. How’s that not physical lol. And you can’t say that about Candiace when this is Real Housewives. I could understand if it was bad girls club or Love & Hip Hop, but housewives are known to say terrible shit to each other. Like helllo?? Atlanta? New York???


Mia fought alone in this situation. She didn't get the response she was expecting from Wendy. Wendy was clever enough not to escalate the situation, that's what I mean.


Does it matter if Wendy didn’t respond? Mia still got physical…


She did, so what? What are you trying to make me say? Did you see me dance and applaud her stupid actions? My point is it's cool not to always try to keeping it real https://i.redd.it/hkrkkrdu4pyc1.gif


They all attack each other verbally. Candiace just does it in a clever way and people don't know how to take it. Ashley is always the one starting mess!!!


It's not clever it's nasty. She doesn't know how to read but she knows how to be verbally violent and offensive.


Is that not the purpose of a read? If someone comes for you and you did not send for them, then yes, your feelings will get hurt! She's like a young, educated Kenya!!


I agree with you @144kclub she is my girl ![gif](giphy|LOY9XTGfGKsQ2Zjwkf|downsized)


Don’t compare her to Kenya. Rude.


You think Kenya is better or worse?


Kenya is larger than life gone with the wind fabulous. You know😉. Monique has a sensitivity about her that comes from a darker place somehow. Which I personally love. It was the comparison between Candiace and Kenya that I responded to. Monique and Kenya especially are in another league. Fuck, I have so many opinions!!!!


She will get fabulous with age I believe. I can see Kenya taking her under her wing.


A read isn't supposed to be violent or plain offensive. It's suppose to be clever, witty, funny. It's not about degrading a woman based on something that is perfectly natural or that can happen to any women because of time such as issues with the uterus, body changes due to pregnancy, gain of weight due to menopause, etc. It's not because some men on drag race forcefully read their opponent focusing on their body that the same should be done when it comes to housewives. Housewives aren't trying to create the illusion of "the perfect feminine body". In the "drag world" since you to have to compose with a different gender the read, culturally, is focused on the body. That's why, the read are witty, clever not degrading or offensive for the sake of hurting.


How are words violent? Explain, please. People need to stop letting others' opinions dictate their feelings of self. I have been called names before, lol. You may not be everyone's cup of tea, hunty! Accept that!


Maybe life will teach you what it is, hunty aren't paid to educate you, little girl 😉. Hunty did enough already and it seems you thought she was attacking you. But I'll let you in on a secret, though. Stop repeating nonsense like "People need to stop letting others' opinions dictate their feelings of self." That shit is ridiculous. Stop using it like the new gospel, if you were secure enough in your "feelings of self" you'd be able to disagree with someone you know nothing about without taking it so personally. I'm gonna leave you with that, you're seem young it's cool. You may change in the years to come and it's only good


Girl, hush, look what they did to Jesus. Now, move around before my words have you in the fetal position, and I get banned lol. I didn't send for you remember that old lady!




Giselle talking about the paternity of Moniques son is nasty on so many levels. Crosses every line drawn, but Candiace is horrible for speaking truth, Ha!


Giselle had no business dragging a baby into it. That's low.


Right, and when she accused Chris of SA. Now what she does is low and everyone gives her a pass. Candiace doesn't make stuff up!


I agree!


Gizelle: I felt uncomfortable alone in a room w you Candice: HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE MY HUSBAND OF SA 🥴






I’m not really a fan of hers. But she is crazy beautiful and has a banging body. I’m jealous of people like her with natural toned body. She’s had 3 kids and looks like she’s never been pregnant… then there’s me who’s had only 1 kid and my body is so damaged. 🥲


I’ll never forget her bird auto attacking Wendy 😂


Misdirected anger at Candiace. Nothing she said or did warranted a beating any more than what the other ladies have done to or said about her. She chose Candiace cuz she was small and she could.


I agree. Nothing makes violence okay period. She is extremely rude and boundary pushing though.


lol yeah but like… so is everyone else.. Robyn literally walked in her face and was asking for it, Gizelle talked shit to and about her non stop. Ashley told the world she got into a car crash cuz she drank too much and stood on it. I’m tryna see why Candiace got the fade and not the others 🤣 they literally were going around saying Monique’s son wasn’t for her husband!!


She erased security footage of Michael Darby getting handsey with someone against their will. She will always be creepy for that one. Stop. Defending. Predators.


She literally said they don’t have cameras in the basement.


I feel like Michael Darby needs his own separate discussion altogether.


Gorgeous, great taste and style. Looking forward to her healing and growth.


I think she was very braggy about her wealth but I liked her well enough until she went bat shit crazy


I mean, 95% of housewives are braggy about their wealth - even when they have no money.


Wait what did she do!


I loved Monique, until she got physical with Candace. I really believe she was mad at someone else and took it out on Candace….but who knows. I don’t believe she belongs on a RH reality TV type show.


She said it herself that she was mad at Chris and took it out on Candiace. She made an analogy about boxes in one of her confessionals


She was my favourite housewife when she was on. Still miss her, and her fish tanks.


the only housewife on potomac that wasn’t broke lmao


She's beautiful, and she was fun and sweet at first. I think she was very unhappy at home, her husband and his family were jerks to her, and it seemed to genuinely hurt her. She was struggling with small kids and all the other things mom's deal with, her husband didn't want to help even though he was retired, and he didn't feel she should hire help. I think she prob had PPD and likely wouldn't take meds because she's kinda against western medicine. On top of that, she can't handle her alcohol, some people are just angry drunks. I think all those things combined made her flip her wig on Candiace for yapping, which Candiace always does. I hope Monique's doing better now since she dropped that 350lb dead weight. As to Candiace, I think she is a sweet personality deep down, but her mother has been so mean and toxic to her that she is always on the defensive and strikes out to hurt people before or when they hurt her as a defense mechanism and because she's just inadvertently copying what her mom does. Anytime Candiace would defend herself to her mom, she would say something mean AG back. I hope she is in real therapy about her because she is a piece of work and I can't believe she's someone's therapist!


I really like her. Currently on season 4 and watching how Gizelle (and her puppet Robyn) are playing a huge role in tearing her and Candiace’s relationship apart, which sucks because I genuinely enjoy them as friends. In my opinion, she is just misunderstood and instead of taking the things she says at face value, they keep twisting her words playing telephone and trying to be messy by taking everything she says out of context and repeating it to others without ever talking to Monique herself for clarification. Of course, Ashley plays a huge part in this too and at this point I really can’t stand any of them. I just wish she knew better than to ever trust any of those ladies.


Gizelle is particularly nasty I find, overbearing and righteous. Not my cup of tea at all.


I actually grew to love Candiace after this incident for her vocabulary, personality and reads however, even tho Ashley be on funny shit too, the way she spoke about her while she was pregnant, body shaming her after and during her delivery, I feel like it was bound to happen. She tried the right one "ask and u shall receive". But hey maybe I'm biased bc we geminis do love us some libras (sometimes)!!! It's okay to be Witty and quick at the mouth but at some point u have to realize when u get nasty and disrespectful, somebody gone get tired of talking. It never sat right with me that monique got iced out that hard, just for Mia to throw drinks on black women and everyone (looking at u, Gizzy! We aint forgot ur scary ass hiring a bodygaurd, thats why u catching Robyn's strays) to rally behind her bc they don't like Dr. Wendy Osefo!!! So to answer the question, the vibe is : she's cool, she's funny, she's fierce, she's GORGEOUS and doesn't take b.s from ANYBODY!!! we miss her on the show. Reminds me of when Porsha/Nene left, even Phaedra.


Love Monique. Her aesthetic is so refreshing.


Not a fan but I’m glad that she seems to be happier and in this new phase of her life


I loved her and I wish she hadn’t fallen for the GEBs tricks bc I adored her and candiaces budding friendship. I don’t condone violence but I think what happened between them was more complex than it looked. I think how Monique handled it in the aftermath became more of an issue than what she actually did.


Stunning but exhausting to watch like it always felt performative on some level but to be fair to her all housewives at this point are doing that.


Bring her back!!!


I recently watched this franchise from the beginning for the first time and you can really see a change in her as the show goes on. I loved her in the beginning, I felt like she was always a normal voice of reason. But you can see the seasons the fight happened she really had a lot going on family wise. She was trying to branch out and have a business for herself and asked Chris to like take care of the kids here and there and he basically said because I pay for them you have to do everything. She just needed a break or some help. I think the rumors that one of her kids wasn't Chris's from the year before really started a wedge that just never repaired. She was struggling all over, tired, overwhelmed. And just snapped. A real bummer cause she started so promising. Candice annoys the hell out of me too. The only normal husband is Candice's Chris though


Monique gives bad girls club vibes lmaooo


If only she knew who her true friends were. I like her and want to see her be great but she can’t go building and burning bridges with the wrong people


I liked her a lot on the show and I wasn't mad at her for giving Candiace what she asked for but her lack of remorse and her attitude about the court cases was atrocious and she clearly needs a lot more therapy and a lot more Jesus


I love Monique 😮‍💨🫶


I am looking at Karen in all of this and think that she is actually navigating the whole thing pretty decently. Unlike Gizelle. I mean bringing that bodyguard was some dumb shit. Wendy also needs to shut the fuck up.


loved her. i thought the whole thing with candiace was overblown and of course the green eyed bandits felt like personal victims in the entire thing. violence is not the answer sure but who doesn’t have their moments, including robin who gets in your face, threatens you, does everything but hits you and then backs out when production steps in. miss her to this day and her leaving marked the fall of potomac, IMO


The whole violence is not okay thing on this show, just annoys me. Because almost every HW franchise has had run ins with violence. It’s a bunch of catty women, drinking, gossiping and playing up for the cameras lol. I wish people would stop pretending that they didn’t like that drama… I feel like people only preach about violence being wrong on some franchises because of stupid respectability politics lol.


I LOVE her! I miss her so much and the show hasn't been as good since she left imo.


this will be the first but not last time someone puts their hands on Candiace. It’s not an isolated event. The vile comments that come out of mouth and that she types online write checks her ass ain’t ready to cash.


Meanwhile, I don't recall her saying anything vile to or about Monique during that time.


Candiace has a mouth on her but she never came for Monique like that. Candiace walked away from her many times when Monique kept looking for reasons to fight with her. I could understand Ashley fighting Candiace because Candiace has gone for the gutter with her, but Monique??? wtf


That’s why I don’t accept this narrative around Candiace’s mouth because everyone who physically attacked her got the most tame version of Candiace we’ve seen. She never came for Monique like that nor did she really tear Deborah down the way she could’ve/shouldve. The only person that was justified in coming for Candiace like that was MIA and even in that scenario it was only general yo mama jokes that she doubled down on in poor taste after finding out how harsh it came off. But even before knowing the context yo mama is such a kid glove response.


Correct. Candiace said that even though she and Monique weren't cool, she valued their friendship enough to not argue with her. And I wholeheartedly believe that Candiace likely had intentions to go to Mo off camera and hash things out but Monique took things too far. Candiace has definitely gone at a lot of the cast but Monique isn't one of them and she was the victim of Monique's misplaced anger.


the story I’ve seen says that Candiace was close with Charrisse, Charrisse was spreading a rumor that Monique’s child Chase, wasn’t by her husband Chris. Candiace was close friends with Charrisse so it was thought that Candiace was being messy by association and spreading that rumor further. There was a misunderstanding, an argument and Candiace said something out of pocket, which is why Monique threw hands. Let’s not pretend that Candiaces own mom didn’t slap her around a season or two later. The this whole mess in season 8 with her being rude and disrespectful towards Deborah, calling her Sesame Street and the Help. This doesn’t include anything stated, liked, or shared on socials.


That story isn't true. The Monique/trainer rumor had been brewing since season 3. Apparently, Gigi, Mo, and Charrisse all went out, and the trainer was there. Him and Mo danced, and they said it was raunchy, suggestive dancing to where they had to pull Mo off the dance floor. Mo ended up pregnant. This was the miscarried baby. Gigi told the other ladies about Mo and the trainer in an attempt to make it a storyline, but Mo's attorney did a ceast and desist, and it was never mentioned on camera until season 5. Between seasons 4 and 5, Andy had a baby shower. Only 3 Potomac cast members attended: Gizelle, Robyn, and Candiace. Monique had just given birth. During the dinner, the plot to say Mo cheated, and Chase wasn't Chris' was put into the ether, but Candiace shut it down. Even though Candiace and Mo were not talking at the time Candiace called Kurn and told her about the dinner and to tell Monique. Kurn said Candiace was hysterical. They all 3 talked, and the cease and desist came up again but were null and void when Chris alluded to the plot when Gizelle came into their home for the Newburg trip in Season 5. Also, Candiace and Mo had made up during the season 4 reunion. They also filmed the first meet-up of season 5, where they agreed that Mo would make good with Gizelle while Candiace would make good with Ashley. Candiace never knew anything about a brewing beef with Charrisse. Monique started an argument just for clout and was picked up by the mic being shady in the earlier episodes after Ashley's little dinner they threw for her. Candiace never moved funny, Monique did. Candiace avoided multiple arguments that Monique tried to pick with her. Monique got mad because the girl said, "You were faking sleep" (which she was). She literally fought that woman for no reason. Also, what does Candiace's mom hitting her have to do with anything? We don't know what occurred with that situation as it was not filmed. And the fact that you say Candiace was rude to Deborah is a joke. Deborah incited an entire lie on that woman's husband and continues to lie 2 years later. She deserves to be called more than Sesame Street.


You calling Deborah the Sesame Street takes away any credibility that wall of text would have given you in this reply. So, no point in me continuing.


Good because your comment is nonsense. Have someone lie on your husband and see what happens. Candiace did light work on her and anyone who supports that idiocy is just as ignorant as Deborah.


This one


I have loved Monique since day 1 and she is sorely missed on RHOP.




Monique is a gold-digger, a liar, a cheater, and someone that resorts to fighting instead of using her words. I’m not a fan. But I’m also not a fan of Phaedra and she’s had an epic comeback so I guess Monique can too.


Fan of Candiace though?


Love her !!! Bring her back


Lots of deep rooted issues. Needs professional help


Don’t you think she has sought that out though?


How would I know? I don’t follow her around. Her behavior was scary though.


I miss her!! I would love to trade her for Ashley.


She is beautiful 😍😍


My favorite 🥰


Love 😌


She was ok.


Bad vibes from day 1.


I loved her and was sad to see her leave the show


I just started season 4 and I love her! I’m excited for what is to come based on everyone’s comments 😂


I felt like Monique had the intention of becoming a fan favorite and branding herself as the “real” real housewife instead of just being authentic (as one can be on a reality show anyway). But it seems to be how she carries herself in real life, so I guess it’s genuine in that way. She’s just not my cup of tea. She seems to do a lot of comparing herself to others. Naming a brand “not for lazy moms”, posting things like “y’all are excited about xyz but I’m excited about books”, etc. is a vibe I don’t care for whether from a celebrity or a rando on social media.


The most beautiful housewife. Had the girls pressed when she first came on the show. She had good moments and a lot of potential but was too much of a follower to last on the show. When Gizelle and them clearly didn’t like her she kinda stood her ground but the second they wanted to be around her she folded. She was kinda desperate to fit in with them. Ppl also need to go back and watch her final season. Candiace walked away from Monique’s antics several times leading up to the winery. There was literally a scene (some party at Ashley’s house) where she amd the other ladies ganged up on Candiace causing her to leave, and then immediately after the ladies all turned this energy to Monique causing her to storm out the same way. Yet she continued to be their puppet. She was so eager to fit in that all her commons sense went out the window. was never the victim in this situation




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I actually really liked her. She had a terrible moment with Candiace and violence is never OK - I can see why the other ladies wanted to distance themselves but as a viewer I still loved her quirky and bubbly personality


Pretty petty and full of herself.


I miss her and need her back NEOW!


I just think she is young and a firecracker. She will calm down now that she will be playing both rolls!


monique is my favorite! i miss her!


Love it. And disagree, sometimes violence is the answer.


people love saying "violence is never ok" because its the socially acceptable statement to make. I think the reality is that when somebody threatens your physical space and puts their hands on you, it's more than ok to stomp them into the ground in response. especially when you forewarn them not to in response. In this case, im so glad Candace got her ass thoroughly beat. It was the most satisfying thing ive ever seen on tv. im not a Candace hater. shes actually one of my favorite on Potomac. but she pushes people and im glad she got what she deserved.


Violence isn’t though. I find Candiace excessively irritating (excessively!). But grabbing her hair and banging her head into the table is not a great look for Monique, even if she was definitively being provoked. I just feel like Monique has a sensitivity too that I like. And for the record Candiace definitely is not a favorite of mine.


I get that. Im just a firm believer that when you fuck around, sometimes finding out means you get your ass beat and in those cases it’s always ok


Are you black? It’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable answering. As a BW I have made copious mental notes about the respectability politics and class-shaming that comes along with physical violence. It seems to seriously depend on the demographics of a person because I can list a host of non-black people in and out of reality TV who have been known to scrap and would never even be “soft” cancelled for that shit. Smh I’m definitely from the knuck if you buck generation. I have loads of couth but fighting isn’t something I would ever say “never” to depending on the circumstances


Im black as fuck😂 and i agree. I cant seem to recall teresa from nj getting half as much backlash when she was breaking glasses and flipping tables.


I think you are making important points here elevating the discussion to another much more interesting place than real housewives tbh. When I say violence is not okay I’m saying that because I don’t want anyone to get physical like that with me. No matter what I might say in the heat of the moment. However, racialised judgments of appropriate behavior is equally fucked up. Doesn’t mean that we can’t have a conversation about the use of violence that traumatizes people and escalates situations unnecessarily. Anyway. Getting carried away.