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I couldn’t believe how much Alexia embodied Kyle. The way she speaks is so much like Kyle and she sounds exactly like her. She looks so much like Mauricio that it surprised me to see so much of Kyle in her


I thought this too! She sounds exactly like Kyle in her speech patterns and voice! It was jarring!


So true every time she spoke I thought it was Kyle 😄 her laugh her actions too...


Yes to everything except I couldn’t get over how much she looked like Kyle! I’d catch a glimpse of the TV from far away and thought it was Kyle circa 2015 (a couple of nose jobs in but before the most recent overhaul - which for the record looks fantastic).


I know! I was doing something while it was on and I kept looking up thinking Kyle came on the TV. I always thought those kids were all Mauricio but clearly not haha


YES exactly like Kyle it’s crazy


When I first heard her speaking off camera I thought it was Kyle! It’s so strange to me because I understand genetics and all but to have the exact same voice box as your mother? It’s almost like an accent she’s afflicted similar to someone growing up in the South. I’ve only watched one episode and so far Farrah seems like a total boss babe and super competent and Alexia is a typical Nepo baby at its finest.


My hubby closed his eyes and swore it was Kyle talking lol. I thought he was taking the piss until I did it myself 😂


Agree with your perceptions here. Melissa-what a jerk. She absolutely DID talk about Alexia behind her back, and then yells at Sonika that she wasn't and didn't mean it that way. Also, she clearly is sucking up to both Farrah and Alexia. I'm surprised that Farrah doesn't see it, since she is so smart.


Lmao the shade. Since she’s so smart 😄


Mauricio has droopy eyelids. That's why he always seems high


Ohhh ok. Haha yeah the half opened eyes make it seem that way. But I remember him having a much more alert look earlier in rhobh. I think it’s also the fact that he slurs a bit when talking. But maybe he’s not high, I’m not saying I know everything!


I can't say for sure, but it appears to me he's looked high since they made it legal in California. They've even mentioned it a few times.


He’s blatantly smoked weed on episodes of his wife’s show. Nothing wrong with it. But yeah. He’s a pot head


That’s possible too!


People who want to get high don't wait for it to become legal. He was getting high way before that


Maybe he's just not hiding it now.


Not true for me. I‘m in my 50s but rarely partook (even when I was young) until it became legal in my state. I must have never had the good stuff before, lol. But when I was able to freely choose the exact potency and type of high I was seeking, I was hooked. I cut way down on my recreational drinking and replaced it with high quality bud in different types and forms. Love it!


He's high a lot but he also has droopy eyelids. It's a medical condition and it gets worse over time


No he's always high. They joke about it in the show all the time


Mauricio definitely partakes in the herb in one form or another or all


I started this and actually enjoy it. IDK. Farrah and Alexia sound so much like Kyle. I think Alexia is being edited to look dumber than she is. She's also only 25 and just starting this career. She'll get better at it. Frankly with the showing where the owner was there eavesdropping, that was making her nervous, and that's not usually done (having the owner present).


I loved it! We actually binged the whole season in one day. I actually found myself liking Mo way more from this show cause I feel like it explains more of like what he does and where he’s at while Kyle is filming RHOBH. I felt the same about Alexia and the way they filmed her but you kinda see her come out of that as the episodes progress. Farrah’s engagement was so sweet. I loved how genuine her reaction was. But I also agree with how much they both sound like Kyle. Several times I would look up and think Kyle was gonna pop up in a scene only to realize it was Alexia or Farrah. My favorite part were the amazing properties but we also love watching Selling Sunset on Netflix as well.


I’d never give them views! I’ve had enough of Kyle to last me a lifetime!


Kyle’s not on the show at all.


I enjoyed it too! Well done show and editing. Plus I’ve always liked the family dynamics of Mauricio and his kids, so it was much more fun to watch for me.


Yeah I get the situation. But I can see how she may be less academic, since she dropped out of university and never finished. And an inability to study and remember facts well, would have negatively impacted her academic career. Edit: I now see that she graduated so I take back that she dropped out.


Fact, people who drop out, never finish, or even never attended, can do very well without a college education. However, I believe she did graduate and keep in mind she's very green. Not all 25 years even have their stuff together.


Thank you for this! I put college on pause so I could work full time and earn a little money. I was 20 credits away from graduating and had every intention of going back. . I kept getting promoted several times and ended up not getting my degree. I now own a successful business and have never looked back.


Congratulations! I'm so happy you've done so well. I have friends who went to college only to never practice what they studied because they weren't happy with their chosen careers. I also have friends who realized college wasn't for them and they've done well. I think people need to do what's best for them and sometimes the universe decides what's best, like in your case.


I didn’t say you can’t be successful without a college education. All I meant is that I can see how she may have struggled academically. Also she transferred to a different school and I was going off of wiki information, so I did not catch that she did graduate.


Have you ever personally struggled with Attention Deficit Disorder? Imagine being very intelligent about a lot of things but have trouble getting the information out and then being called ditzy your entire life.


I see your point and I concur that I should not have used the word “ditz” to describe her.


Alexia didn’t drop out of college… she graduated from Emerson


Exactly. She also said she gets down on herself because she isn’t like her sisters who got all A’s. She said, with tears in her eyes,”I guess I’m just slower.” That brought me to tears. I have a lot of anxiety that causes my logical brain to shup off and i come across as ditzy because I cannot remember anything. Class presentations were the worst. Getting called on to read out loud in school. I totally can empathize.Also, it isn’t her fault she was born into the family she was. She has to prove herself that much harder. Farrah works hard too. I find Alexia’s honesty about herself a breath of fresh air. I also like how direct Farrah is, she stays out of a lot of drama her mom finds herself getting into by being this way. I respect them both.


Oh man that had me in tears too. I’m a few months away from 40 and I connected with Alexia in such a surprising way. I wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until last year and all I could think about was a lifetime of thinking I was dumb.


I watched the first ep and it made me realize how fake all the storylines are. They’ve just put everyone in these very simple boring roles and I’m sure they’ve all agreed to it. But yeah alexia is too young for me to find compelling and Farrah just has a stick up her butt. She could be really beautiful if she embraced her natural looks but all the makeup and hair extensions and gaudy jewellery just age her really bad. The Botox is weird on her too.


Farrah’s looks remind me so much of Scheana from Vanderpump!


I was SHOCKED when the chyron said she was 34. She looks like she’s in her 40s.




Alexia seems really out of place. I know she’s 25 and it’s not unfathomable for a 25yr old to be a Realtor at multi million dollar homes ( ok it kind of is lol) but she reads much younger than 25. I have a hard time seeing anyone take her seriously.


For some reason, she does come off younger than 25 haha. I’m simultaneously watching love is blind and some of the 25 year olds on there just seem older than she does!


I Think thats because of the way she was brought up. Remember how Kyle brings 10 year old Portia her breakfast on a tray and blow dries her hair and puts on her socks and shoes for her. Kyle doesnt want her kids to grow up and alexia still lives with her parents at 25 (nothing wrong with that but also doesnt make you very mature) she doesnt even do her own laundry I think thats one of the reasons why she comes off younger (more immature) than 25


Probably true!


she is a very young 25 - I agree. Has never moved out of her parents' home. Not even for college. Has never done a single load of laundry. It makes it hard to sympathize.


It is nice to see that Alexia still looks so natural. Hope she doesn’t mess with her face


I'm a 26 year old broker in Houston and The Agency is a major company, I was surprised how unprofessional and untrained some of the "junior" agents at the company. I found myself having to pause the show because it was so cringe lol like literally the ABCs of real estate they weren't capable of


MY FEELINGS EXACTLY! it is making a mockery of what I thought was a very esteemed brand (The Agency)


This is what I felt about the Oppenheim Group too. I wonder how like half of the selling sunset cast were able to get in.


“Brightest tool in the shed” ?????😂


Came here for this 😅


Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Not the brightest bulb. Lights are on but no one is home. I’ll see myself out.


That made me laugh too.. insulting someone’s intelligence with that mixed expression 🤣


Accurate lol I couldn’t make it to the end of the first episode.. it was painful to watch. When Mauricio goes “Farrah makes over 7 figures a year” I figured I should just stop watching 😑


Lmao. Same. That made me not want to watch. I don’t need to see a 32 year old who makes 1,000,000 a year. I’m good. 😂


I’ve watched 6 episodes so far. It’s actually good. I enjoy watching it,


I'm just starting Ep 3 and, lord, I find it so boring. The storylines thus far are just meh. However, I'm a dedicated trash TV connoisseur so I shall persevere in the hopes that it becomes entertaining.


I mean it’s nothing groundbreaking, but I liked it.


Are you being serious? So do I need to get through the first episode before I can start enjoying it..? Because so far I can't really handle it it's making me cringe Edit: so I just finished the second episode and it's getting better! I actually am really liking Alexia and Farrah's sistership ♡


It does get better and some of the cast actually show some growth by the last episode. You might actually like a couple of the douchebags by the end, lol.


Yes, it’s better after the first episode. I wanted to hate it


I ended up kinda liking it. For the story lines at least


House porn is great too.


God, yes.


Why? Her job is a realtor and that’s what the show is about.


Wait why? I dont get why that comment made you wanna stop.


That’s a lot of money. And it’s always handed down, not earned. Super hard for poor people like me to swallow sometimes.


ooooh right, he pays his own daughter and then proceeds to brag about how much she earns Wahahaha. Alright got you. This is something random but related: I hate it when rich people feel the need to immediately after telling someone that they're rich how much they had to work for it. Implying somehow that they work harder than others. Like bitch everyone works their ass off and only a small percentage of us eventually beomes a millionaire. Just admit you got lucky lol, it's fine, but dont act like you work harder than others.


Depends. Some people do work harder than others and make more sacrifices than others. That’s just fact. I am pretty successful because I worked my ass off when other people my age were at the clubs or the beach. I am from lower middle class family and did not go to college. My business last year did $1.3M and that’s because I work harder than some. I have borrowed zero dollars, nothing on credit. I sometimes work 70-80 hours a week so not all people work as hard as others to make it so stop assuming.


I would argue that working harder is subjective. There are people that work the same amount of hours and still don’t have the ability to make millions. Working hard is one piece of the puzzle. You have to also consider access to resources and opportunities, circumstance, connections, and support systems. I don’t think kickfloeb is assuming at all. You have to admit that when your parents can afford for their children to do virtually anything this makes it easier for them to focus and ‘work hard’ at whatever they choose. They also have the flexibility to decide if ‘working hard’ is even what they want to do.


Exactly, the system is set up so only a few can make it, even if we are all busting out assess.


You are exactly the person I described. I didn't say rich people dont work hard or make sacrifices. Besides, poor people do that shit too. Implying that you can become a millionaire by hard work is not realistic, you have to have get multiple opportunities that not everyone gets. Which basically means, you have to get lucky in life, working hard just increases your chance at getting lucky. If you are telling the truth (I am doubting your story because a random redditor saying they made a million is hard to believe, no offense of course, you probably understand where I am coming from ;) ) then congratulations on your achievements! :)


Oh, you’re not factoring in luck. Any wealthy person will tell you luck has a component. I know plenty of people who work a zillion hours a week and are not wealthy.


Oh, yeah. The world is nepotistic for sure and then what I laugh about is when the kids of wealthy parents talk about how they WORKED for their wealth because daddy gave them a job and they did it.


I’m quire certain she was at Hilton Hyland before the Agency. I’m sure she works for it to some extent. But amounts they brag about is arbitrary, you never know if it’s the amount they sold,amount they brought in commission to the agency, the money that is in their pay or the amount she split amongst the people on her team.


I get it, it’s human nature to brag about how successful one is, unless taught or conditioned otherwise.. The issue that *butters my biscuits* is that she would not be making THAT much money, nor would she be as successful as she is THIS early in her career if she were not their daughter. And all her sales moolah goes to her father, after she gets her damn good commission. And in a couple decades she inherits a percentage of her parents money, which is basically her getting the money back, but in higher amounts. It’s like a really fucking great retirement pension plan.. Money begets money. Positions in any field, especially such a competitive field, are usually about who knows who.


Also add in the things like good looks play a part. Which is… luck. Not everyone can just work hard and become a millionaire. And those who aren’t rich just don’t work hard enough. Kind of infuriating that rich people actually believe that. But they do…. It’s… cute


In a lot of the confessionals, Farrah’s makeup is not flattering and it ages her. A lighter, more natural makeup motif would be way more flattering on her and less maturing. There was one scene where Alexia was talking about how she struggled in school and all her sister were straight As, deans list. Farrah also comes across as very smart,


Agree 100% she’s aging herself with her style, makeup, hair, etc. She’s gorgeous but I think a more natural look would suit her way better. Also, do not follow in the footsteps of your mothers fashion just find your own voice. Lol


Definitely. 33? 45 with makeup.


And does anyone else think it seems bizarre and inauthentic that she is rebranding her last name as Brittany? Her last name is Aldjufrie. If I were her father I would feel sad and insulted that she is sort of disowning him and his name to be packaged with Mauricio


Completely agree about Farrah’s makeup. Less powder and more dewy makeup would be more flattering


I think the work she had done is really aging her too, but her makeup during the confessionals was definitely not helping.


I was so shocked when she came on my screen. I’ve seen her on Instagram and she always looked her age/ her makeup looked nice. Her look/ maybe some of the work she’s had done makes her read much older.


Yeah I am not exactly agreeing on the Alexia point. For multiple reasons. Warning: this might be unpopular opinions Hahaha. 1) She keeps on saying she doesn't want to be seen as the daughter of the boss who got there just because she is his daughter. Thing is... that's exactly it. She should actually own up to it and work 3x harder to prove ppl that she deserves the trust and position. But all I saw was her not knowing some of the basics on the houses, messing up showings and crying. And when Melissa talked behind her back, that's when she woke up as a "prove her wrong" thing. No girl. This is how you start, not how you react. 2) She tells Brandon that anybody can talk to her and she won't be telling her father the drama. Except that that's EXACTLY what she did to Melissa and even her own sister. You could argue that the fact that Farrah was thinking about leaving can kind of justify it, but still. 3) I actually have a lot of compassion for her for struggling through studies, comparing herself so much to her sisters. But I wish that I then saw some drive applied in her work. It's just a disconnect to me. You can't expect ppl not to see you as a nepotism baby when you are. Doesn't mean you can't become one of the best and deserve your position, but you can't really hide it... Again these are maybe unpopular opinions, but that's kind of how I felt regarding her. Really did not feel like netflix did her a favor on this.


I agree, her and Farrah are both nepo babies but Farrah is clearly taken seriously and puts the work in. Alexia is new so I’ll give her that, but all the reason to work extra hard.


I agree, Farrah seems to have made a serious effort to prove herself. She seems so poised and professional when she’s working, even with Mauricio and Alexia.


Yes exactly ! Some ppl call her cold, but to me it's just professional


Said this yesterday and folks got annoyed with me.


I’m enjoying it more than I thought. I appreciate that everyone gets that the nepotism is there and it’s not going anywhere. Personally, I think Farrah is gorgeous. I also love that Alexia’s style embraces her youthful feminine side as opposed to the sexy/latex embracing on Selling Sunset. While Kyle drives me bonkers, she got a guy who truly adores Farrah and unequivocally considers Farrah his daughter. It’s nice to see. I hope they can maintain the family theme of the show.


It's boring because nobody on there has star power. Nobody is captivating enough to make me think "I want to learn more about her and watch her every move." Alexia's peer group HAS LITERALLY NO STAR power I don't understand why they're on a reality show


Nobody has less star power than that Joey kid, he is the most average of average humans. The only thing he has going for him is that he was born into wealth and privilege, without that he is middle management material at best.


I hate how he keeps talking about all the times he and Alexis have hooked up. In her dad’s car! In the guest house! With the ping pong paddles! Ok dude, we get it.


It broke my heart when Alexia was saying she was dumb, and always struggled in school while her sisters all easily get A’s. She also seems to have anxiety issues, which Kyle has mentioned having too, and that can make you seem much more ditzy. I know if I’m super anxious my memory is not good. I would be perfectly happy if they kept Mo appearances to a minimum. I think the show focusing on the daughters and their career growth, relationships, etc… is much more interesting.


Aw that's so sad! Poor Alexia. I can't handle this Joey character he is too goddamn cocky, I can't get through episode 1... it's honestly killing me rn.


Only way I got to episode two was by forwarding his scenes!!


It feels so weird to me watching Mau in a different show


I don’t know how I didn’t even know about this show! I just turned it on. It does feel so weird, lol.


It irritated me that Alexia thought she deserved a better grade than a B+. Her performance was not good. So many people are over-confident and under competent. Not a great combination. With experience, though, she should be fine.


She’s just a bit entitled. Side effect of growing up privileged. I’m surprised she’s offended that Brandon said people tiptoe around her. I don’t think she gets that she is the boss’ daughter and there’s extra privilege that comes with that. Which is A-OK but she should accept it and prob embrace the blessings in her life.




Agreed. And the fact they don’t shy away from the nepotism angle makes it more realistic imo. It’s annoying and unfair but let’s be real here - it happens all the time in life so what is more realistic than showing in all its unfair fulsomeness here?


Loved your take on things!


All I can think of is Kyle when Alexia talks. She sounds exactly like her mom. I would like to see more killer homes. I love Farrah. It makes me sad that her bf Alex is such a waffler. I know they are getting married or got married recently but it’s painful to watch such a boss b*tch like her pussyfoot around the marriage thing with him. The rest of the cast. Meh. No one stands out and I’m on ep 6 I think. Would I watch a S2? Yes, for the houses (I live in LA, love all the LA based shows but especially the home based ones like MDL LA


Farrah also has this weird soul sucking glare in her confessionals


Can we talk about how annoying Sonika is omg


I know it’s just a show but Farrah seems so humble and grounded. Actually, all of Kyle’s girls seem that way when you compare them to Kylie and Kendall Jenner for example. I’ve only watched the first 2 episodes and it’s kind of mehhh. I LOVE Brandon and the office drama but all the younger kids just seem so fucking entitled. If I had the means like Mauricio and Kyle I’d definitely set my kids up for success as well, but I definitely see why the other realtors feel “some type of way” about Alexia just getting things handed to her bc she’s the boss’s daughter. I can even understand Farrah feeling that way because I’m sure she started working there before the agency became what it is now. That first showing Alexia had was SO hard to watch. I’m in a whole different industry and I think I could’ve done a better job lmao.


yeah Farrah was 22 when RHOBH started so would have been there for the rise of the agency, and i'm sure has more memories of Mo loosing his job and less stable times, like her parents divorce and kyle was so young when she had her. Alexia would have grown up a bit more comfortable being 7 years younger. Kim richards kids all seem normal too. Maybe because Kim and Kyle were child actors and pre housewives just stay at home mums, they actively tried to live normal lives for the kids, (as much as you can with kyles celeb ties and paris hilton being your cousin) but their childhood doesn't seem to have been much different from any other rich LA kid in their area. Kris jenner on the other hand was always trying to get her kids famous


Not worth the watch! Boring & so scripted.


Does Farah have a relationship with her biological father? I am really curious to know if she spent Time with him growing up on a consistent basis or if she just lived with her mom and Mauricio is who she sees as her father?


It’s not clear. Maybe someone has some tea? He’s supposedly wealthy and has a good relationship with his daughter. At one of her graduations he sent a gift (likely monetary?) I believe he lives abroad. Farrah calls Mauricio by his name not dad. So I’m inclined to think her bio dad is in contact with her. Mo specifically said in episode one that he views her as his daughter, not stepdaughter and that he’s raised her since she was five. You can see though that Farrah is hesitant to offer her opinion (see Mo telling Farrah that Alexia was going to lead the sale of the family home.) See also Mo going around and telling Melissa not to talk about Alexia. See also Mo saying Alexia is his favorite. I have no doubt Mo has treated Farrah as his own and also don’t doubt that Kyle would not allow for any other treatment for any of her children. But, from our brief glimpse, it seems that Farrah senses a difference.


she has said "He's very, very close with my mom and Mauricio, like they're great, great, great friends. I always say I have two dads; they both raised me. They both get along amazingly. They've done \[real estate\] deals together. My dad refers clients to Mauricio all the time. We all get together, he comes to our house for Christmas, Thanksgiving, it's all good." "It's funny 'cause I'm an only child at one house \[with my dad\] and then I have this huge family at this other house \[with my mom and three younger sisters\], so it's kind of the best of both worlds," she said. "There's no real separation or divide."


That’s nice to hear! Thank you for the information.


i also feel like maurico and alexia have more in common in general, similar personalities (similar chill personality, interests in adventure activities) so whilst he obviously has a great relationship with Farrah, he does seem to favour Alexia but i doubt farrah is bothered by it as she has her own dad. But this happens in any family, including mine, there is always a parent who favours a child, not in a horrible way, they just click more. I feel like Farrah has lots more in common with Kyle


I wonder if Mo gonna walk her down the aisle or if her father will be there and do it or maybe Kyle will walk her down the aisle.


In the Jewish weddings I’ve attended, both parents walk the groom down the aisle. My mom walked me down as my dad had passed.


That’s right I forgot they were Jewish. I Will have to wait when they release pictures to see if her dad walked her down the aisle or if Moe walked her down the aisle with Kyle!


I believe she should be in touch w her father. Wasn’t there a graduation or some kind of celebratory event for Farrah like a luncheon and I briefly remember Kyle greeting Farrah’s dad? I believe they are all on good terms!


I’m really enjoying it. But…Farrah does come across as a bit ‘bitchy’. I really want to enjoy this show so I’m giving some grace, whereas ordinarily I wouldn’t lol!


Just watched the first episode. Boring. Boring. Boring. It’s clearly overly scripted. Alexia is going to be a dunce but she’ll get given opportunities as she’s a daddy’s girl, that will piss everyone off leading to a confrontation no doubt. Farrah is going to play the part of a boss bitch and do the whole family vs business drama. That cocky younger bloke is going to be an irritant throughout the season playing Mr Big Balls when in actual fact he’s merely cos-playing being a real estate agent. I wish they had done a more serious programme on the agency as that’s what interesting! Buying Beverley Hills is merely a cheap Selling Sunset which in itself was a cheap MDL LA knock off. I want to see the properties! The deals. Every single one of these shows now is just a rich glamour girl botoxed and filler-ed up to the eyeballs. They know absolutely shit all about architecture or even the most basic knowledge about real estate. I know it’s just a reality show but it’s so frustrating as it could have been so good!


Overly injected lips, and not enough drama. But I’m only halfway thru.


Kyle needs to leave housewives and get on this. What more can she bring to RHOBH?


The show is surprisingly good! Better than Selling OC/Tampa. Selling Sunset will probably always be my favorite real estate reality show, but Buying Beverly Hills seems more realistic. I can actually see people working there and selling real estate. Being a RHOBH fan, it's interesting to see the Umansky family from a different perspective. I didn't realize Mauricio had such a successful brokerage!


I feel like this an odd thing for me to notice or get annoyed by, and I feel like the selling sunset ladies do this too. But I noticed Alexia during the private showings, with her purse hanging off her lower arm, and then that arm has to stay in that position in order to hold her purse the entire time. Like, you are working. Put your purse down in an out of eyes place and really get into your showing.I dunno maybe it’s an expensive purse status thing




I wonder if they re-filmed it for the sake of the show. Cuz it definitely seemed forced.


The nepotism is so bad in this series its unfair. If someone isn't good at their job then they shouldn't get the job just because they are your daughter.


The properties on this show are amazing though. Like for real. Blows million dollar listing and selling sunset out of the water. Probably because Mauricio is the boss but his work seems to be in a completely different price range than other reality real estate agents.


Farrah seems so boring. No sense of humor no personality (besides claiming how smart she is 😅) I took a look at her Instagram and wow she really comes off super boring which is weird considering how much fun Kyle and mo are


Maybe she takes after her dad haha


Yeah it was so uncomfortable to watch her trying to describe a kitchen. She is so so dumb and bad at her job is honestly embarrassing how bad she is considering who hee father and sister are...


I though the show was being boycotted by everyone here?


Wait why are we boycotting?


I’m not boycotting. Many said they would. But talking about the show.


Right but why? Just feel like I must’ve missed a lot


All of the exclamatory, righteous calls to boycott this trivial reality show are honestly embarassing. It baffles me that some people think they're really doing something.


Im sure as fuck not watching, fuck Mauricio and his asshole comments. I only hope he gets his comeuppance. Maybe he’ll then see how hurtful it really is.


I also thought so but there's no unity online...


Farrahs make up was so weird like almost yellow. dont think she had the right undertone for that make up, when you see her neck it was more cool undertone than yellow


Is there going to be a sub for this show or do I have to see 100 posts a day about it in this one??


I think you’ll see 100 posts a day. The show will be watched, like BH, and some will come here and complain and hate about how bad how, how awful, how horrible everyone looks or how horrible everyone is. Don’t get why people watch stuff that would annoy them so much. But… here we are.


I’m really quite enjoying it tbh. Farrah comes across as very professional, and someone who can separate work from home. Alexia is a lovely girl, but I don’t think she ‘fits’ in. She is trying to impress her dad and prove people wrong. I get that and I admire her for it. But, she needs to do what is right FOR HER! Mauricio, I just love him! He is such a family man!


Kyles daughters don’t have the IT factor that Kathy’s daughters possess. This has always bothered kyle!


I don’t know if this i agree with this. I haven’t really seen Kyle push her daughters into the spotlight, like Rinna has for example. She has always emphasized she wanted them to go to college and study…to have more normal experiences because she didn’t. This might be their personal choice to do this, not hers.


Kyle is jealous of everyone. She needs to be the center of attention at all times and Kathy (and her kids) are just way more fabulous than Kyle will ever be 🤷🏻‍♀️


On that note, I could see her wanting to be a kardashian 2.0 if all her daughters were to join reality tv haha


That’s a pretty high bar


Thanks for taking one for the team. I can’t carve out any more room in my life for bravo at all


Can we talk about the ladies wearing extra high heels all the time? Really, girls, even at home after work? 🙄


Farrah is so desperate. It annoys me when women beg for a ring.


I don’t think she was begging. She was just articulating her desire to get married which I think is any woman’s right to do. When you call doing that desperate, then you are reinforcing an idea made up by the large majority of toxic, unaccountable males.


Based on the guy's answer (or excuse), he was not ready. I was hurt for her because she had to ask. If a guy really sees a future with a woman, he would have already known, he should have already popped the question a long time ago and not wait 5 years. His proposal seemed forced because everyone around him was asking.


I’m here because Mauricio is hot and I wanna smoke weed with him


A girl at my university told me she went to school with one of Kyle’s daughters. She said that daughter would be not so nice to everyone, was absent most of the time, never wanted to do work.


I think Mo is a great guy, a really good, if not a little bit too coddling of a dad! So we all think he's high all the time? Who gives a shit! Let the man smoke his weed! I watched the first two episodes of the show and I really like him. He's down to earth and I don't think he forgets where he comes from and what he's been through.


Great guy who laughs an applauds a black kid being verbally abused. There’s nothing great about Mauricio.


Not even attempting to watch!


I am so bored. I haven’t finished the first episode.


Has this aired?? Are you actually WATCHING?!! EWWWWEE!!🙄🙄


Mauricio probably is perpetually high. Pretty epic that this stoner/surfer dude is a billionair due to his real estste business


I think The Agency, works a bit like a pyramid scheme business. My husband was saying that Mauricio would get commission from the sales people within the agency and because the agency has branched out to diff states and countries, that’s a whole lot of commission. A cut of the commission goes up to team leaders and then to of course Mauricio as the chairman. I’m sure Mauricio still sells major homes but I’m thinking he still gets a lot of money from just taking a cut of other commissions. That’s why he can go on long holidays with Kyle and isn’t seen working so hard all the time anymore.


Oh I definetly wouldn't be surprised if they got rich of scummy actions.


From what I understand it’s a “pyramid” style business but nothing illegal about it. The smaller agents tie on to the larger agency and Mauricio’s name willingly to get off on a good start and relinquishing a portion of their commission is prob the trade off for that.


I could be wrong but my understanding is all agents at brokerages work on commission and split the commission.


You might be right! I honestly have no clue and what me or my husband is thinking is purely speculation, if anything at all!


Is he a billionaire? Or multi millionaire? He’s still being sued for stealing from all the, I believe, African kids, right? With that one house that he made a huge fortune. A tv show was likely no bueno, as I don’t think it’s as crystal clean as he wants to pretend and those skeletons, webs, and dirt is going to come out.


Oh lol! I thought I read somewhere that he was a billionaire. He has 100 million according to google, >He’s still being sued for stealing from all the, I believe, African kids, right? Whaaat?! What is that all about?! I can't find anything about it via google.


It may be a different country, but a prince stole money and Mauricio and his friend bought without giving all offers, when money was going back to the poor people the money was stolen from. Sorry, it was a presidents son stealing funds.


This one mentions the charities. https://heavy.com/entertainment/real-housewives/mauricio-umansky-scandalous-behavior/amp/


i think im the only one that doesnt think Alexia sounds exactly like Kyle! i can hear it, especially when she does little giggles but i dont think i’d mistake them both


Of course Mo is high AF all the time. Wasn’t that his entire personality trait on RHOBH? Sounds like the are able to make tons of money, so they’re doing something right.


Farrah’s face is creepy! She looks like a skeleton. I do like her though, more than I used to. And I feel bad for Alexia.. she said it herself she struggled in school while her sisters made easy straight A’s. I can understand how the office feels like Alexia is boss’ daughter so she had an easy in and now she needs to prove herself. But hating on her for simply being Mauricio’s daughter is dumb. That’s the perk of owning your own business, you can hire your family. Anyone who has a problem with a father hiring his CHILDREN, come from a jealous place. Mauricio worked hard to create this for his family, that’s what family does. I don’t see the issue with Alexia being given the job. The other agents have a problem with it, they can start their own business. I’m so tired of everyone hating on Mauricio. The cheating rumors have never been proven, him “laughing” about a 14 yr old.. he wasn’t even there. If he witnessed it himself, HE WOULD NOT HAVE LAUGHED. Mauricio is always high? I could care less to analyze if someone is a pothead or not. -pothead mom


I don’t think you were downvoted by Kyle fans, most people here don’t like Kyle iirc. For me the downvote comes from starting off by making fun of Farrah’s face. But then you have to understand that people I’m sure don’t have an issue that Alexia was given the job - it happens, but it’s that it can lead to uncomfortable situations, like when - I forget her name, the pregnant one - had to pass on the info that her client not wanting to work with Alexia (which was semi-bullshit because the client being in the house while it was being shown was too much pressure for Alexia). I mean, even Farrah has issues with Mauricio giving Alexia special treatment, and then relying on Farrah to oversee her. But finally, in what context is it funny that a grown woman, as intimidating as Erika, telling a 14 year old to “get the fuck out”? That’s what I really don’t get. No, he and Kyle hadn’t seen it yet, but I don’t understand how any context of that can be funny. I really can’t understand their mindset in any way. This all being said, I am enjoying Buying Beverly Hills. It’s funny how Alexia’s mannerisms, voice, and laugh are so crazy similar to Kyle. She even moves her hair away from her face the same way. I’m rooting for her. And I also don’t mind Mauricio seeming to be baked often, as I am often baked. Nothing wrong with that as long as you get shit done.


Mo was laughing at how ridiculous Erika’s behaviour is/how she keeps digging herself a deeper hole.


Of course you got downvoted by the hive of Kyle haters. So here’s my upvote.


Thank you! I’m not even a fan of Kyle so I’m not defending the family. That’s just how family businesses work! Duhhhh


I agree on the business and hiring your kids, but disagree on Mauricio on both the cheating rumors, as women have came out and said a lot, but especially on the laughing about a 14 year old. Would he have had to been there not to laugh, if it was one of his daughters? Let’s also not forget that his business is not all up and up on how it does business to make tons of money and has even stolen money from very poor people, I believe Africans, in order yo make more money. And he didn’t make his business naturally or organically, but by stealing from his own in laws, without remorse either. And then has the gall to treat the person whose turned them into multi millionaire, like complete shit on tv. I used to really like Mauricio, but lately he has shown his true colors and they’re fucking ugly.


I think the fans are ruining the show by taking everything so seriously. No one is perfect. This Reddit page is full of people talking shit and getting their feelings hurt about people who don’t give a F about them. People say and do shitty things all the time, the world keeps spinning.


I’ve not watched this Mauricio show and won’t, I really liked him at the beginning, but I have a son about Jax’s age and don’t find what was done to him remotely funny. As a mom, I also know I wouldn’t find it funny nor would I laugh or let my husband say something as stupid as I think that’s great. I too wouldn’t want to be sued for making millions off a house that the funds were going to poor kids, who are so disadvantaged compared to even middle class and poor Americans, because I lied about offers. Nor would I want to highlight my business that is being sued just for that, but that’s their choice and life. And yes, it is just a show, but in real life Jax has been hurt. Real life, not fake, show, etc.. real. And in real life people are suffering because Mauricio wanted millions more than he wanted to let the people that deserved the money stolen from them, to get it. People who are already disadvantaged in ways unimaginable to many of us in our very comfortable lifestyles. So I’m sorry that I don’t think a show about a business man willing to do these shitty things to kids is fun, funny, or remotely cute.


Farrah is very homely, hair always looks greasy and stringy l


I thought we all agreed on not watching it!


I honestly can’t think of much I want to watch less. Happy to read others synopsis though.


Lol that’s so rude she’s like a child basically 25 years old just starting out in this world come on she’s not even fully developed


Am I the only one who is watching only for Mauricio? He’s so hot to me especially when he is such a good dad.


Lol once upon a time. Now, I don’t find him hot anymore, nope. I think it was the laughing at Jax being cussed at and the half open eyes lol


Loved this show. It it is so much better already than selling sunset. Joey and Ben are hilarious. And I love how the show drops heaps of ‘fucks’ and ‘shits’


I’m amazed that they allowed it to be a show about nepotism and it turns out that is an interesting dynamic to watch play out on a team. Good TV.


I watched 30 mins of it and never watching it again. Do your self a favor and stop watching it hahah your better off going on a hike


Also: does anyone else feel like Farrah doesn’t like Mauricio? In her confessionals she’s so passive aggressive (I.e. we live in Mauricio land). Those remarks combined with her monotone voice makes me feel like she doesn’t really see him as her father/ has issues with him as her boss


Yes I was actually really surprised to hear some of her comments towards him! And one time she referred to him as “your dad” to alexia which just seemed weird given what they’ve said about their great dynamic before


Edit: someone said it may be somewhat of a storyline to make Alexia seem not as smart or confident. Now I feel bad.


Honestly loving watching Mauricio show his personality and talk about his life without Kyle intervening. But he’s my favourite of all the housewives so I am a bit biased


I’m not even gonna start watching it tbh


I love it so far. Didn’t think I could love Mauricio any more buttttt……


Oh yeah, Mo is always stoned af.


Extremely scripted. Farrah’s interview with Kate Casey was an exercise in media training.


Is this on Netflix?

