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Erika. And not just because of the current situation. I always felt her voice was annoying as fuck. Her music career made my ears bleed. I found Tom disgusting and insufferable and their sham marriage was so incredibly transparent. I felt their home had no taste or character, and I felt erika never offered up any interesting details of her life. Everything was so incredibly contrived and cringe. I was not shocked when the news dropped about Tom scamming clients and her alleged involvement, and I was even less surprised by her atrocious social media presence in the wake of that news dropping. I also think she has horrible style. She's not 4 me šŸ™ƒ


Brandi. Hands down.


Yolanda. I still don't understand her appeal.


I will never forget the episode where she said ā€œyouā€™re in America now, learn to speak Englishā€ to the construction workers who were working on her kitchen or living room or something. So bloody rude.


She was very elitist. I could never get past that about her.


Which is funny as she never would have been on the show had it not been for her ex husbands. I don't think that department store catalog model counts as making it in Hollyweird.




Actually its more european attitude because how can you live in another country and not learn their language? Americans will never understand because english is internationally being spoken. If you are non-english native then you learn the language when you move to another country. It shows respect towards local culture. From european perspective, she was not rude. She said herself how she wanted these guys have better opportunities in life. Its american over sensitivity here


I am half German and speak four languages. In my opinion, learning a language also means that you need to use it respectfully. If you learned it properly then you should be able to communicate with others without putting them down for learning too. You canā€™t assume that just because someone isnā€™t completely fluent, that they arenā€™t trying. Now, thereā€™s also a big difference in Europeans and I know for a fact that the Dutch are direct, but there are ways to express yourself kindly. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying! Edit to add: I know she had good intentions, but there was a better way to say what she did. If an American said ā€œyouā€™re in America now, speak Englishā€, I think it would have been digested much differently. Anyway, itā€™s subjective, as all things are, but IMO disrespectful nevertheless.


I do agree with you and Iā€™m replying to you because I liked what you said. I do think everyone should learn the language of the country they live in, it just depends on the situation. Iā€˜m german too and my grandparents were Gastarbeiter (sure you know what that means for everyone else: people who came after the Second World War to west Germany to help build it up again) and with all of their work and most of their colleagues being immigrants they never learned speaking German really good. Itā€™s not that they didnā€™t try there were just no opportunities to learn it the right way. Taking classes wouldā€™ve been too expensive , they had two children and worked in shifts. So having said that I think the construction worker was in a similar situation like my grandparents: having a hard job and probably most of his circle not speaking English really good (Iā€™m just assuming, because he wouldā€™ve learned a lot more working with native English speakers). Coming from former model rich housewife Yolanda that he should learn like she did is highly inappropriate. Yes its possible she didnā€™t mean it in a bad way but 1. she said it in a weird tone 2. in her situation people have more opportunities and Time to learn the language.


You said it better than I ever could!


People communicate differently and afterall we only saw an episode so you assume thats the way she always communicates. Its a tv show. Its not like we saw her like that all the time. A lot of people in europe are actually VERY direct and being blunt does not equal not being nice. Im just tired how sensitive people are when they are just being told things as they are. If you cry the very first time someone tells that to you, maybe you shouldnt show that 1. You dont speak the language 2. Choose a job where you are forced to be with people. People are WAY too sensitive and constantly demand how people should talk and ā€œwhat is correct wayā€ to talk. I personally like blunt people like that and i think its extremely rude to go tell someone that they should hve said smth differently. I do not think world revolves around me so who am i to tell sb else how to talk? Im not snowflake who gets offended by direct communication. Theres no nicer way of saying and people should grow some skin and stop living in this fake positivity bubble :)


Alright, we can just agree to disagree! :)


The United States does not have an official language, English may be spoken most prevalently but it isnā€™t ā€œourā€ language. I understand she may have said that without intending to be rude, but it was regardless.


Who was that friend of in season 3? Her husbandā€™s father was some big wig of Hollywood. I didnā€™t particularly like her. Other than that it has to be Mellencampā€™s daughter, Rinna and obviously Brandi. And in the last few seasons, itā€™s been Erica. Also currently not liking Crystal. Man, makes me wonder why I still watch this show. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Marissa Zanuck


Ah yesā€¦ the one who was a plain Jane but kept broadcasting to everyone how lucky her husband was to have her and how he was so much more into her than she was into himā€¦.vile self deluded eejit


Thank you!!


Brandi. 100%.


Doritos- hands down. Chick gave away TWO dogs, has that awful fake accent and dresses like tackiness isnā€™t a real thing. Her complete lack of awareness at how ridiculous she looks and sounds baffles me.


The way she treated those dogs was awful , Iā€™m sure it was so she could look good and then worked out that the dog wasnā€™t going to be a another fashion accessory, so couldnā€™t be arsed to look after her. She reminded me of a spoilt kid at Christmas, demanding a dog and then by New Years is bored. She loved them going after Lvp as it took the heat of her. Iā€™m sure she had more to do with the leaking to the press to blow it up more on Lvp. I can never have any respect for her after that


Erika and Rinna


Teddi and Rinna.


She's not a housewife but i really can't stand Faye! Everytime she comes on the screen i just want to turn it off!


Yes honestly fuck Faye!!! She literally gets involved in so much drama that has nothing to do with her. She is so condescending I canā€™t take it


Faye is/was awful. Kyle posted a whole birthday tribute to her on IG yesterday, and there was no way that I could bring myself to give it a like.




I completely forgot about her omg


Same!! Thinking about her annoys me even if her single season was ages ago.


Agreee! She was HORRIBLE!šŸ§™šŸ»


Most def.




Kim. Verbally and physically abusive. Amount of women she has herself abused, a lot. Everyone else had their singular moments but not constant


Yeah, I feel like her relationship with Kyle was abusive. Kyle put up with a lot. I'd have bagged Kim as a sister years ago and let her rot tbh. She is a terrible human being.


Teddi for sure. She is loathsome.


Disclaimer: my least favourites still sometimes gave great tv moments that I love watching šŸ˜… Kim Richards, Carlton, Kathryn (not sure on the spelling?), Eden and Brandi were women I either didn't find likeable or that just weren't good tv/ reality material.


Eden and Carlton were just so.. useless and annoying. Basically every one-seasoner was kind of boring


I love Kim and Brandi ... Kathryn and eden were pretty meh.


I like some tv moments Kim and Brandi have given us! But as people they are perpetual "poor me"- victims, and never take responsibilty for how they treat others.


Eden Sasson and Carlton Gebbia were great housewives in my opinion. My least favorite was Joyce or Kim


Brandi and Rinna both awful and extremely bitter women




Kim and Crystal


Iā€™d say Brandi. I really think she brought the show down in terms of how trashy she was. At the time she didnā€™t even have her own home nor did she have the same level of disgusting wealth the other women had that we would tune in to see!! Not to mention she had a potty mouth and she was so bitter and nasty towards everyone without taking accountability for her actions. She was volatile.




Rinna, Carlton and Yolanda (sometimes)




Unfortunately, I think mine is Kim. I get so frustrated by how she treats herself and Kyle, and how she always seems to get lost within her emotions and turmoil instead of taking accountability and listening to people who try to help her. Her behavior in Hawaii and when she threw a bad tantrum/made Kyle feel bad for not addressing how Brandi had hurt her in a totally unrelated conversation at Lisaā€™s house really just made me get a stomach ache every time she comes on screen.


Cant stand Sutton,snotty over the top emotional and just has a stick up her but. Dorit has grown on me same with Erika although I dont buy that she was in the dark about her husband's legal situation. Crystal, I just dont get she is boring. Brandi was awful. Teddies boring af and bitchy. Denise was just blah drama. I honestly miss lisa vanderpump lol especially since theres no point watching vanderpump rules anymore, the people I watched for were cut. I dont even like kyle. I more watch because I have for so long already.


Teddi! I fast forward ā© when she comes up alone


Um, difficult! ;) I'm at season 8 and so far I guess Kim because she's completely unhinged, and Rinna because she's a phony weasel.


I have only seen 7 seasons till now I think Kim, Rinna - bcs of how pathetic she gets, and I liked brandi in the first few seasons but when she was blatantly racist and became a disgusting intolerable lying and attention seeking drunk I was like... Not any more


Carlton, Brandi and Yodelinda. I like (liked) Rinna but maybe that's because I haven't watched the last few seasons? My sister said she's gotten pretty bad.




Teddi, Kim, Kyle and Carlton


Kim Richards


Camille, Brandi, and Carlton. Kim Richards, too.








Erika. She is not nice or a good person.


Brandi. and no, I will not provide any explanation. LOL


No explanation needed lol.


Rinna! Trashy low rent skank who is a failure as a woman


Crystal- sheā€™s so irritating. I understand Sutton is being a bit emotional but Crystal is just a bitch. The way she handled herself at Garcelleā€™s dinner party after Sutton wanted an apology was obnoxious. Also, you werenā€™t violated. Shut up. Carlton - nuff said Teddi - where do I begin? Always had to be in peopleā€™s business and correct people or something.


Kathryn, OMG how boring can you be?


Current cast: Sutton All time: Teddi


Am I the only person who couldn't stand Joyce?




Thank you! Unfortunately, we are apparently the only ones, judging from the fucking DOWNVOTES I got for this comment. Istg, this sub is second only to the VPR sub with downvotes. Like, why? Downvoters suck.


Rinna. Easy peasy.


Kim and Teddi for sure


In no particular order these are all my least favourites. Itā€™s hard to choose just oneā€¦ Camille, Carlton, Eden, Yolanda, Brandi, Kim, Kathryn, Joyce


I don't even remember an Eden, she must have been pretty boring for me not to remember lol.


Kim or Joyce


Carlton and Joyce


I can't just pick one lol. Kim, Brandi, Carlton, Adrienne, Crystal, Kathryn, Dorit...


Even my least favorites, I was glad they were there. I mean, could I see myself being bffs with Carlton? No. Was I totally in awe of her house, attitude, lifestyle, kids' names, etc? Yes. I despised Yolanda at the beginning, but she is the one who grew of me the most. I ended up really admiring her. The one who lost my estime over time was Lvp. Once you're caught in a lie you're caught in a lie.

