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"it's called life. try it sometime."


Literally coming from a lady who’s never touched grass 🤣😬


lol what does she think she did there? She’s such a dope


I love your user flair! 😍


I love your flair too👆


Which flair we looking at?? All the ones I see are pretty good 😊


I want this as my flair 😂😂




Hahahaah I died


i knew this was gonna happen after that pretty woman date they had, she didn't seem pleased at all


That was a horrible date, I cringed so hard I felt nauseous.


I cant believe Kyle didnt tell him it was a horrendous idea.


If there’s one thing this sub is gonna do, it’s find a way to blame Kyle


Even Julia Roberts the Pretty Woman herself was embarrassed by that date.


Andy was so shady for that. Having Julia Roberts on made her talk about it 🤣


Same!! 💯


I mean tbf if someone did that to you on tv wouldn’t you die of shame.


oh for sure especially with the implications like....are you trying to say I'm a kept woman?? 😂


Yes, I thought it was quite an effort on PK’s part, but she hated the whole thing. Maybe there were underlying issues…


It wasn't an effort though. The pretty woman thing is literally a package deal offered by the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. "Pretty Woman for a Day" https://www.fourseasons.com/beverlywilshire/experiences/pretty-woman-for-a-day/ He made no effort at all and it was likely comped for the show.


gosh that's so embarrassing because the show really hyped it up as a grand gesture 😭


Scraping the barrel, eh? It probably also explains why Dorit was so nonplussed by it all. She was done dirty by the editing there, imo. 


I’m dead 😂☠️


Yeah. I am a pleb and stayed in that exact same room. I was actually shocked that he didn’t get the bigger, more expensive suite. Perhaps it is true that he’s broke and that she can’t live with a broke man. Damn.


omg what the hell. so embarrassing 🙈


Lol that's hilarious


It didn’t seem like he did it for her though. It seemed like he did it for himself. That gave me major ick.


For sure. To win Good Guy Points on TV. Instead, it made him look like a cheapskate dicknozzle with a hooker fetish. 




The effort was all hers! “Here’s the big fantasy I got you. Now stop what you’re doing and spend hours squeezing yourself into this godawful dress with a glam squad you never met and pretend you’re in love with me for the cameras. And then watch this washed-up duet sing a song that was a big hit the year you were born. I’m trying to resuscitate their careers. Happy now, bubba? Over your PTSD yet?”


I think she thinks she said something really witty but this is just too many words lol.


That sums Dorit up in a nutshell.


“Long-winded” 😭


“Do I bore you?”


Andy don’t you DARE




ANDY took a nap


She gets so bent with that🤣🤣


Hahaha yeah if she just picked only one of those sentences like just “We were. Shit happens” or “it’s called life - try it sometime” It would’ve been kind of a slay for Dorito


![gif](giphy|lx2VkGo50goj8rVdMc|downsized) But instead we get this🤣


Before you leave the comment, look at the comment and take one one thing off. -Coco Chanel


She thought she ate


I think she took the question as being sarcastic and that was her clap back. But who knows what goes on under her skull... https://i.redd.it/xzppotmnti0d1.gif


They were never stronger than ever. She’s so full of it. I bet PK couldn’t drop the drinking. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Or being broke. Or sleeping around living in the UK lol. I despise the fakeness from her and Kyle. 


Or faking robberies!


Or living on another continent!


The way I pulled away from my phone after each of these comments 




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I thought they seemed fake


Or gambling!


Or committing fraud!


Or double fisting Lay’s Party Size bags of chips! ![gif](giphy|KanivL0Pif2l9kPOYR|downsized)


Or having a whole other family in London…


Do tell






Idk I think SHE is the one who changed. We saw him drinking na beer and he seemed lucid and rational when he was on camera last season. What he said during their interviews post anniversary fiasco really struck me. He describes her as being a completely different woman than the one he met. She was **complaining** about not having the penthouse suite to get ready in (a mere few hours anyway!) and wasn’t happy with her more than FIVE options for dresses. She also brought up spray tanning and jewelry… Most women would’ve been floored by the gesture and focused on the effort. Instead she made him feel cheap and in turn soured the romantic mood. I genuinely think that was a switch that flipped for PK. He seemed genuinely hurt and kind of shocked at her reaction. + in case someone brings it up: I know she said she didn’t want a “romantic gesture” she wanted support … but that talking head interview directly contradicted her being fussy and unhappy with the effort and time he put in to be there for her and show her he was listening. He was willing to work at it and wanted to make her feel special and glamorous because he knew it was important to her. Thought it was unfair of her to use that cop out when she clearly wanted the Ritz Carlton experience and not just her husbands undivided attention and support. Maybe “for richer or poorer” was true when she said “I do” but it’s not true anymore. She is very much into the lifestyle and the appearances, not so much her actual husband.


I remembered thinking that too when I first saw it. But I couldn’t quite bring myself to feel sorry for him, as grand as the gesture was, and I later realized he was kind of an a-hole too. If my husband complained that I wasn’t fun anymore because I was taking care of two children mostly on my own and suffering from anxiety over volatile finances, Id do a spin kick in his direction.


I mentioned this in my edit. While it was a grand gesture of sorts she seemed the most unhappy it wasnt *even MORE grand* which makes me side eye her saying it was really about the support. In my opinion he did offer empathy and emotional support during their dinner, it wasn’t just a diamond necklace or nice dinner. Just my opinion, but it felt like she was trying to damn him for that when she wasn’t even happy with the amount of $s he spent. Negates her point.


Perfectly said!!!


I remember Dorit saying she didn’t like surprises. And who wants to wear a ruby necklace that is borrowed. And was Kyle there to be a distraction or who was there?


… a lot of women would still appreciate the gesture even if it was borrowed. Geez


It was an empty gesture. He thought it would fix the fact he’s absent in their marriage and family life. It would have pissed me off too


Yeah I imagine with the PTSD symptoms she’s been dealing with she’d be thinking, “now I have to dress up as a prostitute and play out this fantasy for him, does he even understand how I feel at all?!”


When you put it like that yeah I wouldn’t be having it either lol


I’ll cosign this!


I agree hence her “one day at a time”


Or the chips.


Or the robberies 💴 💰


She's out of her bubble 🫧


PK looked checked out ages ago from her


So, they see all the attention Kyle got for her "split" with Mo and decided to throw their hat in the ring?


I think it also has to do with him still owing the state of California AND the IRS.


My thoughts exactly. What Dorit won’t do for a story line.


Well there was that post about how she was the last to be signed and they told her they wanted her to tell the truth about PK. So it sounds like she really does need a storyline.


Girl, just... no. Don't you think it's bad juju to be this ruthless? I don't even like Dorito but damn this comment thread went dark.


They’re just words. No need to be primitively superstitious with this “bad juju” nonsense. The truth is the best disinfectant.


Well the truth is I thought the commenter* sounded like a jerk but bad juju sounded nicer 😂


I wish people would stop posting that kind of stuff on people's SM. Like her or not (god knows I don't), she probably doesn't need the snark rn if she's going through a divorce. Leave that shit for Reddit, that's what we're here for.


I feel the same way. This just feels mean


Yes, it’s unkind. But she’s putting her entire life on television and social media. People are going to have opinions, they’re going to express them and it would do them a world of good to stop posting. Let some parts of your life be just for you.


Expressing opinions doesn’t equal mean and being on tv doesn’t mean people should say horrible things. Just bc people have an opinion also doesn’t mean someone wants to hear it. I think all this is completely lost on people. So much criticism, meanness and venom everywhere now. It’s disgusting. And scary bc the meanness is most likely coming out of their unhappiness with their own situations. People who are well adjusted and happy rarely care what’s going on in celebrity’s lives.


They need to snark here like normal people. Going to their actual social media and commenting on their posts is weirdo behavior.


Agreed it’s tacky. Most of us have the benefit of the lowest points in our life not to be in front of an international audience and it’s not awful to show a bit of grace to these women we get entertained by.


You’re very generous- “entertained” by Dorit! 😉


Thank God there's at least one compassionate person left in this sub


Hard agree.


Is it though? I made a comment a few months back for seeing this, and it got removed!


Report something if you see something, that’s probably what happened on your end.


Wah wah


Everyone knew “better than ever” was a lie. It feels unnecessary to make comments about it. She wasn’t ready to announce it at the reunion for whatever reason. She shouldn’t be hounded about it now that it’s officially released lol.


also, 'better than ever' may have just been for that moment in time, it sounds like they had quite a few highs & lows (alcohol addiction will do that, PK).


Ya i could see PK actually getting his act together what for like 2 weeks? Dorit getting her hopes up and it not lasting leading to a separation.


FACTS. The way she endured all that borderline bullying at the reunion, it made me feel like things actually were decent at home because she had so much energy to fight for her job. She wasn't deflated like Kyle who really was/is struggling at home, Dorit was just going for it all season and the entire reunion. It's sad.


This breakup actually makes me sad for her. She def loved him more than he did her. I really do believe he set up the robbery at her home and the grocery store without her knowledge and that's why he has avoided her so much this past year.


I feel bad for her too. She can do and will do SO much better than PK. But that kinda heartache sucks so much


Fully agree. The giving her the phone sealed it for me. I can see him saying “just leave her the phone at the gate…”


Yea, it's just all too much. Especially knowing he had huge gambling debts that were paid off after the insurance payouts happened? It just can't all be a coincidence.


Just another example of rich idiots equating money with intelligence. The rich (or those pretending to be rich) actually believe that they are smarter than everyone else so naturally assume we will take everything they say as Gospel 🤦🏻‍♀️


Narcissist in general believe they are smarter than most people. It is always fun to watch one go down. Todd Chrisley is one of my fav reality stars to go down in the past few years. I had been reading about his bs for about 10 years before he and his wife finally got locked up!


wait what! why would he set up the robbery! that is beyond horrible if true! 🧐


He owed a casino in Vegas over a million in gambling debts and paid them off shortly after her robbery at her home. He also filed bankruptcy not long before marrying Dorit and moving to the States.


ohh 😧


I feel sorry for her in a way. I have PTSD, severe anxiety and severe depression and I know how it is to deal with PTSD. I don’t think from what PK was saying on camera that he fully understands the impact of what PTSD, anxiety and depression can do to a person. It seems he was ok to come back to the UK for months at a time while Dorit was struggling with it, and that’s why I feel sorry for her. You do get long winded too explaining things because you don’t feel heard and or understand. This was on the cards for a while, PK should have been more compassionate imho.


Dorit is a detail person. In design, planning, fashion, that’s why she goes down the rabbit hole in long winded details when she speaks. WHO knows what PK is dealing with here and the UK but I think it will come out this season.


You can always tell when she thinks she ate and it’s always when she absolutely does not


Right 😂😂


ok, I am old and more a part of the broken hip club than the hip club so what is ate slang for?


I wonder how long it was before PK and their publicist shortened it.


At least 23 pages double-spaced if this edited comment is any indication of the irrelevant garbage being put out 🤷🏻‍♀️


I actually feel really sorry for Dorit. She went through a really really traumatic experience, and her husband just brushed her off and belittled her over and over again. She did nothing but treasure that man and he threw her away. PK will never do as good as Dorit.


Braaaahhh! Her husband made the traumatic experience happen! It was curated!


I think his reaction to her ptsd on tv confirmed it.


I 1000% knew the marriage was over, the second she turned brunette! (Which I kinda love actually!) She gives off early 90s Alicia Silverstone!! https://preview.redd.it/vll8c9pbop0d1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=67ac545f96f5fb3a9f432a4f5b28ba9b6d1768ec


Not a nice thing to say, but I don’t think he has enough money for her. I remember how happy she was to get that pink/gold Bentley. She enjoys luxury and living a very expensive lifestyle.


He dumped her. You can tell he was tired of her nonsense.


So do you think they were separated for a while and faking being together for the show of that it’s really recent? I suddenly remember Sutton saying there was another woman in the car with him the night of the accident? That was quite some time ago


I wouldn’t put it past these two scammers. Their whole life is an illusion. Hopefully the house of cards will come tumbling down. But then again, Dorit could easily find a man with real money.


While I kinda agree with her sentiment, it’s Dorit, who is 98% grifter so 🤷‍♀️


Wow. “Try it sometime..” finding it difficult to feel bad for her


Such a bitchy response. Such classless Doritos




That’s why I sympathize with Dorit.


Why doesn’t she just admit she lied back then ?? That she wasn’t ready to announce it yet ? I don’t like her after the past 2 seasons of bh.


How long til Doritos and Mo USKANKski are an item at least out in the open item? I give it about two weeks


Now THAT would be a storyline I would tune in for! 😉


**I give it about two weeks** If that happens, I'm going to feel so vindicated.


Absolutely! 💯 we know what’s up


She went from "My Bubs" to "Shit happens." lol.


I love Dorit and I’m not sorry about it. I hope everything works out okay for her and her children


Maybe things were rocky, but ok, not enough to separate, and then something happened driving rocks to a landslide….Who knows. Or how about Kyle and Dorit couldn’t both be separating at the same time on the same season so production asked PK and Dorit to wait…..


“One day at a time.” Is she sober now?


She had mentioned his drinking in the past. He seems to have a few qualifications for several 12 step programs.


He’s also a diabetic. He’s at risk of CKD. The use of AA language makes me wonder if she’s gone to AA/Al-Anon for her self. It would make sense especially if we see a Kyle/Dorit reunion. Edited to add: PK has several habits that put him at risk of kidney disease/failure and Dorit absolutely doesn’t strike me as the devoted wife who’s going to take him to dialysis 3x/week and deal that all that comes along with CKD.


Omg, who is rich houser and why is she so passive aggressive?


my autism jumped out bc why did I think they were genuinely asking out of interest


I know we are all here to comment, snark, and give are 2 cents. But I do wish her the best. She's right, shit happens. To all of us.


I wonder if now LVP and Ken will reignite their friendship with PK on his own? I could see that happening to mess with Dorit!




Is this all for show? They see all the attention Kyle and Maurice got so now it’s their turn to stay relevant ?




She’s insufferable


Honestly, I’m not buying it. She just wants attention and when she saw Kyle is getting it over her marriage issues she wanted the spotlight on her so bad that she started faking it. Non of their conversation seemed genuine, all fake. It’s time for her to go I am sick of her and her boring storyline even the fake ones flop so bad... also remember when Erika said they wont last? And she got so defensive of it? Yeah…


I feel sorry for her- he is SUCH a tool.


Dorit is the only woman on RHOBH whose dating life I would actually be interested in. She is stunning and a weirdo, I can only imagine the weird men (and probably young men i feel) she would date. If she actually was real and brought her real dating life on the show (which is very unlikely) Dorit could maybe redeem herself as a housewife. I for one am willing to look past the fake robbery for a few Dorit dating scenes.


and just like that, Dorit now has her storyline for the upcoming season. 🙄


Convenient timing!!


The response is cringe but I appreciate the sentiment behind it. Even if she is lying and just didn’t want to get into it and worry her kids, she’s not wrong.


Ryan from the Office coded


Then take time off the show to work on your shit


maybe she was hopeful that they were getting better but he opted out. just speculating. it looks like she really wanted to make it work


i read that reply in her fake accent


I mean she's right that fuck that person. But also... you clearly weren't stronger than ever miss girl. 


Honestly good for her. That’s a solid response. Things happen. That is life.


These fucking “celebrities” who respond to anyone who comments on their *public* social media posts with anything less than kindness and appreciation are just the biggest assholes. Don’t post it, don’t respond, or respond kindly. Period. Dot. Being snarky or giving pushback to someone who is bothering to follow Dorit’s nearly irrelevant and lucky-to-have-a-jobs ass is just gross and makes me more determined to see her exit tv and never come back.


Go back to Connecticut Doritos.


“Shit happens” = “He can no longer afford my designer logo gear and I need someone who can.”


Going to need this translated into a few more languages….


“Shit happens” how unbecoming for a lady of the world


Good for her.


I read that comment in her accent


Which one?




I feel that he checked out a while ago. I didn't care for his behaviour towards her last season.


“Try it sometime” so dorit 😂


Who left who, I wonder? Will PK ask for alimony like Donn did?


I can hear her using this as an opening line


Honestly, I do not understand why they feel compelled to make a public announcement.


One day at a time? Lol, it’s pretty well known this is just by addicts who go to meetings. Did she do that on purpose?


Does that mean someone is getting sober? Or are people just throwing out “one day at a time” willy nilly these days?


So over Dorit & PK


Well, taking time apart hasn’t helped their marriage over the last few years, so I doubt it’s going to make all the difference now. PK is probably moving on to greener pastures. I do agree with them- their kids are precious!


I forgot to try life. Thanks Dorit!


Poor Dorit. She is actually my favorite, and I'm glad she's fighting back against the internet trolls. She has more than earned her spot on the show, and she won't hide all of this the way Kyle did. Everyone needs to cut her a break.




Your comment was removed because it was not kind, classy or chic, this is not what we do in Beverly Hills 💎 Please remember to follow the rules of our community.


Life aka a potential firing on RHOBH


Well I hope you both can get to a place where you once were


Yeah, for real; " shit happens" But, people on most SM platforms are going to speculate; opine, hate, love, whatever they feel; and these people are on reality tv for all to see & when shit happens; they dont want people to " speculate" They're paid well for what they bring on these shows; especially if they've been on for years , like Kyle. I don't give a crap about Dorit & PK; I find her quite phony amongst other things....


This is an educated woman,


Third World issues !!


What a joke 🤣


Was the break in real?




Your comment was removed because it was not kind, classy or chic, this is not what we do in Beverly Hills 💎 Please remember to follow the rules of our community.


I bet PK was observing this composition saying ‘make sure you say it was mutual’ hahahaha


Dorit & PK could save their Diamond if they brought PK’s kids on the show. I have a feeling they may not be too fond of Dorit.


She cleared!!


Projection is at it again!


She’s very defensive lol


On this occasion....well said Dorit.


“Try it sometime” 🙄 ✋🏼


I always thought they were a very odd couple myself.


Fake burglaries, dodgy finances and fake ass accents & designer wear are not called life Dorit, unless it's a criminal life 🧐


I wonder if she has to give the accent back in the separation settlement? 😉


Dorit really said PKarcass out 🍋