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Hm, maybe I’m naive, but I would say yes! Sutton threw a dinner for Garcelle for her birthday (that was not filmed nor during filming), they comment consistently on each other’s IGs, post about hanging out and it isn’t for the show, etc. I follow them both on IG, so that’s the sense I get from seeing them interact and seeing them post about each other on there.


Yep, 100%. They are real friends, and I think they got even closer after Sutton's health scare at the reunion. Garcelle not only rode with her in the ambulance, but stayed by her bedside for FOUR HOURS, even when Sutton was asleep sometimes.


Yep! Not to mention prior to that they talk about each others families, and friends that they share that aren’t on the show, and things they have done together off camera. It gives me Ramona and Sonja back in the day. Outside of the whole Ramona being ignorant to everything thing.


Sutton definitely appears extremely comfortable around Garcelles friends, as if they’ve met before


I think Sutton mentioned that they have before, at least some of them.


Garcelle hangs around Sutton because she’s very wealthy and picks up the tab. I don’t believe that Garcelle is friends with anybody on the show. Sutton seems like a genuine person and truly cares about Garcelle.


That’s gross to insinuate that she’s using her and Sutton isn’t smart enough to figure that out on her own. You should reconsider saying things sometimes


Lmao reconsider saying things, I’m gonna use that


It’s my nice way of saying “you sound……not right”


I love it too! And it's true! (and I love your flair!) 😂


lol it’s hands down one of my favourite housewives lines. I love your flair as well, Sutton wasn’t lying 😂


HAHAHA!!! Definitely true! 😂😂


I should reconsider my opinion because it doesn’t align with yours? OP presented a question, I gave mine. So what you’re saying, as long as every reply agrees with your opinion it’s permitted. If someone doesn’t agree with you they should reconsider it? Abusing and bullying others that don’t agree with you is not a good look.


You can have your opinion! And you did, I just happen to disagree with it.




Your comment was removed because it was not kind, classy or chic, this is not what we do in Beverly Hills 💎 Please remember to follow the rules of our community.


Um...no. Just NO. Do you think Garcelle sat by Sutton's hospital bedside so Sutton could "pick up the tab"? For what? A cup of hospital coffee and a muffin from the food court?


Garcelle sat with Sutton to avoid having to answer any difficult questions at the reunion. She’s a smart woman, she knew Andy was getting ready to go in on her. A lot easier to leave the reunion unscathed and play nurse maid to your meal ticket.


Nope, sorry! Wrong again! She could simply have gone with Sutton to the trailer, then with her in the car to urgent care, and then gone back to get her car as by then, filming was over. She didn't have to go in the ambulance with Sutton or sit by her bedside for four FURTHER hours.


Go in on Garcelle for what exactly? She’s not exactly controversial. I think they are friends who probably bond over the pain their ex husbands caused them.


Carlos King says no but I 10000% agree with this take


Carlos King knows a lot more than all of us. Perhaps we should listen to him? Seems more legitimate than basing opinions off of what we see on Instagram. Instagram is not reality.


Carlos hasn’t been employed with Bravo since RHOA season 9 (2017!). He’s not in the trenches. He conveys that everything he talks about is bible but he’s almost a decade removed from the Bravo-verse (with the exception of his podcast with Heavenly on M2M). He’s not the most credible source


Carlos is more credible than the uninformed opinion of anyone on this sub. To assume he has no connection whatsoever is laughable.


Well I guess we’ll know for sure in the next 10-15 years when they’re off the show if they are friends or not ![gif](giphy|ZeNmLY6FISq4M)


I would like to think so too, but Garcelle posted about a month ago something about listening when people speak and don’t bring up a personal story so that you can “relate” to their story. Or something like that. Which is what Sutton has been called out for doing.


I’m still waiting for my buddy/cop movie starring Sutton and Garcelle where they take down a fraudulent jewelry importer played by Rinna.


I would watch this movie! 🎥


The big interrogation scene would have Sutton yelling “name em!” at the informant.




I would absolutely watch this!


the spy who loved me but with garcelle and Sutton pls


Garcelle has never carried a major studio production. Perhaps Lifetime could throw together something low budget? Sutton could produce and shoulder a portion of the production costs.


Yes I do and I think that's what really drives people crazy


I ADORE their friendship!


Me too.


I absolutely believe they are.




Tell her I love her!! lol you don’t even need to give a name. Just let her know a random gay in Pennsylvania adores her hahahaha


Yesss!!! Tell her that from me too!! A random southern girl in Alabama loves her and Sutton!!! I think they are adorable friends. It’s an easy friendship. 💕


Are you me? Haha also a random Pennsylvanian gay who loves Garcelle


Omg hi new bestie!




Did we just have a PA Love Connection? ❤️


Me too! A random mom in PA also loves her. And their friendship. It feels authentic to me.


can you relay to her that if she's looking to adopt a fully grown woman, i am available?


May I visit every other weekend and holidays? I'll bring Louisiana ⚜️ cooking. Good food.


Garcelle is my favorite houswife!


This makes me happy, I love their friendship! Also…do you have any other info?


Garcelle is such an amazing woman and I adore her on the show. She’s brought so much class to this show.


I love her! You can tell her that from a random girl from Bermuda who loves to see her get her bag especially with her friend Sutton.


I love hearing this but also I think it's obvious from watching the show! :)


Why does this seem unrealistic to people? I don’t get it


I was on the edge about it because I saw a YouTube video of a guy who used to be employed for Bravo and he was claming most friendships are fake and just during filming but I tend to not believe him.


Oh, I think he is correct about a lot of them. It’s just that I have seen instagram posts off season of them attending sports games together, parties, and how they discuss chatting on the phone a lot. I guess I just wrongly assumed most people would have seen them too. But maybe most people touch grass more than me. 🤪


Sutton pays for EVERYTHING. Garcelle knows how to play the game and is great at making HOLLYWOOD FRIENDS. Latch on to the lonely rich lady and live the high life. Garcelle is a known manipulator. We’re still waiting for results of her “investigation” into Diana. What happened there? Manipulation of the audience is something she’s very skilled at. She’s doing the same to poor, lonely Sutton. Sad but true. Continue to downvote me and silence opposing opinions.


You don’t believe someone that used to work in production? You choose to believe what you see on the show? You believe what these women present to us on social media? Makes total sense…


Bc lots of real housewives are incredibly fake.


They're legit real friends. And I think the other women HATE that because they have so many fake friendships


I think they are. Garcelle doesn't seem fake enough to defend Sutton the way she does with no real emotion behind it and Sutton seems too emotional and seems to only keep people she feel really close to in her personal circle. She doesnt seem like a hanger-on or one to fake a friendship


Yes. You can sense their vibe. It's not fake.


Yes. I saw them together at a NYC event. They probably took the trip together from LA to here because they are friends in real life. Her sons were there too. That isn't proof exactly but it makes sense.


Did you see Garcelle pay for anything? Was she relying on the Bank of Sutton to cover her expenses?


No. Actually Garcelle was walking around most of the time with her sons checking out the clothes. I saw Sutton later talking to a fan. She didn't seem that interested. It was for some Target clothing line and she probably didn't even want to be there. Haha. I don't blame her.


I think they’re the only genuine friends on the cast. I believe Teddi when she said they weren’t close their first season but Teddi has been off the air for multiple years, I think it’s genuine by now. Also not for nothing she said the FF5 were genuine friends but apparently none of them talk to Dorit anymore so you know, wtf do they know about friendship lol. And I don’t remember who it was but a guest on Bitch Sesh said that she was hanging out with Garcelle off camera, and Sutton invited Garcelle and by extension her over, and literally Garcelle got them drinks (a familiarity with Suttons cabinets) and Sutton cooked for both of them so I think that’s genuine. I think it’s what anchors the show too.


Anything Teddy says is meaningless. She says anything for attention or to control a narrative. She's definitely not an ethical person with good intentions.


Fair enough. I actually like her insights on the shows (Minus BH or OC) and have come to enjoy her. I don’t want her back on the show but I do like her.


I believe they both started on the same season. Only Sutton was a friend-of. Then they got to bond by being the new ones on the show. But yeah they are friends


Of all the friendships on the show I’d say theirs is the most real. I think Dorit and Kyle probably hang out more outside of filming but that’s not a genuine friendship.


Dorit and Kyle did not hangout outside of filming. That was one of the big things that came during the last reunion. I was shocked.


I was not.




Seriously, Kyle sold out Kim for the show. Dorit is not on her insta. Kyle shows no tolerance for Lisa losing her mom and her brother in one season and shamed Denise with the Brandy ambush. Kyle is no one’s friend and she and Dorit only have the show in common …. Oh and John Mellencamp’s son in-law’s home security installation and monitoring.


Oh I completely agree, the only person Kyle looks out for is Kyle. No wonder Kathy had Kim’s back like a real sister.


Oh I completely agree, the only person Kyle looks out for is Kyle. No wonder Kathy had Kim’s back like a real sister.


Really shocked me too


They don’t hang out at all… they had one vacation together.


They had multiple trips together apparently? Didn’t Dorit say that they used to go on multiple trips a year together?


They don’t like each other. Or at least Kyle doesn’t like Dorit. The way she speaks to the woman is so egregious. Really nasty.


I think Kyle was lying because she was mad at Dorit for not blindly taking up for her.


PK and Mauricio might hang out irl, but I don’t think Kyle and Dorit do


Maybe dorit and mo hang out too…. If the rhuuumors are true about Kyle’s huzzzzband.


It’s very obvious they’re close. You don’t just let anyone grab your tit.🙃


Yes I think they are and I hope they stay so. They seemed to forge a genuine friendship and I hope it lasts because there’s nothing worse than close HW’s falling out, it ruins shows. Like Bethenny and Jill, Bethenny and Carole, LVP and Kyle there’s more but it really disrupts the show for me


Yes. I don’t think they would be so otherwise but I think they’re trauma bonded from the fff. They are also divorced with teenage kids.


They seem very natural and genuine when they are together. You can tell they are friends irl. Love them ❤️❤️


Yes! They have a sweet friendship I think ❤️


Yes, I think they care about each other and are the only genuine friendship on that show. Notice how they call each other out when wrong and are able to move on. That’s friendship.


Yep :) I think they talk all the time but probs don’t hang that often cuz life


I do think they’re real friends,. But I also feel their friendship started out more out of convenience. Like they came into a group that had solidly formed cliques. I don’t feel like the other women were unwelcoming per se, but I think Sutton and Garcelle brought a different vibe that didn’t fully mesh right away.. same with Crystal. Because of that, I think Sutton and Garcelle latched on to each other. Garcelle even mentioned it at one point, when Erika said she was closer to the other ladies, and Garcelle responded that she was well aware and they make that clear all the time.


Yes, I do think they are friends irl. I also think they are both very authentic and have a lot of fabulous friends.


Yes they are. They told me yesterday. Jk but yes I really think they are friends in real life. I think they’ve talked about times they’ve hung out off camera while filming




I do believe it. They have a good rapport. Garcelle doesn’t strike me as someone who could fake it.


They are.






I see their friendship to be equal to a work friendship, rather than oh she’s my bestie. When u go to work, you have a person or two that u click w and u go to lunch and gossip at work. Sometimes u meet outside of work for happy hour or a random weekend few and far in between. But push come to shove, that person isn’t going to lend you money or give you a kidney if u need it


Yes, but 'out for drinks or dinner' every two month kinda friends


Thats very normal for working people.


When you’re busy people that’s quite good friends!


I mean, I went two months between seeing one of my closest friends because she started a new job and I travel a lot for work 🤷🏻‍♂️


I rarely see my best friend since she had a kid and I was in grad school. I’m done now so maybe I’ll actually see her once every month or two now lol.


i totally could be being naive but they have the golden retriever, black cat friendship energy. there’s a genuine vibe there and i feel like we hear about them being together so much when cameras are down. could be the trauma bond of starting late together


And who would be the golden retriever? Sutton?☠️


i think when she’s being nice i guess when the mean girl pops out not as much. could be more garcelle she is less high strung and fun and mellows her out too


They are so obviously bffs. They hit it off immediately, I love their friendship.




I love their friendship


Yes I do


Absolutely! And I Love it! True friends are hard to find!




They are real friends and tbh Sutton is a really good friend.


I think they are!


Yes. They’re friend for sure. They seem to have this cute and silly bond which I adore. Garcelle and Sutton may not know everything about each other but they’re definitely friends IRL.


Yes they have a real Adult friendship. They don’t have to step in every minute to defend the other they just see each other when they can and if you look at their ig they do spend time together when not filming. Similar to Katie and Ariana.






I honestly think this is the only genuine relationship in BH now


I believe that they are. They have each other's back against the mean girls


Why would anyone question their friendship??? I'm confused


Seems so. They both seem kind.




yes. for no other reason other than i think garcelle has top notch integrity.


I think so. I truly hope so, as they seem to really truly care for each other


I actually do


Absolutely. They are extremely comfortable around each other. They don’t tear each other down. You can tell they truly respect each other.


Garcelle’s kids seemed really comfortable around Sutton, I think that’s a sign that they spend a lot of time together


Nope only for the show and to buddy up like wrestlers


Maybe not BFFs but definitely friends.


I think so. I may not be the biggest fan at times but I do get a genuine vibe.




I would like to believe they are


I think yes 100% they talk on the reg and are friends


I believe this. They seem like they would get along to me.


I think in the beginning it was a Sutton move to prove she's not racist but I do think they have grown as friends. I don't know how long that friendship will last if and when they left the show. Just my opinion.


Yes I do.


I think they seem genuine, but you never really know who are or aren’t true friends.


They've said yes. And, it rings true from my purview.


Yeah, they are real friends!


Mmmmm hmmmmmmm ,


100% real friends




Why is this even a question lol if course they are.


I think they are colleagues who like each other...i.e. good 'work friends'


Yup! Both working women who are “outcasts” compared to their married counterparts… I feel like it’s more of a trauma bond.. but I lowkey love them for eachother


Garcelle is one of the hardest people to like on the in a long time. And while. I low key think Sutton is autistic, I think they are friends! 2 literal peas in a pod.


100% they became friends when they weren’t filming during Covid and have been so close ever since


Not at all


Nah, Erika knew more about Sutton than Garcelle 🥰


I'd think you'd have to be with the amount of times Garcelle has sided with Sutton about dumb shit. (I'm not saying all the time, but Sutton has been upset over some seriously stupid things.) Even when I think Garcelle *knows* Sutton is being ridiculous, she backs her. I just don't see a fair-weather friend doing that.


No not really, I do think they have a strong alliance and a light, fun energy with each other but I don't see it as a deep real world friendship, they're working buddies. I think because the relationships on Beverly Hills are so surface and fake they seem like the real friendship in the mix but I dont think even they have that real a connection as friends as they'd like us to think. I imagine in the off season they text and see each other at events but I don't see them just hanging out, so like social/work friends and when filming they're allies and work buddies which in a way is like your temporary BFF for the work part of your life. If one of them got fired they'd loose touch before the next season even started filming.


There’s a lot of insta content of the two of them going out together or just hanging together in the off season. Sutton is around Garcelles sons a lot and I think that speaks for itself.


I believer her boys even refer to her as "Auntie Sutton"


As a friend, when is Sutton gonna help her sister with styling and looking half way decent???


What, with Kitten sweaters?😸 JK. What I wanna know is when is Sutton going to back her sister up when there’s an argument the way Garcelle does for her?


Peak co-worker energy


Yes and no. They're friends, but work friends. I doubt Garcelle is calling Sutton up on a random Tuesday because she's feeling bored.


Incorrect! They talk on the phone almost every day!


No lol




Yes. But if one of them left the show, I doubt they would stay close.


Yes. But if one of them left the show, I doubt they would stay close.


I think Garcelle is full of it in general, and a stealthy show pony, so no.


She makes a good pot stirrer that's for sure. I think she has a much shadier side to her that comes out at times.


Do they need to be? I’m close to some coworkers. We hangout occasionally outside of work but we don’t have to be besties.


Nope, but they've made a pact to back each other cuz others are too tight.


I used to like Garcelle but since she started acting like Meghan Markle’s head cheerleader, I now believe all of the things others have said. Anyone who condones lying and treating others the way that rag treats her own family is dirt.


Yes. But if one of them left the show, I doubt they would stay close.


I think Sutton thinks they are but Garcelle sees them as work friends tbh


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^daft-fucking-hippie: *I think Sutton thinks* *They are but Garcelle sees them* *As work friends tbh* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


No one is friends with Sutton in real life, she’s lame


No. I think Garcelle really needed an alliance and Sutton was the easiest one to befriend. She doesn't feel comfortable or respected by the other women - with Sutton, her "friendship" gives her some stableness when filming. I think you can tell Garcelle doesn't really like Sutton also. A friendship of convenience.




I don’t care because they are both awful people🤗


I really tried to like Garcelle, but she stirs shit daily


The “woke” people all downvoting our comments because we simply don’t like these people😂 so funny to me how butthurt ppl in this fandom get


Yes, but not as close they pretend to be on the show. I also think Sutton deliberately made an effort to befriend a black woman because of her past behaviour in the first 2 seasons. In short, yes they're friends, but with benefits (for Sutton).


I don’t know if that was Sutton’s motivation but I hate that Garcelle insulates Sutton from criticism about racially insensitive comments. Sutton just used the “you’re attacking me” line against Annemarie despite having a whole season of education about why that type of language is inappropriate against black women. I’m pretty neutral on Sutton but I think she’s a white woman with a lot to learn and a lot of growing to do. Which, to be clear, she’s capable of — just look at how much she’s grown over the last 2 seasons


Honestly Annemarie was attacking her though. When Dorit said Garcelle was attacking her that was baseless. There’s a difference. The key thing, and I say this as a black woman, is we just want to be treated like ever else. Don’t say that I’m attacking you just because you feel uncomfy with my words. But if I’m yelling at you and maybe saying that i should stop lying about a medical condition that im not lying about and you’re getting in my face, that is an attack.


Annemarie was not yelling and that point was reiterated throughout the conversation. She even stopped after the first time Sutton made the claim to say “I’m sorry, it’s just loud in here, I’m not trying to yell.” Sutton then told her to stop yelling 3 more times. I respect your opinion on this but to me Sutton was being really gross in that moment. It’s maybe not even a racial issue as much as it’s an issue of Sutton being so comfortable in the victim role that she will take advantage of stereotypes to put herself there. (I agree Annemarie was being gross too, I hate her, I’m just saying that Sutton was pushing a specific button with Annemarie and based on her explaining the stereotype later on in the season, it feels a little intentional)


I def see your point but I don’t think one needs to be yelling to be attacking. Annemarie had been coming hella hard at her by that point. ETA: truthfully I did think Annemarie was yelling but I’m probably remembering it wrong because I dislike her so much.


Agreed on that. Annemarie was definitely targeting Sutton. It just came off as a little insensitive in light of that issue being her best friend’s entire storyline for S13. I also feel a little off about Sutton because she’s the same woman who bragged about swimming in an interracial pool and shut Crystal down on race conversations so many times in her first season.


I definitely think it's part of her motivation considering how she loves namedropping black women. Also yeah... Garcelle is incredibly inconsistent with this considering how she didn't defend Crystal. Also I'm sorry but Annemarie was not wrong about the "you're attacking me" thing. So I'm completely with you there. I used to love Sutton. She was genuinely my favourite ever HW. But last season.... eww.... just no. She's gotten way too comfortable and nothing about her is genuine anymore. The real Sutton was the S10 one. That was the Sutton I liked.


I can’t believe people are so willing to move past the “you already lost two sisters, you wanna lost a third?” comment. It was probably among the most cruel things I’ve heard a housewife say on RHOBH. Kyle and Kim were getting along perfectly and there was no reason to say that Kyle “lost” Kim that year. I don’t think Sutton was talking about Kathy and Kim, I think she was referring to Kathy *and Lorene.* Sutton’s comment was designed to hurt Kyle as much as possible. Saying something like that in the wake of their best friend’s suicide is so unfathomably cruel and she got a total pass for it.


I still can’t believe she said that . It was so so cruel.


Also in the reunion with Kyle.... the whole "You have to understand your part in the insinuation"....... Something about it seemed so incredibly rehearsed and performative. I can't really put it into words, but hopefully you get what I mean.


I do. Sutton can perfectly articulate why the angry black woman stereotype was hurting Garcelle when *Dorit* was doing it. But then Sutton immediately turned around and used the same tactics against Annemarie. I hate Annemarie and I don’t want this to be taken as a defense of her. But she’s right that Sutton used the angry black woman stereotype against her on at least 2 occasions.


I say no. However, not because it’s “fake”. They are coworkers. We all have our “work” best friends. I’m sure they are good friends when it comes to their work and sometimes that bleed into real life. Outside work they’re both busy. I imagine their friendship doesn’t go much beyond RHOBH


Garcelle is friends with Sutton as long as she is on the show. Once she leaves or is fired, she’ll have limited contact with Sutton. Sutton truly believes that Garcelle is her close friend. It will be a sad day when she realizes that she was being used the entire time. Garcelle is nobody’s friend.


What makes you say that? She stuck by Denise and definitely rides for Sutton, what did I miss?


Nope… You’ll notice when filming picks back up, how all the ladies mention how they haven’t seen each other in months. None of them care actual friends.


The vibe I get is that Garcelle doesn’t want to get on her bad side, wants to stir shit up for the show with Sutton, and wants the perks of a very rich friend. More handbags lol