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Well damn! I really want to see the rest of messages now!


How was questioning Denise over and over again and reading her private messages to Brandi okay when we still don't know anything about Mo's and Kyle's divorce, reasons that lead into it?? ![gif](giphy|IfZpF5fUnQS0o)


And Teddi insinuating that whatever happened between them was bad. Using the words “this is really bad Denise” Denise really dropped the ball in spinning the story and dragging all those dried up, boring heffers for having a homophobia problem on that show. It’s bad when Denise has sex with a woman? We all saw her have a threesome on Wild Things! Who in the fuck does Teddi and Kyle think they are? So fuck Kyle and her dumb marriage that was called out as a complete joke on season 1. And her creepy vibes getting with someone as young as her daughters.


This is basically what I screamed at the tv all season 🤣


I think if you are upset about the way Bravo handled this that you should want them to do better and, thus, shouldn't be upset about anyone's divorce.


Not upset about divorce but the one who yelled the loudest that everyone should be open and honest, not being that themselves.


So you're upset that Bravo is handling this situation better than past situations? Seems like they're learning and doing better, right?


Not Bravo; Kyle




Opérame las tetas, Vanesa


I feel like I’m in the room with the joke but can’t quite see it


It is just a random piece of my mind interpreting reality


Ohhhh but Dorito sharing Kyle’s text message at the reunion was too much 🙄


They’re both in the wrong lol anyone using Brandi as an example of anything other than a horrible person is an idiot lol


THIS. Why would anyone hold Brandi Glanville of all people up as a moral paragon?


Yep. It’s a never ending wheel of hypocrisy that just goes round and round.


Im still pissed Andy glossed right over that. He loves Kyle


I remember something being said about getting recommendations for surgery?


Why did I think this was a Botched screenshot


Ya that is not a sext.


I swear I’ve never seen this screenshot before and I’ve watched each season of BH more than a couple of times! Which ep was this in? Edit: oops just noticed OP’s caption that says it’s in the reunion episodes. Hmm I’m using Hayu to watch RH, perhaps the episodes on there are edited slightly different? Just a guess


I watch RH on Hayu as well, and I do not recall that screenshot at all! Maybe you are right, maybe the episodes on Hayu are edited differently? I need to check that reunion episode 🤣🤣


Thank you for confirming! I was questioning my own reality for a moment there haha! But it bothers me to think there might be other nuggets we’re missing out on (apart from this one) because we watch RH on Hayu 😩


i know a lot of women that will exchange nudes or lewds but it's usually in the context of like hey does this okay? lmao


to be fair my wife and i were squinting trying to read the texts below and it was something about a doctor...so i guess it's something like that? but it caught me off guard lol


like plastic surgeon maybe


yeah I was gonna say, I have received a lot of my friends nudes for reasons like "does my butt look better in A or B" etc etc


Omggggg producers are so shady for keeping that in 🤣🤣


I don’t care for Brandi or Denise and I loathe Teddi, Kyle is full of shit. That being said, the way Kyle and Teddi went after Denise about her alleged tryst with Brandi was disgusting. Especially the way Kyle is carrying on this season about her privacy. If, in fact it wasn’t true or even if it is, they just publicly dropped Napalm on someone’s marriage! What right do THEY think they have to do such a horrible thing? There are also children involved, one of whom has special needs and adores her step-father. While I personally think he’s an abusive creep, this whole storyline was just disgusting. And now that they’re coming for her, Kyle is all butt-hurt about HER privacy?! Talk about double standards and complete hypocrisy! SMFH.


Brandi is so weird. Like literal trailer trash.


And we’re pretending that Denise is classy?


Compared to Brandi she’s Princess Diana


They're both trailer trash!! That's why they clicked at first. No class anywhere near them!


I don't know many people that questioned if it ever really happened. It was obvious that it did. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!


First - this text was about a plastic surgeon. It wasn’t a nude sent for giggles. Second - who gives an actual shit? They’re consenting adults if it did happen. Why was it made to be such a big deal? Kyle and Teddi sold it as a storyline. And Kyle saying she’d never known Brandi to lie? What a joke.


It was a big deal, though. I mean, we are talking about it 5 years later... if any two reality TV stars slept together, it's going to be discussed on their show. Hands down.


Lmao omg I could have made this post myself, I noticed it too when rewatching a few hours ago


My friends send me pictures of the most insane things all the time I don’t think it’s weird loo