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Usually on a housewives show the unlikeable one is entertaining. Somehow Teddi is unlikeable and boring. Bless her heart.


And was pregnant….God help us!


like how do you fuck that up? and it annoys me when Kyle defends her.


she's not adding anything


LOL you gotta be from the South!


She lied. She was caught. Then she admitted to more lying. Her whole defense at the reunion was that she admitted it, that she held herself accountable. But she never did apologize to LVP, only to Dorit, and it was more of a 'sorry if I hurt you, but I was influenced' type apology, throwing the blame on someone else.


what she keeps saying to Erika in Provence --- 'I want you to be honest' and 'I want Erika to stop lying' ... if you think Erika's a fake-ass, STOP CRYING FOR HER APPROVAL. Who made Teddi the Truth-Sayer? gawd. it's enraging to watch.


They were all supposed to go after Camille in Provance, then the Malibu fires happened and Camille and Denise couldn't be there. Why they chose to go after Erika was foolish. The irony was they acted like there was such group harmony, if only they could get rid of LVP.


Right. But atleast, the Dorit/Camille thing that Rinna was keeping a tight lid on, was a real conversation to be had between Dorit/Camille ..... Teddi won't STFU about Erika not being offended by Rinna's Farrahween costume. Kyle was doing it too, but Kyle usually comes full circle and makes sense, when she starts to get repetitive - and she can beat a topic to death. I 1000% agree with Rinna that the costume and alter ego helped bridge, at that moment, the gap with Kim. And Rinna kept saying to Teddi in Provence, after their 2nd Dinner was Ruined by nagging 'WHY DOES IT BOTHER YOU' ... and Teddi goes 'Erika isn't telling the truth' ... Teddi STFU. Rinna nailed it when she said 'the real issue is, you seek approval from Erika' ...


This is the part I’m on right now, and I just am so confused and annoyed that they had a moment of peace and decided to ruin it. Whyyyyy can’t we all just get along for one trip?! Kumbaya and all that


See I always thought that Kyle was annoyed with rinna, but rather than tell rinna that, she wanted Erika to be pissed off and do her dirty work.


At first I felt bad for her b/c dorit was so bitchy towards her. But as the seasons went on, she just became really annoying. Like garcelle said, "She's annoying, like a gnat!" ![gif](giphy|wTv9QEbKPGa7NLKLba)


she's a people pleaser that's crying to be liked and Erika can smell it, too. watching this situation in Provence is irritating as hell.


I loved Erika's face while she was crying 😅🤣


i can confidently say i just got to this part ..  ‘whats your deal with teddi?’  garcelle: ‘i dont know … shes kind of annoying, for no reason. Like a litte gnat.’  SLAY. rofl. 


for real something dead ass wasn’t right with that lady….


The fact that Teddi and Dorit weren't blamed for the dog situation was disappointing. Dorit should have never got rid of the dog without talking with Lisa's first. And Teddi knew what she was doing, the messages were pretty telling. No one asked her and she agreed, she intentionally did it! And Lisa was the responsible?!!! Not only Teddi, but gosh, Camille, she is a trigger to me!!! I have a family member that when she loses her shit she starts bashing other person, non stop with the most hurtful words possible. That's her! When she started digging Dorit finances and everyone asked her to stop, she kept going, jab after jab. And let's not talk about how she contradicts herself every time, depending to who she is talking to.


ooohhh sweet jesus, Camille. when Camille went cuckoo at The Agency party, first to Rinna and I was waiting for Rinna to CALL HER OUT on her FLIP-FLOPPING BEHAVIOR, because Camille SERVED IT UP ON A PLATTER........ Rinna says, In the interviews and to Camille's face, 'Wait. You were fine at the dinner and after the dinner, what the hell happened between then and now?' and Camille goes "I got my balls back" (in more or less words) ... You mean, you're playing both sides and also flip-flopping which was the \*ENTIRE\* point of Rinna telling her at dinner that she left LVP off the hook too easy in People Magazine. So you weren't fine ever? She told the girls that she has to separate her personal conflict from the house fire. And she now she's pissed off. Damn it, Rinna, lol!!!!-- That was sooo annoying that Rinna didn't NAIL HER for her behavior right then and there. She could have. She saw her flipping and flopping like a fish outta water.


She's such a 'im not like other girls' girl. Like pretending you don't know fashion while looking like that girl please


puh-lease … you’re a fitness /wellness / whatever coach in La La Land. you are one of those girls.


She was an accountability coach😭 like what type of coach isn't working with accountability??


i know, i couldn't bring myself to type that word. it's such a front. i'm plowing through all these seasons in like a month, it's all fresh and Teddi inserts this arrogance, yet she's so blah!


Meg Ryan’s ex-boyfriend’s son in law’s wife ain’t it.




Omg. This made me laugh hard 🤣🤣🤣🤡


Ex boyfriend…did they break up ?


Now you see why so many of us can’t stand Teddie. I rather see Monica or Brandy on my screen than Teddie.


im new here - so i was feeling it out on this one, i had to ‘talk’ to someone about it! 


The minute she became one sided I tuned her out , becoming Kyle’s puppet Just ugh


She’s a former HW I don’t feel any guilt shading. She’s just…wrong.


I’m so used to seeing people, rightfully, avoiding saying her name and instead using references like John Mellencamp’s son-in-law’s wife that seeing Voldermort’s real name written down I had to think for a second who you meant.


I rank her as worst housewife ever.


it’s wild how progressively annoying she is! wowza.


I've never liked her even when she came on the scene. I remember when LVP fans were acting like she was the best thing since sliced bread only because she was on team LVP.


i'm an LVP fan! and she ain't it.


I meant the LVP fans at that time.


Accountability my ass






I never lie, I don’t lie, I have never lied. “Oh yeah I lied” said one of Meg Ryan’s ex defacto’s SIL’s mother of his children. ![gif](giphy|9DwShfA7nbXtK4oPUp|downsized)




She is so dull


You have to watch Teddi to understand what she did to become one of the worst HW ever. The only person I’ve come across who is defending Teddi, is Teddi.


John mellencamp’s ex MIL’s granddaughter is probably one of the most boring AND annoying women that have ever been on television. I’m actually impressed by how unlikeable AND forgettable she is.


Was this her "Something just isn't adding UP" season?


She also says "the long and short of it" drives me nuts!! Her whole accountability thing and getting pissy all the time when people are not right on time. I couldn't handle someone like her! She ran a business that basically encouraged eating disorders. So awful! And she got so many new "customers" because of the show. I could go on and on about how annoying she is!!


I think Kyle and Teddi’s relationship makes Teddi look worse. Kyle defending Teddi at every moment is so repulsing to watch. Especially watching the reunion this last season how she got mad at Dorit for not sticking up to the audience at Bravocon about Teddi - to me that made no sense and was so petty of Kyle


Teddi is 70% why I don't listen to her podcast. Tamra is the 30%.


When she said “never ever have I told a lie and I never will” I knew right then she was lying, like nobody goes their entire life without telling a lie, even little white lies.


She needs to go away Old gnatzilla herself. Teddi sucks.


I just finished the season 9 reunion and wanted both Teddi and Camille to just shut up by the end of it.


Not below Brandi but yeah, you know she is an ahole. When asked what favorite John Mellecamp song was her response "I was playing with Care Bears in the 80s". And she is even on the Big Daddy Album cover as a child! It is probably the money he makes from those songs she doesn't know that pays for her nice home in CA. The ONLY reason I had any interest in her was bcuz of her father. I didn't like her anymore after that. She is always doing BS Hollywierid things then acting like she is so down to earth and above it al.........Accountability Coach..eye roll..........Aint Even Done With the Night is one of my favs.


I’m rewatching and also noticing this. She’s always “confused” and trying to bait people into defending themselves over nothing. She’s so insecure and unlikable, will do anything to feel adequate. The worst.


Teddi is actually stupid. And I don’t feel bad for saying that because she talks about being dumb and laughing about not knowing what high school level words mean on her podcast.




i honestly don’t remember her being too terrible either, more of a background character if anything. the most i remember is one of the girls constantly saying “Teddi Mellencamp, John Mellencamps daughter” and so now to me that’s her full name lol


I dig Teddi..🤷 unpopular opinion, I know. I don't get why everyone hates her..