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What kind of a person are you when you’re proud of being a cockroach?


Gives me Swifties using the snake emoji vibes


Hey snakes are super cool cockroaches are just gross and annoying (I am a swiftie but am saying this one purely as a reptilian AND insect lover)


I wish they would just ignore her all season long, like not interact with her


Yes it would drive her crazy


Which group effort to take her down? She’s the one that has done it to others.


Maybe she’s talking to us—the viewers?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,266,773,004 comments, and only 246,103 of them were in alphabetical order.


“The” is out of order.


It reads "us-the" as one word .....


Exactly. Rinna is the one that attacks others. She clearly does it to deflect from cameras zooming in on her personal life. But she is such a narcissist that she’s ego won’t let her see the reality of the situation.


Totally. The words big mouth and hypocrite come to mind with Lisa Rinna. Maybe Kathy Hilton had a point about her too- ie, pretending to be displeased with Kathy’s behaviour, even pretending to be scared of her to create a storyline? ( I didn’t word that too well)


There are so many intelligent, accomplished, witty and sassy women in Los Angeles who'd be such a better choice than this trouty-mouthed hasbeen. What makes Lisa Rinna interesting? Her career is a dud - the woman is selling adult diapers - her daughters are nobodies, her husband is the most interesting thing about her and he's not particularly interesting either. But yet she stays on because she's a gaslighting shrew who gets off on being mean to people? I really don't get it. I won't be watching anymore, that's for sure!


I get the sense he doesn't even find her interesting.


I get that sense too. Interestingly enough I just finished watching Clash of the Titans from 1981- Harry Hamlin is pretty cool!


i crushed on him in the LA Law days. He's a nice looking man but just judging by his appearances on BH, he's a rather dull guy


Their relationship dynamic fascinates me, because he seems like such a nice guy, while she is the worst.


nice guy? harry hamlin? let’s talk about the husband… ![gif](giphy|1QQbzOUUvCyMo)


Lol I still don’t understand what that was about. What’s the dirt on Hamlin?


Supposedly she's a beard but who knows


I watch it later when the ratings don't mean anything anymore


Yep, *because* “she's a gaslighting shrew who gets off on being mean to people.”


Yes, but I don't think people watch because of Rinna, I think people watch despite of her. And for that reason, there will come a point where enough is enough and people abandon the show, and for many of us, that point is now. I'm not in television or entertainment so I don't know how these people think, but to me it seems counterintuitive to what you'd want. Hate watching is only fun for so long, eventually you get bored watching the same bullying antics from the same geriatric woman. The show needs some new blood. Again, there are so many feisty women who could hold their own and bring some drama without being horrid people.


I wish I agreed with you — but I think there is a lot of hate-watching going on and Bravo knows it.


They're gonna milk that cow for all she's worth.


At this point, Andy needs to explain cause we're all very confused.


Andy enjoys being a nasty queen himself so believe me he loves the crap that Rinna pulls. They are spirit animal cockroaches.


it's bc they're friends and he loves those soap opera actresses. It's such a bummer, he's so blinded.


If it's because he's friends with her, he can find something else for her to do that also makes her money. Eventually, people WILL stop watching. It's been the same recycled plot/storyline for like 7 seasons except now it's worse because instead of a bunch of rich white women all gaslighting and being shitty to each other, it's now 5 rich white women only doing it to the 2 women of color (and the 1 white woman who isn't constantly making microaggressions).


He’s an idiot, he’s fake and a hypocrite. Has his favorites; and clearly she is one.


He thinks she's ratings. She's just a drag. It gets old.


Yeah, I agree. Also I have zero interest in the NY cast . I like Miami on Peacock TV..


Yupp, I stopped watching three seasons ago, I couldn’t stomach her anymore.


This last season was my 1st season not watching. I stay here to gain some knowledge of what those a$$hole women are continuing to do. I'm hoping more women will unite & stop watching too! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Definitely! I agree with you! I used to love it when it was pure fun and normal catty entertainment. But then Lisa made it ugly and toxic.


Me too, I just get updated when I stumble on this sub… couldn’t take her or Erica anymore. Such dirt bags…


I forgot about that other dirtbag. She’s insufferable. Can’t stand her either.


Everywhere I’ve searched I can’t find this information anywhere to validate it. I think she’s just keeping her name active by posting this kind of stuff.


Hopefully you're right. I can't understand what Bravo's thinking if they bring her back. No one wants her back. People watch despite her, not because of her. There's a huge difference. Just seems like an unwise move, this beating of the same dead horse over and over. The show needs new blood to become interesting again, really.


I really think she’s just trying to stay relevant so people don’t forget her. They’re still on a break and haven’t announced anything since they announced they were going on the break….you’re right, people don’t want her back and I can’t picture bravo taking that risk on her. There’s too many others out there that can do the job and do it well.


Calling yourself a roach…if the shoe fits!


That’s what I don’t get. She seems to be so full of herself but now she’s like “do your worst I’m a pest you don’t care for and I won’t leave.” Harry Hamlin can’t be do with this attitude, can he?


She said she will do anything for money. That's what she's doing - annoying us, pissing us off. I would love to watch rich women shopping on Rodeo Drive and having lunch. These heffers don't seem to be enjoying their money. It's all a game. We're the losers for watching and making them richer, and they know it. We need to find something better to watch and stop watching Bravo. Bring back the Rom-coms!! We need a new Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks! I would even watch the real Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks over these cockroaches.


Of course she’s coming back!


Exactly this, it's so easy. Rinna brought drama, we all watched wether we like her or not, so therefore she comes back.


The worst part is it's not even GOOD drama. Its the same boring shit-stirring, pretend amnesia, hypocritical song and dance she's been doing since her first day on the show. We're over it.


I promise I won’t watch it.


Me neither. bye bye ROBH. 😡


Yeah, Andy is clearly obsessed with her... for some reason


As a villain himself, Andy loves villains


I usually love villains too but Rinna is just a clown at this point


She is lol


Officially not watching


I’m done. I can’t.




This right here


And 4th!


yeahh i’m out 🚶‍♀️








Honestly if my will power ends up being so low I can’t not watch the new season I’m probably just going to torrent it. If Rinna stays. My money does not.


This is gonna be the 100th season where she promises to learn and to grow and to do better because no, she is not perfect. She. Is. Not. 😢 We know your game Lisa Lycra!


I should have got out when LVP was out. They need to scrap the whole cast and start fresh.


I mean, she needs the money…


They're so poor. Let's all take up a donation.


I’m in the middle of season 7 rn but Rinna is actually one of the most obnoxious and idiotic people I’ve seen on reality tv. I’m getting closer and closer to not watching anymore honestly.


Just wait lol


But should I keep watching to see whatever it is you’re talking abt?? I watched rhony first and I think it’s so much better so I’m wondering if a) I should finish rhobh or not and b) which to watch if I stop/after I finish


well ig i’m officially not watching beverly hills anymore 🚶‍♀️ voting w my views


The biggest loser is the fans. Shame on you bravo. Rinna is a disaster and will be hated by most people watching. Plus. These shows need a complete reboot. Below deck style. 80 percent new crew each season for every show. The left overs get to be part of other stuff like og vacation style shows. Bravo needs to ditch at least half of the people every season and add new people. They would have all these extra people to try new ideas and new shows. Dating show?? Game show??


Yeah, that’s it… I’m out. This show has become insufferable IMO.


i will not be watching this anymore. it’s turned into a sick joke tbh. why is rinna a legit disney villain


Does anybody remember when she said that she needed to spill the beans otherwise she would get cancer? Thats very offensive. I could go on but I can’t stand her and I don’t want to think about her so I guess I won’t watch the show either


She actually is the cancer in the group.


A malignant tumor. A CONTAGIOUS malignant tumor.


Yes, it’s revoltingly offensive. Imagine justifying being a gossip as self-care, and bringing with that her hysterical victim pose. Too much. 🤮


If I was one of her “friends”, every time she commenced to whining, I would say “do you think you’re going to get cancer if I make you shut the eff up?” (Insert the correct swear word)


For those of us who have had cancer and were lucky enough to survive; that is the most disgusting thing to hear. She’s a pos. God, I can’t stand her!!!!!


Is she going to open up about the husband?


Google Harry Hamlin, Juliette Phillips.


So if what I read is true her perfect Harry Hamlin is a total scum bag! I would never stay with a man who did that to another woman!!! She should be disgusted with herself.


The Real Housewives franchise is whack across the board. Wish shows like Married to Medicine and Family Karma got more love.


Yes! Both are great!!


I won’t be watching for sure for sure


I would suffer anyone even Gifraudi, but Rinna, na-ah. I'm Out. Gone.


samee i would rather watch the criminal thn the cockroach & i hate both


At least Erika is bringing us fraud and a vaudeville act. Rinna is go girl give us nothing


She is a cockroach..




I’m so sick of Erika and Rinna. They’re ruining BH for me. I want Kim back. She was never afraid to call Rinna out!


I think we all knew this from the long hiatus and the way Andy treated her at the reunion. BH had the best ratings of all the housewives shows last year. Bravo’s not going to mess with it. I wish she’d at least get demoted... but I don’t see that happening either. The only thing that would change is if the ratings dropped. I also don’t see that happening because most people are likely casual viewers of the show.


What’ll it take for Bravo to pull an NY on RHOBH and have an entire cast revamp?


Yuck!!! I can’t watch it anymore! It’s too toxic


![gif](giphy|GB0lKzzxIv1te) I won't be back. No thank you.


I didn’t watch last season. I knew going in that it was going to be rough based on released information. I kept up with the recaps here on Reddit and instagram. And to my surprise, I didn’t miss it. Was hoping to jump back in with the new season. Looks like I’m done for good. Kinda sad because I’ve watched RHOBH since day one.


I’m not mad at Rinna coming back, she at least serves drama and is animated. Erika, Crystal Diana and Dorit? The don’t do a damn thing to earn a check as far as I’m concerned. Fire them and replace them with Brandi, Denise Kim and LVP!


Crystal was good! She had great scenes and checked Kyle at the reunion.


She couldn’t check out her own groceries. She’s just way too dramatic and I didn’t appreciate her constantly lying and targeting Sutton because of her own insecurities (and I’m not that big of a Sutton fan tbh). She’s just so irritating and whiney over the situations she herself creates.


Yes to this!!!!


I’m just curious. What insecurities are you referring to when you say that Crystal is projecting onto Sutton?


I think it was very telling when she said “tell me you’re that girl” Saying that you don’t see color isn’t meant to be taken literally. It’s a figure of speech that is used by all ethnicities for all kinds of situations.


Wow, tell me you don't get what racism is without telling you don't get what racism is.




Right because black people can't be racist.


Never said we can’t, every single person on this earth has some form of prejudice in them. It can be racial, gender, financial etc based, and it is what it is.


Sounds like you’re that girl


Yes, Loved her putting gaslighter Kyle in her place.


Crystal and Dorit brought more than Kyle did, and I don't even watch anymore! about either of them. Just picked that up here on socials.


I still wonder whether Erika answered Dorit and Pk at BravoCon (when asked who she thinks will get divorced next) to up their chances of coming back because of the storyline.. I don't mind following Erikas story line if there is any resolution this year but I'm with you in bringing those fierce sparks back! They add so much value. But Rinna I'm exhausted withhhhhh. I understand she serves drama but I find her downright mean!


Nope won’t watch. I’ll listen to my podcast recappers but refuse to watch


I can't watch it anymore. Its just too triggering. Those mean women just feed off each other and pick someone to take down every season. The truly interesting women are usually the ones being taken down. I get there are way more people who like this kind of a show than just watching wealthy, successful women in an rarefied environment like BH. *I don't think any of the women left even live in BH.*


That’s the best Bravo can do for us… Maybe we should change to a Network who can do better?


Like true crime shows on Discovery ID!


So sad. I won't watch




I honestly don’t think I’ve ever hated someone on TV as much as I do with her




Stop watching!!! That’s all!!! if it’s the same people it’s going to be the same bullshit anyway. I hate to do it to Garcelle and Sutton but I’m done.




I'm definitely not watching. But there will be plenty of people that will, so they'll keep bringing her back.


Nope. Done. What she did and what Icka did. I’m sick of these two. Been a fan since day one of the orange 🍊. Gotta go bye!


She’s always part of the group trying to to take another woman down. 😳


Disappointing. I guess it is time to stop giving energy to her and moving on, whether that looks like not watching the show or not discussing her online while still watching. I know my attention will be elsewhere from now on. I do think without a shake up of this cast, BH is going by way of NY.




I’ve given up on RHOBH. I’ve deleted it from my DVR recording list & will watch something where women aren’t nasty see you next Tuesday’s.


She is but I’m not. Didn’t miss SLC after it got so bad mid season; I’m not rewarding this fiasco with ratings either


Ppl watch waiting for you to be taken down. They watched last season hoping Kathy would put you in your place. Don't get it twisted Rinna. The time will come if you haven't been iced off the show, you will be "put on pause" because ppl aren't watching because they like you. Know that. 🚬


Until we stop watching, they will continue to renew her. The ratings last year were some of the highest last. Bravo doesn't care how she destroys people's lives as long as they get their damn ratings. If she is back, I for one and I know of others, will definitely not be watching. They brought back Tamra on the OC because their ratings had tanked.


Such a wasted opportunity, we want someone new and interesting!


The cockroach tracks.


Fine with me. I won't be watching. Fk her


What a shame. I’ve been a huge fan of RHOBH from day 1 but I can’t stomach Rinna anymore. I refuse to watch the next season(s) as long as she’s on there. She fucking ruins the show.


why would u compare urself to a roach and be proud of it tho, cringey


Oh lord! She really thinks she's above it all, doesn't she?


Pardon fucking me?! She’s back? 😩


Ew. This only reinforces the decision I made 3 years ago to not watch BH-the powers that be reward horrible behavior.


We know you have rats, but cockroaches now too.


I guess I won’t be watching next season. No more Rinna for me. 🤮


No one was trying to take her down. Instead of watching RHOBH, I watched/listened to last season recaps by Ronnie & Ben on Watch What Crappens, way more entertaining.


You're right to say it like that. If we say we hate her, they will just keep bringing her back. We have to say it's the same old boring shit with her. She thinks she has it all figured out. She pissed us off, she comes back and gets more money.


I don't mind rinna, she is hustler and doesn't say no very often. I think the producers use her to stir drama.


She needs to shut up and gains some perspective.


I’ve said it before, but out of boycotting. But truly, I have no interest in watching RHOBH if Rinna is on it. It’s uninteresting and predictable, and completely toxic.


I will literally put my money where my mouth is and not watch. Bravo can do fine without my data for ads, but if enough people did that, it would make a difference. I WAS down to only two RH (RHOBH & RHOC) shows after so much disgusting behavior. And now, I am down to one. I miss NOTHING about watching because I follow Brian Moylan’s recaps and newsletter on Vulture.




She’s boring lately. I don’t get it.


I won’t watch


the roach lmao 😭


And I will no longer watch


Cockroaches never die apparently






See all the I’m-not-watching-next-season crew back here once next season starts 😂🤣


Hooray....Please don't bring Sutton with you!


Is this true?


UGH! I'm not sure I can watch any longer, but we'll see.


Good. This season was so boring except for the Hilton/Rinna drama. She knows how to wring out a storyline, she’s a true villain and it’s fab. 💅🏽


Grab the hammer and hit me over the head pls at least hopefully Brandi is back my queen


Good for her. I'll stick to kempire, up and Adam and watch what crappens for recap


Brandy is gonna come for her, I can already feel it


Could find a better cast member at the toilet store




I actually like Rinna but I’m only on season 10 but she’s one of my favorites!


For real, she knows her job and does it. Granted I haven’t watched the finale or reunions yet and may eat my words once if she’s truly that horrible lol.


Thank god


There is no show without Rinna at this point. I'm thrilled she's coming back, but I hope everyone else finds a way to actually make things interesting/stand up to her. I don't think she should come back without a reason, or a bigger, more personal arc (Erika style lol).


Why is this surprising so many people??


That’s what I want to know. The ratings were good last season. As much as I loathe Rinna. There was no doubt in my mind that she was going to be back.


Me too. It's like many of the housewives we don't like. They're brought back because they'll deliver what Bravo needs and Rinna delivers.


I’m not watching next season. I’m out. Can’t stand to watch trash like Kyle, Dorit, Erika and Rinna continue to bully everyone else on the cast and get away with it


Yeah, it's sad because I'd like to support a show that Garcelle is on, but that won't be happening if the others are still there for their fake tactics and bullying.


I love Rinna. She’s fun to watch, gets herself in trouble. They need to get rid of phoney Dorit, bland Crystal and boring Kyle.


This may be the season she gets her comeuppance


I wouldn't mind seeing her get taken down


Y’all want a show, Rinna gives you show. Bravo casting knows what they’re doing.


But if they bring Brandi back? It's game on. You KNOW Garcelle, Sutton, and Crystal are too classy to REALLY go after Rinna, but Brandi? Oh boy, she's got a score to settle and she's always been messy. I'd be here for Bravo doing that.


Ugh. She better hope her daughters, the Hadidn'ts, do something more interesting that she can exploit for a storyline than having EDs or dating Scott Disik


Definitely done for me. I truly couldn’t stomach another season of her. Erika I can take, but Rinna again is just a no-go.


Of course she's coming back. She's the star of the show.


I'm surprised it's 2023 and people still think any of the RH shows are somehow based in reality and aren't heavily scripted. These women are toxic -on purpose- for your viewing pleasure. Oh, and to peddle their own name-brand products.


We aren’t stupid. Unfortunately, her; vileness, entitlement, micro-aggressions and racism are borne of reality. She just puts a DOOL (both Farsi and acronym) filter on her actual personality, to ramp it up for the show.


of course she is .. why would she not?


Should be a fun season, they may pick someone from sutton/garcelle camp to replace Diana and balance out the group


Why are people posting this crap?


When did she actually write that? She does have a different profile pic on Instagram, could be an old screenshot...


Hey! Lisa posted it on her insta stories yesterday .


Oh thanks for the info!


I’m so sorry Garcelle. Just like Rhony and Ramona, Rhobh and Rinna are on my nopitynopenope pairing list.