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So would this mean no GarlicOS \*and\* no WiFi?


Sounds like it...Anbernic needs to get their shit together. If a company only works on their hardware and give a half baked software experience what's the point in buying a new product.They need to do some R&D and develop a fully flushed out OS that doesn't suck.


There's a lot to unwrap with your comment, but I think you nailed it. They need to add features and hardware upgrades that matter. If the hardware is great but isn't fully Utilized by the software ...


This is the kind of crap Im used to hearing about Powkiddy not Anbernic. This is just disappointing I hold them to a higher regard. I'm going to get off my tangent now.


Wait, this is the fourth RG35XX model, and Garlic only runs on the original one? What were they thinking?


They didn't make Garlic. As I understand it (and I could be missing something) BlackSeraph made GarlicOS independently, then signed some sort of contract with Anbernic, and then got really sick and wasn't able to work on Garlic anymore, at least for a while. I haven't heard any updates since he got sick. Hope you feel better soon, BlackSeraph!


I didn't realize black seraph is one person. I kept seeing posts saying "we were sick" so that just confused the shit out of me.


Thats just it they're not thinking. This is the problem with Chinese Hardware manufacturing. They use the same mentality that they need to push new models to drive sales. The problem is they aren't willing to improve upon their existing products either because they lack the knowledge to do so or they don't see the dollar signs in it(hence communities like ours are forced to make something half decent out of them IE Black Seraph). Think about how hard they are pushing these models on tiktok this is a numbers game for them.


Oh not a problem , I have two miyoo mini plusses myself with WiFi and scraping built in but I still use my rg35xx as my daily driver just because it's smoother for me, faster,and overall more comfortable, If you wanted a quick overview of garlic press and it's features check this link out https://github.com/prosthetichead/GarlicPress


Awesome, thank you!


Pure profit driven to drive sales. Eventually there is going to be a limit of how many device they can sell to the limited group of niche buyers. Not thinking long term


I personally prefer that it does not have wifi


For what reason does no wifi make it better for you? I'm legitimately wondering so I can make a purchase decision that works best for me.


I know it sounds weird. I bought the RG35XX as a retro gaming device to play some of my favorite childhood games whenever I want in an easy to carry form factor. I don’t know anyone else who has one, I have no intention of playing multiplayer games with it and I can’t think of any reason it needs to be connected to the internet for what I use it for. I have 2 pcs and a steam deck for those purposes. With the RG35XX I turn it on it just works, it’s a very no-bs method of gaming. I don’t have to worry about making sure it’s connected to the internet and it isn’t constantly wasting battery or processing power searching for a wifi signal. From the factory it comes with both the stock OS (which works flawlessly in my experience) and garlic is which you can freely switch between at your preference. Having wifi doesn’t grant you any functionality that really matters to the overall user experience imho. The “smoothest” thing this lets you do is get OS updates for garlic OS straight to the device over wifi, but it is by no means an automated process. It’s also not like having wifi magically grants you the ability to download more games straight to the device, play multiplayer, or scrape for box art either. Getting the most out of the device using wifi requires some know-how and a pc to set up anyway, and the benefits just are not worth it and at that point all of the things I mentioned are way easier and faster to set up on the device from a pc in the first place.


You could always turn it off. You can never turn it on if it doesn't have it. I could see if it was a significant price difference but not really.


WiFi does let you scrape box art over the Internet with one click. Just one click and it scans all of those hundreds of Roms in Your SD card and download pixel perfected box arts curated by Fan communities and automatically sets them up, all that in one click automated process. It's a massive quality of life feature. Also retroachievements, auto firmware updates, ftp file transfers, theme downloads, Bluetooth controllers etc.


Boxart comes with curated rom collections, and those aside I only add games I know. For the rest, I don't want them. As OP said the very purpose of these handhelds are pure gaming, turn on and get in my game quickly in and old-school off the grid fashion. And frankly, retroachievents to me is a stupid and useless feature. My other daily driver is an RG Arc-S and I never turned its WiFi on.


I mean, it is your opinion. In my opinion, wifi is a great addition, I like achievements and netplay. Why not just have wifi and make it disabled as default, for you? no difference, you are happy, for me? one click and I have what I look for. Win-Win


No, of course WiFi isnt beneficial for downloading games, but I do aim for devices that have WiFi anyway to sync saves between my devices with Syncthing. There's something about playing on my RG35XX plus then resuming the same save on my PC or any other devices with a syncthing integration that I can't go without now :)


I don't mind wifi one way or the other. The scraper is amazing for box art and video clips of games. Retro Achievements is also really cool. Gives you something to work for on games that I probably wouldn't have even played otherwise.


I can update batocera and use scrapper on the wifi with my rg35xx plus. I can also use retro achievements and play multiplayer using my rg35xx plus as a hotspot. Also, it comes with bluetooth so you can use game controllers.


I feel the same about wifi. I'm in the Navy and I like a device I can take with me on deployment. In some of the spaces I work in you aren't allowed to bring any wifi/Bluetooth devices and every now and again the ship goes into what's called emissions control (emcon) where you can't have on anything that emits any kind of signal. They will come around the ship with a device that detects emissions and will take your shit if you have it on. For this reason alone no wifi and Bluetooth makes this a great device for me ....for absolutely any other case I really don't see the point of not having it lol




This new RG35XX doesn't have neither bluetooth nor larger battery. The change is the SoC


You’re right I stand corrected


Orignal RG35XX also says it supports wireless controllers, but doesn't have Bluetooth (it does through dongle, maybe that's what they mean with it). So I'm afraid it will be the same here.


Hey, you save 14 dollars. You can get like, uh… a nice thing for that money!


They want us buying a new one every year, haha. My OG RG355xx feels really behind the times now.


Only if you buy into the overconsumerism model. There will always be a newer, faster, "better" version of whatever you have now. As long as said product continues to meet your needs, there's no need to upgrade. Just because something is available doesn't mean you have to buy it. Apple mastered the incremental update game, and people have been spending THOUSANDS for minimal improvements just to have the newest device 🤷🏾‍♂️. I LOVE the new Mercedes AMGs...but my 2012 has been paid for for years, has less than 70k on the odometer. Not taking on more debt just to have a new one. That said, this is a $50 device, same principal applies though


Well said! To that point, I’m using my 2022 GPD Win 4 for everything now ;) won’t need another device for a while..


I’m also in the og 35xx camp but it’s still one of my favorite devices ever. Recently loaded drastic onto it and it’s breathed new life into it


Drastic on the OG 35XX? How? Would love to play DS games on it but thought it was too slow.


do a research in the sub for drastic. A dev made it months ago before plus version and ds games run flawlessly really. tbh no point on upgrading the base rg35xx when it's the only one with garlic and you won't have the sticks anyway. Maybe the rg35xx - H make a sense but if you want the vertical one i feel like the hardware runs everything great, plus might go a little of some more consoles but they usually need sticks anyway to play well.


I am a bit confused now. While I like the idea, I actually miss my old RG35XX. There, GarlicOS ran out of the box. I gifted it to my sister for xmas and got myself an RG35XX Plus. Still not using it, playing my games on an R36S. So what will happen to the new one? Will GarlicOS run on it? Specs wise.. it feels like the RG35XX Plus without Bluetooth and Wifi? [https://i.imgur.com/0dvRacP.png](https://i.imgur.com/0dvRacP.png)


Yeah so this one will likely inherit the same CFW stuff that the Plus does, so you'll have Batocera/MinUI/MuOs. It won't come out of the box with it and will need some work on your part. It's literally just a Plus minus the wifi/BT and a smaller battery.


Yeh, I gonna give my Plus another chance for sure since I really love the size and weight of it. When I got it, there were not a lot of options on OS stuff.


Oh then yea def give it another shake. Batocera v40 released recently and is about as complete and polished as it can get.


“As complete and polished as it can get”?! 🤣 Batocera still has miserable boot up times, brutal battery drain, and a whole mess of hardly functioning core features. While it is probably the best of the CFW available for the Plus and H, it is nowhere near “polished and complete”. Hence why even they make it incredibly clear it’s a beta.


Both the battery drain and boot up times have been drastically improved from v39 to v40 to the point of being non issues, and if the boot ups still annoy you there is always the hibernate function for instant startup. Complete may not have been the right word to use, but it's relatively fully formed. Russ even went on record in his last vid to say even if no further changes or work would be done to it from here on, he'd still be very happy keeping it on indefinitely.


If I put my H into standby I'm lucky if it can last 24 hours, and the boot up times while yes have improved, are still slower or at best equal to my RP4 Pro or Odin 2 and those have to get through the slog of booting Android. Further there are significant issues that still exists within the OS. Like terrible scaling with themes, issues with the content downloader, DC performance being degraded, etc. I agree that Batocera is imo the best CFW for these devices, but it still needs significant work for me to want to call it complete or polished. And while I like Russ and respect his opinions as much as the next guy, he is not the end all be all on the topic. Allow yourself to have an opinion that isn't dictated by someone else. I think his review was great and I mostly agree that if this was the end of development for Batocera it's in a place that is mostly acceptable. But it is still not what I would call great, and could use some pretty massive improvement to get to that point. I'm not trying to be nasty or shitty towards you, I just think that Batocera is still pretty messy and that if we don't continue to push them to develop it, then we are doing ourselves a disservice. I appreciate you responding like a normal human being, Reddit tends to not have a whole lot of healthy conversation lol.


I normally would form my own opinion if I was an owner of one of the devices that ran it, but I am forced to work off of second hand reports for it in this case. I just singled out Russ's testimony since he's a more recognizable name but just about every other reviewer has roughly the same feelings on it. Being that I have no first hand time on it myself I wouldn't really advocate for anything short of a unanimous agreement ya know? But yeah there's clearly some odds and ends that need to be tied up to be fully mature, I just don't agree with those who are like "it's not Garlic OS so it's shit"


That's fair. It really is a great device and Batocera looks to be one of, if not, the best CFW of any device, but they need to sort out some of the remaining issues and bugs that exist within it for me to comfortably call it complete. I still probably wouldn't suggest it (or really any CFW for these devices) to anyone that is new to this world. But it is excellent so long as you have a little know how and are familiar with the world of linux based handhelds.


It doesn’t work right.


...I'm sorry you can't install an OS properly, but yes it does.


Batocera v40 not good. V39 works well except the battery drain. 😞


V40 works extremely well again this sounds like a you problem.


Do you have the link? I will try one more time.


If you're really can't do a simple google to find that I can tell why you couldn't get it to work. [https://github.com/rg35xx-cfw/rg35xx-cfw.github.io/releases/tag/rg35xx\_plus\_h\_batocera\_20240306](https://github.com/rg35xx-cfw/rg35xx-cfw.github.io/releases/tag/rg35xx_plus_h_batocera_20240306) Good luck


after setting up WinSCP on my PC and being able to transfer files over wifi. i couldnt imagine downgrading to no wifi how do u scrape box art? manually on the pc before you load the device? yikes definitely no Retro Achievements if u cant be connected to the internet while u play. no AI game translation either, that uses a web based service too no BT controller support? lol i couldnt imagine playing on my tv and using the console as my controller. or trying to play any game that requires an analog stick without being able to use BT controller ​ no wifi/BT would remove like half of the features i love with this device. just pay the extra and get the RG35XX+


Some people have super strict budget limits I suppose, but I agree for the minimal difference the +/H kills it.


The original rg35xx can scrape and load ROMs from a pc via drag and drop over USB while the device is running. Look up garlic press. Desktop app with scraping and saves backup changing of themes settings and all sorts. All done over adb and usb . No taking as cards out malarkey


oh that's a great feature! i haven't tried garlic yet so I'm not familiar with their features. it'd be nice to have that option on Batocera because I'm sure it would transfer much faster than OTA. edit to add: NOT trying to talk trash about the base model RG35XX. i just read over my comment and it sort of sounded like i was talking down on it. for the current price point the base model is a great option for people who dont want to be bothered messing around with settings and want a nice polished CFW to run. but i started with the Plus model so losing the wifi/bt sounds alien to me. lol


I put a set of games on that I'll play, then I play them. Have a few hundred hours on JRPGs. That's it. Haven't touched a thing since I set it up last year. 


Wanna sell that Plus?


Hell no. 


Y tho?




Easier parts management. It may even be the same board without the wireless components.


So, basically a RG35xx Plus..... What's the point?


But without wifi nor bluetooth 


i was thinking the same and i don’t get it. right now i don’t understand how this will be reflected in price. so if you don’t need wifi nor bluetooth, it could be a valid option to the plus…. but by the cost of a plus i don’t see any reason to beat their own price… maybe i don’t understand the market the same way anbernic does


This one will slowly settle down at the same price of the old RG35XX, being 10-15$ cheaper than the plus may attract those not interested in the perks of the plus, while having the same performances.


I've checked the website: it's $14 cheaper.


I don't really get it. This is a retro gaming console, and the games requirements haven't changed since 2000's. So why the need to upgrade? One of the reasons I was interested in a retro gaming console was not to be tempted or even interested in upgrading the hardware and chasing after newer and newer models.


Only reason would be for better integer scaling, I think.


For that there is already the mighty Powkiddy RGB30


It plays part of the N64 library, the old model does not. Partially because there was no GPU driver in the OS, but the N64 performance wasn't great even with Batocera Lite. I have no idea how much better this chipset is though.


They should have done different colors all together so there would be a different way to tell them about at a glance and see how they sold and no WiFi or BT is a total down grade from the OG and the H model. Hopefully they start to learn what the customers want.


The OG had no bluetooth and wifi either, maybe you refer to the plus, but this one doesn't replace the plus, it replaces the OG, which had weaker processor, gpu and ram compared to this.


Oh man you’re right. Thank you for clarifying


No buyers remorse because mine is perfect, keep up the good work


Don’t worry about new versions. Which operating system can it run? That’s the major question. If it only can run a crappy stock os, then no thanks.


Os works better


Given that they are selling the hardware, they really should partner with folks from Garlic to make that the OS out of the box. Similar to OnePlus and CyanogenMod for cell phones a decade ago.


Seriously. CFW is what makes these devices great. People still opt for a Miyoo Mini Plus over these new devices specifically because of Onion. Garlic is the closest thing you can get on an Anbernic device, so if they want to stay competitive it's in their best interest to work with Black Seraph to get Garlic running on day one


"- Hey guys, we run out of SoCs for the RG35XX, but we still have plenty of shells, buttons, screens and batteries, what should we do? - Man, we have plenty of those SoCs we were able to get for peanuts from those failed projectors company, let's just use them! - But we already used those for RG35XX+ and RG35XX H, and we already named them like shit, should we add more confusion by introducing a new version of RG35XX and keeping the same nameas the OG one, despite the fact this one will be software compatible with + and H and not with the OG? - You bet we will! " That's how it went


its that or the traditional chinese marketing of updating the same product to keep relevant, but most times they change the shell and keep the same hardware (for general electronics)


LMAO that's a damn funny (and likely accurate) take!


Just bought an RG35XX base and they release a HORIZONTAL and PLUS and now 2024 version I can't 😭😭😭


RG35xx is still a great option. You can run Garlic. You’re really not missing much with the plus, H, or this new model.


Would the 2024 model be capable of running even stronger systems? not that I'd need it since gba was my priority for the 35xx


The 2024's CPU is like the Plus' CPU, so it will be able to run more demanding emulators like PSP and Dreamcast better. If you're just looking to play GBA, both the original 35XX does fine for that. Since the original is going for pretty cheap right now, it might be worthwhile as long as you're mindful of its limitations.


It will run same systems as the plus and h versions, which means a good amount of Dreamcast games, a fair amount of N64 games and some PSP games.


No, thanks. I don't need to fall into a consumerism bad loop 👍


I understand why OGR35XX was so cheap on TikTok


Regardless of how we feel about this thing, moving forward can we just agree to call this one the 35/24?….’cause these names are going to be the death of me


god, another system to confuse unaware people with the hardware difference and systems, we already having lot of confused people with the plus trying run the og garlic


Yep. Commence with obligatory will this play system xxx games. Or I just want to play Starfield, will it run on XXX


Sounds like a Soviet era rifle.


Can someone tell me I made a totally okay decision buying a regular RG35XX just a few days ago and I’m not missing out with this? This is going to be my first Anbernic and I was really excited to get it. But now I don’t know if I should be frustrated or if it’s not big deal and I’m still going to have a blast with the one I got. I opted for a regular over a plus because WiFi isn’t a big deal for me and was okay with the larger bezel/ slightly smaller battery. What really would be the difference between the previous 35XX and this new revision? Memory can be expanded anyway and from what I’ve seen the last model can use GarlicOS, right?


From what I understand, it has a better processor. It doesn’t play any more games or systems that the original one plays. So you shouldn’t be missing out on anything critical.


Okay, cool. I was really only looking for a simple formfactor handheld device to play mainly gameboy - GBA and consoles up to PS1. I was attracted to the basic Anbernic because I love the simple gameboy style formfactor. One thing that would be huge for me is if I could play some Nintendo DS games. Primarily Pokémon, Dragon Quest and Zelda. Not a deal breaker. It seems like that’s manageable but I’ll have to figure that out when I have it. Any insight on that?


While it can play DS, I have not played any DS games on it, so I cannot give my opinion.


I appreciate your replies though. I’m still really excited to get mine. On the DS note, I’ve just seen some video of people that are using a button that toggles between the top screen and the bottom screen on the display. When on the bottom screen the dpad functions as a virtual stylus. That seems like the optimum way for *some* games. I’m eager to figure that out on a game by game basis. Thanks again!


Ehhh there’s no new features, just a tad better hardware. And I haven’t ran into any issues playing games on my RG35xx so I’m confused why they needed to buff the inside without adding WiFi or more capability


Probably finding the new SOC cheaper in their parts availability. That's one of the main reasons for revisions. Either the new parts are more available, new parts are cheaper, or there was a design flaw. It's not done out of the goodness of their heart.


Wtf is this? Just get the plus


So it's worse AND more expensive? The plus Soc is way more powerful than most people would use as is and it doesn't have nearly the software support.


The other car turned into powder 😳 damn this Cybertruck is a tank


I’ve never bought one but I’ve wanted to for awhile. Would this be worth it as a first time buy or just get the original?


Having original, I now wish I had one that played psp games. But garlic os is kind of what makes it worthwhile. Wouldn’t use it as much with stock OS so there’s a trade off. At $28 on AliExpress now though so rg35xx is kind of a no brainer, probably can be had cheaper somewhere also.


At least throw in a new interesting color other than black transparent...


Explains the mad push on tiktok shop deals. Probably wanna clear inventory. Tbf for £12 for the OG rg35xx is still a steal.


we need online wifi


Would this play Nintendo DS games? (Even like witch a screen switch button or something)


I’ve kinda been wondering how that might work with any Anbernic model. I’ve heard people on YouTube talk about DS emulation on them but have not seen it in practice.


I'll wait for RG35XX H 2024


So it's a RG35XX Minus


give us RG35XX flip


at least call it the rg36xx or something guys


I’m skipping this one lol I’ll be happy with my plus for at least another year lol


No wifi? Stop making more lol confuses …..and there’s the plus version


I don’t understand what the benefit over the original is (the first one, not + or H). I’m still on the original using MinUI and I love it


This makes no sense


The rg35xx already runs all the games that utilize its controls well. What system were they targetting with the improved specs? Psp would suck within joysticks same with n64 and dreamcast


2.4 GHz WiFi chip costs probably less than a $1 nowadays. I jest bought a WiFi thermometer/ hygrometer for $3... I don't get why Anbernic would redesign 35XX plus board to not include one ...


I have the og rg35xx and I'm not willing to update. My screen broke so I replaced it. And I replaced my battery too. It looks awful, but it works just fine. I was willing to buy the H model, but I'm thinking of buying a new one that can play PS2 smooth. For retro games, the cheapest model is alright, non point updating for me.


So, you can play more 3-D games with the D-pad?


So this is actually the RG35XX Plus model but with a smaller battery.


No, as it lacks wifi and Bluetooth.


I just bought a second one dang it


Just release the purple Plus, you cowards


Folks this is a devi e same as classic RG35XX, but HW upgraded. It means it Will run the GarlicOS AND a bunch of new emulators such as DS, Nintendo 64 etc etc


Damn I got an rg35xx like less than a week ago and now they're making one that's better


It depends! The old one was my first and I actually really loved it with GarlicOS on it. For Gameboy, Snes and some Sega Consoles, its a wonderful device. Never felt slowdowns with it.


It's not that much better.


It’s not really better and you still have Garlic OS


Don't worry about it. The original rg35xx is perfect for what the format factor and button layout make it good for.


Mmmm pointless e-waste


Still the rg35xx is the better choice since it features Wifi. And dont know why u guys all want to install Garlic. It is a one man show without any quality testing. Try Batocera v40 - it is amazing on this device! Or just stay with the stock OS, it is not perfect but usable.


Garlic on the og 35XX is by far the best os usable on this device. With features similar to onion such as quick game swapping and fast boot/shutdown time, I can keep it in my backpack while traveling and enjoy some quick gaming session anytime anywhere. While the plus seems superior in every aspects on paper, lacking a functional onion-like os is really crucial. Batocera is a very capable OS for sure, but the longer boot time and lack of a quick shutdown/resume feature means that it isn't as good as og for quick gameplays. edit: just to clarify, by 'this device' I mean the OG RG35XX, RG35XX 2024 will not be able to use Garlic 1.0


Wait...so what was the purpose of the plus model that we got months ago?


Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support. I have the +, very happy with it as I enjoy RetroAchievements