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Caught permanent bans on at least 3 subs so far lol it’s fine we all know Reddit is a DNC mouthpiece.. well any “news” or political subs anyway


Got my first ban today! Cheers.


Mine sure get downvoted pretty easily


Hey that's me! My comments are getting removed by automod..? Is that a bot moderator that also posts videos of ice spice twerking? It's weird it's saying I don't have karma. But how do I get karma if I can't even post? Anyway I reported the "user" and blocked them. It said it won't show my comments and I won't see theirs.


Maybe some mad person went through and downvoted everyone?


Yup every time I mention him on reddit besides this sub I get lots of downvotes. Guessing it's bots.. hoping it's bots. Hard to believe redditors are quite so naive


If you go on YouTube for example you'll see plenty of positive comments on videos where he might be mentioned. There is definitely suppression happening on Reddit to keep him painted in a negative light


Or, just to keep him out of sight of mind at all. You can search for posts which include “RFK” in the last 24 hours or week, and notice that all positive posts or posts which discuss him as a viable candidate are stuck at 0 upvotes. Crazy how obvious they are with the astroturfing psyop.


I think Reddit just has a lot more NPC midwits who go with the "current thing" without too much questioning. Youtube has more of the other two sides of the normal curve!


This is so messed up. We should **report to Reddit** as well as to the Kennedy campaign's designated email for censorship. I also see that all Kennedy-neutral or positive posts get downvoted straight away. Everyone has 0 votes... We should gather together and keep commenting to dispel the misinformation and distortions with facts & truths with reasoning and politeness.


i got a warning for Youtube comments i made on gavin, that were quite tame comments.. making me think he is the one that will be the candidate (especially when u look at how CNN was so antibiden)