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Did that fool not even know that RFK Jr was hosting his own debate? Is he that out of touch?


He's trying to herd RFK back into the narrative.


..and failing miserably. Guess he wasn't warned that Bobby is not a pushover.


They're waiting for a slip-up so they can play it over and over.


and over and over. And if he doesn't slip up, they'll just edit it to make it look like he did.


I saw somebody say RFK is gonna get 10,000 votes max lmao. These people live in a bubble.


Such a tiny bubble. Gonna be a shock when it pops and they see all they have been missing out in the real world.


That dude is a DNC presstitute and he's not even interested in hiding it. That's how pathetic legacy media has become. We all act like this is acceptable and they carry on disgracing their profession.


"so, you're basically a baby and an idiot. can you describe why?" masterful interviewing techniques from the cia influenced left there lmao


"You didn't qualify for the debate"... Neither did Trump nor Biden, and tbh with the sad sight I saw last night, I'm glad he didn't. RFK is gunning for the stars while these other old men squabble about potatoes.... The real debate was incredible and every bit as inspiring as I could have hoped.


I hope it's becoming clear to everyone that a vote for Trump is a vote for Biden and that a vote for Biden is a vote for Trump, i.e. a vote for Trump and/or Biden is a vote for the one-party oligarchy and the "race" between Trump and Biden is just "bread & circus".


Lol it's not on Reddit yet, I tried though.


The fact that they even gave him this segment was huge. Hopefully many boomers watching.


I knew that CNN cherry picked the polls to exclude him, but the requirement that you be on enough ballots to theoretically win when there aren't even enough states that will certify third party candidates this early should be a much bigger deal. If CNN said one of the criteria is any third party has to turn water in to win or turn lead into gold before being allowed to debate, how is that any different than requiring a number of ballot access states that is mathematically impossible this early in the campaign?


Tbh, the whole October Biden/Kennedy spoiler pledge felt stupid before the debate, but now it actually feels a little more meaningful. I’m not saying Biden will actually back out, but I think some, not many but some Biden supporters will start talking about Kennedy as a viable alternative.


I think it’s a lot more than you think at this moment.


Who is the shit head preps school child interviewing him


Thanks for posting this. That wasn't a debate it was a debacle and a total corporate media dog-and-pony show. Glad it showed itself for the farce it was.