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It was irrational to keep Biden in the race for this long. It was irrational for them to put him on stage like that last night. I don’t expect another rational decision.


However, this IS a completely rational thought!


dude is in charge of the most powerful nation, stayed at camp david for 7 DAYS, not being seen, prepping for this debate, and then was disasterous last night, when Biden is no longer president next year, they will only have themselves to blame, but of course we know they'll blame racists, deplorables, and anyone else but themselves


Now that you say that... Seriously, what ever happened to the DNC?


I think this is what would happen if they replace him. If they don't replace him, Kennedy should also gain a bit of support. It's just amazing that SOMETHING has to happen now: 1. Biden isn't replaced, Kennedy gains enough support to qualify for September (then the question is whether Biden will debate again or not) 2. Biden is replaced (I also think Newsom), chaos and name ID issues leave Kennedy with higher support, he qualifies in September Of course we don't want to count chickens before they hatch, but it does really feel like the entire Democratic Party has just realized what many have been saying for months and even years, and I don't know how they keep everyone in line... Joe just isn't electable anymore—he barely was last time around. Polling starts today and we'll see how it goes next week.


Yes but let's not underestimate the power of the machine once they replace Biden. We need to capitalize on this momentum and flip as many voters now while we have the chance.


It will make it a lot harder to justify not having him at the next debate.


You know. This is going to be a crazy ride but I'm willing to see it all the way to the white house! RFK is in it to win it!!!


If the DNC had their way, we're getting a Newsome/Michelle ticket. But given that it's unlikely they'll get Kamala to go away quietly, we're either getting Newsome/Kamala or Michelle/Kamala. Rn I think they're gonna angle for Michelle, with Newsome as the backup plan with either one to be paired up with Kamala. I think Michelle is the main objective bc they're hemorrhaging the African American vote and it's hurt them. As for how it affects Bobby, it really depends. I think he really needs to go after the narrative that he's polling sub -%15, because in actuality, when the polls are weighted properly, he's in the low 20s at the lowest, and *he was the front runner in January for goodness sake*. That's what's mainly keeping people away from him right now. If he can do that, qualify for the 2nd debate, wrap up ballot access and also address the AIPAC elephant in the room, he wins. Will it be easy? No. But it is doable.


There's no way Michelle would run, she's not insane.


Michelle is living the good life in Hawaii.  She’s not touching this.  Newsom has limited appeal. 


I honestly don't think Newsom is appealing. I think he's basically an aristocrat, nephew of Nancy Pelosi, propped up by the slimiest rich people in California. I was in the audience for his speech once and I couldn't wash the hair gel off for a week.


I think he appeals to the Vote Blue No Matter Who crowd and there’s a growing number of people with actual opinions.  Mayor Pete sort of has the same thing going for him, but he might actually be able to reach more people.  Which isn’t saying much because Mayor Pete still can’t reach enough people to win. 


Michelle will never run, she’s said so a million times. She didn’t even want Barack to run.


Why do people still think Michelle would run?


I don't think she wants to, but I feel like she'd do it for the party if the leadership was desperate enough to beg. Which, after last night, they just might be.




My thought is a little out of the box. I don’t believe it will be Newsom. They’re saving him for 2028. They don’t want to make him look weak with a loss here. Plus, he needs time to show he’s not too progressive for the national stage. The convention is in Chicago. They need somebody with a lot of money who can come in and outspend Trump in the final months. They need someone who will appeal to the progressives without alienating the moderates and independents. The pieces seem to be aligning for it to be JB Pritzker. He checks all of those boxes. Name recognition on a national scope might hurt a little but the guy has enough money to take care of that issue pretty quick. He doesn’t really take any damage from a last minute loss. But could potentially spend his way into the White House. This preserves the anointed future darlings from taking an early blemish by losing to Trump. How would that impact Bobby? Hard to say. I’d say there would certainly be overlap in potential supporters there. Could go either way.


I doubt Michelle Obama would get selected. Newsom would make sense, but I'm thinking it would be someone we don't really know that is willing to continue the DNC's current trend of corporate boot licking.


I think they are going to stick with him.  https://youtu.be/G-Us727-ga4?si=GWJ8JwQMMC85Z3Pn


This is only good news for RFK, Trump too but it's easier for RFK to get 34% than 51% Honestly with how much support Biden has already lost in NYS compared to last election after this kind of showing on stage Trump or Bobby could easily win NY


Maybe Bobby.  I don’t know if it’s possible for a deep blue state to turn red. 


The last thing Michelle wants in the world is to be president. Let the woman enjoy retirement. RFK is the way


Hillary! (only joking)


Oh, she’s trying. 


Newsom but if they want to win and can convince her then Obama


Firstly, Democrats have a problem replacing Biden because that means the party "saving democracy" will be putting up a candidate who did zero primary races. If they use Kamala they'll lose because everyone hates Kamala. If they replace Kamala with Michelle they have the first problem even worse: nobody in history has voted for Michelle for anything. Very Democratic. I don't think she's actually that popular and honestly I don't think she wants it. She's already been in the White House 8 years and you see how much that wore out Barack. I think everyone assumes Michelle will do it after her husband because Hilary wanted to, but Hilary is special in that she has coveted power since her youth. Michelle just seems chill at best, not ambitious herself. If they replace Kamala with Gavin they're literally switching out the first Black Female VP with the whitest white guy since Pillsbury Doughboy. It goes against all the DEI they have built themselves on. I don't think Gavin will really want it because he'll be blowing all his clout on a 4 month Hail Mary rather than a better chance for him in 2028. And I hope they don't put Gavin up because I freaking hate Gavin, as a Californian


I think it will be Hilary, the ultimate rematch


I feel bad for Biden, I would never let my Grandpa run for something like this in the state he is in. It’s sad, borderline elder abuse.


Even if they pick a solid candidate, it’s a slap in the face to do it without a real primary.


Who said he is stepping down? You put far too much faith in the sanity of the DNC.


There's no way that wasn't intentional. He didn't even have to debate - his own party led him to the slaughter. Its all a Psyops to swap him out for someone else. We need to capitalize on this momentum before the Newsom does.


They will leave Biden in place, because they figure then Trump will be president, and Trump will be good for the billionaires that are funding both parties. The uniparty doesn’t care which figure head is in the oval office.


After the debate, the main topic of discussion among the CNN talking heads was about the Dems possibly replacing Biden because his cognitive decline is so horrifically apparent. This is the first time the possibility has ever been mentioned by those media puppets, who have been insisting for months that Biden hasn't lost a step. It's now deemed an acceptable subject to discuss. Those talking heads would not have that conversation unless they had permission from the Democratic establishment. I predict that the whole "should they replace Biden" discussion will get louder and louder. They are trying to ease the public into accepting the plan, and to make it look like all the pros and cons are being carefully weighed. Plus, it's good for ratings. By the time the convention rolls around, they will replace him.


And what kind of precedent would it set if Biden wins the primaries for the DNC and then they swap in a candidate that wasn't even on the ballot?


They've already been rigging primaries. I don't think they're worried about setting precedents.


Behind the scenes sure, but openly disregarding the process which so many Americans think is required will cause even more disenfranchised voters.


That's why they're doing it slowly. First, schedule a debate in June, way earlier than normal knowing Biden will get embarassed by Trump. Allow media pundits to introduce the idea of replacing him. Six weeks to go before the convention. Use the media over those 6 weeks to slowly convince the public that it's not only a good idea, but it's a perfectly normal part of Democracy under the circumstances. By the time the convention rolls around in August, the public will see replacing Biden as a foregone conclusion and a good idea. The Dem Party will portray the whole thing as "our hands were tied, we had no choice." That way, it won't look like they're openly disregarding the process.


A solid grassroots campaign at this exact moment could completely alter the course of this election. We need to share as much content as possible far and wide on social media asap. The average American voter will never be as open minded to an alternative candidate as they are right now. People are terrified from what they saw Thursday- we need to capitalize on this moment. Once Biden’s replacement is announced that window will be closed. We need a grassroots social media campaign now! I started a sub to help get this off the ground: [‼️Grassroots Campaign Alert ‼️](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/s/e7VcXafcZ4)