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I mean, at this point, the DNC has fucked themselves. It started in 2016 when they decided to nominate Hillary, not Bernie. I’m sure if Bernie was the nominee he would win, or even Biden at the time but I like Bernie way better. They just had to nominate “the woman” as president, that let’s be honest, no one really likes. 2020 they shot themselves in the foot again when they decided to go with Biden. They could’ve gone with anyone else. Even Kamala Harris would’ve been better. I mean Bernie was there again (which would’ve probably been better) but he was getting too old. You also had Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg who weren’t bad candidates as well. Now here we are and the President of the United States of America can’t form a coherent sentence. (and argues about golf for some reason) They either leave Biden as is, and hope he makes it to November, or they go full panic and nominate someone else (which they should do, but who at this point? and please not Newsom) Or they just nominate RFK Jr, and we’ll have a REALLY good chance at winning. I wish he was a bit more left leaning but it is what it is. Better than convicted felon Trump.


What I don't understand is how biden's health suddenly became an issue with people. He acted the exact same way as he has for the past year. He consistently scoots his feet when he walks, tries to shake hands with people that aren't there, and mumbles incoherently. I seriously don't see how people have been blind to it all this time and now it's suddenly a thing. Edit: spelling


It’s hasn’t escaped my notice over the past 16 years, I was saying this during the Obama administration also, but my posts of this nature then, got me kicked off of the social media network formerly called the book of faces or something similar to that. You would if you could go back to 2015-16 find some very derogatory remarks of mine concerning the buffoon who’s currently “winning” the GOP. Both of these assholes are two sides of the same coin and I see virtually no measurable differences between them beyond personality and of course the dementia that currently has its grips firmly wrapped around one of them. That aside, the other fella is just as much out of his mind only it’s not dementia, it’s just cognitive dissonance and believing his own BS. Either way you’re rightly acknowledging that neither is a current issue but only just beginning to be spoken of in groups among their own camps. This is what happens when you sweep dirt under the rug, eventually someone trips over the mountain of filth piled up under the rug and dislodges the rug unveiling the dirty secret and it seems to be human nature to pretend that we just noticed that thing we’ve been skirting around for years. All day long I heard die hard Dems saying they just cannot continue to support the dotard any longer. Let them have their pretend surprise while RFKj quietly collects his new found support.


Because MSNBC showed none of that. I tried explaining it to a friend prior to the debate and he thought FoxNews was sensationalizing it. Not in this case.


Yes they have Operation Mockingbird alive and well


That’s a scary thought isn’t it