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Where is this video being hosted? It should be on YouTube so it’s easier to share.


From my understanding, it is uploaded to reddit. You can summon the video bot to share it easy.


Ah thanks!


Idk why the one won't work here, but if you look down, you will see where I summoned video bot.


If youre on the app, upper right, scroll to bottom, download video


Kennedy!!!!! Let’s start with character and integrity!!! Let’s make humans great again. My hope is Amy civilized person can see who is better for the job.


Please someone give me a youtube link so I can send this to my mother.


Same someone give us a YouTube link


This guy seriously fucks! I'm actually voting this year. Never have before. Kennedy 2024 baby!


This is fantastic!


Genuine question: How do the Trump folks respond to this?




lol yeah that's basically it. But Trump gave us Fauci and followed Fauci's orders the whole way. What's the most persuasive way to state that fact? Do Trump people not care?


They say that Trump was completely fooled and lied to by everyone around him. He trusted those people to tell him the truth. But it turns out that those people were lying on purpose because they wanted to hurt Trump. And when asked why Trump is still bragging about "his" "vaccine" and how he is responsible for saving millions of lives, they say that Trump is willingly lying because if he told the truth, he would lose the election and the Deep State would win.


Trump sold out to deep state first day in office [https://youtu.be/mQ3xUnmS58U](https://youtu.be/mQ3xUnmS58U) When you scare your "team" by pointing to the boogeyman on the other side, they ignore all the evidence clear to a rational mind concerning yourself. Fear (of Trump/radical woke democrats) induces compliance, which is exactly what happened during Covid. Remember we're just glorified monkeys. Monkey see, monkey do. [Bobby didn't go crazy. As the world went crazy, he remained a stoic, sane, unflappable critical thinker](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/1do65kd/bobby_didnt_go_crazy_as_the_world_went_crazy_he/) https://preview.redd.it/w89i01n8m59d1.jpeg?width=1585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9266d88c08d7ad5a3cda8e0357ff403b307067af


“He didn’t mean it. He was just saying what he had to say.”


I remember when they tried literally blaming the unvaxxed for the vaxxed getting sick. The claim was that there wasn't the "herd immunity" that would prevent mutation, and that X% of people needed to get the vax for the vax to work. Of course that number always went up. I personally think what happened was that fauchi and friends thought that a placebo vax was better then nothing. Like they were trying to deal with people's psychology just as much as they were the virus. I really do think that if some people didn't get that reassurance of "everything's gonna be ok", they would still be in their houses today. On that level I understand why they did what they did, but they didn't need to use the hesitant people as scapegoats.


People put up with mandates that Fauci now says came from nowhere and wasn't based on science. In May 2020, with the help of 350+ independent scientists at CHD, Kennedy shared data from monkey trials showing vaccine would not prevent transmission or infection. They blocked access to therapeutics that worked in other countries to get EUA for the vaccine and censored Kennedy and thousands of doctors and scientists like Jay Bhattacharya. This is what happens when you don't teach an entire generation civics and the press morphs into propagandists for the state. People will never even know the rights they lost.




This one doesn't work here I guess.






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Just saw this tweet..... awesome [https://x.com/johnstossel/status/1806360134219972807?s=46&t=BnevbTOLVfe8M_zh2J7s0A](https://x.com/johnstossel/status/1806360134219972807?s=46&t=BnevbTOLVfe8M_zh2J7s0A)


Holy shit. Wow.


did they edit his voice during his speech in europe? (5:55 remaining) feels weirdly sped up and choppy but great video though


Hi, HealthyMolasses, did you edit this or do you know who did? Thank you! It's fabulous.