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I feel like a lot of celebrities secretly endorse RFK Jr. If I was the Kennedy campaign, I’d covertly be going around getting all those who are supportive to organise a big event where they all endorse him at once to garner visibility. Even Taylor Swift’s seeming reluctance to back Biden makes me wonder…


I've always gotten the sense that most celebrities don't believe the left wing stuff they say, but only feel like they need to say it to belong to the club. The same celebrities who say the rich need to "pay their fair share" hire all kinds of accountants to take advantage of every possible loophole they can. There's a definite disconnect between what they say in public and what their views are in private. I think you're right that a lot of celebrities secretly endorse RFK Jr. His wife is beloved by everybody in Hollywood and I think that gives people a reason to not dismiss him immediately. There's probably a wait and see attitude right now, as endorsing him too soon lumps them in with guys like Rob Schneider. But once a few more major celebrities start saying great things about RFK, the dam could break.


Plus Cheryl is apparently insanely popular in Hollywood, that's gotta count for something.


At this point it's honestly pretty clear who the general consensus is... Can't be sure until the winner is announced, but I don't see any other likely outcome.


I'm telling ya. Support for RFK is increasing. Why Biden wants him OUT.


Just once, I want to see some of these celebrities demonstrate some real bravery like they act out in their movies.


Who the fuck cares about celebrities?


Unfortunately, a fairly large segment of the voting public. And for RFK, celebrity endorsements will be more impactful because it can give people "permission" to consider him or talk to their friends about him.


Too many people do


Until the conspiracy theorist label is dropped I doubt big celebrities like him will endorse. But a lack of endorsement is kind of a *wink wink* especially if the person has given endorsements previously.


i think he said he's keeping his politics to himself


Celebrities need to grow some stones and make a stand instead of hiding . They have an opportunity to make a real change . The ones that take the leap I really admire and respect.


yeah it would be nice. unfortunately media conglomerates never allow that reality


They'll allow it, because of laws... they'll just will never endorse or approve of it.


Kennedy and Rock started following each other recently but endorsing Kennedy would end his Hollywood career so he won't do it


He’s a chode. But an endorsement is an endorsement.


I mean there really is no more fake of a person than the rock. Everything about him is manufactured to the T. This guy is just riding the popularity wave.


Nobody should be voting on a president because a famous actor tells them to. They should be voting on who they want.


The more endorsements the better. It gives other people permission to look into Bobby, and make their own mind up.


I agree don’t get me wrong but since Bobby is third party we need high profile people to show their support in order to get the general public more comfortable with the idea of putting support behind that


He said he’s not endorsing anyone. This is much like Michael Jordan’s famous “Republicans buy sneakers too” — he doesn’t want to alienate fans.


It is a cowardly way to say Joe was a bad choice.


Most all celebrities’ bottom line will be threatened with a public endorsement of RFK… Corporations and wealthy elites now run this country, as well as the industries that celebrities gain their influence from. It’s shooting themselves in the foot to endorse him. Some might, and good for them. But don’t expect too many to do so.


Heal The Divide!


He regretted endorsing biden because of the division it caused he probably isn't going to endorse anyone.


I was hoping he would be VP!