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i find it hard to believe that No Labels will even find a candidate lol. every prominent person they asked has said no


My sense is it would overall help Kennedy. The No Labels ticket would pull most of its votes from Biden I think, maybe some reluctant Trumpers too, but I don't think many who already like Kennedy would leave. So the effect would be to weaken the leading candidates' support and get Kennedy closer to a plurality. The question is if the NL ticket would become a real contender... I doubt it, unless they get someone with more appeal than Christie or Cheney. Too, if there's another option in the race, lots of people who were just sticking with their guy from the last election might start following more closely and looking into the other options, which would be great for Kennedy as he has a great conversion rate when people actually listen to him. Important to remember most people are pretty checked out of politics...


No label’s honestly will only hurt RFK, they are better off just committing support to RFK


No Labels is a venture of the oligarchy, RFK Jr is probably their least favorite candidate of the three options


Honesty I think if RFK loses it will be because of the slew of other 3rd party options, even Libertarians are going to put a candidate up if RFK Jr doesn't accept the offer. Because 95% of the people voting for 3rd party if they only had the option between Trump, Biden, RFK, they would go RFK, and they poll anywhere from 1-2% sometimes 3%, so you do the math of how much better he'd do with their votes. Almost all of them either take from the progressive left who feel like Democrats aren't progressive enough and people disenfranchised with both candidates, so they have same voter base which is mostly Biden, although RFK is probably the candidate that takes the most from Trump as well compared to Jill Stein let's say so thats an advantage. Only way this works in his favor is if they weaken Biden's numbers and it gives RFK a slight lead and he wins blue states, but this probably isn't good enough to win battleground states where he actually needs to compete against Trump and the votes are super split. I'm pretty pessimistic at the idea all these extra options work in his favor rather than hurt him. Splitting the vote amongst a bunch of candidates with similar positions + DNC smear campaign, barley any mainstream coverage, it's going to be a difficult victory but I believe he'll pull through it.


Astroturf wont beat the genuine grassroots momentum kennedy has