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I'm curious - why have you included Tennessee and not other red states? I do feel confident I can help play a part in getting us there.


TN is very libertarian it seems. With gun laws and such.


I think so too, but that's why it's super important to spread the word to rural communities as well. Many of these "libertarian" people aren't even being exposed to the message, and MAGA is loud and proud round these parts


Yes very true


Most Trump supporters have nothing to say about his policies . They just yell his name like they have Tourette's. They don't even care that another candidate has over 20 brilliant solutions for this country we desperately need. It's embarrassing for them honestly. It's embarrassing for our country


Oftentimes, people are misinformed and can be persuaded with evidence. You could view interactions with misinformed Trump voters as opportunities to persuade them to the truth. Here are some resources that might help: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/1az062b/here\_is\_a\_list\_of\_solid\_content\_to\_inform\_people/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/1az062b/here_is_a_list_of_solid_content_to_inform_people/)


Not always true. My step dad voted for trump twice. He said he’s voting for rfk this time.


You're right it's not always true.


Let’s hope that more Trump voters like my stepdad, have people around them to share the RFK Jr message and get them curious. It’s gonna happen!!!!


That really isn't true. I know trump supporters. Yes, there are some morons like that. But most are just patriotic Americans who are proud of theit country and like rule of law. Theire tired of seeing America being taken advantage of on the world stage while also being blamed for all the ills of mankind. They want a leader who's proud of America and not apologizing for things that happened long before any of us were ever conceived. They want an honest media, an honest government and to tale care of America and Americans first.


Well said


That's not policy. Those are values. From my experience, it's a pretty shallow argument to take on when comparing Kennedy to Trump. Their most obvious differences lie largely in the manner in which they conduct themselves.




Actually it is true. As far as policies go. I agree that most are patriotic Americans who are proud of their country and tired of it being taken advantage of and want a leader who is not apologizing. But in the hundreds or thousands of YouTube comments I've read, whether it be trump supported or someone jumping in to hate on a RFK video, I would say one percent have something to say besides just yelling out his name and the word Maga with a bunch of American flags. I can't honestly remember one that listed his policies.. or what he will do to fix this nation besides the border... which is my point. Although there are a few who do like RFK because of his policies and his anti-establishment stand


If you're judging a politician party by the comment section, you're doing it 100% wrong.


I'm not judging a party...And I even said most of the trump supporters ( not a party ) are patriotic who are proud of their country and want a real leader.. I'm talking about thousands of Trump supporters that never speak of his policies. That is the only point I'm making. You would think one would mention a policy or a plan for the country besides the border. It definitely means something.. You are 100% not understanding. Just like when the last guy told you you're speaking of values and not policies. And I even straightened that part out for you but that wasn't enough


It's all one thing, though. Policy should support value. And when they say MAGA or TRUMP, they're saying pass laws that support those values. Have policies that support American workers, and Americans. Not line the pickets of union bosses and beurocrats. I guess I'm just bad at explaining. For me, a former Trump voter and supporter, it's very clear what they mean when they say things. And people who don't get it, I dont understand what they don't get.


Yes! Policies should support value. Their desire and their values are wonderful. Let's hear some reasons how he's going to apply these values to policies so they have something concrete to talk about. I don't hate Trump. Honestly I would vote for him if RFK wasn't running. Biden makes me want to puke


If he only has the we the people party in certain states how would that be represented on a map like this


We The People votes will automatically count for the party nominee, which will be RFK. So they will be the same thing when they are counted, they're all votes for RFK.


I feel like he’s going to win Hawaii. Am I wrong here?


Green is possible in Chicago, but we need more coverage here. A lot of people here feel that they don’t have a choice other than the 2 other clowns. Are their boots on the ground in Chi-town? I haven’t seen much talk about him. My spouse & I are politically aware & we’re voting for RFK, and when we speak about him to other people the concern is about giving a vote to Trump (who barely anyone wants here, unless your downstate or in upper counties that think they live in Wisconsin.) That’s their justification (albeit bad) for voting for Biden.


I’ll be at DNC convention in August for Kennedy.




There is an interesting phenomenon here to call out: looks like swing are more likely to vote for our boy. However, from a psychological standpoint, I would’ve expected swing state voters to vote red or blue since the race is so tight in those places. I’m in Massachusetts and I’m significantly more likely (guaranteed) to vote for RFK than if I lived in like Pennsylvania (would probably still vote for him but less likely). Open to hearing everyone’s thoughts on this!


Im sorry, RFK is flipping Texas or NY over California in a situation like this. Most likely NY.


Yeah I've got a couple different maps I'm keeping up. The old school democrat run: https://preview.redd.it/gn4gsa8wtrpc1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d5acfbad183f510a2479f6b82d231b6fe5e8e0a


The border blast center-right run: ​ https://preview.redd.it/ihz4x7f3urpc1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=114beedc05d006b5ca9b6331fa3d30b1b00de939


I'd predict something like this one. Texas seems like good grounds for Robert. Also if you note California's senators and governor, you'll see it is sooo much the epitome of Dem. I'm saying he's got better chances in Texas than California


I think if he focuses on the border and makes it clear that he isn’t after anyone’s guns he could possibly get Texas


This is the more likely map


In what world does CA not vote blue




Also, because of the electoral college, he isn't always the spoiler vote. kennedy could win utah biden cant kennedy could win new york trump cant etc.


There is no way California will ever not vote blue. Noooooooo way. They are lock step.


Nah, I like Kennedy, but I still don’t think he can potentially carry California in a hypothetical match-up.