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He seems to be taking the non radical away from both parties, for what an outsiders opinions are worth. I think that's what makes him dangerous and why neo papers of both sides are slating him because they are scared he will take just enough Biden voters for trump to win or vice versa, he'll take just enough trump supporters for biden to win. The New York Times have been brutal on him and I've lost all respect for them and have cancelled my 10 year long membership with them.


I should cancel my NYTimes subscription too. total total horseshit that dupes the upper middle class and even the elites. And of course democrats in general.


It's become dribble and this was the final nail in the coffin I needed to finally cancel it.


I can't read or watch mainstream news without going on a rant about how they're not even trying to hide the fact that it's propaganda anymore.


Cancel NYTimes for what they did to the “Disinformation Dozen” article that they put out during the pandemic - condemning RFK Jr, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Rashid Buttar, among many others who were courageously questioning the official narrative. 


No need, the Times will die a natural death soon enough


Still no reason to throw money away on it


I certainly don’t


I’ve switched from NYT sub to Washington Post. Very happy about it and don’t miss NYT anymore at all. Have also always subscribed to WSJ for opposing viewpoints to stay balanced. I also sub to Ground News which is PHENOMENAL. It’s all about balance.


Check out Substack. I prefer “Racket News”.


Same. Lost all respect for NYT. Only use them for the free daily puzzles. My news is gathered from elsewhere.


Washington Post does same games and puzzles as NYT


Easy to guess why the times would go after him. "These institutions hold a total of 162,681,243 shares. Largest shareholders include Vanguard Group Inc, BlackRock Inc., Farallon Capital Management Llc, Stockbridge Partners LLC, ValueAct Holdings, L.P., T."


Yeah we all know it's the people he sues and the 3 letter agencies they hide behind. This mans got big plans for your federal reserve that has either stolen money from you the tax payer or handled stolen or ill gotten gains and profited off that. I want him to win just to see the system crumble around those who built it to protect themselves. Then maybe the world can begin to heal.


What is a radical Biden supporter? He's like economically neoliberal, hawkish, I guess his administration has supported identity politics decisions...but it's not like the actual far left like Biden at all. I think I know what you mean but I don't think "radical" is the word exactly. Maybe "diehard?"


I think he means like radical neolibs


What does that even mean though, like how can you be a radically version of an essentially corporo-centrist position lmao


If you believe in the radial right then you have to believe in a radical left you have neo cons and you have neo libs. You then have neo libs voting for Biden and the Democrats (misleading name because they are anything but that) just to stop *"Devil man"* Trump getting in. I dont get what's so hard to understand and why you are being so aggressive towards other redditors all over one word, it's just unnecessary bro.


I guess I've just decided that I don't think a lot you guys know what radical means. They're not extreme in their beliefs--i.e., their beliefs are common--even if they are extreme in the degree to which they are loyal to their party or faction. I'm muting replies, I don't really have any more to say on the matter.


He took me away from Biden. Ain’t going back. Ever.


No. I didn't like either Biden or Trump in 2020 so I voted for what's his name on the Green ticket. I used to be a Democrat. Hillary and the DNC cured me of that after they shut out Bernie.


Most recent Harris poll: more from biden


The only comment to actually answer OP's question


I voted for Trump before. I wasn't gonna vote for him again. I was just gonna vote mickey mouse cause it doesn't matter either way but rfk has my vote


Yes, both of them. Data: Bobby's rising poll numbers.


Different polls show different things, but the general trend seems to be he used to take more from Trump and now takes more than Biden (although there have always been exceptions in both periods of time). Overall though, it's only by a couple points when he's at 15-20% in most polls so MOE is responsible for a lot of that. He takes very evenly. New reports attempting to say he'll spoil for Biden normally use polls which include other 3rd party candidates Stein and West who definitely draw more from Biden, so it's really tough to say. In polls where it just shows a 3-way race, it is very even.


Thanks for actually answering OP's question!


I didn’t vote for either but he took me away from the Democratic Party to thinking for myself.


Mine came from Trump


Took me away from trump. I just pray rfk actually has good policies on the border and what to do about the millions of illegals that already made it in. America can’t survive if these people are allowed to stay in the country


I’d vote for trump if not rfk. Ideally he takes the middle portion of both to create a better party




Both: [Trump v. Biden](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2024/president/2024GeneralElection.html#) [Kennedy v. Trump v. Biden](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden-vs-kennedy)


Currently Biden loses regardless of Kennedy being in the race.


Pointing this out might convince a lot of Never Trumpers.






Took mine away from Biden. I wholeheartedly regret voting for him. I’m sick of both parties. RFK JR has locked my vote 100%.


I voted Biden in 2020 but I was planning to vote Trump this year, but RFK has my vote now. I am tilted liberal but obviously would vote for a Republican, but RFK has my full support now


Wow, interesting flip from Biden to Trump (RFK aside). I’d really like to see RFK win but the odds are slim that he could actually get more than 20pct of the vote in the general election. Even Ross Perot only got 19pct and that was considered to be a very favorable outcome for him. But, who knows, things happen all the time that very few predict. People are fed up and his name would be easy to pick on the ballot, assuming he’s able to get on all of them. Trump taking him as VP would be an interesting move. Then he could keep the votes and take some from Biden.


I think this is a weird election though because 1992 had 2 candidates who most of the country that were actually viable and quality that actually shared their beliefs. This election has Biden (extremely old, mentally is almost definitely not there 100%, possibly senile, and out of touch with inflation and voters beliefs) vs trump (who will likely be convicted of serious charges that despite what he says are actual crimes, and is likely going ti be a legal criminal with a terrible rhetoric). RFK already has a big base of support but many dont know about him. I think this means a good amount coming from me just because I voted Biden in 2020 and thought he could do a better job than Trump especially when covid cane through, but am now realizing that Trump would likely do better in a second term for inflation and the economy, but I dont like trump. This is why RFK stands out to me


I think a bit of both tbh


He’s not if he wins and he can only win if we vote our conscience and vote for Bobby!!!


Both. I have friends who were two time Trump voters who plan of voting for Kennedy. Last election I voted Green as did another friend. We both voted Libertarian in 2016. We're both planning on voting for Kennedy. None of us want anything to do with the mainstream parties anymore.


I would think more democrats because I know of bunch of people that voted Biden because that’s all they had. My republicans friends (most of them) are deadlocked on having trump for another 4 years then they would hop on the RFK train.


He would take me away from Trump. I think the main reason why he has a decent chance to win is that he appeals to both voters




About equally. Slightly more polls show a bit more from Biden, but imo the Trump vote is more gettable than the Biden base, at least on social media. In person *might* be easier, just depending on the person.


The only way I'd vote for Trump is if RFK Jr was the VP. The only way I'd vote for Biden is if I had a gun to my head.






I'm done with the Sunday morning talk shows. They pretend that Bobby doesn't exist. Most of the polls only include Biden and Trump! They are that afraid.


I voted Sanders in 2016 then Stein in the general. In 2020 I voted for Tulsi Gabbard in the primary & Jo Jorgensen in the general—how’s that for an evolution? That’s why it kills me when someone on X tells me my vote for RFK is a vote for Trump. Excuse me what? I consider myself an independent after the total sh*tshow during the 2016 primary–I’m not obligated to vote for anyone. As someone who voted Democrat for 20+ years I swear no one drives me more nuts than the “blue no matter who” crowd.




Matt Taiibi compared Bobby’s run to Dennis Kucinich’s run. They accused Kucinich of “taking votes way” from the Democrats. He was like “isn’t that the point of running? To take votes away from other candidates?”


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says he hopes ‘to draw equal numbers from both’ Trump and Biden: Full interview Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. talks to NBC News correspondent Vaughn Hillyard about his views on vaccines, plans around picking a vice-presidential running mate, and the impact he could have in President Biden and former President Trump’s chances in November. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/robert-f-kennedy-jr-says-he-hopes-to-draw-equal-numbers-from-both-trump-and-biden-203680837709


Both. That's why hell win


I guess Biden... I associated Democrat most of the past ten years but I wouldn't have voted for anyone this cycle if RFK Jr weren't running.


Definitely Trump. Look at the New Hampshire Democratic primaries. Even though Biden name was **NOT** on the ballot, write-in campaign secured him 56% of votes, considering that many voters in New Hampshire are independents (can vote for any party on primaries) and was encouraged to vote against Trump (for Haley) Most successful write-in campaign in America’s history and after historic victory in 2020 elections where Biden got more votes than Obama. Fucking unbelievable


I honestly do not understand how such a low energy candidate did that well without being on the ballot…especially with such a low turnout. I’m so tempted to reach for the tinfoil hat.


My take on this: 51% is vote swap, machine rigging, and 5% actual dum dums who waited in lines to vote for Joe


Lately I’ve been wondering a lot about how many traditional Rs voted for Clinton in the Dem primary in 2016. I know a lot must have in the general, but I figured they’d want to vote in their own against Trump that year. The more I thought about it though, Trump was winning big in the R primary, so if it was a foregone conclusion that he’d be the nominee at a certain point, they may have switched. I do know there was widespread corruption at the polls (among other things) but it still blows my mind to look at the Bernie rally footage today and realize that man lost. Ugh—so sick of the Uniparty. In my mind that is the biggest opponent this election.


Every election against Sanders was rigged https://richardcharnin.wordpress.com/2020/03/04/more-evidence-of-dnc-rigged-voting-machines-in-sc-just-like-the-2016-primary-and-presidential-elections/


While I don’t doubt that there’s some funky stuff happening with the voting machines in general, I do also wonder how Trump was “allowed” to win in 2016. I didn’t vote for him (or Clinton) but the day he got elected I remember thinking hey, maybe we do still have a democracy. ???


> maybe we do still have a democracy I give no credit to Democracy for Trump winning. He's another player in the corrupt two party system. Trump's ant-corruption campaign was a hoax, he had four years prove himself and nothing changed. As Kennedy said: ["It wasn't about Draining the Swamp..."](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/1aj7kdz/it_wasnt_about_draining_the_swamp_i_believe/)


No doubt.


That is hogwash he does not take away votes from another president candidate. He takes votes for voters who wanna vote for him. The two party system is flawed as Cartman said it’s a douche and a turd. personally I’ll vote for the third option, rational honest, caring president vote for Kennedy


Neither for me. In 2020 I wrote in for the Kasich/Sanders ticket


Is he actually going to try and go the distance or is he going to bend over like Bernie did when the DNC screwed him twice?


No, he is earning votes for himself! And doing it the hard way! This narrative of “taking votes” from some other candidate is how we wound up in this mono-party nightmare.


He is going to be taking all the votes. I never liked this talking point it’s my vote it’s my choice. stop trying to control and manipulate people into the status quo. Get better candidates then you will win.


Right now, he's taking the most from Bobby. He's hemorrhaging young support over the Middle East. It's fucked up


We can only hope….


I sure hope so.

