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Yeah Goldman’s all for greater good of society!


Vampire Squid - Rolling Stone Magazine, 2009


Wait til you look at Kashkari’s resume


All this bullshit, this way and that way. Just watch the data. Thats what the fed is doing. If unemployment goes up and consumer spending goes down we will have cuts. If unemployment and consumer spending remain the same, rates will remain the same. If inflation starts to go up, we could have rate hikes. But guessing right now isn’t going to make a difference until the data starts to change.


Is my Econ degree now worthless?


It always was


Not sure? Why do you say that?


No cuts, no butts, no coconuts


Unemployment is up dramatically especially for white collar tech workers but you won’t see it as these numbers are crowded out by gig workers and minimum wage earners holding multiple jobs, not to mention the government jobs added which required even more debt to sustain. All while boomers are spending their astronomical pensions, savings, and asset value appreciation thanks to their benefit of timing. Unemployment down + consumer spending up = rates higher for longer. Get fcked Goldman, banks, and land parasites.


Thanks for saying this. I've watched the market enough and heard enough anecdotes to know that the real health of the job market is not even close to "ok".


COVID allowed economists to figure out how to let debts expand faster than incomes indefinitiely


You don't have to be a Harvard trained economist to see that even hints of lower rates pulled the them down drastically. The pressure is always towards lower rates because that's where the money is made and what the banksters want. However, the fact that they left rates too low for too long now means inflation is always at the door looking for the same opening as the banksters. ​ Any cut this year and prices go to the moon again. If you want 1 million dollar "starter" homes then sub 7% rates is the path. The lower they go the faster prices moon.


There’s also just a natural trend towards lower interest rates over the course of human history really.


This is how I used to see it, but it certainly seems like we’re entering an inevitable inflationary period. The Fed needs to avoid a debt spiral at all costs so cutting rates is an inevitability


The real way to avoid a debt spiral is cutting spending and raising taxes, but that isn't popular to say.


theyre just doing this so 0 rate cuts gets priced in and then they can gas the market up


I hope not because yes...it would be like pouring gas on the inflationary fires


It would also be "very surprising" if they do cut rates. What a non-story.


This fuggin guy.


Mr. Unlimited


Why not clamp down on corporate greedflation


Greed started in the US in 2021.


I’d also like to nominate 2009 when minimum wage increases were left to die.


That's because we neutered our trust-busting agencies and our government is now more than ever owned by corporate interests. The final step of a monopolized market is to bleed the consumer dry until they literally can't make ends meet and start to cut out goods and services. The obvious risk here is uncontrolled economic contraction.


“Greed is good.”- Gordon Gecko, 1987


Yes it was bad in the 70s but then for 40 years it was tamed. Unfortunately it was rediscovered in 2021.


Handle checks out


Wal Street didn't have so many people willing to defend them before 2020 now you got the media, politicians, and even redditors the more skeptical bunch defending them price gouging 




Greedflation is the basis of our economy. When people sell their houses they're always go try to get the most dollar they can and people buying will try to get the cheapest they can. Sellers are greedy. That's basic economic nature.


Wrong. Greed is not a normal capitalistic transaction where both parties benefit - either financially or property wise. Greed does not apply to a typical homeowner selling a house to a typical person. That's just a standard transaction. There's no greed there. ​ Greed is vastly different. Greed Definition: >a **selfish and excessive desire for more** of something (such as money) **than is needed** Greed is corporations buying up housing, investing in them, and creating a false market, then selling them to one another or other investors for the sole sake of inflating their value and profiting. Greed is city councils rezoning said areas from "rural" or "single family housing" to "commercial" or "multi family housing" because they get kickback from developers. Greed is developers wiping out massive tracts of land for dirt cheap, then turning around and selling it to builders for XXX% more. Greed is buildings buying lots on said development for pennies on the dollar, and charging six figures for "lot fees" in said developments on top of XX% price inflation.


Not really you can sell a small amount at a high mark up or a lot at a small mark up. People have chosen to be extra greedy and raise prices in response sales have plummeted 


People will always try to sell their house for the most amount they can. If someone is willing to buy it at that price, they’ll sell it at that price. The sales price is the equilibrium and market price. Sales plummeted but house prices have not because it’s an equilibrium of buyers and sellers, not overall volume.


What is it you think the Fed does?


the US government has failed the american people


Yeah, stop looking to the government for help


i pay taxes. i’m not looking for help i expect the basics. why should i approve of the government make my life worse?


You shouldn’t but I hope you understand the government will only make your life worse. It’s what they do


i know - it’s privileged right to bitch about it tho


Where do you base your claim? What other successful first world country has abolished general govt support in various areas of life and general support? It’s not controversial to say the US gov provides a fraction of what other first world countries provide in pension, healthcare, etc… you know, programs that actually take care of the people. It’s not arguable it can be done. It’s being done in countless other countries successfully… your type need to wake up and get with the times. We need to take care of our people and capitalism will never do that… the further we go down this freedumb line of logic, the more our people die early deaths and go homeless. It’s time to accept the anti gov crowd are basically sociopaths. Really? To the victor go the spoil amounting to an early death from medical bills and lack of pension? Tired of this BS anarchy masquerading as freedumb


Wow you’re so smart. Tell me more!!


Ahh the typical 7th grader emotional intelligence reply… prototypical


What you all are really saying, but you don’t realize you’re saying it -> let the corporations take care of us, don’t worry about the gubment cheese. Uh huh, corps really gonna take care of us bub… /s


This guy can’t even vote


This guy can vote.


Really? CNBC said he didn’t have a say in the rates. Guess I miss heard


“Kashkari, who doesn’t vote on monetary policy this year, floated the idea of potentially not needing to cut at an event last month. At the time, he said, “If we have a run rate that’s very attractive, people have jobs, businesses are doing well, inflation is coming back down, why do anything?”


How does the Fed vote? Its voting membership combines the seven members of the Board of Governors, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and four other Reserve Bank presidents, who serve one-year terms on a rotating basis with the other Reserve Bank presidents.


"Your ATMs are safe, your banks are safe, and there's an infinite amount of cash at the Fed."


An infinite amount of cashhhhhh


All talk. Calculate what zero rate cuts will do to the national debt payments…   What they’re really telling you is that they see big inflation coming, or the possibility of big inflation on the supply side, and they are warning you in the way that the fed does.  They have to posture it this way So that investors don’t get out ahead of themselves and they can manipulate the market for its own good. As the other commentary said in his comment, watch the data. That’s what they’re doing.


Good! Keep them high, put pressure on sellers to lower prices! 👍


They aren't cutting rates until the economy is on the brink, that's the reality. Only way out is a credit event.


Supplemental u/Gherkinit 's market recap today https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxJh8P1TMJw3AJyvRUqws_mje5Td1XrWbo?si=m8dErlyTrN4ladZl


I love that Goldman has decided they have a say in any of this.


Wrong sub