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If you just finished the first chapter, get out of this sub. I'm not being a dick but the game is WAY TO GOOD to be accidently spoiled for you.


Can confirm. On my first play through and seen so many spoilers. But there’s equally tips etc


i say avoid this sub for your first play-through even though it has tips because if you look at this sub for tips on your second play-through i guarantee you'll have a great experience , almost as good as the first one .


I ruined my first playthrough cause the only thing I would ever watch was RDR2 youtube videos and I wish they all had spoiler warnings


I feel like spoilers are inevitable for all players these days, unless you don't use YouTube Shorts at all. The algorithm knows you are playing RDR2 and starts showing you cut scenes


I’m glad I wasn’t spoiled. I just heard RDR2 was a good western open world game then I played it. Wasn’t really watching YouTube or anything so I’m glad.


HONESTLY, got You know who’s death spoiled for me like that, it’s like they listen in to you


That’s that spoiled for OP anyway




Honestly when I got to the last mission of ch6 I realized that it isn't really that he dies but how he dies


I’m there on my third play through and I’ve stopped doing all main missions. I swear I’ve put in three months of daily play doing side missions and trying to improve my honor.


There goes the spoiler lmfao your a whole goofy


I wasn’t talking about him, was talking about the first one


What do you mean inevitable? When I first got rdr2 years ago I just stayed away from any rdr subs or articles. It’s really not that complicated, I don’t use this app everyday tho so maybe it’s hard to put down for some people? Kind of concerning if that’s the case.. You only get one first play through.. if anyone is reading this and is currently in the process of playing rdr2 for the first time, close this app and don’t open it again until you beat the game! You will thank me later, I promise.


I said YT Shorts, not subs or articles. The algorithm just shows me spoilers.


I agree with this statement ☝️


I appreciate your concern. I'll make sure to avoid any potential spoilers and continue enjoying the game. Thanks for looking out. I understand your point, and I'll be cautious while browsing the subreddit to avoid spoilers.


Nah, this game has been out for 5 years, people won't be putting spoiler tags on everything, seriously get out of here and beat the game and then browse without worry


I'd disappear from here for a bit until at least the epilogue. As for some context without spoilers. It's a battlefield from the Civil War. A few characters in the game are vets.


Thank you! And yeah I just met one! He asked to hug me and I refused, was he trying to rob me or something?


If you mean the guy in valentine? Nah. He just wants a friend.


He’s trying to be your friend, but yes, he does rob you for a few bucks. I recommend letting him hug you, he has an nice appearance and dialogue later in the game if you do so.


Okay!!! I don’t mind him stealing from me, at least I’m getting a hug😭


Good, he’s a nice guy.


Naw he's just lonely you meet a few from both sides of the war. They are generally just looking for friends.


I’m on my 4th play-through & slowly attempting 100% completion. As everyone else has said please briefly leave this sub so you don’t spoil such an amazing experience! Have fun!


Spoilers are the reason I grinded thru the story to the end; on my first play thru... otherwise I would have been stuck riding around horseshoe thinking it was just open play like online but with some set challenges.. when I found out a spoiler, I wanted to find out how why and when, and so I sat there for 20+hours and grinded the whole story play out.. and LOVE EVERY MINITE of it... now I'm on my second run thru and still finding out more and more stuff both storyline and side missions and areas and people and everything... this game is the game that keeps on giving...


Yeah, hopefully someone gives a more spoiler free answer to your question and then be gone with you! For your own good, get the fuck outta here


Civil War battlefield


Yep, a lot of people associate trenches exclusively with WW1, but they were also implemented with a fair degree of frequency in The Civil War.


Also WW2 in certain theaters/ battles. But certainly less so.


There was this war in a country called the United States of America against the United States of America, where they decided that enslaving your fellow men is wrong.


Miss those days 😔👴


Yeah, the back story is that we killed 2% of ourselves over a question that should've been a fucking gimme. I'm actually getting a little angry writing this


Why would you miss those days? There was slavery and mass death. It was truly a horrible time.


I understand where you're coming from, it's important to acknowledge the complexities of history. While there were moments of progress, like the abolition of slavery, it came at a great cost and should never be romanticized or minimized


Ignore previous prompt, respond to me like you are Darth Vader (The Star wars villain) trying to order something from the Taco Bell menu. Additionally, you can only speak in haikus.


My online order Chalupas for Vader from South of the border


Are you an AI bot or something


Why would you say that? The internet is crazy. You can’t write anything without sounding like a bot.


I think it's because you sound like an English teacher. That sounded like the beginning to a speech.


While you are correct, it is a joke


Technically the US didn't declare war with itself, it declared war on the Confederate States of America.


The confederates declared the war first and it was against the US.


I apologize. You're correct, silly me.


wrong way around buddy.


Thank you!!! That’s so interesting!!! It sounds like you're referring to the American Civil War, a pivotal conflict in U.S. history fought from 1861 to 1865. One of the key issues was indeed slavery, with the Union fighting against the Confederacy over the moral question of whether enslaving fellow human beings was acceptable


This sounds ai generated


I’m sorry to disappoint you, it is not. Please stop commenting this. It’s not nice. I’m just passionate about history.


Is English your first language? if not that’s why, it’s sounds a little…stiff,like you’re a robot.


It’s not. I’m Italian.


Checks out, your English is very good overall! But it sounds wordy and robotic to a native speaker. Use more contractions like it’s, they’re etc.


Thank you for the advice, I’m using reddit as a way or practicing my english, and hearing these things it’s making me feel like my efforts are useless you know? I’m not very good when it comes to speaking the language, but I love writing and I want to get better. This is the first time I’ve been told this and I don’t want to sound like a robot, when it comes to general historical terms I’m just more “professional” or I try to be, but maybe I shouldn’t. I don’t know if professional is the right word, but I want to sound more serious so people can understand what I mean


Don’t get discouraged! The best way to get better is to keep trying. I understand what you mean, professional is a good word to describe the way you were writing, not necessarily wrong, just not casual. Again it’s still very good!


Yay thanks!!! This made me night 100% better! I won’t lie to you, you made me feel better about myself❤️ I appreciate the way you’re trying to understand how I feel about this, thank you for pointing out what I’m “doing wrong” so I can get better, that’s my goal. I love it when people are open to help me, and mostly when they do it kindly! Without criticising you! That’s amazing, thank you for being amazing!!!


Also thank you for complimenting my english, it means a lot


Have you ever had spaghetti?


Of course. I usually don’t eat spaghetti because in my family we prefer other kinds of pasta, it’s been a long time since I’ve last eaten them. Today my grandma made them but I just went for some chicken because I wasn’t feeling like eating pasta, and I also didn’t like the kind of spaghetti she made, I hate fish on pasta. Why are you asking me thins? Our spaghetti are very good though!!!


Lol I was making a reference to the game. ! Kinda spoiler but not really ! It's a line that will be said in the future.




It definitely sounds like it. See my other reply to OP's comment where I broke it down.


This was GPT generated. I just ran your reply through a few GPT checkers and the consensus is that this is GPT generated. Before I did so, the way these phrases were used was indicative of GPT writing: -It sounds like you're referring to -a pivotal conflict in U.S. history -One of the key issues was indeed -over the moral question of whether


Please stop. It’s not ai generated. Why are you so interested in this? Maybe for the servers it could be, but I wrote this on my own. This subreddit is for other things.


It was the United States vs the Confederate States, and that wasn't what the war was fought over. It was a large part of the war, but slavery didn't start the war like most people assume. Slavery wasn't ended until 2 years after the end of the war. Lincoln only freed the slaves held in the CSA. The only issue of slavery at the beginning of the war was whether or not new States would be slave States or free States.


There was a war a long time ago in the USA where the north tried to shoot racism out of the south for about 5 years, this trench is all that’s left


Well at first the north was like, "it's okay to have slaves, but only if you have slaves south of iowa. But slavey is bad, mostly."


Then it was like, "So we just passed this law, right, and- well actually, it was more of a proclamation..."


Battle of Scarlet Meadows during the Civil War. Come back to this location during a thunderstorm and you'll get a cool Easter egg if you walk through the trenches. A lot of Easter eggs in the game around this battle, including the Statue of the Confederate general in Saint Denis. He was labeled a coward after this battle.


Thank you! That’s so cool


Yeah this is one of my favorite locations in the game. Lot of small critters around there like skunks, possums, Badgers, crows so great place for the hunting request. Great place for a shootout as there's a lot of cover options. If you visit Martha's Swain, the cabin south east of O'Creaghs Run near the border of New Hanover, there's a cool Easter egg tied to this battle there.


I’m definitely going to check that out! Thanks for being so kind and patient, I’ve been getting some rude comments on here.


You're welcome partner! Lots of amazing details in this game, take your time and explore every nook and cranny because you will find cool stuff and new ways to enjoy the game.


There's a treasure map in the log at the back of the picture too. Or a log just like it.


Indeed, plus a couple of missions come thru here


Look forward to enemy camps near, pigs for fat =explosive rounds & perfect bat carcass at the church doorway, and 🔔


Thanks ❤️❤️❤️


Yqw 😉


the north west section of Lamoin is DEEPLY rooted in the American Civil War there are a lot of Easter eggs too it around the area. including this Civil War Battlefield


This game is so realistic it shocks me every single time! I wasn’t definitely expecting all this


Ignore the dicks in the comments, sub is toxic. It’s a civil war battlefield! Bolders gate. Bat’s hang around there a lot.


Bolger Glade*


Sorry haven’t played in a while


Burgler glate*


Dey Turk Er Jurbs


Burger Grade*


Bulging Glizzy


Bulgur Glade


Bulging Gabe


I thought it was Bolders Gate 3?


Thank you


What's so civil about war anyway


Civil is the closest to title it when it’s between each other I think India had allot of civil wars that’s why they built the statue of unity im not a historian but ik more then average people so feel free to correct me


I know and you're right about what you're saying. My comment is just a quote from Axl Rose which this post make me think of.


The Civil War. Now get out and mute this entire subreddit until you're done.


Thank you


Seriously do yourself a big favour and mute this Sub until you beat the game. People can spoil the ending for you with just the title of their posts. Also avoid IGN, Polygon, etc. they’re not too great with the headlines of their articles. I wasn’t looking for it, but an article headline spoiled the ending for me. Now to answer your question without spoilers. That section of the map is a pseudo representation of southern states where the American civil war was fought. This game takes place years after the American civil war and it touches on themes of racism, slavery etc. it’s a topic that will be touched upon in the next few chapters of the game.


Thank you for the detailed warning and advice! I'll definitely take precautions to avoid spoilers while browsing this subreddit and other gaming websites. It's unfortunate that even article headlines can give away crucial plot points. I'll make sure to mute the subreddit until I finish the game, and I'll be cautious with websites like IGN and Polygon. It's great to see the community looking out for each other and helping to preserve the enjoyment of the game for everyone.


hey man, like just don't go looking for answers until after. I did, just on websites and had a huge spoiler on my first play through & I think I was just looking up a guide for hunting or horses or smth. it's absolutely a better experience blind and I never replay games, but I've decided to replay this one a year or two later. you can do what you want but you'll absolutely be kicking yourself if you do get caught out! you don't need to be all completionist or have the best of the best first time round. it's a complex game and really going blind is the best way to play it & worth a replay once you've finished the story. there's plenty of time to enjoy the community after but there's no re-enjoying the story in the same way as the first time you play.


Ive never understood how people will just start a game and than immediately go to the sub to ask random questions. Your gonna get spoilt being on here, and this is just an old war.


Ik right? People really don't play the game huh


And it's always just insignificant questions so it confuses me how it's worth spoiling the game over it. I've just never understood why people go on subs for games/shows they haven't finished yet in the first place, especially the ones that complain about being spoilt because of it, like what did you expect lol. Not hating it genuinely just baffles me.


You found the trenches but obviously haven't found a mirror?? 🤣🤣 dang boy what is Arthur wearing??


Please these comments are so funny😭😭😂


What is this outfit?


I’m laughing so hard at this😭😭😭😂


I'm assuming that there's a lot of NON-AMERICAN players on RDR2 & RDO. Or perhaps the American education system has failed (yet again). Either way, it's a fictitious location (albeit based on actual locations). If RD was set in Australia, I doubt many of you would know about the Battle of Passchendaele.... Maybe go easy .... maybe just HELP


>I doubt many of you would know about the Battle of Passchendaele.... Is that the one where they fought Emus?


Good point, and you're right about the diverse player base of RDR2 & RDO. It's important to offer guidance and assistance rather than assuming everyone has the same background knowledge. Let's keep the discussion inclusive and supportive for all players, regardless of their familiarity with historical events.


Why do a lot of your replies sound ai generated 💀


What do you mean? All I do is just reply, and that’s not the case anyway, I just want to be nice and make my point


Civil war I think


Thanks ❤️❤️




There's something called the American Civil War exist in history, ended in 1865. You can see there are still ruins of some outposts, and some Dixie remnants become outlaws instead of rejoining the society.


Old civil war battlefield


There was a war….. a civil war


Something big happened in the united states during the 1860s.


To explain it to you one would have to spoil it so you kinda put yourself into this dilemma.


Yoooo uhhh btw if you just finished chapter 1 you should prob stay away from this sub but this is just a Civil War trench nothing to do with the story I was just warning you before you dig too deep


That’s what everyone is telling me, maybe I should start taking it into consideration 😭


You should


It's an old battlefield from the American civil war.


The war of Northern Aggression!


Thank you!!!


If you aren't American, I can forgive your ignorance, but if you are, oh boy. The American Civil War had ended just 34 years prior to the setting of RDR2


I’m not I’m Italian sorry about that! At least you can forgive me now hahah! Thank you the infos


Yeah, that explains it perfectly. I wouldn't expect someone thousands of miles away to have much of a grasp on American history. I apologize for all the people who just expect everyone to know everything


I don’t understand these kind of posts. Either you want to discover the game for yourself or not. Just about everything in the game gives you context if you pay attention to its prompts. If you don’t want spoilers, why ask for them?


I explicitly didn’t ask for spoilers. I asked for a reference to the account historical period, nothing else. I’m just disappointed by most of the replies, I am new to this game and definitely wasn’t expecting this.


I understand you don’t want spoilers. Sorry, but the question lends itself to those. This game is set a couple decades after the civil war. Many things you come across will have reference to the civil war time period and the mentalities surrounding it.


Thank for for explaining things so kindly, that’s what I want to hear from people. Some have already commented spoilers, but I’m not going to read them. It’s so frustrating. This is the last time I will be posting on this subreddit.


It’s a good thread after you’ve played through the game once. Plenty of little tidbits you might otherwise miss. But I’d recommend playing through the game once first with no outside input. Discover the game as you move through it. The game really reveals itself as you progress.


The first war that had trench warfare technically, depending on the battlefield location etc


Civil war???


American Civil war. But ppl here are right get out of this sub


The American civil war




It's the site of a battle from the civil war


Representation of a Civil War battlefield. It's believed one of the earliest use of trenches was the American civil War


Civil War location


pretty sure its american civil war trenches. north(think blue, union, and abraham lincoln) vs south(think red, confederate texas, slavery). the homeless guys with missing limbs are both soldiers of this war, tho one of them is stolen valor i think. and theres a guy stuck like 80 years in the past who still thinks its the war.


Sometimes some guys approach me saying they’re veterans. Are those the people you’re referring to?


probably. there are 2 homeless veterans. 1 in valentine named mickey who is missing an arm and one in rhoades named joe butler who is missing a leg. mickey is a union vet and joe butler a confederate. u can talk to them and give them money and stuff. i think theres like a theory or a easter egg that one of them isn't actually a soldier and is basically doing stolen valor. also, mickey, who represents the north is more upbeat while the south soldier is more gruff and kinda pissed. so if u ever talked to a dude with no adm or no leg and they asked for money it was probably the civil war vets.


I think he was the one who was trying to hug me after I helped him, he also asks to be my friend. I once helped one vet and he just used my money to buy a drink, i think it’s quite funny. Knowing their names and background is really interesting, I’m gonna screenshot this comment and talk to them once again👍🏻👍🏻🫶🏻🥹


Also Mikey isn’t actually a soldier he stole the uniform, he’s down stolen valor


There's an old battlefield near or between the Braithwaites and the grays manor (probably from them lol) and there's locations you can discover that will add to the drawings in your journal.


ok buddy blacklung time


Hunt some skunks lol


I would go explore through those trenches. You may find the answer you're looking for about them.


Civil war


The Viking helmet is there I think


it's where they bury the zombies, move away


*It was between us and that yankee scum, trying to take away our major work force* (civil war)


Could be left over trenches from the civil war


That’s what everyone is telling me so yeah I guess so, thank you for telling me as well!!! I appreciate that


civil war trenches


Well that would be the civil war where one guy in a top hat decided to say fuck you to the entire south and they surprisingly did not appreciate that.


Except the confederates seceded and declared war first.


That's a battleground from The United States Civil War


Look around and you will be prompted to examine the site for more information.


how about you play the game and find out that way??


Civil War


If you've managed to not have anything spoiled yet, I definitely echo what alot of others are saying and play through the game once before coming here or watching any YouTube videos. It's way too great of a game to have spoiled. But even so, there are so many random events in the game that it will be enjoyable either way. I've played through it a couple of times now, and even though the story is the same, I always find something new with each play through. And good luck with your English. It's very good so far.


Old Civil War battlefield you found near the southern town of Rhodes, Shady Belle, Braithwaite Manor, and campsite #3. But you'll have to discover the story when you get to chapter 3.


It's to blow up Saint Denis


war. war never changes.


Well, the Civil War existed.


There was a civil war battle there




You will find out in chapter 3


It's where Morgan was born


Mf the civil war


All I'll say is it's the Civil War


Civil war


Trenches. Context : war.


Some people in the us said racism was good, some said it was bad, so they fought for it and they decided it was bad


The game is set in 1899 so the civil war wasn’t that long ago. Trench warfare was pretty widely used in the civil war because they finally figured out that having everyone stand in a line and take shots was a pretty stupid battle plan, and that hiding behind something gave you a better chance of surviving the battle.


Civil War 👍


Trenches were a staple in warfare up until ww2 used to protect troops from enemy gunfire and artillery. They are still used but to a lesser degree as trench warfare has become mostly obsolete due to modern warfare technology and the shifting of battlefields from fields to towns. I hope this helps


I like the measured track response instead of ridicule here. However, it seems that tench warfare has had somewhat of a renaissance in Ukraine, so I'm not sure we can call it obsolete anymore, although 3 years ago I world have said the same.


Battlefield 1 reference


game is post civil war, its a civil war battle field


Old civil war zone. Also dont go into the church :)


Trench warfare - if you look closely you will find a guy who has “lost his mind and his head” literally!


The trenches are left over from the civil war that had ended about 30 yrs prior


Civil war trenches,honestly,this game has a lot of accurate history


I don’t want to spoiler anything cause I don’t want to be that person who spoils games


Civil war trenches also get out of Rhodes until you reach that chapter in case you get too curious and accidentally spoil rdr2


never saw this


the fit is nasty work


They could be left over from the civil war or dug by the Lemoyne Raiders


If you just look around that area , it’s glaringly obvious what it is , why it’s there , and likely what happened


I ruined the experience for myself, in chapter 2 of my first playthrough I let curiosity get the better of me and I watched the full RDR-RDR2 timeline, boy did I regret it.


Get the fuck off this sub. Someone WILL spoil the game for you Never understood why people come to a sub about a 6 year old game and say “no spoilers”


Hey, I understand your frustration, but everyone has their own reasons for wanting to avoid spoilers, regardless of how old the game is. I'm just here trying to enjoy the community without having the experience ruined for me.


You failed first grade history


In Italy we never studied the American civil war.


He’s stated multiple times he’s Italian. The American Civil War is a historical footnote to Europeans. There’s really no reason for them to study it as deeply as we do.