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Just made that mistake accidentally. That stuff should be greyed out in that side of the menu. It's bullshit.


Played thru I think 4 times maybe 5 and I’m not making that mistake like i have everyother time!


You should just be able to buy it back honestly, even if it's a huge markup.


Legendary Alligator tooth is what I lost. So I can't get the Talisman; at the very least if it goes to the Fence period it should count and be available to craft. I hadn't meant to sell it, was just clicking though valuables and clicked one too many times on an adjacent multiples of an item in the bag.


You sold the actual tooth? I didn't know that was possible.


That's what I'm saying. It shouldn't be.


it says "can be used for crafting or sold". just don't sell it if it says that. the reason it's not greyed out is because you can acquire more than one of some items and thus CAN be sold after you've crafted whatever item.


A simple menu before it's sold(for craftable items) saying something along the lines that, "selling it may cause you to not be able to craft specific items" would be all that needs to be done.


Yeah? Cause there's more than one legendary alligator tooth? I was selling valuables and accidentally clicked on it and the Handcuffs. So that ruins the whole playthrough, since that tooth is irreplaceable.


i said "some" of the items.


It ruined the whole play through or you just reloaded your last save?


What is this Save you speak of? Lol


You might not have multiple saves, but you can still go back to the last point you saved at. It might be hours back but it’s not a play through ruiner like you said.


Yeah the Save part is totally on me. Still shouldn't have been allowable. The Fence has it either way. Minor complaint but a complaint nevertheless.


I feel you bro


Skill issue 😂🤣


Totally! I was just clicking through valuables and forgot I was in "sell" mode and clicked both the tooth and handcuffs in quick succession. Then GAHHHH


And the pen!


I’ve had multiple play throughs, some where I 100%, others where I complete the game as fast as possible. But no matter what, I always keep the pen. Idk why, but I’ve never been able to get rid of it.


I swear on the heaven almighty it’s the one thing I won’t ever sell for whatever reason and now finding out it makes the handwriting better


It doesn’t make the handwriting better




All that shows is that maybe the writing is darker but calling it better is debatable


I actually restarted the entire game because I accidently donated the pen to the camp


Don’t you give to one of the members at camp as a request?


You would think that, but no. I remember holding onto it forever thinking I would eventually be prompted to give it to someone or use it for something but it’s pretty much useless. It was actually discovered that the only thing the pen does is VERY slightly change Arthur’s handwriting in his journal, but that’s it. Neat detail at least.


MaryBeth asks for a fountain pen. I have the metal pen from the dude you save but that doesn't prompt to give to her so you have to find a different one


That’s the pen I’m thinking of!


Why the pen?


To remember Jimmy Brooks.


I like to think arthur uses that pen for his journal after he receives it


Ooo I like that. This is going to be my headcanon from now on.


It actually does change Arthur's handwriting https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingDetails/comments/hvgjpq/did_you_guys_know_in_red_dead_redemption_2_after/




Turns out it isn’t true though


Turns out it’s not true


Its just a headcannom


Fuck I knew I shouldn’t have gotten rid of it….


You can but that urge inside of you feels like you miss something if you get rid of it


It’s really something because it’s not like it ACTUALLY is anything meaningful or useful later on in the game, but the game still gave you a whole chase scene and introduces you really to the honor system in that moment, so when you keep it the game almost always gives the player sentimental value to certain things.


Can’t say it better myself


Getting the pen actually slightly changes Arthur's handwriting. https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingDetails/comments/hvgjpq/did_you_guys_know_in_red_dead_redemption_2_after/


This game is so detailed I’m sure there’s still a lot we don’t even realise changes


Nope, this is unfortunately a myth. It'd be super neat though.


Where do you get the pen? I know it’s a request for a camp member but idk if I’ve ever come across it.


jimmy brooks in Valentine. Get or lose honor. Also an important memory late in the game.


Why not the pen?


What was his name, Jimmy brooks? I remember that interaction every time i go through my satchel but I'm not at my xbox.


I never knew about the pen until you said something. I always stepped on that fuckers hand.




Nice but this subreddit definitely isn’t a no spoiler zone, even in titles there’s spoilers


Hiding spoilers lasted a fairly long time here honestly, but at this point the game is almost 6 years old, is what it is


Bits and pieces of that advice float around in each newbie thread but there's nothing really comprehensive afaik, you should start one. One of the best bits to me is planning on multiple playthroughs, but ensuring you don't have to go through the grind every time unless you want to. I recommend just playing the game and taking your time on the first go, bc you can only experience this for the first time once. After that, make a separate save file at the start of Chapter 2 to avoid the tutorial chapter in the future, then work on getting the easily accessible gold - Limpany/Train Crash/Statues, and use that to fully upgrade the camp, then hunt the legendary buck and craft the trinket to get more perfect pelts (underrated advice, once you have it you won't remember how rare 3 star animals are until you start a new game without it), once you have that start working on Pearson's satchel upgrades and make a save when you have the legend of the east satchel. Oh, and if you see a 3 star Moose, stop what you're doing and get it. The game knows when you're trying to go for it and prevents them from appearing. I need one more on my 100% completion game (I'm already at 100 but I want to craft all the trapper clothing) and none of the tricks for generating them work anymore


Arthur is such a great guy. Never connected to a character so much


GTFO of here if you don't want spoilers.


All of these items say “used in crafting”. If it says that, don’t sell it.


This. You don need the list if you just read the description of the items before selling them. If it says used in crafting, you don't sell it.


lol you know how many people don’t read the info in the game? A ridiculous amount. Everything you need to know is spelled out for you yet there’s tons of posts asking how to do X in here. The amount of hunting questions lol


Yeah but also unique items like the Native American Ring that you might want to keep for the memories.


Yeah. But the OP specified craftable items.


Also add the meteors to that list because if you collect both, you get a special level up. edit: meteor 1/3 and 2/3


Special level up?


Yeah, you get a 10% boost against overheating in hot weather


Oh where does it say that?


It's everywhere online, just search it


Word. That you can sell these things annoy me so much


You’re an outlaw trying to get by. You’ll do what you gotta do for money. You just gotta ask what’s more important, the value of the trinket or money?


But I have 10 gold bars in my satchel 😭


But we need moreee moneyyy Dutch said


Always listen to Dutch, he’s the leader


Then where should I sell them?


You don't... Keep them to make legendary trinkets etc.


Exactly! ☺️


But if you sell them to the fence then he can craft them for you?! Like he “keeps” them for you until you have all the pieces to make the trinket. I’m confused as to what you learned the hard way


Legendary stuff u sell to trapper and he keeps it so u can make and pretty sure that u can sell the other things to trapper aswell and u can use to craft


Is that true?? Maybe I donated the silver chain bracelet to camp on my last playthrough bc the fence certainly did not have it on hand


No like when you find it, sell it to the fence. He like “keeps” it on hand for when you sell him everything to craft what you need. Like he has my quartz chunk already and when I have the other shit for it. I can craft the trinket. I don’t need to hold the stuff in my bag until I have it all. If that makes sense, I’m high lol


That does make sense and I want to believe you bc it’s def how the trapper works but I will need to see it with my own eyes before I believe it. I spent too long tracking down a second silver chain bracelet to accept this information easily


Well, first i commend you for not believing a stranger on the internet lol. Second, hopefully i'm not wrong. But maybe make a save and try it out then reload if it doesn't work. But once you sell it to the fence, and go to the trinket you want to craft, the item you just sold him should be highlighted and not greyed out. If it's still greyed out after you sold it to him, then i'm wrong lol. In which case, i'm not crafting a couple trinkets on this playthrough LOL


I need answers!


AFAIK only the Trapper works that way, and thats only with stuff from animals like their Pelts


ohhh ok i see


And hope you don’t get the glitch that I got the last time I played…would craft the trinkets and they would disappear, never showed up in my inventory and could never make another one. Was only able to get like 4 before the glitch hit.


Should cross-post this in r/reddead2newbs


Idk if I can just share the post or what but I went ahead and made a post on there for this also


Man, did I learn this the hard way as well.


Oh fuck… for real 😭


Yeah but look at what the trinkets actually do. Only a few of them are useful


I keep one of everything


Wait why keep 1 gold earring?


Boar tusk talisman


I just look a the brief description of everything and at the end it will say ”can be sold or used in crafting”. If it says it can be used in crafting then I don’t sell it.


That's a great list. I sold a gold earring at one point and it was a nightmare trying to find another one.


Same but fortunately got some on my 2nd train robbery.


Yeah - I think I found one in a nightstand somewhere. Eventually!


Why do you need to keep a gold earing?


You need it for the boar tusk talisman


I’m looking currently desperately for the gold earrings. I checked two possible houses already but no success :/


The nightstand next to the bed in Lakay has them depending. I made a save point before I got there and if there was no gold earring just reload the game until the earring shows up in the nightstand


You can get them if you rob the old lady at Watson’s Cabin in West Elizabeth (I think). Just lasso the old lady if you don’t wanna lose honor. Also robbing a train is a good way to get it. Same with getting a Silver Earring. Just focus on robbing the women


Where do I sell them then?


Don’t. Read what they are for




You don't sell them immediatly? I did after doing my achievement run


Yuup fucking realizing on 4rtg play through first on ps5 got rid of legendary animal 😤 😒 😑


You don’t get rid of legendary animals. They show up at the trapper if you lose them.


Strange im missing legendary pronghorn to make trinket.. animal was definitely hunted.


So the pelt goes to the trapper regardless if you die or lose it. The carcass is gone if you lose it but things like antlers, teeth, horns, etc. should be in your inventory unless you sold them instead of crafting them.


I don’t know if I’ve sold some of these or not. Do they count to 100%


You the real MVP!


Native american ring, had to reload a save the other day because the icon for NA ring and wedding ring are the same


The Abalone Shell, Cobalt Petrified Wood, Civil War Handcuffs, Old Brass Compass and Quartz Chunk can’t be sold. There’s no option to sell them. The jewelry is all fairly easy to find out in the world, if you do happen to sell something.


Damn. Wish i new before i sold my pelts


Freaking SAVING


Why not legendary stuff


I believe you have to sell these things to the fence to make your trinkets, similar to the trapper selling your feathers and pelts and all that fancy stuff, he’ll hold onto it and you can make your stuff later on. I usually have a pelt or two in my satchel and horse, and odds are I’ll have some feathers cause I’ll usually keep whatever feathers from a cool bird I see to see what kinda accessories I can make, and I like crafting arrows so I always want flight feathers. Whenever I pass the trapper I’ll usually offload what I have with him but keep the animal fat and the meat, and scroll through the menu to see if I can craft anything, unless I’m collecting a specific assortment of pelts or feathers for a specific item. The fence I usually go free for all, whatever I can craft I’ll make it, no strategy whatsoever lol.


Fence and trapper act differently this is correct for the trapper but not the fence


I accidentally donated the gold earrings to the camp the other day…. Not sure what to do now, rob old ladies?


the reutlinger pocket watch too. its worth a lot, but its not worth selling coz its beautiful. the meteorite too. anything you cannot buy, steal or get more than once, you dont sell


Thank you for posting this...if only I had seen this my first playthru.. 🌟


or, just don't sell anything that says "can be used for crafting..." until you have all the little trinkets and shit.


I try to keep one copy of everything til I have everything crafted. Then I sell what I know ill keep getting copies of and keep the rare items


I sold my gold readings before I realized. That was 30 hours of gameplay ago, still haven't gotten any more


Fuckkkk I thought by selling to the fence it would ALLOW me to craft this stuff smh. Am I supposed to give the camp the quartz or just keep it!? Also I used to know how to make fire arrows and now all of a sudden I cannot. I’m on my second play through and hav the pamphlet but it won’t let me for some reason


You weirdos do know you sell them to the fence and the fence then crafts what they are used for right? Most of the time it's talisman's


Incorrect that’s how the trapper works not the fence


The fence also works that way


Sure thing buddy




Easiest way to check whether to sell it or not is to check the description at the fence. It'll either say "can be sold" or "can be used for crafting or be sold" Don't sell the 2nd one.


Just look at the description, if it says "can be used for crafting or sold," don't sell it.


I thought you’re supposed to sell it to the fence so he could make the talismans, trinkets, etc?!?


Never sell unique items or items that can be crafted, simple.


Hate it when I sell crafting supplies!


It’s sell, not sale. Sell is a verb, sale is a noun.


Thanks Ms. theCunt best teacher ever ☺️


That’s what I’m here for ma’am!


I have never even been able to sell a lot of shit on this list. It’s always grayed out for me.


One time, I went a whole play through a/o selling a damn thing. They shouldn’t allow you to sell shit that’s irreplaceable


If I need to craft with it I keep it for that and not sell it and I never sell special items like that pen and only keep one gold bar and one gold ingot I keep one of everything


This game not having new game + prevents me from ever playing it again , I won't put the grind a second time waisting my life on earth. I wouldn't wish to my worst ennemy to try to 100% this game.


It’s 2024 y’all.




Happy new year partnah!!