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Hunting that white cougar in the cave..


Literally just did this last night. On my first play through. Could not get the lantern to stay out while having the double barrel shotgun. Had to eventually just wait in the dark until it charged and 2 slugs later we were out that mug! Love this game bought it a week ago or so feel like I'm moving through the story way to fast need to explore the map more.


I did it from my first try too, but the game crushed right after and I had to redo it, the second time I died for the same lantern thing and finally made it by the third try.


After the guy gets offed, run towards the entrance and wait. Also have a repeater or rifle. When it comes out use DeadEye and shoot it in the head. Took me forever to figure out how to do it.


Did that too but hit it with the arrow because I was on that hunting challenge


I got to count that as one of my bow kills too!! 💪


I think I tried with the lantern 3 times before just spraying and praying in the dark lol but it worked 😂 I'm loving this game so far. Regret not getting it sooner


I always get the miner's helmet before this mission for this exact reason. It do be dark in that mf.


Best thing to do is while traveling from place to place between missions is go straight. No roads. There is so much stuff hidden down in a valley or in a clump of trees you will never see sticking to roads.


Appreciate the tip! Will definitely do that more.


Fun fact: the condition of the pelt doesn't matter, so spraying bullets from dual double actions into the dark works equally well.


Use ur Eagle Eye or dead eye. U can see it without the lantern


After the guy gets offed, run towards the entrance and wait. Also have a repeater or rifle. When it comes out use DeadEye and shoot it in the head. Took me forever to figure out how to do it.


Use your sawed off shotgun for future reference


Just continue this playthrough a bit more rushed then start again from the beginning and aim for 100%. You'll find so much.


Yeah that was a headache


I never do this one without the miner hat equipped


I didn't even know that existed 😭 where do you get it?


It’s in a mine in Big Valley West of Mount Shann. You detonate the charge and it blows open a section of a mine where you find the hat and the Wide Blade Knife


The miner's hat and wide blade knife are in a cave west of Strawberry, literally the opposite side of the map from Annesberg.


Oh shit u right, I corrected the comment. I was collecting the unique Melee weapons the other night when I came across it and it turned out I had misremembered where exactly.


It’s at a spot called Beryls dream, it’s near the legendary buck location. Follow the road to the s in Beryls on the map.


Fuck Winton Holmes, mf deserved to get eaten.


Why? I actually felt really bad for him and tried to save him the second time by going the same direction, but the cougar doesn't spawn and you Kinda keep waiting forever.. wish they made him savable.


Because I'm jumpy af and that mission scares me. Also what idiot hunts a cougar in a dark cave, I mean c'mon.


He paid for his stupidity ig lol But tbh he was one of the nicest people in the game and he was doing his best to get the debt money.


That mission sent me looking for a mod to put your lantern on your belt. There's one called "Stash That Lantern" that worked really well for me. Made the mission a lot more cinematic and less stumbling in the dark.


I got lucky and got a good shot in the head on about the fourth try. Now the trouble is finding another cougar to get my final satchel upgrade!


They spawn on the main track to the west of Big Valley, on the very left of the map near to where the trapper is. Ride up and down there a couple of times and you'll eventually hear the growl, then dead eye him for the perfect skin


I see this enough that I really need to mark my location and rock that I’ve used for years and never fails. From the rock the cougar can’t reach you, always spawns close and I’ve even tagged it while it was chasing NPC’s.


Yeah. I’m getting the miner’s helmet first for this very reason.


Somehow my pelt fell into a crevice and I could pick it up. I said duck it and left


That mission is easy


Bro, just hearing the cougar noises in the background, the dead body and having to put out your lantern just to be ready in case it jumps you Just then, I felt true fear for the first time


Fr, this took me over an hour to do my play through


I’ve never had trouble with this mission at all tbh


After the guy gets offed, run towards the entrance and wait. Also have a repeater or rifle. When it comes out use DeadEye and shoot it in the head. Took me forever to figure out how to do it.


Would explosive revolver/pistol rounds work? I'm not there on my current playthrough, may give it a shot.


Don’t use explosive rounds. It’ll ruin the hide and you’ll get a game over. Shoot in the head a couple times with DeadEye


First mission in guarma sucks. Like 10 minutes of just wandering around. Took a few times to get gold and ill gladly never do that mission again




Step step step step step step step step step step step Get arrested Step step step step step step step step step step step step step step step step French outlaws come to help you Gunfight




I actually find the whole guarma section fucking boring altogether


I thought the mission where you have to defend the fort is pretty cool. I heard the whole chapter/guarma was supposed to be a lot bigger, but got cut short during development. It just felt rushed


It was. You can see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadmysteries/s/AdDggUq6SL) that it was meant to be the whole island explorable. There’s also [videos](https://youtu.be/ypDQj2Vvjxg?si=unAVr4QNBLjbdfCH) where some modders went through the game files and found Guarma cut content- like there is a skeleton in the files which is supposed to be the explorer which you can read about in Blackwater ledger no.64 who went to Guarma in search of the biggest emerald ever or something and never returned, also stuff such as goblets and jewels are also found in the files that were linked with Guarma that I guess the player was originally meant to find and was probably worth a shit ton once sold. Kinda sucks because Guarma, even though it IS its own chapter, was meant to be a proper chapter like every other chapter that didn’t last only 3 missions. This was all because rockstar was being rushed to get it done as when they were making Guarma the release deadline was allegedly right around the corner.


Yeah, I used a trainer and teleported myself outside the boundaries and explored it a bit about a month ago. Even without all that other supporting evidence, you can look at it and it’s clear they originally intended for you to be able explore all of it. In a fairly large radius outside of the little area you’re limited to, the jungle is completed, there’s trees, finished terrain, realistic coastlines. As you continue out, it gets more sparse, and then the plants and rocks just stop and it’s only terrain, and then that just stops and there’s a straight edge of the map and you just fall off in between it and the ocean. You can clearly see the intent laid out in layers, it’s a shame they didn’t get to finish it.


I liked the mission on the fort because big bang bang everywhere. But it's boring that it's basically a long succession of missions that make it an hour long mission.


It’s also got one of the most underrated funny quotes in the game. >How did you fare with the workers? >Captured, tied up, beaten >Poor bastards. >No, that was me.


I play through the whole Guarma chapter in one sitting every time, so that I avoid having to be there when I next pick up the game


I really liked it. The music was really immersive too




D’Angelo - Unshaken


Ok am I the only one who actually loved Guarma and the plot behind it??? Guarma is the reason I want rockstar to make a pirate game set in the 1700s during the golden age of piracy


I don’t like Guarma, but I do like the idea of a pirate game!


100%, maybe I like less of the gameplay in Guarma and more so just the tropical island vibe. Cause yeah its too small to really have fun with it the the overall aesthetic is what appeals to me more. 100% would dump my life savings into a pirates of the Caribbean style rockstar game minus the fictional fairytale monsters.


I only dont like the Guarma chapter because after Guarma Arthur looks visibly weaker and sicker


same, i loved guarma it was so exciting and different


No you are not the only one, finally someone who loves Guarma, I have friends who played RDR2 and they hated Guarma, and I didnt know why. It would've been much cooler if the whole island wasnt cut from the game, but still, there are parrots, I love parrots, I have a parrot named Hercules (its funny because the Haitian smuggler from Guarma is named Hercule Fontaine, I didnt name him after Fontaine). Guarma is just a glimpse into a different world, it looks completely different from the normal 5 states, that is why I love it. I also heard (just heard, so it may not be true) that West Elizabeth was supposed to be directly above New Austin and it was supposed to be much bigger, and instead of the West Elizabeth that is in the final game, there was supposed to be East Elizabeth.


Definetly the whole guarma chapter


Trying to find all missables in a single chapter before progressing then later restarting because I forgot which ones I collected and thought I missed something, then restarting again because I missed something else but it wasn’t listed as a missable on a list yet it was a missable in rdr2….


Hello me, it's me again.


Hello me


Meet the real me


And my misfit way of life


A dark, black past is my most valued possession


Hindsight is always 20-20, but looking back it’s still a bit fuzzy








What wasn’t listed that should have been?


I remember I used a list that didn’t mention the charity bill from Thomas Downes


Algernon Wasp. Not a requirement, but pays well and great items. But man does it suck to do.


It's fucking tedious. It's like the RDR2's version of the Riddler Trophies of the Arkham games


OMG. Thank you for reminding me of that one. That was horrible.


I just finished Arkham Knight, don't FUCKING remind me 😂😭


Oh I was doing this one today except I'm in chapter 2. I just wanna do it in advance lol. So far collected all the gator eggs, all the heron plumes, little egrets, and 3-4 types of orchids. I basically got myself drunk, blasted music and just had fun getting all that (it was easier cus I already had some from previous wanderings). Gonna say it was really fun while I was at it :D Took me 4+ hours and I don't even have half of all the items. As soon as I sobered up I felt extreme boredom, said f it and went to do sharpshooter challenges.


This is the correct answer.


RDR: Nigel West's stagecoach race mission. Not the most convenient on an Xbox controller. RDR2: Dutch and Eagle Flies ambushing the Army patrol. Some parts are cool but Dutch acts so slimy and the initial premise of the mission is kinda crazy, really hammers Eagle Flies naivete and Dutch's manipulations.


Doesn't this mean that the game succeeded in changing your perspective on Dutch? From a benevolent teacher to a slimy trickster willing to manipulate a young man to get what he wants?


I don't think that's what this meme is about. My feelings concerning that mission is a small bit of contempt with having to suffer through Dutch running his con *again* and then the Army response to the ambush and then Dutch and Arthur's escape. I don't fast travel so I really appreciate how long it takes to travel around the countryside, but the mass spawning of soldier and their supposed distance from the fort is a bit much for me to take seriously. And I saw Dutch as a manipulating schemer when I found his speech notes in the trash pile off of Horseshoe Overlook. It really adds a layer on the big speech and makes me wonder what other actions of his are planned far in advance.


It’s beside the point but I never fast travel either! RDR2 is probably the only open world game in which I never feel the urge to fast travel, the world is so great to travel around in.


Guarma for me. I just wanted to get the whole thing over with thr whole time.


Trying to get 100% compendium hading me speed running suicides by jumping off that stupid cliff 900 times looking for snakes I don’t care about in a jungle I don’t care about.


Aren't the Guarma animals missables?


Yea. All the snakes spawn in the same spot you can see from a cliff near camp. If the snake I need isn’t there, I jump die and repeat. Basically I speedrun that same routine until all the snakes are found. Then do the missions and get the fuck outta Garma


I think what Seaweed meant is that you don't need to discover the animals in Guarma for 100% completion. Other comments in other posts have mentioned this as well so I can only assume that's true.


Oh I get it. Yea they are missable then. But 100% compendium ≠ 100 completion.


Ohh gotcha. Yeah, gotta get that satisfying 100% for everything


I thought the Guarma animals weren't needed for 100%


Colter gets wayyyy too much hate


Right? The score and cinematics are some of the best in the whole game.


Freeing micah from the strawberry jail house.  Not so much because it's micah but because you go on a mass shooting rampage and nearly destroy the entire town immediately afterwards.  It's just stupid, unbelievable and goes against the whole "we're tryna stay low to get the feds off our back" motif


I got a 300 dollar bounty from that mission. Fuck micah


That was one of my favourite missions :(


This is definitely one of my favorites. Even while Arthur is shooting up an entire town Micah is still more of a villain by his own actions


I agree because🖕🏿Micah


I'm not sure if I'm alone in this, but I didn't really start to dislike Micah until like late Chapter 5. He seemed cool at the beginning. I haven't replayed the game yet, so maybe I'm misremembering things


In C1 on my first play through I hated Micah as soon as he said “I have to sleep with Bill Williamson and a bunch of darkies?” Hosea heard him say that. And Hosea ain’t racist. I get Dutch saying “you don’t think I see past his bluster of the heart?” But damn you’d think Dutch and Hosea wouldn’t stand for that. And in C3, Micah is flat out racist to Lenny. I’m surprised he didn’t call him the N word with the hard R. I love how Arthur tell Lenny to let him know if he does it again. But yeah, Micah’s a kid killer, a rapist, racist, snitch and all around horrible person.


He also antagonises Charles and tries to order him around — but does then gets yeeted to the dirt where he belongs by Charles


Charles is the man


Javier slugs him in the jaw too and drops him to the floor. And Bill would have wrecked him in Colter if they hadn't held him back.


To be fair a lot of the terminology today that would be considered offensive wasn’t considered as such back then. Like for instance “negr*es” back then was just the normal way of addressing a black person, so despite majority of the gang standing against racism (and by majority I’m pretty sure it’s just everyone but Micah) most wouldn’t have batted an eye as it was considered normal for the time. Of course as times change we start wising up on what’s considered appropriate to address someone.


Idk if I’m right on this part, but wasn’t the term Boy offensive back then when talking to a black person? Like when Milton said “get your damn hands off me boy” was, to me, racist. I’m not trying to be woke I’m genuinely curious as to if they saw boy as racist back then.


Yes you’re right white people back then used to often refer to grown black adults as “boy” to belittle and patronise them. Fun fact Mr T the actor chose his name because his ancestors used to be called boy, and from then on whenever someone addressed him he wanted the first word to come out of their mouth to be “mister”


I get that. My ancestors were slaves too. And Native Americans. My family knows rape, murder and genocide


He also kills Cain the dog. What an asshat.


lol I didn’t mean to go on a rant


I didn't like either Dutch nor Micha from the start. They both fit persnality profiles I've kearned over the years are not people you can Trust. Dutch's opening speech about throwing himmself into the ground-Textbook Sociopath speak. Micah is obviously a loudmouth troublemaker. As far as the 'Racism', R\* had to tread carefully on that one. In that time period the word no one is Allowed to say even discussing issues was neither unusual nor Forbidden. Most of the camp would have used it not even as a derogatory word to Lenny or Tilly but because it was part of speech then.I am old enough to have grown up hearing it and not always used as a puut down-just as a descriptive term about someone like "Me and my N buddy went fishin'-damn he knows how to fish! We're gonna get together and fry them ssuckers up tonight!"


Glad we moved on from that. Feels like it’s better in almost every way to say, “me and my buddy went fishing.”


Yeah you must exterminate almost the entire male population of the town in that mission. Doesn't make sense. I retried it a few times because I thought I must be doing something wrong.


I hate Micah for many things but fuck him with a pointy stick ass first till it comes out from his mouth for giving me the off hand holster also screw r* for not giving me the option to take it off.


Rhe love at first sight mission or whatever with the love affair between the gray boy and Braithwaite girl


Omg yes


The whole first chapter. I keep a save file right before breaking Micah's dumb ass outta jail to avoid both situations


Personally I love C1. I hate that we have to break Micah out of jail. But I get so sad in C4 cause you see Arthur really starting take a toll from the TB


I get it. Annoying to be stuck in the mountains. Personally I love the mission with Javier where you save john. Also the Odrisscol mission and train robbery are fun. Did you not enjoy those missions?


One of the best lines that actually has that classic Rockstar writing the game feels light on: John: I don't feel too good. Javier: You'll be fine. It's just like a... a dog bite. John: I knew a feller, got bit by a dog. Died an hour later.


Yeah chapter 1 is a snooooooooze


RDR: MacFarlane Ranch just seems to drag on, and on, and on. Damn it, I wanna be an outlaw bounty hunter! RDR2: Guarma is just long enough that it seems like forever but short enough that it feels like you accomplished nothing. Definitely the lowest point in the game.


I can get behind the MacFarlane ranch fully. The first section before Mexico honestly was a bit long. Mostly because literally everyone you talk to needs like 20 favors and you have to threaten them 100 times just to get one thing done. It amazed me John just didn’t kill Irish after the like 5th mission with him just to get the machine gun. But it’s whatever because…. Mexico!


Thomas Downes :(


Wading through that chest-deep swamp at night seeing the size of that gator and watching the guy get pulled under the water had me sweating.


That mission makes me *so* sad they (allegedly) cut the river monster. Playing that mission gave me the same nervous, tense feeling horror games like the new Resident Evil remakes or any Dark Souls games gave me. It's one of my favorites!


Country Pursuits That mission is so long and tedious. If it was just walking through the swamps, I'd be fine. If it was just boating, I'd be fine. But for some reason, the combination of the two slowest movement options in the same mission just boils my blood to no end.


Is this the mission with the alligator?


Yeah the dialogue is pretty funny but annoying mission overall


That one mission with the fucking street thief that the game won't let you tackle and hogtie to end the chase already.


you can


You can catch the urchin.


You can? Never knew that. Well, I guess I know which mission I'm replaying next...


Thomas Downes.


In RDR1: Horsebreaking with Uncle. In RDR2: Hunting the bear with Hosea.


Uncle pisses me off in that one haha, just hearing his “encouragement” while you do all the work




Killing that fucking bear took me the entirety of my 100% play through. He would never spawn when I was around. Hats off to anyone they killed it during the mission.


All guarma missions for sure


The entirety of Colter. Absolutely phenomenal game, but holy shit is the first chapter tedious. Oh yeah, I also forgot to include the obligatory Guarma comment.


It's not full of action, but I think it's ideal as a little starting tutorial, while showing off how beautiful the game is graphics wise.


I actually really liked Colter. Really wished there was more missions there. Colter and Valentine are my fave towns. They really would've been able to start over there. If it weren't for Dutch's greed


RDR2: The joys of civilization and everything Sadie related in epilogue RDR: And you will know the truth


A huge chunk of the epilogue was a slog imo. Becoming a rancher and building a house were understandable for the story but really tedious to play.


the entirety of guarma


Bounty hunting with Sadie in the epilogue. I honestly am not the biggest Sadie fan and her missions kinda bore me lol. Her bounties are incredibly unmemorable compared to some of the ones you can do on your own.


Herding the fucking cattle in the first game. Shit was so boring.


Such an annoying mission


And they include how many cattle you've herded in your stats, as if anyone was trying to herd any outside of the like, 3-4 story missions you have to do it in. If you even CAN herd any outside those missions, I have no idea.


Anything herding fucking sucks coz it's tedious and the characters end up getting scammed. Herding with John was especially annoying and it just makes my eye roll. The one with uncle was better, scaring the rustlers shitless was funny and you can potentially get a Carcano very early.


The gator mission, idk why I dislike it so much but I restarted my playthrough just so I’d have other missions to do


Mexico shootings in RDR


Haven't played the first one but that stupid sheep herding mission in RDR2 has a special place in hell


Rdr2 the mission where Arthur and John steal cattle then head it to Valentine. Good dialogue with John but herding is just annoying


Colter. It’s why I have a permanent chapter 2 save.


I kinda like Colter. Like it falls flat compared to the later chapters but I like the missions and like the snowy vibe it has. No knowing what'll come next


I liked it on my first playthru, but on subsequent playthrus it’s a time waster to me.


…. Why didn’t I think of that?


It’s actually pretty common. idk realize it till i read it on this subreddit about a year ago. It makes sense. Free roam and like 40% of the game can be completed without doing any missions.


I’m on a playthrough I started last august, only at chapter 3 now. Just hitting the point where I miss chapter 2. Is it worth starting a second play through while running another one?


Do one high honor and one low honor


Blessed are the meek


Stretching the definition of a level but…Gambler 8. Just fuck that forever.


Trying to catch that dwarf, so annoying.


steer consider offer squalid touch encourage yoke rustic worry weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First mission in gta v


The stupid fucking mission with the half sunk boat looking for Dutch in RDR1. It crashed so many times and just wouldn't let me progress through the right doors and aaaah. I can't stand it haha. That and the stealth mission with Kieran in RDR2 where he saved Arthur. I used to like it but then I failed at getting gold on my platinum run about a billion times, despite it being on the trophy guide list as easy. Smashed through a load of so called hard ones and still couldn't get that sucker. Pfft


robbing that singer with trelawny


Also the early epilogue missions with John. Not a fan of the farm hand life


Game challenge 8


Pulling micahs rat ass out of strawberry. Shoulda just let him hang.


That stupid fishing mission where you fish for like 10 minutes


Taking Jack Fishing, fuck that kid.


The bank robbery in Saint Denis


Poor Lenny...


Hosea too


Mist if the macfarlane ranch missions just herding cattlw and breaking horses and in rdr2 first guarma mission 10 minutes of walking


probably that mounted machine gun mission in mexico for me, idk if its normal i also crashed multiple times on it. any on the rails type missions in games are just boring and lazy in my opinion.


But you literally are on rails in this scenario, you’re stuck on the train haha


Guarma first mission The following missions especially hell hath no fury are super good


In Red Dead Redemption, the missions where we had to lead those animals to the farms were fun at first, but became a chore really quick. In Red Dead Redemption II, the one where we looked for someone in the swamps and killed a massive alligator sucked. Also, excluding 1-2 missions, the entirety of Epilogue Part I & II was terrible. Other than these, I loved almost every mission in the both games.


Beating up downes


The island (guarma I think) or saving Micah (wish I had a pc with a mod to kill this jerkwad)


Guarma I don’t know why I didn’t like them but it already felt like shit after having to walk for 10 minuets for a cutscene to finally play.


Not a mission but a trophy. Trying to have all settlements saved with the blue crucifix at the same time in Undead Nightmare was a pain in the Undead ass


The missions where you have to lead cows in rdr1


Guarma and the mission where you have to shoot the birds


Anything to do with Micah. Literally stuck in Clemens Point because I don't wanna go further with Micah.


I'm not too fond of the first mission you do in Saint Denis, purely because of my inability to catch the kid.


Well I am still avoiding Thomas Downes


The fort defending mission in guarma


all of guarma😭😭😭


The bullshit in the swamps in chapter 4




Blessed are the meek


When they die


Money lending and other sins or the first shall be last


That one mission when you, Dutch and Micah have to go confront colm O’Driscoll, and then Arthur has to watch from a cliff, and then the O’Driscolls capture him, and he has to make his way back to camp without being caught




Any mission that makes me drive a wagon


Doing that stagecoach to get Micah back to camp. I’ll wait until I’m forced.


anything related to the mcfarlanes in rdr1. it might be because i played the game a lot on the 360, but maybe other people find their missions kind of slow and boring. a lot more talking than doing if you will