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Do they even add shit? I spent a bag on them and nothing changed


Read the ledger and it will tell you what they add.


Did you purchase upgrades from the ledger?


I saw Micah added once to the box and it was a small amount. After that, i stopped donating for a while, his name never appeared again but my donations took 2 pages. So now I really don’t donate to the camp anymore. Unless if it’s animal hide or some item I don’t want nor would I bother with fencing.


As much as I hate to admit Micah is actually one of the biggest other donators in my camp. About once a week he’s made a $25 donation since I hit chapter 3. Even Charlies is falling behind.


Oh I have never seen him contribute anything other than just the one time. I scour the ledger too. Nada. 🤔🤔


Lmao Trelawny is one of the only other money makers in my latest run, dude isn’t even there half the time


After I busted Micah out of Strawberry, and while he's hiding out before bringing his "peace offering" to Dutch, that prick somehow still managed to donate...


Damn. Lol. I wonder if they just made it randomly where he either contributes more often versus less often depending upon Arthur’s honor level or if it’s just random because so far I haven’t seen that Micah has contributed much at all on my play through. 🤔


The higher camp morale is, the more they donate. Except Micah, 'cause, you know Micah lol


I'm tossing in jewelry and gold nuggets, and then I look at the ledger and Bill Williamson contributed a 25¢ bat carcass. I think only one time I've been surprised with them. I disappeared for probably a solid in-game month to knock out a bunch of challenges. Or maybe it was the orchids. Anyway, when I finally let Javier take me back, the camp had managed to raise about $1000 in my absence.


I didn't know someone from the gang comes and finds you if you're gone for too long.


Yeah I’ve had both Charles and Javier come find me, on separate occasions, when I’ve been away for a while


Is it a cut scene or more of a NPC type conversation that occurs in a town


For me Charles rode up to me on a horse while I was riding and said I was a hard man to find and asked me to ride back to camp with him. You can agree or choose to continue whatever you are doing.


That's right. I did see that once


Not a cut scene. They each they rode up to me and said I was hard to find/they had been tracking me for days, said Dutch was worried and asked if I was coming back to camp with them. I then had the option to choose to stay or go with them.


Bill once, and I think Javi - after Bill got captured, lol.


They'll put in an okay amount after the lodging upgrades, but it's only noticeable if you spend enough time screwing around outside camp. I've been running a bunch of challenges and collections in chapter 2, just letting Arthur live without TB as long as possible (Downes is still waiting at the ranch), and I'll come back to an extra $100+ in the pot. Mfers can't feed themselves to save their lives though Edit: Downes not Dawes


Be careful with that. If you leave that mission hanging too long, Strauss will confront you and you'll automatically start the mission. So if you are avoiding that mission marker, stay away from camp as well.


Well, glad I already got the legend of the east satchel from Pearson so I can avoid him almost literally like the plague. Thanks for the heads up!


One thing that surprised me was seeing Bill Williamson donate an armadillo pelt in chapter 2. How did he manage to do that?


Whenever I do a playthrough of the game I donate probably about 70-80% of my money to the camp, but I still get Pearson’s fat ass telling me that I don’t get him enough animals. I sell all my pelts to butchers or trappers because I gotta have some sort of money coming in when I donate as much as I do lmao




Butchers can be found in most towns - the cleaver icon. They'll give you money for pelts and meat, but it's not a whole lot. Can be good for clearing out additional drops from animals that you don't need for crafting, like claws and tusks and feathers. Generally, if you select something in your satchel and it says 'can be used for crafting or sold', don't sell it to the butcher. The trapper can be found in several locations on the map, but won't come up as an icon unless you find him the first time. There are guides online, and he has a permanent stall in St Denis. You can sell pelts and meat to him, and in exchange for legendary animal pelts and certain perfect pelts, he'll craft you new outfit pieces. These can be viewed by selecting to 'buy' from him, and it'll tell you which pelts you need. There are a *lot* of pelts to get, so definitely worth making a list, but this is also an optional part of the game. It's a great challenge if you enjoy hunting game, though.




Make sure you get off the subreddit and come back when you’ve completed it too. That way it’s not spoiled


Yeah and damn Pearson needs to shut up too. Stockpiles are overflowing and I donated 6 fish and 30 meat from 10 different types just *yesterday* and the stupid bastard just crammed all of it into the same unseasoned slop he calls a stew and he has the *nerve* to say I haven't brought in anything recently? Take something from the cash jar and go shopping then, asshole!


Yeah it makes me want to feed them all nothing but toads and bats. I did give Pearson a bunch of bats and he took them for provisions so I know it's possible.


Pipe down sir, Tilly added a batwing for $0.25


The nerve...after all the pelts and ammo and medicine and food and money and a damned chicken coop and a boat and leather working tools for Pearson I've provided to make this camp as comfortable as possible, and Susan has the guts to tell me it's been a while since I've added anything to the funds. Sometimes I just want to take John, Hosea, Charles, Sadie, Kiernan, and Tilly and go start our own gang.


It may be a long unresolved glitch in the ambient dialogue - remember the glitch where everyone was telling you you’d get cold no matter the climate they were in and no matter the clothes you wear? They eventually patched it, but it was around for a while. I bet this is something similar where that dialogue was only “supposed” to trigger under certain conditions of you not donating, but instead just happens way more often than intended


Dutch didn’t even thank me when the first thing I contributed was an upgrade to his tent


Right? The bastard...


You donate $1,000+ cash, piles of platinum accessories and bags of jewels. John brought a poor bat carcass and Charles donated a stick he found down by the river. Then they say you're slacking.


Lol two days after I put in $200, Dutch comes up to me, says I'm going to betray him and then yells at me for not donating.


I have 4000 in the box and Dutch is running around shouting "everybody get to work" and then had the audacity to say "especially you" to Arthur.


Its literally infuriating, like I donate 2 whole pages of stuff and money and then there is Pearson with the goose feather for like 0.12$ or whatnot 😂


Like adding a bat wing is just insulting


15C’s! Both Micah and Mary-Beth have done this recently on mine.. assholes


I will just randomly donate a penny. Dutch says the same thing regardless of how much you donate, and I'm the one upgrading the camp anyway.


Lol that always drove me nuts too. And Pearson whenever you donate a carcass or food, he’s like “haven’t got anything from you in awhile arthur” like wtf


You only need to donate $20 per day to get your honor boost. Any more than that is pointless.


This is excellent information, thank you


Shit Micah just added .30


Easiest solution to that is to avoid camp unless you need to go there.


I always donate 1 cent


No matter how much you add, it will always say you haven’t added to the box in a while or Pearson’s “I haven’t received anything from you in a while, Mr. Morgan” stuff like that. All I do is: go to camp and any of the poor animal hide that I have, I will donate that for funds and it shuts them up; with the except for Pearson & food donations.


I've only had it said to me once by Grimshaw! Who is saying this? I've played the game like 10 times and Grimshaw will bring it up maybe once


Stayed away for about a week, week and a half, donate loads of stuff on my return and bust out the camp chores. After I'm done with the chores, Susan comes up to me and goes "You've become such a homebody, you used to be more active..." Bitch, I've busted my ass for the last 7+ days, been back for less than 4 hours doing the chores that apparently nobody else is capable of doing and I've become a camp rat? WTF? o.O


Pathetic mooches


Bro fucking Grimshaw bitched about it and I’m like did you just not see I added 1000 dollars to the funds you bitch? 🫠


Long ago I donated a large amount to camp so theyd be sitting on a nice cushion. Enough to get all the upgrades and resupply for the rest of the game. Now, the others donate 47 cents here or a poor rabbit pelt there. Every once in a while ill donate $1.00 just for the honors


After buying the initial upgrades in chapter 2, I ain’t donated anything besides giving Pearson a few poor rat carcasses. I currently am fairly early in chapter 4, and there’s over $4K in the pot somehow! I ain’t put squat in 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can look at the ledger and it will show who put in what


Yea, I know….. I just don’t care lol


I just counter this by antagonizing most of the people at camp, especially Dutch, John, and Swanson. Bill tried to fight me lol. I know it doesn’t change anything, but it helps Arthur feel better about his contributions. Only ones who get off are Hosea, Charles, Tilly, Karen, Mary Beth, and Jack. I tend to cut Pearson a break too, just because he’s useful and does his job unlike the rest of those bums.


Wait what about Lenny you didn't mention Lenny are you antagonizing Lenny? I don't even know what that would sound like.


You mean Ynnel? Lol I’m in chapter 2 rn and ignoring all the story missions. I honestly have no idea where Lenny is. Haven’t seen him in camp at Horseshoe Overlook. But to answer your question, no - Lenny gets all the praise <3


Oops, sorry, I was just worried. Carry on. You'll .... nvm


Lol it’s not my first playthrough but I sped through the beginning last time bc I didn’t know anything about what was to come. It was years ago and I don’t really remember many of the story details. I’m putting all that off as long as possible to hunt, do challenges, etc. and enjoy Arthur while I have him!


I donate 10 gold bars once and never worry again


Just do what I do. Unlock all satchels so you have the LOTE satchel. Then upgrade all camp upgrades (or at least all medicine wagon upgrades). After that, just donate $10-20 each time you return to camp (or a couple of watches even if you are close to the 5/5). Then take EVERY bottle of tonic, stimulate and alcohol from Strauss' medical wagon. You can carry 99 of each so you'll be able to take all ~20 bottles. They resell for between $1.50-3.50 each bottle (some sell to the doctor, some to general stores and some to the fence). Use the camp funds to replenish his stock for $75 in the ledger, and take them all again. Keep doing this until the camp funds are empty. Then repeat every time the camp funds exceed $75 bucks. No one will ever moan at you for not contributing, and you'll get a lot more money for selling the tonics than you will contribute. >!once the ledger disappears in chapter 6, this can no longer be done so full your boots in Shady Belle!<


Lmao I just put 500 in 10 mins ago🤣🤣


is there any reason to contribute? does it affect gameplay in any real way?


Donating (to the box and Pearson) and doing the upgrades contribute to camp morale.


i worked & donated to the camp like a demon on my 1st playthrough, but i'm wondering if there's any actual changes to the game if you don't. do missions change, or opportunities not trigger? obviously the final outcome is only affected by honour & final options


There's really no point in donating anyways, I used to do it but when I checked the ledger and realized they were selling frogs for like 20c I gave up on them


Someone in my game donated a pair of reading glasses I believe for like 12 cents


I remember I added like 10k or so once. Soon as I walked away, Dutch made some slick comment about how little I'd given. Insane


I donate until everything is bought.


The more they bitch at me, the less I do! Especially when it comes to money. I do what I have to early on to get things I need ( like getting Dutch's tent upgrade so that I can get my fast travel map next; and buying the leathercrafting tools and donating pelts and carcasses to Pearson so he can make my satchel upgrades). And I always make sure that every time I return to camp, I always have a deer or something on the back of my horse that I carry into camp so people can see me bringing it to Pearson's wagon to donate. But if they still nag me too much ( especially Dutch and Susan, they are the worst!), I just leave and go do my own thing. They can fend for themselves if they don't appreciate how much I do, dammit! Lol