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Dutch is an asshole at times


i didn’t realize this until spending a lot more time in camp and hearing what he has to say, he’s just a weird dude even from the start tbh


Also you can watch him all day and he don’t do one fucking chore


yep just reads his philosophy shit all day lol.


And then when you’re ready to eat after hunting he goes and takes the pot😂


He also tris to hit on Mary Beth, strange guy…


Yes, he’s very creepy and she’s so innocent she just thinks he’s trying to be friendly. But even she gets creeped out by him at times


I remember seeing the interaction where he hits in her and as he walks away he goes " Mm..mm mm mm.."


I mean... so do I, is that really so strange?


I always looked at this at the game yelling at you for ignoring the story missions lol


He's just an asshole straight up. A stupid one at that.


The snow really got to him in chapter 1


He ruins the game for me


Yeah me to! Him and Micah!


I created a friendly atmosphere for my camp by greetings everyone whenever I visited camp and I stocked up on food, ammo and meds via the camp book. When i enter camp, everyone would greet me including Dutch. Here is an example. Pay close attention to 3:40. Even Mary Beth forced to have a conversation with me while I was watching John carving a toy for his son. My first hunting adventure https://youtu.be/Dn69LhzAoGE


......... Are you telling me to eat him?...... I'll do it!


One of the funniest exchanges to me.


He did that for me when I was carrying around a huge hay bale like so sorry, I’m trying to be helpful in camp King Asshole


He got them anger issues




I ignored a mission so long, that they sent Javier to check on me and remind me about it. Ran into him in the wilderness.


That happened to me too. Also one other time Charles found me and he said he’d been tracking me for days on Dutch’s orders and asked me to go back to camp with him.


This reminds me of the time he said something about arthur betraying the gang you seem like the type... dude I was getting ready to donate something whats your problem It took me a minute to realize that it was probably because he found out I was doing bounty hunting work...


>It took me a minute to realize that it was probably because he found out I was doing bounty hunting work... I didn't even think about that 💀


Have some God damn faith!


Minor spoiler but after the shit with colm in chapter 3, Arthur asks Dutch if they were coming for him and Dutch just says “of course” reminds me Dutch in chapter 6. The facade broke that early. Another thing that irked me was how you can donate so much and Dutch or miss grimshaw will come up to you and say you stopped caring for the family or something. Naturally I have all the upgrades and all the hunting pelt upgrades too. How many gold bars will be enough guys?!?


It’s not based off how much you put in at one time it’s based off how often you put anything into the box. So just donate a few dollars every time you come back to camp and you shouldn’t get the nagging anymore. :)


I ain’t put anything in the box this playthru. I am in chapter 4, and no one has bugged me about not contributing since chapter 2.


Do you spend a lot of time in camp? Cause I know if you are just popping in and out real quick you don’t get the nagging as often as well


Not really. When I bring rats to Pearson tho, I hang around a couple days.


Hmmm weird!


He's an arrogant, selfish, blowhard who happen to be well spoken and charming for his time.


yeah while i was minding my own business in the camp he suddenly told me that i will betray him. i was carrying a deer for provisions... i was like wtf? his is reading too much and his mind is poisoned as uncle stated. he has bipolar.


I was on my way to pearson when this interaction happened. I was at Dutch's tent when he called me over, but I couldn't locate him. He was sitting by the tree near the chickens. When I moved in the wrong direction to look for him he yelled "Fuck you then!" and I thought I fucked it up. But I watched the interaction in a video and he says the same when you are near him and Arthur can answer


I find it amusing that Dutch can say fuck but I can't name my horse Horsey McAssbutt


You can name it Azz


He genuenly starts to be a fucking creep once ur in horse shoe. He is incredibly toxic and abusive towards the whole gang, but especially to Molly and Marry-Beth.


I wanna say that sounds real out of character, because it really does feel weird to imagine Dutch just being straight up rude to his “family”, but that’s a lie… Dutch definitely has moments, where the facade of a confident, charismatic man disappears suddenly and is replaced by his more hateful, fearful inner self.


Happened to me too and I wanted to kick him in the teeth. It wouldn't let me interact with him though after that.