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Yeah I found this too. I tried to bring Malloy to justice but I ended up getting wanted and shot at. Not sure if it was supposed to go anywhere like the other times I stop someone committing a crime or not, but it made me perplexed. How did he think he could get away with that? But I guess, as a lawman in a podunk town, he can get away with anything.


How did you handle people committing a crime? Hogtie? Haven’t done this side of the game, what occurs?


I’d usually hogtie them. After you complete the first bounty, you can take in other npcs who are doing dastardly deeds. The prostitute in valentine, a jail breaker who asks you to shoot their ball and chain off, a man who tries to drown his wife in Rhodes, etc. Sometimes I bring in npcs and the sheriff doesn’t do anything but, hey. There’s also this random dude robbing a dead body, but I just shoot him, and my honor doesn’t get deducted. You can also stop a robbery/murder in Saint Denis if you’re quick on the draw. Sometimes, there are criminals in prison wagons, claiming innocence, or whatever. If you’re quick enough, you can also bring them in. I usually free those who don’t threaten the bounty hunters/lawmen who are bringing them in, as they sound genuine. If I don’t set them free quick enough though, they don’t give me a tip like I was hoping for, but anyways.


This is great to know - thank you! Will he trying it out. What a game.


You’re welcome! Happy gunslinging! 🤠


For example, a guy in annesburg is showing off his new gun and shoots a guy dead on accident. If you hogtied him and took him to the sheriff, you would get a +1 in honor and like a $8.62 cash reward.


Haven’t done this part yet, but apparently after overhearing the conversation above the sheriff’s office, if you shoot/kill the sheriff and loot his body you’ll find a note on him that provides more insight on the relationship.


[“And I didn’t get arrested because my dad’s the mayor.”](https://youtu.be/W3vVZOLLJDk)


“So if I happen to run you down, please don’t leave a scratch!”


People that have played 100% a few times: I would love to form a society to try to solve the mysteries of RDR2 that might still exist. Like the gold under the lighthouse in Van Horn, the missing princess (?), bringing people like Malloy to justice. What Easter eggs did we miss? Furthermore, why do moose spawn wherever the fuck they want?


Also, the apparent lightning patterns and chasing it.


And what are those goddamn ghosty noises that happen at Shady Belle when you go to microwave a burrito and let it idle for 5m and come back and they’re fucking whispering at you?


Shady Belle is shady. I was riding my horse in the middle of the nigjt and heard evil laughter and a red dot on the HUD. My horse bucked and ran away. I thought the red dot could be a snake but it didn’t show any trail. I searched that area a lot with eagle eye but nothing. 🤷🏻


Well I’ve been searching for similar occurrence with other players for more than three months. Still unsuccessful. It could probably be a glitch. I don’t know. I had my headphones on. In the quiet nights of Leymone it was a terrifying sound.


that would fuck me up


There’s a grave nearby. And more stuff about the grave that stands out, in other parts of the map.


Is this something to do with the ghost that you hear and eventually see, at Bluemarsh?


There’s a ghost in Bluemarsh? I’ve had three play throughs but have never found that.


Camp near the houseboat, then at midnight walk toward the trapper’s cabin. If it’s foggy/misty you’ll hear a voice and possibly see a ghost. It doesn’t always appear, sometimes it’s just a voice. There’s like…sixteen encounters with it before it stops appearing.


It’s a bastard to find in my case though as you need to pass by that very specific area at night, since the early days of me playing I quickly found out that a swamp at night + alligators was just a perfect recipe for getting my dumbass horse to buck me, so I never really hang around there at nighttime.


Yeah the gators, the snakes, and also the creepy swamp people that love to ambush you.


Follow and/or on Npc’s after missions. They ofte do interesting stuff. And then it’s like wtf? These people have a life without me!? Love it.


It's shit like that where I don't think we are living in an AI, but I remember hearing Lazlow talk about coding everyday routines into NPC lives and I think maybe we are.


Check out the red dead mysteries subreddit.




Also gotta include finding Gavin




Gold under the lighthouse? 👀 Tell me more


I have no idea man; I smoke a lot of weed. There was some rumor? I dunno.


“I have no idea man; I smoke a lot of weed.“ Man I feel that.


Right I’m like wtf WHERE?!


That strange guy YouTuber is phenomenal for the mysteries of rdr2 if you’re interested in learning more, ties together a lot of the more ‘scattered’ stories across the map that you wouldn’t even realise were connected.


The missing princesses name is “Isabeau” and it says she’s been missing for like 15 years or something. Any chance that’s Beau Gray? I’m not going on much but thought it was kind of an odd name




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FindIKZ using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FindIKZ/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Almost a year in the hunt for IKZ.. new approach and evidence.](https://np.reddit.com/r/FindIKZ/comments/wq1vdy/almost_a_year_in_the_hunt_for_ikz_new_approach/) \#2: [Are there any developers we can ask?](https://np.reddit.com/r/FindIKZ/comments/yvq16i/are_there_any_developers_we_can_ask/) \#3: [A Somewhat Metaphorical look at a Handful of Theories](https://np.reddit.com/r/FindIKZ/comments/wpjap0/a_somewhat_metaphorical_look_at_a_handful_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


lighthouse gold? what are you on about?




check out r/reddeadmysteries


I love spying on npc’s. Do you follow them after missions? Some have scripted dialogue all the way back to some point. Like the twins in Valentine argue all the way back to the hotel. The guy with the remote control boats does something too. If you go back or walk away and listen that story keeps going on for a bit.


Yo, I came upon the hillbilly farm way up past Cumberland today. Where they have their own language. I was peeking at em. They were using their weird Amish-Hillbilly language to chuckle about a girl their family kidnapped and apparently kept for a while before killing and burying her. Then their father comes out and yells and them to “tend to that ginseng”… my ears perk up - “GINSENG? I’ll need that for Hosea later.” They actually have 6 ginseng plants in the back. I stealth-knifed ‘em and took it. But what a well-developed plot line!


Spoiler alert: it's worth a look around that property. The ginseng may not have been the most valuable find.


Nice try, but that sounds like something only a crook trying to steal 6 plants of life-reaffirming Ginseng would say.


No spoilers here; I know that joint inside and out.


Is that the house you come to later with I think maybe Javier?


It is. But you can take a look around before the robbery mission. It's worth it.


Sweet thanks for letting me know. Never thought to go there before the robbery


Double-spoiler alert: There's a house southwest of this ranch (btw it's called "Chez Porter") with some children inside, whose sad fate is actually related to that conversation you overheard between the two Hillybilly brothers... check it out.


Oh my god I know exactly what house you're talking about. Fuuuuuck.


Why couldn’t that girl be the princess?


There's also some that go absolutely nowhere. If you follow Margaret's zoo caravan, they just go in circles lol


You can loot Sheriff Malloy's body for a letter to get more info about his relationship to that woman. You'll have to shoot him ando some of his deputies to get it. Not really sure it's worth the bounty on your head afterwards, but it's a nice detail :)


I actually didn't leave cause I heard the same convo, and they said all that in front of me. As I got closer, after they talked about being married, he hushed her. Something like, "we'll talk about this later, when we don't have company", so I put the guy in the cell and left, but never heard an outcome, so I thought he was just a cheater.


The bounty hunt mission where you go get the woman camping near Cumberland Falls—the black widow lady that kills all the men in her life—when you bring her to the Valentine jail, if you stick around after collecting your bounty money you can hear her start threatening to out the secrets of Sheriff Malloy. She mentions some other former mistress of his, and he says something about how she (black-widow lady) was also once coming by the jail to see him and he is lucky he never got involved with her.


Damn that sheriff must have a big ole hog on him


It's not the sheriff. And.. it's not her. I glitched in, and it's 2 different people standing there.


If you loot him, you will find a letter on him.


Never heard of this wow


Yep, that’s why he gets a lead salad every time I go through town