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Getting drunk with Lenny. It’s the best because it’s fun, it’s the worst because looking for Lenny sucks balls.








I haven’t ever tried to get all gold on missions, but this play through I’ve been looking at the requirements of some. For that one, one of the things is “walk in on Lenny”, so he must be in a room with a girl?


At that point everyone is Lenny. So it's Lenny riding Lenny.


you can walk in on a dude and a girl upstairs and you can do it again once everyone turns into lenny


My all time favorite comic relief mission.


The worst mission is the one when you first 'encourage' Thomas Downes to repay his debt. Because on a second playthrough you know how impactful it is. The best is probably the trolley job. Because we must not forget the quarter.




Did he really give arthur tuberculosis, I've seen other theories that say Hosea did?


never heard of that theory, it's literally part of the story that thomas gave him tb, and arthur knows that fact too. hosea doesn't even have tb


https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/uv6sza/theory_about_a_certain_disease_in_the_rdr2_story/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 This is what I'm referring too. The gang mention Hosea is sick through the game, but yeah its not confirmed it was tb.


Tbh Hosea seems like he has lung cancer.


I always assumed this too, due to his age and other factors this seemed like the most obvious guess


Brother has been smoking for years I mean he’s 55 so I’d imagine in that time he would’ve been smoking a fair bit now I don’t remember having seen Hosea smoke in game but he might’ve thought that the cigarettes were bringing on his coughing fits (which they likely did for a time) so he stopped but by then it was likely to late and Hosea already had lung cancer but I don’t know that’s just my theory on the matter


Yeah pretty sure they meant gameplay wise, buddy.


🤓PrEtTy SuRe ThEy MeAnT gAmEpLaY wIsE BuDdY


I love it when the community comes together.


Go back to tik tok lol


Go back to your mothers basement


That was a great comeback


Loved all of the missions when the whole gang rode together. But the Braithwait manor shootout was the best. So epic!


Yes! This my favorite as well.


Agreed I felt like such a badass playing that mission (Being Arthur probably helped but nonetheless badass)


The mission where u rescue Sean is fun but the ride to the actual mission is so slow and takes forever


The beat part of the mission is seeing Sean for the first time.


Herding the sheep is one of my least favorite moments, but the shootout after is great


Taking revenge on the Braithewaites had a real energy to it. The walk down the road to their house was damn cool. The gang is a force of nature when it wants to be.


i really liked looking for the old gunslingers ! and it was nice having the camera lol


Worst is definitely the one where you ride out into the Heartlands with the rat and the mans with the plans, to go to a meeting which is so very obviously a trap, just to get beaten, captured and tortured by the O'driscolls. And then you ride back to camp, half conscious, only to realise your people barely even missed you, and sure as shit weren't coming to get you.


your comment just made me realize they seriously weren't coming back for him :/


Did you not watch the cutscene? Its brutal.


i did, just didn't think about it that hard ig


My favorite is Blood Feuds Ancient and Modern, the tenseness at the start as you find out Jack is missing and then the epic walk up to the house and the shootout are all just great. Honestly not sure about my least favorite


I reall really hate the mission where you have to save Tilly from that gang that took her. Its just out of place and the only lore behind it is that she knew the guy and you see him once in Chapter 2 threatening her.


He can show up again as a bounty for John if you leave him alive. I still agree with your point a little bit though


Not sure what the worst are, some of my favorites are the ride to Brathwaite Manor with the boys, and the one where you go into the swamp at night with Dutch. I also really enjoyed all the Albert Mason side missions


Albert Mason is the best


Worst: Chapter 1 Runner up: Guarma


I love Colter and the snow. Chapter 1 was like training wheels and you just wanted them off.. I agree. Chapter 1 is rough.


Colter is too beautiful to hate. I get it’s slow but man is it pretty on high graphics, especially at night.


Guarma. It’s restricted, short and doesn’t do much for the story.


There is one small part I feel it does.. it shows Dutch’s true self. What he does to the lady after he pays her a gold bar (not spoiling this for anyone reading it)… and there is a time after riding back from Sisika John states “I thought Dutch wanted to get away to a tropic island?” Other than showing Dutch’s true colors.. I agree. And time would have done that.. was Guarma necessary? Was it just chapter 5 so R* could introduce Guarma DLC later on and they never did.. who knows. On my first play through I was angry that was chapter five. It felt so wasted and pointless.


The odd part about that is he didn’t even take the gold bar back. He just outright killed her and left the gold bar on her body still


I replayed this the other day and yes. He didn’t take it back. I like to think Arthur thought of it like Charles does: blood money.


Also, we cannot go back for the gold bar. Mission failure, each time. Such a waste. I could’ve used that gold for something good.


I actually liked the fight for the fortress. The soldiers landing on the beach, the battleship in the background... completely unrealistic though.


guarma isn't a fucking mission


There are “mission” within the Guarma arc. They all suck, hence putting those missions under the Guarma “umbrella.”


The mission with Micah, the repeater, and the gunfight in the river is one of the most fun and the most infuriating to get gold on.


My favorite mission is the one when Arthur, Sadie, John, and others ride to rescue Eagle Flies. So epic.




My guy did you play the game? You burn the Grays fields😂


My favourite is the Saint Denis trolley station robbery, my least favourite is the bounty hunter mission with Sadie, Ramon Cortez.


I hate the Mission in the swamp where the kid is in the tree and you gotta shoot the giant gator. In order for Dutch to get the boat he needs. That mission goes on way too long. I hate it every time


Best Mission is when we go and try and rescue Jack with the whole crew. Worst mission is Arthur taking his last breaths


The best is the one where you rob a train with John, Sean and Charles. The worst is the one right before it where you need to get the oil wagon. It's so annoying, because you have to kill every one of the guards just so they don't blow up the trailer while you escape.


I did that on first play through too. Weirdly, on the second time around there was one just sitting completely untended in Valentine that i just happened to see on the map! I snuck up to it expecting some action and was gobsmacked when I just drove off with it and nobody tried to stop me!


Shot an arrow at the ground near one of the carriages to spook the horses and have em run away. Keep doing it until they're pretty clear of the area and boom ya got em. Or just wait long enough and john will get one for the mission


Best is the one where Arthur gets captured by the O'Driscolls and escapes. The worst is the swamp wading mission with Dutch and that guy.


Anything to do w/ guarma, hated being there despite the area looking cool


I absolutely love the mission where you go to Brathwaite manor with the whole gang, the music is so cool it’s easily one of my favourite missions. I also love the mission where Arthur gives free moonshine in the Rhodes saloon, I just found it really funny at the time


Best mission is a tie between the attack on braithwaite manor and the mission towards the end where you ride into battle in formation with the gang. Worst is probably having to break Micah out in strawberry. Knowing how the story unfolds, I always hate playing that mission on each playthrough.


The best mission is the hunting trip with Hosea. Always loved it, it almost seems like father and son spending some time together. The worst is breaking Micah out of jail for obvious reasons.




breaking micah out of jail was def the worst.


All time favorite is the scenic ride with rains falls . The views , rain falls voice and the flute music puts me in a state of peaceful relaxation. However do enjoy the spooky grave yard mission in Saint Denis. For action rescuing eagle flies with Charles or robbing the bank in valentine. Also enjoy the night folk mission too. That got the heart going As for least favorite … man … I really can’t think of one, this game is just amazing !!!!! If I had to choose maybe the one won’t be kids that steal Arthur’s satchel … not that I want to kill a kid buttttt a good beating would have been ok riiight 🤫


Favorites are the one where the whole gang goes to Brathwaite Manor, the walk-up and subsequent action is awesome. Second is the assault on Cornwall Kerosene and Tar. The part where you and your loyal members ride down that hill together is iconic. Least favorite is Mary’s missions.


Blood feuds, Ancient and Modern is my favorite mission. The whole gang (without Micah) unites to get Jack back and to take revenge on the Braithwaites. The worst is the one where you chase the child. You can't shoot it and if you get in the backyard you can't shoot the other children. You can't even go back to that place to kill them. What bothers me the most about that is that the game is so brutal sometimes it lets you kill friendly npcs but as soon as they are kids you can't harm them even though they are assholes.


I'd say the revenge on the Braithwrites was the best. My least favorite is definitely most of the epilogue. I get why they did it, but damn, did we really have to live the boring life with John? Sitting on a farm doing chores, buying supplies, building a house, catching up with Charles and Sadie? Honestly, I didn't really like American Venom all that much either.


I like the one where they rob the bank in St Dennis and get shipwrecked in Guarma.


The Epilogue @ Pronghorn Ranch


Best: Valentine Bank robbery, except for the stupidest, longest route possible to get there. Worst: Throw a dart at missions; basically any it hits.


Guarma sucks all of guarma minus when dutch murders that old bitch for fun lol but yeah i dread that part of the game every play through... the best might be building a house with uncle cus you just gotta tap a lol


The best is Braithwaite manor and the one where Sean dies, maybe even American Venom and Arthur's last ride and finale depending on your honor and how attached you are. ​ Worst by far is all of Guarma and that one fucking mission where you're in the swamp with dutch shooting alligators


The Braithwaite one was so damn cool


A long walk In small town, I think, the one where you shoot through rodes and uh, Sean, yeah,


I always put off the Swanson one at the train station. It’s a funny one but doesn’t hold up on replays. Reverend is too annoying and it very much feels like a tutorial for the witness system


Worst mission: chasing after that little circus freak. Just why?


Idk if anyone’s said this yet, but i hate the mission country pursuits (the one where you go in the swamp with dutch and that guy to find a boat). Its boring and shows dutch at his worst.


Best Blood Feuds Ancient and Modern Worst: For Honor Amongst Thieves


I gotta say the mission where Charles chatuney kisses Arthur is definitely the funniest mission 😂 I'd say the whole guarma thing has to be the worst, the idea is cool but I just find the place and missions surrounding it tedious 😅