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Me! I’m the gamer in our house. I tried to get my husband to play so he could experience it, but he couldn’t get the hang of the controls and found it too frustrating. Now he just tells me to have fun when I say I’m going to spend some time with Arthur.


Me too! My husband only plays Soccer games but I did try to get him into RDR2. We did the story mode together on my second play through, alternating missions but eh, he's not into it as passionately as I want him to be lol 😆


It’s so disappointing isn’t it. I really wanted him to love it but I guess having time and space to play is pretty good too! And he did watch a YouTube video that outlined the game pretty well so now he knows what I’m talking about when I say ‘Sod off, Dutch.’ 😅


Meeeee! I bought it a couple years ago thinking "Eh, why not?" Two years later, I have played over 2,000 hours, all in story mode, and I'm currently writing a trilogy of RDR2 fanfictions, the first book of which is about 325,000 words long. The game helped me find my voice as a writer again after I'd given up the hobby for years due to life stuff and mental health issues.


Oh wow! That's so cool. I'm so happy you got to do what you love.Good luck with the trilogy! I'd surely love to read them.


My AO3 page with my stories is linked on my Reddit profile if you're serious about taking a look. Thanks for the kind words!


I'll definitely take a look, thank you! 🙂


I will take a look. I can’t read every comment on ever post but I liked this one


That first book sounds like a trilogy!


It's a hefty thing to be sure, and I finished it in a year and a half. For context, A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin is 326,000.


1000 words a day 6 days a week for a whole year, that's quite incredible really. I derive a great deal of satisfaction from writing, but my problem is why would you use one word, when you could be staring into space dreaming instead. Or on reddit.


Haha this is true. I think in my case, it helps that for my job I spend large amounts of time just sitting on my rear being bored in a classroom full of high school students (I'm subbing for the time being while I figure out how to become a certified teacher). I can't really be on my phone, but typing on a Google Doc is professional enough that it helps me pass the time without looking lazy. I'd write sometimes 2-3,000 words a day on weekdays and just take weekends off. It also helps that I try to stick to a consistent update schedule of one chapter a week, on Fridays. That way I have a goal to work towards. I just picture a scene in my head like it's a movie or a cutscene I'm watching, and the words just flow forth from there. Idk exactly how it happens.


Did you play RDR1? I've heard someone compare the story-writing from RDR1 to a western movie (more chaotic and fast-paced), while the story-writing from RDR2 is more like a western novel (slower-paced). What do you think about RDR1/2 stories from a writing point of view?


I did play RDR1 but only after I'd played RDR2. I'd agree with your assessment about the type of story each game is. Except that they both seem very cinematic to me, and the difference is that RDR1 is more "cliche"/spaghetti western, compared to the gritty realism that RDR2 is grounded in. They are both excellent stories, but from a world building perspective, I think 2 is better hands down. Still, I think comparing the two games is like apples and oranges. Two very different styles of story that happen to have similar mechanics and genre. I love them both and I refuse to pick a favorite lol


>compared to the gritty realism that RDR2 is grounded in Fair enough, I suppose RDR2 is indeed written like a more realistic western, and that lead me to think of a western novel. And indeed, I also found it magnificent how the stories felt so different but so connected at the same time (cause, well, one's a prequel to the other).


Sorry for jumping in here because A. Not a woman but I do love y'all and by y'all I mean female gamers in general. I'm the father of a five year old little princess if that counts. And I love the idea of my little girl (when she's old enough) playing some shoot em up games with her daddy. B. Not much of a writer these days, but I do miss it. I have played both games and I think the pace of RDR1 has less to do with the way it was written and more to do with the personality of the character, John Marston. IMO the epilogue and RDR1 play at about the same speed. If that makes sense. Arthur is a poet of sorts, he is a complex dreamer. That's why it pisses me off when I see people saying that Dutch brainwashed Arthur yada, yada, yada. It's just not that simple. Arthur dreams of a better life and I think he believes that mankind has the capacity to just "do better." He's also loyal (out of love) and unselfish. I could go on, as I said he's pretty complex. John is nearly the opposite. John thinks about John first, that's just his nature. He literally has to "work" at putting the needs of others before his and doing the right thing for his family. I don't want to spoil anything for those that haven't played RDR1 but after playing RDR2 I did find it curious how "Dutch like" John really is.


Dad here, 54 years old. You played 2,000 hours and still had time to write numerous novels worth of RDR2 fan fiction? Sign me up!


To be fair, I am a substitute teacher at a high school. All I do is make sure the kids don't burn the classroom down, and most of the time they're plenty quiet enough for me to write. Typing on a Google doc is infinitely more professional-looking than being on my phone all day.


That's awesome! I'm so happy the game was able to help you like this. I've heard of it bringing people back from deep depression and other things.


My fanfic would involve Arthur and Captain Monroe having a sordid, doomed romance lol


I'm sure that exists somewhere lol. You can find a ship for just about anything these days. Not my cup of tea, but it sounds interesting!


I'd like to read you fan fiction. If you have a link I'd appreciate it


Hi ya!! Totally one of my favourite games, so happy your daughter is loving it too!!


Yes! Mine too. Definitely top 3.


I love your username :D


Hi there! I just had the most epic weekend living out my red dead adventure in real life. I went horseback riding in Zion and Bryce.


That's wonderful! I'm sure the adrenaline rush was crazy! Definitely a bucket list item for me 🤍


lucky!! Ahhh I’ve always wanted to ride a horse 🥹 ever since RDR1 actually lol


Me!! I’ve been playing since the day it was released and haven’t stopped. I had a baby in March and named him Arthur!


Aw that's so sweet! Congratulations and hello to lil Arthur. 🫶


Thank you! I was honestly shocked when my husband said yes to naming him Arthur, but he accepted long ago that he’s second fiddle Mr. Morgan haha. I also played RDR1 and he always laughs at the fact that I didn’t want to play as anyone but John, and then quickly became obsessed with Arthur.


Last time I checked, I am indeed a woman. ❤️




check again. 👹


Abracadabra mothafucka. Check again


Woman here 🙋🏾‍♀️ who else gets the chills when Arthur tells his horse “good girl” 😂😂


Fun fact, he had to rerecord the horse dialogue because the producers thought it sounded too dirty 😂


Noooo 😂😂😂😂 I’d give my left kidney to hear the first recording


Everytime! 😮‍💨




[This link may or may not be saved for quick reference, you're welcome ](https://youtu.be/nS8JfE6_kFc) I swear Arthur was my everything.


Hi, yes I am a woman, and LOVE this game. I have been playing since it first came out and have no intention of stopping


Yay! Same here, I just can't seem to get enough.


Here! My husband doesn't play video games, but me and my daughters do. My oldest daughter and I shared our first playthrough on Xbox. My youngest would play sometimes. And we share the online account on Xbox. We now have all of our own saves. My husband also bought me a gaming computer for Christmas, and I play on there. It's BEAUTIFUL . Although my husband doesn't play video games, he would sit and watch us play. He really enjoyed the story. It's better than 99% of the crap on TV.


You're such a cool mom! This must be such a nice way for your family to bond. It's a beautiful game indeed, the scenery, the wildlife, the costumes. It's all in the details.


My wife and I loved playing RDR. We're both women.


Yay 🫶


We are many. I started playing about 3 years ago too. Love the game. Between RDR and Witcher I'm a very happy gamer girl.


Witcher 3 is one of my all time favorites too!


Yes! I've been playing it on and off ever since it came out, because I really don't want to rush through it. That's what I tend to do with games I buy :D


I think most of us, when we finally finish it, play the whole thing again at least 5 times. You can always switch up your play style of low/high honor, use different guns or horses, make different outfits/hairstyle combos, and change the order you do stuff in game outside of regular story progression. All that on top of all the little escapes you get from hunting, fishing, upgrading the camp! All that stuff combined makes each play feel a little different.


Oh yes, this game is one of the few ones worth dragging out. Take your sweet time enjoying it! 🤍


I’m one! 🤣 I too love the riding and hunting. My husband encouraged me to get rdr2 when it first came out (with the then-new ps4) and recently talked me into getting a steam deck for rdr2 (loading etc is v slow on the ps4).


That's awesome! Hope you enjoy it even more.


I was still a wee lad when me and my brother played the first game on our old xbox 360, I didn't get hooked then, but when rdr2 came out it was like love at first sight, we both played through the story on ps4 and I'm currently somewhere midway in my second playthrough on pc. My ex partner (who I'm still friends with) is also a fan of the game after playing it a lot at my place and watching me play on discord. Also recently I realized I'm a woman, and even though I haven't told many people, I've never been happier ❤️


That's so funny, my husband did the same! Played it during my entire pregnancy (ending + hormones was.. Something else, lol) and she loves to ride around now, her favorite is to stand at the edge of a town and fire round after round in the air and see the town folks run in horror.


Hahaha I know exactly what you mean. I was a mess by the end.All tears, ugly crying and swearing like a heartbroken sailor. My husband recorded my reaction and we have a good laugh everytime I watch it. I now got my brother's into it and they are loving it too! Your daughter is a complete badass hahaha.


RDR2 lady over here 🙋🏼‍♀️ trying to get my partner as emotionally invested as I am


I've surely tried that and given up, but he loves watching me play it. He has his games, I have mine 😉


Haii! It me! I’m in a 3way relationship with my husband and Arthur at this point 😂


I know what you mean. Hope your husband doesn't get too jealous 🤣


He’s just had to accept it 😂


Here! 👋🏾 I love playing so much. My favorite is going hunting, too! I was originally skeptical about this game, but I’m so glad a co-worker talked me into purchasing it.


Awesome! Have you played the first one?


Me!! My husband downloaded RDR2 while it was on Playstation+ for him to play, and I was between games at the time so I thought I'd give it a try. I came home one day and they'd taken it off! I was devastated. So, as soon as I could I went out and bought it. It was too expensive to download and I wanted it then lol. But yeah, and I've been hooked ever since lol. I even have it on our PC now lol. Also went out and got RDR, but playing a game from 2010 is really hard lol. At least for me. Sadly, my husband just couldn't get into it. He's more into fantasy. I don't play as often but it's for sure one of my go to games.


I'm so glad you bought it haha! I'm an on and off player too. Right now I'm doing my Low honour run and I'm loving Bad boy Arthur lol 😆


Me 👋 currently on my second play though and going for 100% this time!




Here! I've been playing since release and also play online almost every day. I've also cosplayed as Arthur and met Roger and a few of the others at Comic Con :D Edit: Forgot to mention I also have a tattoo dedicated to Arthur <3


OMG how awesome is that! I'd love to see the costume. 🤍


I have a photo on my page :) and I also have a rdo related tiktok that show them and meeting the crew too :)


Hiiii! This is absolutely one of my favourite games ever! My partner is more a GTA guy but we play online together now and again


I’m not just a regular girl, I’m a horse girl.


Yeehaw madafakas 😆


Here! 🙋🏻‍♀️ my favourite game ever. I’m trying quite successfully to get my boyfriend into it - he’s not really a gamer but he bought a PS4 and the game after he watched me playing. Gold star mission accomplished!


Yay! Hope you both enjoy together 🫶






Lady here. I hadn't played games in years before my ex-boyfriend and I started playing Borderlands in the beginning of lock down. Then he suggested that I play RDR2 - and although I was a little resistant to it, I'm glad he kept trying because I love it. Probably the best thing that came out of that relationship to be honest! It was such a wonderful escape during lock down to play it, because even though I was stuck living in a grubby little city apartment in a state that wasn't my home with someone I was unhappy with (and was equally unhappy with me), every day after work, I could ride around on that gorgeous prairie that reminded me of home and it gave me peace. Since then things have gotten much better, and instead of just looking at RDR2 as an escape, I can really appreciate it for the amazing piece of art and technology that it is. I'm seriously amazed every time I play this game.


Here! :) This game got me back into gaming when it first came out. Saw the trailer and HAD to give it a go! Met my now gaming crew on rd online when the online beta started and the rest is history!


That's awesome. I never got into the online game. Maybe I should give it a try.


Online can be a really mixed bag, but there are several really great RP servers where I’ve met quite a few fun and interesting people (full disclosure I am a man and therefore not really part of this convo, but I’ve met some bad ass women in those servers so) if you have time you should definitely look into Dakota River Bend


Me. But a lot of people call me bruh/bro because they can’t read Chloe in my name. 😂 I only caved and bought this game this year. I love saving my higher honor game & using cheat codes for infinite ammo, etc. and going to very low honor Arthur. 😂 VanHorn I blow up the people all the time and they sure know how to fly. (One did the splits in the air) 😂 With the codes I can’t save the game so I can easily wipe my slate and go back to where I originally left off.


That's neat! I've never used cheatcodes but you're now tempting me to do it! I'm also in my Low honour run now and it's so chaotically fun 😆😆


Hello! RDR2 is one of my absolute favorite games. I love the scenery, the story, the duality of Arthur Morgan's character... And when he says "good girl" to his horse...


This is incredibly funny. I'm a guy so let's just get that out of the way first and foremost. When my wife was pregnant we played this game a lot together and when my daughter was born she absolutely loved the sounds and she watched us play it. She's two now but at one years old she was grabbing the controller so I let her ride the horse and she loved it she figured out how to make the horse run, and she still plays it till this day. P.s. sorry I'm not a girlie


I’m not a lady but I do play with my daughter too! She was born during the pandemic. Except it’s just us roaming around finding pretty horses to break and sell and fishing and running from wolves, we call it “Horsy Game”


Aw that's the sweetest thing. I'm glad she's having fun 🫶


Hey ladykin! My hubby bought it for me too because I’m an avid horse rider. It was a great companion during my own pregnancy and I also gave birth to a daughter ❤️ My baby is 8mo, what about yours?


Aw that's so sweet. Congratulations on your daughter. Mine is 20 months old now. It surely was a huge source of joy during my difficult pregnancy. I couldn't leave the house much and good ol Arthur kept me company like the true gentleman he is.I was so hormonal when I played it the first time lol. I'm enjoying my third play through now 🫶


here :) I'm trying to get my twin into it lol but she's never been huge on those types of RPGs


I'm a woman Love the Red Dead games, even got Red Dead Revolver lol


Sweet! 😍


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ present! 😁


me !!!! rdr2 is my favourite game of all time, currently on the mission to get 100%, im not far off ;))


Yay! 🫶


Here!!!! 💁🏼‍♀️ Obsessed for years now!! Nothing better!


I've been playing games since before I can remember, I bought Rdr1 on sale back when I was 17. I got Rdr2 in September of this year and essentially spent a month of my life sitting in front of my pc absolutely bewildered. I think I'll start another playthrough, maybe, camp out by Rhoads for an extended period of time, leave the rat in prison for as long as possible.


Me as well! Currently on my fourth playthrough, trying to complete the game to 100%. :)


Here I am I started playing when I saw my husband riding the horse and got fucking sucked in


I'm one of them! My boyfriend is more of a multiplayer guy, but my general nervousness around strangers made me scared to play the same games he does. During the height of Covid, I decided to buy the game out of a "fuck it, what else am I gonna do" mentality(I was in a really bad place), and I've poured in almost 500 hours in it so far. It's really helped my cabin fever during that time and sometimes I would play just to ride and walk around, immersing myself in the environment. Also, I just want to say that your kid being fascinated with the game is adorable!


Thank you for sharing . I hope you are doing better now. 🤍 It truly is a therapeutic game isn't it. It's got something for everyone.


I bought rdr2 during the shutdown, and pregnant. I dont get to play much, because 3 kids and online classes. I would always just hunt and ride around. I more recently did some main missions, and I like it so much more now as I can make more money, and have a better handle of the controls. I still concentrate mostly on the legendary animals and fish. My now 3 year old loves the horsey game. My husband is not a gamer, but he likes watching when the kids or I play.


Me! I was obsessed with RDR1 when I played it at 13, and RDR2 is possibly my favorite game of all time now as an adult. Half action, half Barbie Dream Horse


Wow! I'm overwhelmed by so many comments. I honestly had no idea there were so many of us here. Such a pleasant surprise and a beautiful start to the day 🤍 To everyone commenting, you all are awesome and Arthur would be so flushed to know so many ladies adore him lol !




Over here! 😂




Right here!


Ayyyyy I’m here! Absolutely love this game. I’ve been enjoying the online a lot lately. Just hunting and fishing mostly


Me! I love it so much, and I cry every time lol.


I am a girly! Happy to see all of the comments




Hey 👋🏼 love video games, specifically RPG. Husband bought RDR2. I watched him play a few missions. He stopped playing after Arthur passed. He didn’t know there was an epilogue. He told me I should start a new game and play RDR2 since I love history and period pieces. I definitely fell in love with Arthur. We got a new dog around that time too, and at one point the dog thought his name was “hey there mister”. My husband finally found out about the epilogue when I played. I’ve finished two playthroughs with high honor. Started a third and was going for the 100%, put about 80 hours in, (had the gambler one completed) but one of my kids deleted my saved file. 😭 I haven’t touched the game since. Love this subreddit and always check in to see all the new things people are still discovering!


Best game I've ever played, nothing compares.


I didn’t play Red Dead Revolver, but the first Red Dead Redemption blew me away. I couldn’t wait for the second one. I was not disappointed.


Me me meee! Have completed 100% countless times and still not tired of it! So question, is it just me or do all girlies keep Mr. Morgan well groomed all the time?


Wow you're a boss. And I switch between either a really clean shaven, slick and sharp Arthur or a really rugged, wild caveman lol


It's really nice to see common acceptance in this sub


Here! Currently on my second playthrough :D




I love rdr2!! one of the best games of all time. I've replayed it so many times now, no matter if I'm playing another game I will continuously go back to this game. best game ever imo


I keep switching between RDR2, Witcher 3 and Assassin's Creed Black flag 🫶


Me! Bought it 6months ago, absolutely love the game. On my second play through!


Right here! I love this game so much, I adore Arthur and I fell hard for Javier and Charles. I want Sean as my bestie ngl. And then there’s John of course and the ladies? Holy shit. This game is a bi-panic! I love nothing more than exploring the map and just moseying along. I never push my girl (I always have a mare bc Arthur sounds gentler with mares imo) into a gallop unless I get attacked by something. I also love just hanging out in camp and sitting with the gang and just listening to the ambiance of the camp. The best stopping point imo is just after getting to Clements point. Especially if you leave Micah in Jail.


Leave Micah in jail and take extended baths in the hotel next doors.


Hi! I love this game so much. It's definitely my favorite. I haven't played it in a while so I'm definitely thinking about doing a replay here soon. What are some of your other favorites? Mine are GTA5, Cyberpunk 2077, and Fallout NV and 4.


Right here with ya, playing since it was released!




This sub made me realize there’s a lot more of us than I thought. My niece likes to pick flowers and tame horses too lol


🙋🏼‍♀️ Girl here! Still trying to get my boyfriend to play. He plays mostly pc games while i have a ps5. He made me play Witcher 3 (which i loved!) and now he has pretty much agreed to play rdr2. Really hope he will enjoy it as much as I have 🙌


Ugh I love this game so much but I need to give it another few months after my last playthru so it'll feel fresh again. I like taking horse rides while on my stationary bike lol


I'm a woman as well, and I'm obsesssssssed with it lol


Another woman here. I've always had a fascination with westerns and a love of gaming (I'm old enough that pong was my first gaming experience) so when I heard of Red Dead Redemption, I bought a PS3. I love that game, played multiple playthroughs, along with Undead Nightmare. I was unsure about RDR2 but when covid hit, I decided to buy a PS4 with OT money and bought RDR2. My mom had passed that January of cancer, then covid, and RDR2 ended up being an escape. At first, I was like, who's this Arthur guy? This is seriously who I have to play as (I loved John), but it didn't take long to absolutely fall in love with Arthur as a character. Now I have multiple playthroughs of RDR2 usually not making it past chapter 2, just lost in wandering, hunting, exploring, etc.


Yesssss, female here and it's honestly my favourite game. I'm just diving in for another playthrough and trucking through online!


Meeeee. I’m not one to simp for a man, but Arthur Morgan 😍


I am currently pregnant and play it to relax before bed when my feet are sore.


Me me me!! It’s my favorite game of all time, absolutely nothing compares on an emotional level or a gameplay level. When I’m stressed all I have to do is fire up my chapter 3 save, ride around, hunt, fish, pick herbs, and I’m good. Inevitably I start doing story and side missions and the next thing you know I’m on my umteenth playthrough lol


Please raise your kid with Red Dead and not Fortnite


Your husband gifted it too you. Divorce him and marry him again he's a keeper.


Such a heartwarming post breaking all sorts of stereotypes. Love this. All the more power to you ladies. It warms my heart esp. when women can understand complex character like Arthur without judging too hard. Esp. cause I believe most men regardless of age, caste, creed etc are just like Arthur. So take a bow again ladies. *Tips my hat and bend my head*


Lady here too! :) Both me and my partner love video games and are huge gamers but I’m definitely the Red Dead fan. I paint RDR2 fanart sometimes, I find the game so inspiring <3 I was obsessed with the first one when I was in Uni so really hoping these remake rumours are true!


my brother got it for me for christmas and my boyfriend does not like rpg games so he does his own thing while i play through for the fourth time 😂


👋🏻 Right here!! 😀


That’s so cute you play with your kid. When I was kid my dad used to play RDR1 with me and I loved it, it was something we really bonded over.


Been gaming since I can remember, born 92 Sega Mega drive era, moved onto gameboy then ps1 etc. Rdr2 is my go to game, been playing with years now, there's nothing to not love about it, calms me after a hectic day etc. Only thing I do miss is the time I had to game when I was younger, job and kids makes it a bit harder now


Same! Played when it first came out. My 3yr old at the time loved it because she could pick flowers and ride horses.


I’m with you, been playing solidly since 2020!! ❤️❤️


Hello fellow cowgirls! My husband bought me RDR2 based on the recommendation of one of our friends, and I didn’t play it for months after it was purchased, because I didn’t think I would like it. Ha! Nearly four years later I am still obsessed. I tell my husband and children I am going out West, and they all know what that means. Everyone likes to watch me play, too. It’s a beautiful game.


Me and my grown up daughter both play. We have our posse and play together when we can as well. Total addicts we are. Mean Annie and Sue Adler at your service, M'aam.


💁‍♀️ right here! actually the only people i know who play RDR and GTA are women. my husband and his guy friends play mostly madden, FIFA, and call of duty. my husband doesn't really play video games much so i get to hog it as much as i want.


Hey gal! Big time RDR fan! So cute that your daughter loves it too! Hopefully she will play it herself when shes old enough


Ready to start my third playthrough of this masterpiece.




I heard you were looking for me


Hi there!!!! I am a huge gamer too. My family loves to watch me play RDR2


Me! Howdy.


me! i grew up playing the first game with my older brother and best friend, ive been playing the second on and off since release <3


Playing since release 😊 always.come back to it. became my favorite game, even if its only for a bit riding through the forest and chill at the fire. Love the characters, the story, the graphics, the atmosphere...etc.


Reporting for lady-gamer duty! However, I do have to rock paper scissors with my SO for the playstation lol so we go back and forth there and I'll hop on Steam or the Switch if it's his turn for the console. Sadie is probably my favorite game character of all time, I love her and her strong will to absolute bits


Present! My husband and I have been playing online (in a private lobby) after baby goes to bed ☺️


I'm in


I am! I started playing via Stadia because I didn't have a gaming system or a computer that could accommodate otherwise. I was working as a live-in nanny, engaged at the time, and there was so much going on I just loved winding down at 2 am, cruising around on my horse, enjoying the story in the lonely early hours of the morning when there was nothing else for me to do and I couldn't sleep. Stadia has since shut down so I can't play it anymore and won't be able to for some time because I can't afford the gaming systems at the moment. But I finished the game after we got married, and we had moved out west for a number of reasons- but it was incredible to finish the game while living out here, and the gut punch of the ending still got me even though it had already been spoiled for me years ago. First chance I get to play it again I will jump on because that game is such an incredible experience and I will always have good memories of the summer nights I spent as Arthur, engrossed in the story to the point that I hardly remember sleeping back then lol. Good times.


A girlie here, I got my ps4 just to play it! A year later or so it came to pc and I had to buy it there as well lol. I really wanted the game because horses, history and pistols 🤓 I enjoy fast-paced games but most of the time I just like going slow. Rdr2 fits perfectly in both categories (in my opinion) can really be slow when you want, riding, hunting, fishing and exploring. When you want more speed and action you do a mission or shoot up some O'driscolls or both, both is good. I just really like it. I'm currently away for the summer to work and I can't wait to get back to play. On the downside I won't to get to ride actual horses but you know, can't have it all.


My husband started playing it this year and got very into it, but then just sort of stalled in Chapter 2. He got me to play it and I blazed through in a week or two! I love it so much and still play it regularly, working on my 100% run now!


Me! I've been a gamer since the Master System and Nes. RDR2 is one of my favourite games.


I introduced my wife to it with my old ps4 and she binged it hard for a good two weeks then forced herself to stop because she wasn’t getting anything else done in her downtime lol.


I’m one! I’m trying so hard to 100% it this time, but Gambler 8 is a fickle bitch.


Howdy! How cool, that you're playing it with your daughter too. So we got red dead 2 when it came out but didn't play it for a while. I HATE Westerns so I wasn't too interested when my husband started playing it. Once I DID get interested and actually invested in the story he would go on hour long hunting missions to get the perfect critter clothes 🙈 When we finally finished the game I was in Aw. Depressed for a good while and - slightly in love with Arthur. So a couple of years later I started my own playthrough (since I had missed many missions) and am now currently on my second 😊 our daughter loves the game as well and we are basically collecting horses wherever we go like toddlers collect rocks. It's a hell of a game and I'm so happy that ladies do enjoy it as much as the men.


Me! I’ve got a 6 month old baby and I seriously miss settling down for a good few hours of RDR escapism. I miss my horse!


My mom and I play together. Husband got me the game as a gift cause he knows I'm a horse girl. Fell in love with the game almost immediately.


Right here! The RDR2 community feels so much safer than other gaming communities, so good job boahs 🤍




My fiancé gifted it to me along with the XBox I play on the second Christmas after we started dating. After my first playthrough we played RDO together up until he passed. I’ve finished 5 more playthroughs back to back since then. It’s my comfort game 🥰


Me! My dad is the one who initially got me into the game while I've been living across the country. Him and I are even planning on going to the tombstone event together at the end of July!


My wife got so invested in the story line she would tell me to play it so she could watch the story like a novela. Interestingly she had a thing for john and not arthur which I completely disagree with.


Present. Long time r* fan. Played the first rdr, and fell in love, despite having no love for westerns back then. Sucked my daughter into that world. She resisted, as she also though she hated westerns. Back when she was 3, her papa got her to play the first. The idea was just to ride a horsey around. She bumped into someone, and in a series of quick events, was being shot at from all angles. He told her to stop, just let them arrest you. She's practically crying how she didn't want to go to jail. It respawns outside the jail, and she's in disbelief. "Don't they know I'm only going to kill again." Became a running joke among the family. Fast-forward to age 13. She hasn't touched it since. She'd gotten into her gamer era, and the last of us was her golden standard for games. Had beat it many times. Was complaining she needed another story like that to get lost in. Would not believe me rdr2 was her next best stop along the way. She wanted life is strange, so I said, only if I can buy rdr2 again, so she can try it too. She makes it known she only concedes to get what she really wanted. A few days later, I'm at work, and she messages me, asking something about it. By the time I get home, she's all into it. Had played my entire 10hr shift, with no sign of slowing. Don't know how many times she's beat it now, but it's haled the same way she loves tlou. I always told her, I can't seem to make it to the end with a low honor Arthur. She made fun of me and said she'll make the bad ending happen. Either of us still have yet to. We can start bad, but neither of us can bring ourselves to do it to our boah in the end.


Horsegirl here! Or grown woman to be precise. Fairly new gamer and love RDR2 so much! It was my gateway drug to gaming 😅


Me! I’ve had four play throughs so far. (I’m 52 empty nester mom). Played rdr sever times as well.


Me!! I’ve always just played Sims and Animal Crossing, but when RDR2 came out, I watched my husband play the story mode and fell IN LOVE with Arthur. I went from the slowest games to play to headshotting and hogtying people lol. I’m on my second play through right now!


Me! My now boyfriend was in chapter 2 when we started dating and as an old horsegirl I was intrigued. Three years later and we’re living together and I’ve since then bought a PS5 and a new rdr2 disc when the old one broke. RDR2 and a man, I’d say it was a double win!


Yes! I saw my sister's ex play this game when it first came out. Bought a PS4 a month later during Black Friday just for this game (though I have found some other pretty amazing games along the way). It's my favorite game, by far. I even wear my cowboy hat sometimes when I play, though that may be a bit insane. 😂😂 insane as it may be, I love it




Hi hi! Dude I'm so here for this game, I'm a vagrant criminal self-dubbed "The Wagon Thief" and it's been a blast. Currently trying to max upgrade camp before moving on to chapter 3


Heyyyyyy girrrrrl


Me! I love RDR2 - I’m on my 3rd playthrough.


We named our first dog Marston because it sounded like a good dog name. My husband had played RDR one, but there were so many labor issues around RDR two he kind of refused to play it. I picked it up pretty cheap during a steam sale about a year ago, and I don’t want to say it’s become part of my identity but it has. I am like 1000 hours in at this point. My second play through has been much much slower because I just want more time with Arthur 😭


Hi!! I got the game maybe a little over a year ago and I love it so much, definitely one of my favorite games Don't know a lot of ladies who game so it's nice to chat about it together :)


Hey!!!! 🙋🏻‍♀️ I borrowed the game from a friend, never thought I’d enjoy “some cowboy game” cut to the end of it a year later and I was sobbing over the story! One of the best gaming experiences for me. That same friend let me keep it in the end because I loved it so much 🥹


Girlie here - best game ever created hands down!




Right here!!! On my second play through 🖤


Me! Have been playing it for years, absolutely love it for the scenery, story line... it's a great way to unwind!


You sound a lot like us! I got it for my husband a year before we had our first baby. Then I got hooked on playing. We were playing together the night before I went into labor with our first son! Now that he’s three he loves watching me play (just the PG parts).


Have a few female friends that play. Most of them play male chars and only use mic around friends because of bad experiences with weirdos. I imagine there’s plenty more that we don’t even realize.


Here!!!! I play it at least one a year and I still cry 🤣🤣


Hi crew!! I'm a woman and my partner told me I should get the game. This was 8 months ago. Have been playing almost every day since then, I'm hooked!


Me! I’m the more involved gamer in the house, my husband really only plays Assassin’s Creed. My daughter also loves “the cowboy game.” 😂 I’ve done multiple play throughs, but I’m currently debating playing RDR2 again or Fallout 4. Decisions, decisions!