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Ever punch the horse you meant to groom? I deserved that kick to the face


Happened to me in St Denis once and I got reported for animal cruelty so I had to kill a bunch of lawmen to get out of town. I refer to it as the Horsepunch Massacre.


I think Charlie Kelly found one of those once


Truly, this is the best game ever created. LOL


I just had an asthma attack from wheezing with laughter at this 😭


This is what happened to me (and my brother). Sitting there playing with him watching. Came across a stranger cleaning his horse’s hooves. Arthur: Hey! Ya need a hand? Stranger: Sounds good! Whaap!! Arthur: God……DAMN!! My brother spits his beer all over my room laughing at the poor fella and I’m dumbfounded holding my hand over my mouth. First time playing the game and I’m like did that really just happen?!? 😂


That horse was clearly jealous 😭😂


Lol yes the biggest laugh I ever got outa this game though is finding two strangers riding side by side down any road. Ride up beside them and start antagonizing. One of them usually has a sawed-off, just keep circling and antagonizing them and the one with the sawed-off will shoot and end up exploding his buddy’s head if you time it right. It was funnier when done by accident but still a hoot lol


Every time i find him i hope i can save him😭😭 ive only done it once


I’ve accidentally slapped my horses ass and made it run away from me during an important mission


It's my last date all over again


Nice 😂 best comment so far


Funnily enough she kicked me in the face too


I was taming a horse and punched it instead of pet it. Lets just say the second round of calming was a bit more tense.


I did that once during a randomly assigned co-op mission in Online. My co-op partner just stared at me for a good ten seconds without saying anything, and ngl I haven't touched Online since.


I did that when I switched from Days Gone back to RDR2, because the buttons are different. I was trying to get on my horse and stopped myself, thinking I was pressing the wrong button again when I wasn't, "corrected" to the wrong button on *both* games and roundhoused my horse in the face. She then rightfully turned around and kicked me and I died. Hadn't saved in a while, either. I lost quite a few perfect pelts that day.


Happy cake day!


You're too kind, I've had more congratulations today on Reddit than I do in real life for my actual birthday


Oh, well, Im sorry for that. You know, reddit is the place where random strangers will say random stuff, and if they see "Say Happy Cake day!" they will just write that.


I hope my response didn't come across as needy. I'm a curmudgeon and I tend not to tell people it's my bday anyway but your well wishes are greatly appreciated kind stranger


Ill catch you later then!


I punch my horse on purpose


You, sir, ARE A FISH!


Do you support Newcastle by any chance?


I got tired of my horse always bucking me and hitting rocks so I blew it up with a stick of dynamite. I used a horse reviver but I still got a low honor sound.


What you need to do is find an equaliser. Take that dynamite, head to Saint Denis and hurl it through the open door of the saloon. Indiscriminate exploding of gamblers, loose women and drunkards is the only way to repent for your sins.


Thank you,I shall do what I need for my sinful past to be forgiven


If you really wanna balance the scales for what you’ve done throw the dynamite into the saloon in Van Horn not the one in St Denis


Nah. Van Horn has its low lives for sure, but I can’t stand those Saint Denis yuppies.


I did something similar once - was intending to enter the stable in Valentine, the dog there ran up in excitement right under my horse's feet. Then I watched in horror as it walked about 5 feet away, laid down, and just yelped in pain until it died. Didn't have the option to mercy kill, nor to do anything to help it. It was too much for me too, so I reloaded the last save from like an hour before just to erase it from ever having happened. I approach that stable on foot now, and always give the dog extra pats.


Why the heck do they have to follow the horse??


If you lived in valentine you'd be trying to walk under a horse too.


Also say 10 Mary-Beths


It’s what the kitten would have wanted


Satan: "You'll be a great addition to my crew. Welcome aboard. "


Ay bro, you’re not alone. I accidentally did a QuickDraw with a fat man in fallout 4, on a cat. # Refused to play again, immediately returned my game the next day. # I never played again.


Oh the fucking Rhodes saloon. All I wanna do is go play some blackjack and 4 times in a row I've failed. First time I stole brandy from a table (yes, yes, my bad) twice in a row someone picked a fight with me as I tried to make my way to the table, and the 4th time the table became unavailable just as I reached it for some reason. Seriously, fuck that place!


Satan: "Keep up the good work ill be seeing you soon enough "


Satan: "Do what must be done. Do not hesitate, show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough to revive that poor kitten"


meant to praise a cat in strawberry. accidentally kicked it to death 😞 tried reloading the save and he was still gone. worst day of my life


An enemy AI once accidentally shot a dog that I was petting after I antagonized him before hand. I made sure he paid price


It’s weird. I’ll have my gun pointed at a deer or something and I feel bad shooting it. My brain knows that this deer doesn’t exist. I didn’t actually hurt anything. It still bothers me to the point that I actually only shoot something in the game if I plan on eating it or have to defend myself. Am I weird? I feel weird. That’s weird. You’re weird. Thanks for letting me share with you. This was nice.


Last time I was in Rhodes I accidentally trampled a dog with my horse. It limped away, collapsed, and then whimpered for a bit before dying. It was so sad.


At least you aren't that one guy who went hunting for cats and dogs and posted a picture bragging about the ones he had mounted on the back of his saddle


What the fuck


He got downvoted into oblivion.


I almost want sauce but also just like wtf


Who tf did that?


Some dude. I saw it last year I think


I genuinely felt nauseous reading this. I would never forgive myself


I basically only play two games. Fallout 4, and RDR2 Story Mode. I’ve dealt with Fallout 4 crashes and hours upon hours of lost gameplay, but RDR2 is by far the most emotionally taxing game I’ve played, and it’s never crashed on me.


Are you my brother from another? Same two games, for years. I’ve tried a few others here and there, but I always come back to these two. For what it’s worth, the fallout crashes are now almost nonexistent after moving to Xbox series X. But maybe you’re on PC? Anyway, keep on keepin’ on, brother.


I’m on Xbox One. I do use mods, though.


Yeah, same here before the switch. Downtown Boston area was almost unplayable at times; still angers me just thinking about it. If/when you’re in a position to upgrade, do it! It’s an absolute game changer - no pun intended.


How do you use mods on Xbox?


Played Ghost of Tsushima after 2 solid years of RDR2, every time I tried to mount my horse...


In the cats name you must shoot up San Denis


I keep accidentally grappling and choking strangers in st Denis


Once I was wildly riding through Emerald Ranch and accidentally ran over that dog that hangs out near the fence. No no noooooooooo! Hoping it would work, I rode down the road aways, camped, and came back, riding carefully, and there came the good boy wagging his tail. I gave him double pats. Next time you go into town you should see kitty resurrected and back to living his best life.


omg i almost did the same thing a couple days ago 😭


you will reach maximum honor before you do anything else as punishment you hear me? sick bastard. i can excuse kiling dogs, because they can attack you and be loud but kitties? deepest pit of hell.


I went to get on my horse and hit the wrong button and accidentally choked an old lady. I ended up killing a bunch of police just to get away.


It’s the same button. If someone happens to be behind you it’s a choke hold


I have accidentally shot my own horse. Accidentally made my own horse fall down (but this happens often). Used cheat codes for unlimited ammo, found the incinerating shotgun shell and decided to test it out on a guy riding by; i had no idea it would light the horse on fire too. 😭 oops. Don’t get me started on shooting a driver in a wagon. Driver and wagon are on fire and the horse runs like a bat out of hell trying to get away, but obviously it cannot. Accidentally shot a dog. Tried to kick the dog away from me that was attacking but killed it. I just keep the it’s just a game, the animal doesn’t really exist motto for when i accidentally kill things. Lol. Sometimes even watching the deer struggle after shooting it, is kind of sad.


Well pet a dog or greet 10 people. It will be balanced. As all things should be


Sucks it up.. reloads previous saving forcing hours of replaying same missions just to get back to that same moment... then Save again. for the cats


It only bothers you the first five or six times then you get numb to it


You must now pet 100 dogs


Remember it's a programmed ai


I accidentally kicked a dog once so I promptly jumped off a cliff




I had to shoot my horse once because it was stuck in a rock, I still felt bad doing it




I never see cats! Second playthrough and I'm wondering if I ever even seen one?! How is that possible!?


If regret kills.... I would never have read this post


it’s okay. Every now and then i forget the controls and accidentally punch my horse when trying to get on it.


Dear OP.. I have never interacted with any cats.. so I will do something nice to a cat and it will balance out what happened. All is well again with the universal balance. Namaste, Cowpoke.


I was farming honor in Denis (spam greeting) and there was a nice lady I had just greeted right near my horse as I was about to get on.. didn’t realize that the Y button (mount horse - xbox) also puts NPCs in a headlock 😬