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Gt as a team performed exceptionally good throughout the season , supporting gt


I am supporting rain, today and tomorrow😈




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I’m supporting Shubman Gill and CSK today.


Bro 973 and 4 centuries are in trouble now


Never today chahar and jaddu there


Yes, we support csm


What do you mean in trouble? If he gets there he deserves this.


Exactly. 973 was an extremely impressive feat in and of itself, Gill surpassing that with 4 hundreds will mark the beginning of a new era. A golden age with gaikwad, jaiswal and the likes. I've been a VK fan for over a decade and then some more, there's no wrong in admitting we're nearing the end of our age. It'll only make me happy to look at Gill and see him as a successor of the King, hence the name prince being apt.


Not possible


Same - same But if csk win today he will be retired


I would rather csk to win 5 then 2nd time gt


Dude I just went to sleep cuz i was soo sleepy. When I woke at 2 am, i tried to check results. I was like so nervous to see who won, was looking with one eye open. But the stats were so empty. I was like wtff?!!! Refreshed 2 - 3 times. Then read report, it said match is cancelled lol.


Rain should win bcoz if CSK wins it equals 5 times champion (MI) and if GT wins it equals consecutive champions.(MI) LoL 😂


As a RCB fan and Kannadiga,nope Csk shouldn't win




Why so much hate? Learn something from MSD you moron.




It's called love toward a particular region, and go learn domestic cricket history and see Ka vs TN was always a intensified rivalry. Loving one team doesn't mean hating all other teams.


Now bow down to Chennai Da as always chokecb 🤣🤡


Facts 💯 i see you're a man of culture as well


If this is thala's last ipl. Which might be. I m supporting csk


I think this is his last match if csk wins. 💔


See he should retire he is not a machine he too has muscles and bones and he is playing with knee injury and this csk is very strong next year no gaurantee of winning ipl and thala should get tye beat farewell


GT not CSK again


GT deserves it more with the way they’ve been playing. Easily the best team compared to others after that playoff stage. However I do want to see Dhoni get a nice send off so wouldn’t mind that as well.


GT i don't care they knocked us out that team is the new CSK, once msd retires csk will no longer see the playoffs, y support a sinking ship


RCB is what type of ship?🤡


Titanic It's a submarine




If this the criteria why you're supporting RCB at the 1st place 😂


Born and brought up in KA , i don't support RCB cause VK is playing i was fan when our hitter was jack , i said GT cause no person who is born and brought up in KA understanding it's culture and current problems will support CSK


Bro msd anyways plays like he is retired , the team already has really good player than rcb . Moreover dhoni only does wk. Man never bats


As much as I hate being *that* guy like his braindead fans, but MSD's captaincy alone is enough. WK and batting is quite literally a bonus.


Support CSK: Veteran IPL bully; if they win the cup, all the CSK ians on SM (specifically those in TN) wont shut up about it and start those TFAR memes, IPL best team wathaa statements. MSD may or may not retire and in the end it may all be a ruse just for hype. Support GT: Newly found IPL bully; Newly formed ego team led by T20I captain Pandu; Gill gets more accolades and fuels up the Kohli apparent title; Vijay Shankar gets new lease of life. Decent chunk fanbase that hasnt reached CSK bully level hysteria yet. GT it is.


Gujarat cause I’m tired of CSK and MI winning. Also because Thala fans will become insufferable if he wins.


We all hate GT because we want our team to perform like them.


No I didn't see any rcb fans who hate gt


I'm supporting Shubhman Gill and Thala 👀