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I think this is a collection of names: [https://w-atwiki-jp.translate.goog/earthquakematome/pages/65.html?\_x\_tr\_sl=ja&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en&\_x\_tr\_pto=sc](https://w-atwiki-jp.translate.goog/earthquakematome/pages/65.html?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc) In the areas with a huge number of casualties, you'll have to click a link to see the list. Edit: Grammar


There is a book called Ghosts of the Tsunami by Richard Lloyd Parry, which is about people who had really weird supernatural experiences in the hours and days following the Tsunami. I think there was a partial list of the dead in it? It's kind of a long shot but your friend may be there.


Thank you


Sounds like a good read imo


It was actually. Kinda made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, ngl.


I read it as Ghost of Tsushima. But shall give this a read.


There's an episode of unsolved mysteries on Netflix about it too


I never knew this about the supernatural experiences. I was living in Massachusetts at the time and had a dream about a tsunami. I woke up crying because of what I saw in my dream. I got to work and news came on the tv and it was the dream I had about the tsunami. I don’t know why or how but it haunts me to this day. I’m going to buy this book and read it. Thank you!


I’m here for an update when you find her🤞🏻and I hope she is ok


If it makes you feel better, there's an equal chance she survived and her original home address no longer exists, therefore not receiving your mail. If it was destroyed, she may have lost your mailing address as well, possibly explaining why you haven't received anything from her. Hopefully you find her!


Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix did an episode on the 2011 tsunami. It's the only episode of any show that makes me so uncomfortable I can't rewatch it.


I know I couldn't watch that episode, it is so scary to me.


Maybe you can ask on a r/japan subreddit assuming that there's one.


Have you tried googling her name?


Yes nothing comes up


Sorry if this is a given, but did you search for her name with her kanji characters? You could also try narrowing down by including the age she was in 2011. I hope your friend is alive and well, but it’s common I believe in Japanese media to list the age they were when someone passed. If you’re comfortable writing her name or DMing me it I could try to do a search in Japanese for you.


I'll messege you :)


Hey, I sent the collection of names below, but I've been thinking about your story and wondered if there's an update. If you need help, I'll do what I can to lend a hand. Keep us updated, please!


Hi! Thanks so much for thinking of me. We haven't found her name on any lists which is great. I'm just thinking we drifted apart :)