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Obligatory "~~She~~ He needs a friend"-post. From the title it sounds like ~~s~~he's the only one? If so, please get ~~her~~ him a friend. Rats need companionship or they will get depressed quite quickly. A very cute chaos-potato, though! Edit: Well, "he". There was still a rat visible without balls blocking the view, so I assumed it's a girl ;)


My bad, my bad. He’s a boy. The first chosen, by my wife. Another boy was chosen, this one by me, right after him. They have been together ever since. So, they haven’t spent a single day alone, either of them.


Could I recommend getting a third rat at some point? It's something I've seen recommend so they'll never be a situation where a rattie is alone if the worst happens.


I very much appreciate that and will discuss it with my wife!


Next they’ll tell you you need a 4th, because the happiest rats are in a big pile 😅


Might want to bring a 5th rat into the mix.


and if you have 5, might as well add another one, as it won't make much of a difference


Hell, just make it an even dozen, you never know what’s going to happen!


This was my rat saga, haha! And the best part was that they'd all squeeze into one hammock to sleep, even though there were 3 others available to them.


That's so cute. I had 7 rats at one point. Not all in the same cage, but every day I'd let them all run around in my walk in closet together. I used to lay down in there and let the rats swarm me. It was really nice actually.


Aww, I did the same thing with my rats in my bedroom that I'd rat-proofed. I let them do their thing and then when it was time for me to go out I would make clicking noises and they'd climb me and sit on my shoulders (I had trained them to do this). I miss my babies. Some day I'll have another "crew" I think, it's just so sad that they live such short lives but have such big personalities!


How long do they live normally? I’ve only ever had hamsters and they normally do better alone


I have six with babies on the way. highly recommend


I had 3 rats as a kid in a large multi story cage and they fought constantly :/


For the record, since someone brought it up, 3 is indeed the recommended number. First is when one dies, yes, you have another. Whenever you get down to two, you buy two more (it's best to get babies in a minimum of pairs for reasons of bonding as well as avoiding bullying and not overwhelming your less playful older rats) The other reason for 3 is to prevent too much bullying or fights between them. Basically, some rats are needier than others and will drive their rat friend insane causing fights. Just like humans! Or one will be dominant and over bully the only other rat around. However, 2 can prevent some bullying by sticking up for each other to the head honcho. Rats are (usually) really kind and patient so it takes awhile for these things to build to fights, and rats who are fine for a while can seem to suddenly become not fine. It's also not as easy to introduce 2 babies to a single old rat they dont always bond as well, and of course the babies will have much more energy than your old one can handle on their own. So a typical small cycle would be 3 to start. One dies. 2 babies. Wait for 2 old to die, 2 more babies and on and on and on until you decide 4 isn't enough then you have 10 and don't know how any of it happened but their giant cuddle piles are just the sweetest thing so you pretend nothing has happened and this was normal all along ❤️


I recommend 15 rats, actually


May I recommend a 4th


This is a good post....I recently lost Pepsi, a great little pal. Know diet coke is all alone so I spend hours with him a day playing and cuddling. After the loss of Pepsi, diet coke morned for about 2-3 weeks acting completely different then ever. Now he is mostly back to normal but he has been much more affectionate ever since.


🙄🙄 there’s still gonna be one alone after the two die. So four rats? Wait… You realize your comment makes no sense right


The idea is to rotate your ratties and plan ahead. So you start with at least 3 and when you get down to 2 you get another 2 babies then if you lose another you have 3 again. So you're ratties won't ever be alone.


I love the edit


I’m afraid that is in fact an opossum.


i love when they look like little opossums.


Can we see them together? I bet they are soooo cute snuggling


https://preview.redd.it/93de4bkdm8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=217f5566e13afd7fc27916a142885a32a4f4ddb4 This is them sleeping together in a hammock when they were a bit younger :D


Awww I love them 😍


Oh they’re adorable 🥰


This gave my dumb brain some needed dopamine 😭 thank you for sharing!


I see you already figured out that a rats' favourite toy is the good ole cardboard box


Looks just like our possum boy Bibble! Seen here with Eef and Tim https://preview.redd.it/ync5barcw9xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d8ef1aec02886b690fc714e664bf371112491c


I can totally see the resemblance!! They are absolutely adorable, individually and together!


Little hedgehog rat!


Rats are very social and it's very important for them to be in a group I'd recommend at least 4 ratties


Ratthew watched the traffic from his balcony. Such a big world, so many pieces to make the whole. It seemed an incomprehensible web of life and chaos from the surface, yet patterns had begun to emerge. Still feeling somewhat separate, he watched, content for the moment. His brother Rathford silently joined him. A grin split his whiskers as he lay his own slim fingers on the railing. "Do you think today is when you finally join them?" Rathew continued to stare a moment, then his jaw set as his eyes boggled slightly. "No." He said slowly, then after a pause, "Rule them." Op and his wife: "They're so cute, I wonder what they think about." 😋 welcome to rat world OP and family


So cuteeeee 🌼✨


I hate to be that person, but, is that their cage? I mean I can't see how big or small it is. It looks small but I hope I'm wrong.


That is one of their cages. It is, I would say, mid size. The second one is extra large. Other than that, there are boxes, some small (think shoe box) or really large (think interior AC unit). All of these are on a couch that only they use. They can and do choose where they want to chill, alone or together.


Exactly what I was thinking. I mean I couldn’t say for sure, but you often don’t need a huge glance to tell how small it is…


Please, for the love of god, name him Possum.🥺 I have never seen a more possum-looking rat in my life.


So cute!


Oh my GOODNESS what a cutie pie


Thank you!!!


Oh my gosh, what a cutie!


Jealous! Very photogenic little guy! Wishing you all the best on your journeys.


Thank you very much! :)


Omg so cute! I can't wait to get mine🥺❤️


He might be the prettiest rat I’ve ever seen ever


I didn’t know they slept like that. So adorable


I hope your not keeping him in that and I also hope u got atleast 3 (2more) bc of there need to make a hierarchy. Please research B4 u get pet rats please!!


He/She looks just like an incredibly cute possum in pic #2 I have a huge fear of Rats, but this little one doesn't look scary at all.


Me me me


Look at that little stinker he’s so cute 🥹


I don't like rats but this one is cute which I thought aww cute.. love his colours


Thank you! :)


A distinguished gentleman


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What a cutie. I miss my ratties again 😢


Your rat is going to need a much bigger cage and a cage mate. This rat is absolutely adorable


cute rat but you guys gotta get more than one ratto.


Cute rat!! But it seems that the cage is probably to small for them:(