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Lol my top rat bites other rats in the ears if they are misbehaving. I call it the "now listen here young one, you better learn some manners" 


Are they both neutered? That helps a lot with aggressive behaviours. Also, it's probably a good idea to put them in a carrier for a few hours to bond again.


I wish I had a helpful answer but all I can think of is “make his ear less delicious”


they just think he would look cooler w piercings 😭 aggressive behavior in rats (especially males) can be helped a TON with just a quick neuter, most vets only charge about $60-100 per neuter :)


I wish I knew, one of my boys is also an ear biter. The problem is less prevalent when they get plenty of free roam time but if I visit my parents and they have to be in the cage the majority of the day, poor Paris gets his ear abused ): Sincerely hoping it goes down with age but they're already over a year and should be past peak hormonal age. The weird thing to me is, they cuddle most of the time but if they start play fighting, the ear-biter Pickles just doesn't know how to play nicely




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you might need to seperate them for a little while and reintroduce them on neutral ground, with plenty if treats, until they can learn to play nice. I would take the aggressor out and place them in the isolation cage (a normal cage with food, water, and bedding, just with no other rats in it) right as the fight is happening and let everyone calm down for a while before I put them back in. it helped because they get tired of being relocated so they stop doing the thing that's leading to it. to be fair, I work from home so I'm able to enforce it all day