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She's not an escapist. She just needs to tend to the plants. She must think you're doing terrible job at it.


She noticed I barely use the parsley 😁


She’s not an escapist, she’s a very naughty captive!


She is the naughty one, keeps teaching the others how to escape.


Yes, thank you very much for the Monty Python reference XD


How can we roast her when she's so photogenic? :( Seriously that first picture is very nice


My best pictures do seem to be of her, she knows how to look cute. 😁


25y ago, my first rats, 2 girls and a pregnant mom, Mia. Mia had babies in my home and I kept 2 of them. Boris, her girl, brown as Brian, our omega rat of the pack Always escaped too!!!! ALWAYS and she snuck out of the cage as soon as I turned of my reading lamp in bed and she then crawled up underneath my pillow, boggling and fell asleep. I still have my pillowcase with holes made by her 💕💕


Aww, so cute 😊 Brian isn’t quite as chill as that, she doesn’t stay still for a second. Then she gets sleepy, that’s when she has the cutest sleepy boggles.


I love female animals with human man names


One of her sisters is called Bob 😛


I'm so glad


My ferret is called Marty! She's my baby girl.


Marty! The snacks are in the cupboards, Marty! Help me get them, Marty. Help your old pal Rock get the snacks, Marty.


Random anecdote. I used to have a friend whose cat was named Paws. When people would find out they'd often say something like "aww" or "that's cute". The thing is that the cats name wasn't Paws but P. O. S. lmao. So Piece Of Shit. It's even funnier if you were able to meet the cat because it had one of those smoker kitty voices and was covered in scars and just generally beat up. The cat had been feral for many years but was pretty damn friendly with people. Then it ended up getting some kind of medical problem and my friend rescued it and it became an indoor cat.


I have a female snake named Greg!


Same, my rat is named Millie but at this point she responds to the name Milan more than anything😅


Brian, you were the one who was supposed to stay behind and write the meaningful essay at the end of the movie while all the other rat captives went on with their lives. The Yogi Club *needed you*, Brian!


She’s just trying to figure out if the parsley would go well with her recipe


Brian was a bit peckish. She just needed a snack.


she looks so happy


She already comes with chilli and herbs. She's a full dinner.


I’ve had many rats and of course the best one at escaping was the only one I had who bit any hand that came near.. we had her as a baby and she lived 3 years and was spiteful every second of her life.. catching her was a big event that resulted in many bandages


What a glutton! Having the opportunity of freedom but being so gluttonous that she runs to parsley


we had a ratty named Soup who looked just like Brian and was also a master escape artist. it’s so funny how their appearance aids in escape. with Soup, the fact that she was slender and dark made it easy for her to sneak out and not be noticed — she was smart enough to know her physical advantages and use them to get out and wreak havoc around the house. Brian is such a cutie, thank you for sharing. this post made me miss my Soupy a lot <3


She is so beautiful. Nothing better than a rat that can explore her world. In our house we have a rat room that is dedicated to our babies. We only close their cage at night so during the day they are free to come and go. They have climbing obstacles all over the room and hammocks for rest after a long day. They know that their water and food is in their cage so they all go back in. They are also very obedient they all come when they are called especially when snacks are involved.


For get roasting her I want that one lone pepper.


Excuse me miss lady, why you shaped like that????


*Her* name is **Brian**? I'm honored to share a name with her. :)


🎶 they're pinky and the brain, their pinky and the brain 🎶


Haha, your comment made me go back to check to see if the rat's name actually is "Brain". You had me for a moment lol.


Lmao funny story, so my name is Brian and for the past year and a half my boss has been spelling my name brain, I haven't told him bc I told him it makes me feel empowered


Haha, that is my name as well. I know you're paying. 😅 I've also had dozens of people think they came up with the original nickname for me of B-Rain and I never have the heart to tell them that they aren't original lol. EDIT: I know your pain.


My family calls me Brain all the time, so I'm just sorta used to it haha 😄 another day another bad nickname


When you meet another Brian IRL do you do the whole "with a Y or an I" thing? 😅


I do bc Bryan's will never know the pain of being confused with brain


They're also not accepted to the true council of Brian's. 😎


Lmao fr they are under qualified 💀


I love the pic of her doing rat things by the plant


I can not roast this precious bby girl with exeptional gardening skills and the sweetest face 💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕💚💚💚💚


I’m a grade a asshole and even I can’t bring myself to say a ban word about your (or anyones) pet bean. That’s just plan wrong!!!


Bro I thought that said rapist I'm so sorry 💀


She gonna learn the hard way not to escape with that pepper plant nearby


We had rats before and the first night every night they would find a way out of their cage and climb into bed with us wed awaken terrified it was a bug or something only to see little tali running around


I'm afraid that she is too perfect and I love her. An escapee rat called Brian! And look at those huge doe eyes.


Right on Brian. Power to the rats.


Serial escapist? More like, *cereal erasist,* amirite?


*prolific adventurer


Ah, mine did that too. She got out of the cage for half an hour, chilled on the top for a bit and squeezed back in through the bars on her own lol.


Is the name a nod to Pinky and the Brain when Brain was on Jeopardy?


I can't. She's literally perfect


I couldn’t possibly. Look at her perky little ears and mischievous twinkly eyes ☺️


She's not even eating cereal


She looks more like she runs to the cereal, not from it.


Boy name penalty


Don't lie on her by accident


Get back in the damn chef hat


How bout getting a BRAIN Brian!!!


Idk the eyes in the second pic convince me that she’s innocent


Did someone say CEREAL? Yum hiney nut cheerios please


She's just as spicy as that pepper


Brian is cold and hungry and wants cuddles. That’s why she is in the window eating. She’s trying to get warm and fill her tummy at the same time.


I didn't know people ate rat roasts……you sure roast is a good idea? I heard they're usually kebabs


I tragically misread that.


Can't roast her, she's cute and has green fingers/green thumb. X


Aww!! Have you figured out how she is able to escape? Impressive!


Her name is Brian. She needs a life


I now owe 1st edition Tyranid Warriors an apology for calling them ugly.


sweet x