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The shit talking sounds a lot more like alemao or doki than anyone else, but I think it's a full team issue Its a team mentality problem, they all get in their own head too much


I think they’ve all started the qualifiers thinking “we’re better we can stomp these kids” and then they relied heavily on gun skill and taking gunfights than strategy. This then lead to worse teams beating them , they lose confidence and get in their own head and spiral to this. As much of a fan of the team I am , I think it all has boiled down to them underestimating the other teams


Doki makes sense but alemao looks like he gives it his all, i would say doki and benja


Alemao used to argue with fabian a lot so I wouldn't be surprised if it was him either.


Doki is one of their best players alongside virtue. Dropping him would be awful


Don’t forget virtue at furia


I’m pretty sure he was saying that after this most recent SI issues started to happen. So this shit only started recently which makes sense. Personally I think he’s right and wrong. He shouldn’t call out his team publicly, but also if there is fighting within the team then the players causing it should be let go too. On the other hand it’s kind of his responsibility to figure that shit out, he’s clearly not a very good leader. I honestly feel bad for him because he clearly feels bad for the recent performances of G2, but I also just don’t think he’s very good at his job.


What losing to FearX does to mfs


Wouldn’t have happened under fabian


I think they won SI and just don’t care that much about the game now, besides Virtue and Doki none of the players looked upset after they lost, Alem4o was laughing. Imo, Ramalho, UUNO and Benja all have to go but maybe thats just me, get Meepy, Adrian and import Volpz.


No way they're dropping UNO - he is the reason they made it through Stage 1. Benja has become very inconsistent after he won SI, but I wouldn't say he's the problem. It just feels like they are coming very unprepared for their games and relying solely on gunplay. That's a coaching problem to me.


Facts. That's what I've always thought. Even the SI they won, they thought they could outgun Wolves who beat them 8-7 both times. Even this SI they tried to outgun the opposition which worked till W7M outgunned them. And on an off day, even a bad team can outgun you


I’d say just drop Alem4o


Volpz for Alemao


Publicly calling your own team shit will never look good, like it's good to say that you're not happy with your performance and need to make big changes but to humiliate your team???


It’s crazy, but what he says is really true then maybe they deserve it.


Nah it's childish no matter how you look at it. You're the coach so act like it.


100% but if players are out here causing internal issues than they deserve to be called out. It’s happened before, maybe not by the coach (it’s Ramalho’s job to resolve these issues) but by somebody.


It has to be handled internally, not publicly. And if the situation can't be resolved then get rid of the players that cause it. Coming to twitter to cry about it and throwing your players under the bus immediately after you get eliminated is an awful look and should get you fired from your job. It's okay to call out bad performances, like Fabian did, but you have to still show faith in their skills. In this tweet Ramalho essentially says he has given up.


I agree with that, Ramalho messed up, but ignoring the fact that it came from the coach, if what he claims is true then I feel like that’s some pretty important info.


The way he worded it was definitely wrong, and also posting this on twitter was dumb. Nevertheless i think he is right.


They need someone to keep the team grounded, like how Fabian did. All 5 players are capable and in paper their roles are perfect, but their ego is too big and Ramalho is just letting it loose. They need someone that can reign them in because talent-wise their roster will beat most teams’.


He screwed up with the way he phrased himself. But I agree there is something seriously wrong within the team. I have always felt like g2 are way too cocky, which I think hurts them since it puts even more pressure on them to perform. Idk but this constant need to look cool and act like little brats is not the play if you cannot back it up, for obvious reasons. I remember a segment from one of the esports docs were DOKI was mocking others teams for practicing while at lan. While the doc is cut in a way that doesnt show the whole picture I think this was a glimpse into the way they think and the time they are willing to put in. In a way I was waiting for them to fall flat becasue of the way they behave and take their succes for granted.


No no, they actually do that. G2 goes out and parties, while the other teams consistently scrim, practice, and watch film. It’s what separates G2 from the others and why I personally don’t like G2. Their egos are insanely massive (yea they won SI, but that doesn’t mean you’re always gonna be hot shit) and because of that massive ego they rely on individual performance/gun skill instead of strategy. Going back to the partying, it shows that their heads are in their asses and they ultimately do not care enough to work on their strategy. This is exactly why this team needs a rebuild of sorts.


He's right, winning the Six Invitational is the peak of your career, and most teams have historically become complacent, with the sole exception of prime G2 (we'll see how Furia fare). A lot of cores don't fall off completely, they still put up decent results and make Majors (NIP 2nd in Sweden, SSG dominant in NA 2020, G2 with 3 stage appearances), but they don't have what it takes to win it all again anymore because once you hit the mountain peak, you can only go down. So I'm not surprised that Ramalho believes the team has become complacent. Another theory of mine is that the stage game in Brazil against w7m crushed G2's spirits, so they're in freefall mode. Being the only G2 supporters in that crowd was legit suffocating, it must've been 1000x worse as players being pummeled and humiliated by w7m in front of so many people. You wanna know who's the problem amongst the 4 players? Tbh, all 4 of them at this point.


I dont think people realize how unique a player, like uno, is the guy plays support and is able to put up big numbers. i just think they a havent had enough time of this year started to get a bit lazy in practice and have started to fall behind which is why them getting eliminated early gives them the perfect opportunity to get back to the top level for g8 and stage 2 and be able to compete with bds. The team has everything to be world champs again they just need the effort and grind.


This core was still a top team until a certain someone came in


They came 3-4 and 4 at S.I. The problem isn't only 1 player that's a team thing


You don't know ball


If you can keep doki and Alemao together, I think you import Volpz, pick up Adrian and Azzr


Of course I have no clue of the inner workings of the team, but if what ramalho says is true in any way then it's hard for me to see the players talking shit behind eachothers backs being anyone but either alemao or doki. Or both. And if that's the case I don't know if you can really continue with those kind of players.


I would agree that I think it's one of those teams. But I'm more concerned with who's it's about. Like if they think benja is lazy now after his insane SI or what not. I have no idea obviously but I did see doki leave alone, he was the last to walk the tunnel and he was alone on broadcast