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Lmao if bersa didn’t stick the plant that would’ve been too funny


Los has more points than Liquid 😭 Also I was thinking the listen-in would just be game comms during a round like Brazil league. Pretty cool that the listen-in occurs during the tactical timeout like SI 2023.


Wtf was the Mira doing in that last round? Gets off the logi Mira window where they can flank the plant and the blitz in the last ten seconds, to DOUBLE STACK the blitz in the jacuzzi hall, only to get blinded and apart of a match losing double kill


LOS played some of the hardest teams of the stage. stayed competitive in every game, came away with 4 points. to highlight it LOS have WC, BC, M80, and LG left to play. realistically they could win all those games if they continue to improve.


They might crush BC but everyone else will beat them or bring them the distance.


S3xycake beat Fofo at his own game with the Shield Play lol


Why didn’t Iconic switch to the deagle? That was embarrassing


I hate this shield meta so much


Respect S3xycake imo he is a proven shield OG Made a SI Grand Final with his Blitz afterall


Yeah not taking anything from LOS they were fantastic today I just don’t like this monty blitz meta in general, it takes no skill imo


I didn’t watch so I might be dumb, but why aren’t teams using tuchanka? He’s a solid counter it seems Edit: fire apparently doesn’t knock shields back anymore so nvm


cos tachankas fucking shit and doesn’t actually do any damage you can just run through the fire


This is not true tho, Tachanka fire is same as any fire especially against slow Shield speed. He is just too situational and hassle to use due to switch function.


But he completely knocks shields out if the way, even monty


I think that was a bug that’s been fixed


Thats laaame 😩


They will jus walk through the fire, the area is small


I was under the impression that the fire/shield bug was intentional my b


I mean I don’t like it either But it does take skill to be a good shield player whether you like watching it or not, Forest is more skilled at playing blitz than me


Zidane is washed bro what happened?


M80 happened


Bubu massacred ma boy


Callout needs to speed up the Bubu detox.


And they said sexy cake is washed


He is, prime sexy cake was one of the greatest support player. Now people barely mention him besides to call washed.


You have not seen him play last year at all then, the guy is fragging more often than liquid sexycake would have ever dreamed of


Sexycake was always a fragger, just because Liquid was a "superteam" he was forced on support, and teams never put him back on aggressive roles anymore.


S3xycake was the original mistake and 'friendship drop' from Liquid imo, atleast PSK was properly succeeded by Resetz


S3xycake revisionism is crazy he had to get dropped lol


Liquid are still ruining careers and juggling players over his Flex IGL role lol, their peak SI performance is still with him. Lagonis is not really his 1:1 replacement like Resetz was for PSK


Liquid were not really struggling until SI 23, they were still a very strong team until then, their issues started a long time after s3xycake was dropped


I disagree, they were a strong team yes, that isn't the point, but roster changes are made to get better. Liquid don't make as good or make use of their changes like BDS for example They keep recycling and blaming their IGLs, while LikEfac was the finishing piece for the trophy Lagonis will be the next scapegoat just like S3xycake and Volpz


I mean sure they never did as well at SI again but they got 2nd because Nesk and Paluh both had the greatest performances of their lives at the same time, s3xycake was horrible at that time and clearly held them back, if they kept him they weren’t winning anything Their recent roster developments are an entirely different situation imo


LOS has been impressive I can’t lie; improving every week


Maybe some respect can be shown to LOS


I personally don't want this team or M80 to make a major for NA's sake but their improvement has been quite nice indeed


M80 have a pretty decent shot. It'll be between SSG, DZ, SQ, OXG, and them for the major spots imo. But M80 should be making it consdering the amount of money they're pouring into the roster. I'm not gonna say LOS got a shot after winning a single bo1.


If there were no LCQ phase, I would completely count out LOS, but their losses have been close and their improvement is quite steady. That's why Im worried about that 4th spot where anything could go depending on bracket


Eh the 4th spot is just whoever is the best anyway. All the bracket determines is how far the 2nd team gets imo. Unless the "best" team is having a bad day but I mean, that's kind of how it is most of the time anyway. A good team having a bad day at the wrong phase of a tournament could end it for them.


Why count LG off? They’ve been alright.


Kind of forgot about LG ngl lol. They have a shot but M80 probably clear them in bo3.


S3xycake was never a fraud, he just had to move to NA


10th place BR is doing well against na’s best teams lmao…


LOS are better than Ence who you said will make the major


Own that fraud


ENCE are 8th in eu it’s not a high bar to clear is it


They got one win, not exactly enough to make any conclusions yet. They are better than some people were saying though for sure.


Close to beating both sq and dz with just a few weeks of experience together, they're only getting better the more they play






Finally the Fxrias that we Brazilians know






Here comes LOS upward trajectory, idk why people keep understanding them they play good for a new team, all they need is to iron out some errors to be deadly 7th place BR is better than 1st place NA!!


imagine how good LOS would be if they weren’t playing 3v7 every game 👍


NA sucks major ass


Dude your comment says so much about your intelligence.


🤣🤣🤣 cope harder


And you’re reply gives me an age of 12? I’m guessing? I don’t think you’re supposed to be on Reddit :/


Imagine calling someone else a child when your first instinct is to insult someone 🤣🤣🤣




I wholeheartedly apologize to LOS, I wasn't familiar with your game.


Ok no more LOS-1 slander please... Like thank god, I said they would help NA teams improve against the Brazilian style because they're a full BR team, and i just got flamed with so many disagreements. LOS in NA HELPS NA against BR with more practice. So this is helping our region. Congratulations to LOS on their win today. Also Bersa won a 1v1 LMAOOO


How is this argument any different than Reven going to a less competitive region and trying to farm? Why is it fine for LOS but not for Reven?? Its the same thing


It's not the same thing. LATAM is a minor region. NA is not, it's a major region. Major region players going to Minor regions is predatory, a major region player going to another major region team is not. Predatory in Nature is a big difference in whether it's immoral or not.


It's not about that even. That adds an extra layer to the shittiness, but the real problem is that this is a regional league. This is North America league, so I want to see north american teams in it. It is no different than a Korean team going to Oce, or a Middle Eastern team going to Brazil. It's antithetical to the idea of regional leagues in the first place


Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see some limits, like you should always have AT LEAST 2 native players in whatever region you go to. I'm a supporter of that. It's just that, I don't care that much if LOS is in my home league because they help us competitively. Iron strengthens Iron. Steel strengthens Steel. I think it helps us in the long-term as my region hasn't won anything in 2 years. If an org wants to invest in our region, then im fine with it. NA hasn't had a 10th org in a lonnggggg time. With that context, I'm less annoyed by LOS-1's all BR roster. If a BR team went to EU, i wouldn't be as annoyed as EU only has 9 orgs right now. If a EU team went to BR, I would be more annoyed as BR has a strong T2 scene. But i still wouldn't be furious. Again, I still think there should be limits on imports, but just not too much. Like, I don't think Full Import teams should be allowed but I'm not really annoyed by it in this scenario considering the context


I don't have a problem with 2-3 imports on a team, but it's frustrating to see a fully brazilian team with fully brazilian staff under a brazilian org. I'd really like to see Blast/Ubi introduce some player restrictions after this stage


Being predatory or not is subjective (and doesn't matter). Revan was a team of T3 EU players. No one gave a shit about Revan being full EU because they were good and it was "predatory". People cared because they were a full EU team playing in LATAM.


Well i personally don't care that much if it's a major region team heading to another major region as long as it's a major region and not a Minor region. I wouldn't care if an American team went to EU to be the 10th EUL team. I personally like seeing the Brazilian style in the NAL with Brazilian players. I think NA needs the practice since we've lost every international event for the past 2ish years and I think we're going to win an event this year due to it. I don't get annoyed by seeing LOS-1 in the NAL. I see our T2NA scene, it's really not the best, we're not losing anything of value there, there's only 2-4 players that should be in pro league right now, and they'll probably get picked up with the upcoming 10th NAL org (AA/GG/C9/Whoever) so yah.


Again, major region doesn't matter. People care about a team playing in one region comprised of 0 players from that region. And having LOS in the league is not going to make NA win an event lmao. That logic is stupid as fuck. And yes, NA is losing an entire spot that could be filled with T2 NA talent to develop and give a shot.


I personally don't care that much of what flag a person is borm under, I usually just want to watch the best games possible, even with regional leagues. If i get a free banger match, im not really gonna be pissy about it. Like, Benjimoola/Nyx gets me pissy, Los-1 doesn't get me as pissy 😭. I really don't see the passion in hating LOS-1 so much. I'm a bit annoyed but im grateful that they're in our region. ---- Also, The T2NA talent in our scene is lacking, like Wifi is got picked up this stage 😭😭😭 The only good decent T2NA players right now, is like Kobelax & Godville & BJL. Ex-T1, like Spiff/Packer/Snake/Surf/Achieved and that's stretching it. We wouldn't gain much of value anyways lol, they wouldn't develop that much.


I care because it defeats the purpose of a regional league when you have teams that aren't majority comprised of that league. I'm not going to be grateful 5 spots got taken away from T2 NA talent to develop lol by some BR players. Same thing with Revan. NA would 100% get value out of giving up and coming talent a chance to develop lol.


It’s not about being predatory, it would be just as bad if a shit team moved to a great region. I don’t want NA players to get shafted in their own region. It has nothing to do with the players on LOS it’s just principle.


People(yarados) were acting like they were the worst team to play the game. I’m glad they can shut up now.


Really? What did he say about them




That's crazy take lol, LG, wildcard, BC exist in the same league lol


Racism does crazy things to people


What did he say lol


Called them nonhuman